Hydrothermal synthesis of well-dispersed TiO2 nano-crystals


Well-dispersed anatase and rutile nano-particles were prepared via hydrothermal treatment of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide-peptized and HNO3-peptized sols at 240 degreesC. A broad particle size distribution of anatase crystals was observed in the nonpeptized TiO2 species hydrothermally treated at 240 degreesC. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, as well as zeta potential measurement, were used to characterize the particles. The formation of the well-dispersed anatase and rutile particles from the peptized samples could be attributed to (i) homogeneous distribution of the component in the peptized sols, and (ii) the high long-range electrostatic forces between particles in the presence of both peptizers, which were not present in the nonpeptized samples. This work provided a new way to prepare nano-crystals of titania.




Materials Science


Yang, J; Mei, S; Ferreira, JMF

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