Deep Eutectic Solvents for Sustainable Separation Processes


The development of novel separation technologies has been highly tackled in the last years not only to address scientific challenges but also to overcome technological hurdles essential to trigger and to implement more sustainable processes. In this context, the selection of solvents applied in multiple extraction, separation, and purification processes must be redesigned toward a lower carbon footprint, reduced toxicity, and higher recyclability, while maintaining or improving their separation efficiency. The use of green solvents that, in addition to the abovementioned requirements, hold adequate physicochemical properties, such as thermal stability, low volatility, high selectivity, biodegradability, and low toxicity, is thus a solid alternative to meet the desired sustainability standards. This chapter discloses deep eutectic solvents (DES) as potential green tools to be applied in core and emerging separation processes that today are facing pressure to improve their efficiency at technological, economic, and environmental levels. DES’ unique properties are herein demonstrated to enhance performance and selectivity in the extraction and separation processes of three relevant fields: (i) separation of aromatic compounds from oil streams; (ii) extraction of bioactive compounds from biomass; and (iii) extraction and separation of metals from metallurgic and electronic wastes. The DES’ ability to perform such separations will be scrutinized and main factors governing their performance will be discussed as well. A series of innovative methodological approaches will also be described as possible technologies to be implemented in industry.


Filipe H. B. Sosa, Mariana C. da Costa, Armando J. D. Silvestre, André M. da Costa Lopes

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