Production of Mixed-Metal-Oxide Inorganic Pigments from Industrial Wastes such as Slimes from Metal Winning and Processing


The invention relates to the production of mixed-metal-oxide black inorganic pigments cobalt-free, using industrial waste as raw materials such as a galvanizing sludge from Cr/Ni plating and Fe2O3-based sludge generated from steel wiredrawing. The industrial wastes were collected, analysed, treated and the formulation were prepared by the fowling steps: dosing + mixing of components + drying + calcination + washing + milling. The present invention deals with materials that are produced black colorant or pigments producers mainly for use in the ceramic sector, since formulation are stable at high temperatures and act as black colorants of glazes or ceramic bodies. The use of high temperatures might also assure the desirable inertization of possible hazardous species.

Innovative aspects & main advantages

According to the invention it is possible to obtain inorganic black ceramic pigments from industrial wastes, without resorting to any commercial raw materials. The black pigment are thermostable, insoluble in the glass matrix and do not change the matrix physical properties, providing multiple decorative applications, mainly in ceramics, glazes and vitreous products.


The main application in this type of work (the potential commercial/industrial sectors) will be in general, the inorganic pigments producers and, simultaneously, all the ceramic and glass manufacturers.


Batista, João; Peixoto, Manuel; Cordeiro, Maria

Our Inventors


Universidade de Aveiro
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