Ongoing Supervisions
EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (3))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The ECP Pact assumes itself as an integrative and transversal proposal for the Ceramics and Crystal sectors, oriented towards its critical factors of competitiveness and aiming at an improvement of the international positioning.Focusing on 4 core thematic areas - energy sustainability, circular economy and industrial symbioses, digital ...Multifunctional bAuXite Inorganic polyMers for acid mine drainage treatment from PortUguese Mines (MAXIMUM)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mines Wastes Wastewater treatment Circular economyAdvanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: Materials, Components and Structures (ALIR_mcs)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto ALIR_mcs – Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: materials, components and structures, visa conceber uma solução compósita de baixo peso com capacidade de resistir a solicitações de impacto de baixa, média e alta energia. Pretende-se que esta solução venha a obter a certificação aeronáutica civil (EASA CS-VLA), de modo a poder aplicar...Ceramic floors with high wear resistance (CERU4)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
This project aims to develop decorated porcelainized ceramic floor tiles, with high wear resistance, consistent with the maximum level U4 advocated in Mazaud test under the UPEC classification. At the same time, aesthetic and visual changes of the material must be minimized, so that solutions can cover very broad chromatic and aesthetic range. I...ECO-SEE – ECO-innovative, Safe and Energy Efficient wall panels and materials for a healthier indoor environment (ECO-SEE)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The ECO-SEE project aims to develop new eco-materials and components for the purpose of creating both healthier and more energy efficient buildings. We will create and symbiotically use natural eco-materials for healthier indoor environments through hygrothermal (heat and moisture) regulation and the removal airborne contaminants through both ch...Eggshell: a potential raw material for CEramic wall tiles (LIFE EggshellenCE)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
LIFE EggshellenCE mains to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of using eggshells, as secondary raw material, in the production of ceramic wall tiles. The success of the project will incur in economic benefits, for both the egg transformation and the ceramic industry, and environmental benefits as it will contribute to th...INDUCER - Louça Utilitária em Cerâmica para Cozedura em Placas de Indução (INDUCER)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Este projeto tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de louça utilitária 100% cerâmica compatível com a cozedura por indução. Os produtos, e.g panelas, serão baseados em grés culinário, ao qual serão incorporados materiais cerâmicos ferromagnéticos que permitem o aquecimento do recipiente sob o efeito do campo magnético criado pela placa de indução. ...Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)
PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...Investigação de Desenvolvimento de Pasta Grés Resultante da Incorporação de Resíduos/Subprodutos Industriais (ECOGRES + NG)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto EcoGrés+NG tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma pasta corada na qual serão introduzidos os resíduos/subprodutos resultantes do processo produtivo da Grestel e resíduos/subprodutos provenientes de empresas de outros sectores nomeadamente da Navigator (cinzas volantes e...Local repairing of glazed ceramics defects on sanitary porcelain products (GlaserFix)
PartnerIndustry National
This project proposes an alternative process to the re-firing step for repairing glazed ceramics defects, using the localized CO2 laser melting of appropriate mixture adds, assisted by other diffused heat sources (ex. IR lamps). This methodology allows controlling the temperature, cooling speed and temperature gradients, consequently avoiding ex...Nanocompósitos cerâmicos produzidos por CIM para componentes anti-desgaste e antiestáticos (WhatCIM)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto WhatCIM tem como objetivo desenvolver novos guia-fios para a indústria de têxteis e o seu processo de fabrico baseados em materiais cerâmicos nanocompósitos e em revestimentos nanoestruturados. Esta inovação será aplicada a casos de estudo com vista a ultrapassar problemas associados ao desgaste e àeletricidade estática, e a demais pro...Processing, structure and dielectric properties relationships of microwave ceramics (POCTI/CTM/40187/2001)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Dielectrics Ceramics Processing MicrowaveProducts and technologies for the Eucalyptus globulus sector (PROTEUS)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The PROTEUS project aims at the development of new products, alternative raw materials and technologies associated with the valorization of by-products arising from the pulp production activity and the perspective of circular economy. The byproducts considered in PROTEUS are dregs, grits, fly ash and sludge (biological and lime), as wel...Recycled Waste Materials in Mortars. (RECLAIM)
PartnerIndustry National
SELFCLEAN - Superfícies cerâmicas autolimpantes (SELFCLEAN)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Este projecto visa o desenvolvimento de revestimentos cerâmicos com funções autolimpantes e purificantes, através da modificação da sua superfície com materiais nanoestruturados fotocatalíticos. Sem detrimento das funções nativas do revestimento cerâmico, estas novas funcionalidades permitirão diminuir os custos de manutenção de fachadas de edif...Smart Geopolymers (SMART-G)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The project aims at the development,production, and demonstration of light weight, fire resistantcomponentsfortheconstructionindustry.Industrialresidueswillbevalorised andviageopolymerizationturnedintofireresistantmaterials.Thewasteenvisionedis 'bauxite residue (or red mud)', bricks and tiles from construction and demolishing waste, and fly ash ...Solar thermochemical production of hydrogen based on cork Ecoceramics (H2CORK)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Goal: H2CORK will develop novel CeO2-based Ecoceramics, exploiting the regular, highly porous microstructure of sustainable cork templates, for the innovative renewable production of hydrogen via direct solar thermochemical fuel production (TCFP). Sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, such as H2, are urgently nee...Publications
Ceramic tiles with controlled porosity and low thermal conductivity by using pore-forming agents
Novais, RM; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2014, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 40, 8, 11637-11648.
Porcelain stoneware tiles with antimicrobial action
Seabra, MP; Grave, L; Oliveira, C; Alves, A; Correia, A; Labrincha, JA
2014, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 40, 4, 6063-6070.
Fabricating and characterising ZnO-ZnS-Ag2S ternary nanostructures with efficient solar-light photocatalytic activity
Zamiri, R; Ahangar, HA; Tobaldi, DM; Rebelo, A; Seabra, MP; Shabani, M; Ferreira, JMF
Study of far infrared optical properties and, photocatalytic activity of ZnO/ZnS hetero-nanocomposite structure
Zamiri, R; Tobaldi, DM; Ahangar, HA; Rebelo, A; Seabra, MP; Belsley, MS; Ferreira, JMF
2014, RSC ADVANCES, 4, 67, 35383-35389.
Sol-gel synthesis, characterisation and photocatalytic activity of pure, W-, Ag- and W/Ag co-doped TiO2 nanopowders
Tobaldi, DM; Pullar, RC; Gualtieri, AF; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
Titanium dioxide modified with transition metals and rare earth elements: Phase composition, optical properties, and photocatalytic activity
Tobaldi, DM; Skapin, AS; Pullar, RC; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2013, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 39, 3, 2619-2629.
Compositional and chromatic properties of strontium hexaferrite as pigment for ceramic bodies and alternative synthesis from wiredrawing sludge
Hajjaji, W; Pullar, RC; Zanelli, C; Seabra, MP; Dondi, M; Labrincha, JA
2013, DYES AND PIGMENTS, 96, 3, 659-664.
Nanosized titania modified with tungsten and silver: Microstructural characterisation of a multifunctional material
Tobaldi, DM; Pullar, RC; Leoni, M; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2013, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 287, 276-281.
Phase composition, crystal structure and microstructure of silver and tungsten doped TiO2 nanopowders with tuneable photochromic behaviour
Tobaldi, DM; Pullar, RC; Gualtieri, AF; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2013, ACTA MATERIALIA, 61, 15, 5571-5585.
An overview of using solid wastes for pigment industry
Hajjaji, W; Costa, G; Zanelli, C; Ribeiro, MJ; Seabra, MP; Dondi, M; Labrincha, JA