Thermal properties of materials
Thermal processes
Nano-scale studies
Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
G2 - Photonic, Electronic and Magnetic Materials;
G3 - Electrochemical Materials, Interfaces and Coatings;
G1 - Porous Materials and Nanosystems;
[INVITED] Luminescent QR codes for smart labelling and sensing
Ramalho, JFCB; Antonio, LCF; Correia, SFH; Fu, LS; Pinho, AS; Brites, CDS; Carlos, LD; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RASAdsorption heat pump optimization by experimental design and response surface methodology
Pinheiro, JM; Salustio, S; Valente, AA; Silva, CMVolume dependence of magnetic properties in Co2Cr1-xYxGa (Y= Ti-Ni) Heusler alloys: A first-principles study
Goncalves, JN; Fortunato, NM; Amaral, JS; Amaral, VSTowards conductive textiles: coating polymeric fibres with graphene
Neves, AIS; Rodrigues, DP; De Sanctis, A; Alonso, ET; Pereira, MS; Amaral, VS; Melo, LV; Russo, S; de Schrijver, I; Alves, H; Craciun, MFInsights into the physical properties of biobased polyurethane/expanded graphite composite foams
Gama, N; Costa, LC; Amaral, V; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, ANano-Localized Thermal Analysis and Mapping of Surface and Sub-Surface Thermal Properties Using Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM)
Pereira, MJ; Amaral, JS; Silva, NJO; Amaral, VSEffect of processing conditions on the properties of recycled cathode ray tube glass foams
Barbosa, ARJ; Lopes, AAS; Sequeira, SIH; Oliveira, JP; Davarpanah, A; Mohseni, F; Amaral, VS; Monteiro, RCCHigh thermoelectric performance in Bi2-xPbxBa2Co2Oy promoted by directional growth and annealing
Madre, MA; Costa, FM; Ferreira, NM; Costa, SIR; Rasekh, S; Torres, MA; Diez, JC; Amaral, VS; Amaral, JS; Sotelo, AHybrid microwave processing of Ca3Co4O9 thermoelectrics
Miyazawa, K; Amaral, F; Kovalevsky, AV; Graca, MPFTailoring Ca3Co4O9 microstructure and performances using a transient liquid phase sintering additive
Sotelo, A; Costa, FM; Ferreira, NM; Kovalevsky, A; Ferro, MC; Amaral, VS; Amaral, JS; Rasekh, S; Torres, MA; Madre, MA; Diez, JCPeculiar Magnetoelectric Coupling in BaTiO3:Fe-113 ppm Nanoscopic Segregations
Amorim, CO; Figueiras, F; Amaral, JS; Vaghefi, PM; Tavares, PB; Correia, MR; Baghizadeh, A; Alves, E; Rocha, J; Amaral, VSApplication of the novel ETS-10/water pair in cyclic adsorption heating processes: Measurement of equilibrium and kinetics properties and simulation studies
Pinheiro, JM; Valente, AA; Salustio, S; Ferreira, N; Rocha, J; Silva, CMOrganic-Inorganic Eu3+/Tb3+ codoped hybrid films for temperature mapping in integrated circuits
Brites, CDS; Lima, PP; Silva, NJO; Millan, A; Amaral, VS; Palacio, F; Carlos, LDSponsors