Reddithota Vidyasagar

Bolseiro de pós-Doutoramento

Research Experience

  • FCT-Postdoctoral Associate at Department of Physics & CICECO, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal (August 2019– Present). Research Topic: Ferroelectric-Graphene structures: fabrication,properties, applications.
  • SAIA_Researcher at department of Physics, UPJS, Kosics, Slovakia. (Feb 2019-July 2019, Research Topic: Martensitic transformation in Fe-based Heusler Alloys for Magnetic shape memory applications)
  • FCT-Postdoctoral Associate at Department of Physics & CICECO, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal (December 2015 – November 2018). Research Topic: Ferroelectric-Graphene structures: fabrication, properties, applications.
  • CAPES-Young Talents A- (1st June 2015 – 31st November 2015) at Department of Physics, University Federal of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.Research Topic: Magneto-impedance studies on amorphous alloys (Spin-glass to ferromagnetic transitions) and magneto-optical features of YIG epitaxial films.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (October 2014 - May 2015) at School of Physics, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Research Topic: Band structure studies on nearly-electron-free systems, and the magneto-optical Kerr effect in multi-ferroics.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering & CREAT, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (April 2011 – March 2014). Research Topic: Growth of Rare-earth nitrites using reactive rf sputtering technique, and its magneto-optical features to develop Spintronic device applications.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (Dec 2009 – Dec 2010). Research Topic: GaN based Diluted magnetic Semiconductors – Semiconductor spintronics grown by Plasma-assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy.


Structural, thermo-electric, and thermo-magnetic characteristics of non-stoichiometric L21-type Fe43Mn29Si28 Heusler structures

Vidyasagar, R; Hennel, M; Varga, M; Ryba, T; Galdun, L; Sucik, G; Reiffers, M; Varga, R

Fe–Mn–Ga shape memory glass-coated microwire with sensing possibilities

L Galdun, R Vidyasagar, M Hennel, M Varga, T Ryba , L Nulandaya, O Milkoviˇc, M Reiffers, J Kravˇc´ak, Z Vargova and R Varga
2022, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, 55- 045303.

Heusler-Based Cylindrical Micro- and Nanowires

M. Hennel, M. Varga, L. Frolova, S. Nalevanko, P. Ibarra-Gaytán, R. Vidyasagar, P. Sarkar, A. Dzubinska, L. Galdun, T. Ryba, Z. Vargova,R. Varga
2022, Physica Status Solidi a - applications and materials science.

Martensitic transformation in Fe42Mn28.3Ga29.7 Heusler alloy accompanied with a huge variation of initial permeability

Reddithota Vidyasagar; Ladislav Galdun; Tomas Ryba; Gabriel Sucik; Marian Reiffers; Jozef Kovac; Zuzana Vargova; Rastislav Varga
2020, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 835, 155346.

Effect of ferroelectric domains on electric properties of single layer graphene

Zelenovskii, P; Romanyuk, K; Vidyasagar, R; Akhmatkhanov, A; Zhao, P; Shur, VY; Kholkin, AL
2019, FERROELECTRICS, 542, 1, 93-101.
ISBN: 1563-5112

Ferromagnetic resonance features of degenerate GdN semiconductor

Reddithota Vidyasagar, Takashi Kita, Takahiro Sakurai, Tokuro Shimokawa, Hitoshi Ohta
2017, Physics Letters A, 381, 1905-1909.

Surface potential distribution of multilayer graphene using Kelvin probe and electric-field force microscopies

Vidyasagar, R; Camargo, B; Romanyuk, K; Kholkin, AL
2017, FERROELECTRICS, 508, 1, 115-123.

Defect concentration in nitrogen-doped graphene grown on Cu substrate: A thickness effect

Sharma, DK; Fateixa, S; Hortiguela, MJ; Vidyasagar, R; Otero-Irurueta, G; Nogueira, HIS; Singh, MK; Kholkin, A

GMI in the reentrant spin-glass Fe90Zr10 alloy: Investigation of the spin dynamics in the MHz frequency regime

Ribeiro, PRT; Ramirez, JMM; Vidyasagar, R; Machado, FLA; Rezende, SM; Dahlberg, ED
2016, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 109, 10, 127-130.

Giant Zeeman shifts in the optical transitions of yttrium iron garnet thin films

R. Vidyasagar, O. Alves Santos, J. Holanda, R. O. Cunha, F. L. A. Machado, P. R. T. Ribeiro, A. R. Rodrigues, J. B. S. Mendes, A. Azevedo, and S. M. Rezende

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