Ongoing Supervisions
Targeted DNP for biomolecular solid-state NMR
Gauto, D; Dakhlaoui, O; Marin-Montesinos, I; Hediger, S; De Paepe, G
2021, CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 12, 18, 6223-6237.
Hidden CO2 in Amine-Modified Porous Silicas Enables Full Quantitative NMR Identification of Physi- and Chemisorbed CO2 Species
Vieira, R*; Marin-Montesinos, I*; Pereira, J; Fonseca, R; Ilkaeva, M; Sardo, M; Mafra, L
2021, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 125, 27, 14797-14806.
Selective High-resolution DNP-enhanced NMR of Biomolecular Binding Sites
Ildefonso Marin-Montesinos, David Goyard, Emilie Gillon, Olivier Renaudet, Anne Imberty,Sabine Hediger and Gaël De Paëpe
2019, Chemical Science, 10, 3366.
Detecting acetylated aminoacids in blood serum using hyperpolarized C-13-H-1-2D-NMR
Katsikis, S; Marin-Montesinos, I; Ludwig, C; Gunther, UL
Computationally Assisted Design of Polarizing Agents for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced NMR: The AsymPol Family
F. Mentink-Vigier*, I. Marín-Montesinos*, A. P. Jagtap, J. van Tol, S. Hediger, D. Lee, S. Th. Sigurdsson, and G. De Paëpe
2018, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 11013 -11019.
NMR signal enhancement of more than 50 000 times in fast dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization
Luiz F. Pinto, Ildefonso Marin-Montesinos, Vega Lloveras, José Luís. Muñoz-Gómez, Miquel Pons, Jaume Veciana, José Vidal-Gancedo
2017, Chemical Communications, 53, 3757.
Paramagnetic spherical nanoparticles by the self- assembly of persistent trityl radicals
I. Marin-Montesinos, J. C. Paniagua, Alejandro Peman, M. Vilaseca, F. Luis, S. Van Doorslaer and M. Pons
2016, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 3151-3158.
Improved stability and spectral quality in ex situ Dissolution-DNP using and improved transfer device
S. Katsikis, I. Marín-Montesinos, M. Pons, C. Ludwig and U. Günther
2015, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 46, 723.
Self-assembled trityl radical capsules. Implications for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
I. Marín-Montesinos, J.C. Paniagua, M. Vilaseca, Ainhoa Urtizberea, Fernando Luís, M. Feliz, Feng Lin, S. Van Doorslaer and M. Pons
2015, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 5785.
Novel PTM-TEMPO biradical for Fast Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
J.L. Muñoz-Gómez, I. Marín-Montesinos, V. Lloveras, M. Pons, J. Vidal-Gancedo and J. Veciana
2014, Organic Letters, 16, 5402.