Ongoing Supervisions
Advancing the Regenerative and Translational Potential of Cellular Fibers (CellFi)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Scaffold-free Cellular Fibers RegenerationExploring devitalized MSCs fibres as immunomodulatory devices for wound regeneration through (i) direct promotion of healing or (ii) enabling of allograft transplantation free of systemic immunosuppression (LAZARUS)
CoordinatorOther International
The project aims at exploring MSCs as constituents of off-the-shelf easy-to-handle immunomodulatory biomaterials. The project focuses on using these materials to treat difficult-to-heal wounds, which may be chronic, or have proneness to become chronic if not properly treated.Two treatment approaches will be explored using devitalized MSC aggrega...Metabolite-activated 3D stem cell differentiation into bone (BetterBone)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Strategies involving mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) osteogenic differentiation have emerged as promising tools in regenerative medicine. These work by either promoting in situ regeneration, or through newly-fabricated tissue grafts, potentially overcoming clinical complications related to more conventional therapies. However, bioengineered ...A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Engineered Bone Implants (BioImplant)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Cápsulas esféricas multicompartimentalizadas de alto rendimento para a transplantação de co-culturas multimodais de células estaminais derivadas do tecido adiposo e ilhotas pancreáticas. (TranSphera)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Development and testing of multifunctional carriers based on micro- and nanoscale engineering for targeted, controlled, and safe delivery of agrochemicals to crops. PTDC/BAA- Curriculum Vitae – Mariana Braga de Oliveira 11 of 19 AGR/29258/2017 (Agritarget)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Produção de Plataformas Microcapsulares 3D+ para Avaliação Laboratorial em Larga Escala de Novas Terapias Combinatórias para o Cancro do Pâncreas (PANGEIA)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Microparticles in Contact with Cells: From Carriers to Multifunctional Tissue Modulators
Neto, MD; Oliveira, MB; Mano, JF
2019, TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 37, 9, 1011-1028.
Bone physiology as inspiration for tissue regenerative therapies
Lopes, D; Martins-Cruz, C; Oliveira, MB; Mano, JF
2018, BIOMATERIALS, 185, 240-275.
Sequentially Moldable and Bondable Four-Dimensional Hydrogels Compatible with Cell Encapsulation
Oliveira, MB; Bastos, HXS; Mano, JF
2018, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 19, 7, 2742-2749.
Biomimetic click assembled multilayer coatings exhibiting responsive properties
Sousa, MP; de Torre, IG; Oliveira, MB; Rodriguez-Cabello, JC; Mano, JF
The influence of surface modified poly(L-lactic acid) films on the differentiation of human monocytes into macrophages
Correia, CR; Gaifem, J; Oliveira, MB; Silvestre, R; Mano, JF
2017, BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE, 5, 3, 551-560.
Screening of Nanocomposite Scaffolds Arrays Using Superhydrophobic-Wettable Micropatterns
Leite, AJ; Oliveira, MB; Caridade, SG; Mano, JF
Coating Strategies Using Layer-by-layer Deposition for Cell Encapsulation
Oliveira, MB; Hatami, J; Mano, JF
2016, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, 11, 12, 1753-1764.
Fabrication of Hydrogel Particles of Defined Shapes Using Superhydrophobic-Hydrophilic Micropatterns
Neto, AI; Demir, K; Popova, AA; Oliveira, MB; Mano, JF; Levkin, PA
2016, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 28, 35, 7613-+.