Maria Paula Seabra

Assistant Professor

Short CV

Graduated in Ceramics and Glass Engineering (1988) in Aveiro University (UA). In 1992 got a M.Sc. in Materials and Science Engineering from the same University. From 1992 to 1997 worked, as executive, in the Vitricer/Fritta company (supplier of enamels, serigraphic inks, etc, for ceramic companies) and then (1997-2000) was responsible for the R&D Department of Revigrés (wall and floor tiles ceramic factory). In 2000 started her Ph.D. at UA on dielectric materials for microwave applications and after that took a Post-Doctoral position working in the development and characterization of rehabilitation mortars. Since 2008 is researcher at CICECO and Auxiliar Professor at Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering since 2021.

Scientific Interests

Development and industrial implementation of new materials, namely, inorganic pigments, products with new surface functionalities and porous ceramics.

Recycling - Development of inorganic pigments, clinker and geopolymers from industrial wastes, promoting, in some cases, the inertization of hazardous materials.

Photocatalysis - Deposition and study of photocatalytic (aqueous and gaseous decontamination, self-cleaning and antibacterial) layers based on TiO2.

Mortars – Formulation and testing of aerial lime based mortars having new functionalities.

Traditional ceramic materials – Development and optimization of porous ceramic wall and floor tiles.

Selected Publications

[1] Compositional and chromatic properties of strontium hexaferrite as pigment for ceramic bodies and alternative synthesis from wiredrawing sludge,W Hajjaji, RC Pullar, C Zanelli, MP Seabra, M Dondi, JA Labrincha, Dyes Pigm., 96 [3] 659-664, 2013.

[2] Titanium dioxide modified with transition metals and rare earth elements: Phase composition, optical properties, and photocatalytic activity, DM Tobaldi, A Sever Škapin, RC Pullar, MP Seabra, JA Labrincha, Ceram. Int., 39 [3] 2619-2629, 2013.

[3] Sol-gel synthesis, characterisation and photocatalytic activity of pure, W-, Ag- and W/Ag co-doped TiO2 nanopowders, DM Tobaldi, RC Pullar, AF Gualtieri, MP Seabra, JA Labrincha, Chem. Eng. J., 214 [1] 364-375, 2013.

[4] Photodegradation of Orange II solutions by TiO2 active layers jet sprayed on aluminium sheets, MP Seabra, E Rego, A Ribeiro, JA Labrincha, Chem. Eng. J., 171 [1] 175-180, 2011.

[5] Ceramic tiles for photodegradation of Orange II solutions, MP Seabra, RR Pires, JA Labrincha, Chem. Eng. J. 171 [2] 692-702, 2011.

[6] Evaluation of metal-ions containing sludges in the preparation of black inorganic pigments, W Hajjaji, MP Seabra, JA Labrincha, J. Hazard. Mater., 185, 619-625, 2011.

[7] Raman Spectroscopy of CaTiO3-based Perovskite Solid Solutions, H Zheng, IM Reaney, GDCC Gyorgyfalva, R Ubic, J Yarwood, MP Seabra, VM Ferreira, J. Mat. Res., 19 [2] 488-495, 2004.

[8] Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3–CaTiO3 System, MP Seabra , M Avdeev, VM Ferreira, RC Pullar, N Alford, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc, 23 [14] 2403-2408, 2003.

[9] Synthesis of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 Ceramics for Microwave Applications, MP Seabra, VM Ferreira, Mat. Res. Bull., 37 [2] 255-259, 2002.

[10] Dielectric Properties of the (1-x)La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 – xSrTiO3 Ceramics, MP Seabra, AN Salak, VM Ferreira, LG Vieira, JL Ribeiro, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 24 [10-11] 2955-3002, 2004.

MP Seabra, LC Grave, JA Labrincha, “Processo de obtenção de grés porcelânico com acção anti-microbiana”, PN 105240, 06/08/2010.

Teaching Activity

Invited professor of Materials and Ceramic Engineering Department, University of Aveiro, 3º year of DESIGN of the following subjects:
• Materials and Technologies I (practical classes) - 2004/05 and 2011/12.
• Materials and Technologies II (theoretical and practical classes) - 2003/07 and 2009/10.

Ph.D. Thesis

“Geopolimerização de resíduos industriais para a obtenção de estruturas leves”, LH Buruberri, Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering (UA), in progress.

"Tecnologias de melhoria de compatibilização das cinzas das caldeiras de biomassa com aplicações em cimento e argamassas", MN Capela, Ph.D. in Biorefinery (UA), in progress.

M.Sc. Thesis

"Estudo dos factores que influenciam a qualidade da impressão digital no grés porcelânico" G Santos, M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), in progress.

“Formulação de pasta reciclada corada a partir de resíduos da produção cerâmica e de outros setores industriais”, L Vasconcelos, M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), in collaboration with GRESTEL, 2018.

“Application of geopolymers as pH buffering materials in anaerobic processes treating organic waste, CL Correia, M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering (UA), 2018.

"Síntese e caracterização de vidros antimicrobianos pelo método de sol-gel" D Gomes, M.Sc. in Materials and Biomedical Devices (UA), 2015.

"Vidros e vitrocerâmicos biativos e antibacterianos dopados com prata" M Capela, M.Sc. in Materials and Biomedical Decives (UA), 2015.

"Desenvolvimento de geopolímeros a partir de resíduos da indústria de celulose" O Goncalves; M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), in collaboration with RAIZ (Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e Papel)/PORTUCEL SOPORCEL group, 2014.

“Estudo da adaptação de lamas geradas no processo de produção de pasta de papel pelo processo Kraft para reciclagem em produtos cerâmicos” L Buruberri; M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), in collaboration with RAIZ (Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e Papel)/PORTUCEL SOPORCEL group, 2014.

“Lacagem de camadas TiO2 com ação fotocatalítica”, A Cação; M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), 2013.

“Preparação e estudo da actividade fotocatalítica de titânia pura e dopada”, ARS Pereira: M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering (UTAD), 2013.

“Actividade fotocatalítica de camadas de TiO2 otimizadas”, JPG Tarelho: M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), 2011.

“Optimização industrial de revestimentos cerâmicos com propriedades fotocatalíticas”, RR Pires: M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), in collaboration with REVIGRÉS, 2010.

“Porcelanato extrudido com acção antimicrobiana, antimancha e resistente quimicamente”, LCS Grave: M.Sc. in Ceramics and Glass Engineering (UA), in collaboration with KERATEC - Aleluia Cerâmicas S.A. group, 2010.

“Fundição Injectada sob Pressão”, PMA Silva: M.Sc. in Materials Engineering (UA), held at TUPAI – Fábrica de Acessórios Industriais S.A., 2009.


Present Research Group

João Labrincha (Professor), Robert Pullar (Researcher), Leire Buriberri and Marinélia Capela (PhD students), Manfredi Saeli, Jorge Carneiro and David Tobaldi (Pos-docs), Ana Caetano, Mariana Silva, Mirtha Lourenço and João Carvalheiras (Fellows).

main present collaborators


Aveiro - João Labrincha, Robert Pullar, Maria Helena Fernandes, Paula Ferreira, Isabel Capela, Luís Tarelho, Luís Carlos, Rute Ferreira.

Viana do Castelo – Manuel Ribeiro.

Michelle Dondi and Chiara Zanelli (CNR-ISTEC, Italy)
Dachamir Hotza (UFSC, Brasil)
Geoffrey Allen, Martin Ansell, Richard Ball and Pete Walker (University of Bath, UK)
Graham Ormondroyd (Bangor University, UK)

Ongoing Supervisions


Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: Materials, Components and Structures (ALIR_mcs)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto ALIR_mcs – Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: materials, components and structures, visa conceber uma solução compósita de baixo peso com capacidade de resistir a solicitações de impacto de baixa, média e alta energia. Pretende-se que esta solução venha a obter a certificação aeronáutica civil (EASA CS-VLA), de modo a poder aplicar...

Ceramic floors with high wear resistance (CERU4)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
This project aims to develop decorated porcelainized ceramic floor tiles, with high wear resistance, consistent with the maximum level U4 advocated in Mazaud test under the UPEC classification. At the same time, aesthetic and visual changes of the material must be minimized, so that solutions can cover very broad chromatic and aesthetic range. I...

ECO-SEE – ECO-innovative, Safe and Energy Efficient wall panels and materials for a healthier indoor environment (ECO-SEE)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The ECO-SEE project aims to develop new eco-materials and components for the purpose of creating both healthier and more energy efficient buildings. We will create and symbiotically use natural eco-materials for healthier indoor environments through hygrothermal (heat and moisture) regulation and the removal airborne contaminants through both ch...

Eggshell: a potential raw material for CEramic wall tiles (LIFE EggshellenCE)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
LIFE EggshellenCE mains to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of using eggshells, as secondary raw material, in the production of ceramic wall tiles. The success of the project will incur in economic benefits, for both the egg transformation and the ceramic industry, and environmental benefits as it will contribute to th...

INDUCER - Louça Utilitária em Cerâmica para Cozedura em Placas de Indução (INDUCER)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Este projeto tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de louça utilitária 100% cerâmica compatível com a cozedura por indução. Os produtos, e.g panelas, serão baseados em grés culinário, ao qual serão incorporados materiais cerâmicos ferromagnéticos que permitem o aquecimento do recipiente sob o efeito do campo magnético criado pela placa de indução. ...

Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)

PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...

Investigação de Desenvolvimento de Pasta Grés Resultante da Incorporação de Resíduos/Subprodutos Industriais (ECOGRES + NG)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto EcoGrés+NG tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma pasta corada na qual serão introduzidos os resíduos/subprodutos resultantes do processo produtivo da Grestel e resíduos/subprodutos provenientes de empresas de outros sectores nomeadamente da Navigator (cinzas volantes e...

Local repairing of glazed ceramics defects on sanitary porcelain products (GlaserFix)

PartnerIndustry National
This project proposes an alternative process to the re-firing step for repairing glazed ceramics defects, using the localized CO2 laser melting of appropriate mixture adds, assisted by other diffused heat sources (ex. IR lamps). This methodology allows controlling the temperature, cooling speed and temperature gradients, consequently avoiding ex...

Nanocompósitos cerâmicos produzidos por CIM para componentes anti-desgaste e antiestáticos (WhatCIM)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto WhatCIM tem como objetivo desenvolver novos guia-fios para a indústria de têxteis e o seu processo de fabrico baseados em materiais cerâmicos nanocompósitos e em revestimentos nanoestruturados. Esta inovação será aplicada a casos de estudo com vista a ultrapassar problemas associados ao desgaste e àeletricidade estática, e a demais pro...

Processing, structure and dielectric properties relationships of microwave ceramics (POCTI/CTM/40187/2001)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Dielectrics Ceramics Processing Microwave

Products and technologies for the Eucalyptus globulus sector (PROTEUS)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The PROTEUS project aims at the development of new products, alternative raw materials and technologies associated with the valorization of by-products arising from the pulp production activity and the perspective of circular economy. The byproducts considered in PROTEUS are dregs, grits, fly ash and sludge (biological and lime), as wel...

Recycled Waste Materials in Mortars. (RECLAIM)

PartnerIndustry National

SELFCLEAN - Superfícies cerâmicas autolimpantes (SELFCLEAN)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Este projecto visa o desenvolvimento de revestimentos cerâmicos com funções autolimpantes e purificantes, através da modificação da sua superfície com materiais nanoestruturados fotocatalíticos. Sem detrimento das funções nativas do revestimento cerâmico, estas novas funcionalidades permitirão diminuir os custos de manutenção de fachadas de edif...

Smart Geopolymers (SMART-G)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The project aims at the development,production, and demonstration of light weight, fire resistantcomponentsfortheconstructionindustry.Industrialresidueswillbevalorised andviageopolymerizationturnedintofireresistantmaterials.Thewasteenvisionedis 'bauxite residue (or red mud)', bricks and tiles from construction and demolishing waste, and fly ash ...

Solar thermochemical production of hydrogen based on cork Ecoceramics (H2CORK)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Goal: H2CORK will develop novel CeO2-based Ecoceramics, exploiting the regular, highly porous microstructure of sustainable cork templates, for the innovative renewable production of hydrogen via direct solar thermochemical fuel production (TCFP). Sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, such as H2, are urgently nee...


Chromatic Properties of Industrial Solid Waste Based Ferrites

Hajjaji, W; Pullar, R; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA

Evaluation of metal-ions containing sludges in the preparation of black inorganic pigments

Hajjaji, W; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2011, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 185, 2-3, 619-625.

Cr-doped perovskite and rutile pigments derived from industrial by-products

Hajjaji, W; Zanelli, C; Seabra, MP; Dondi, M; Labrincha, JA
2011, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 171, 3, 1178-1184.

Ceramic tiles for photodegradation of Orange II solutions

Seabra, MP; Pires, RR; Labrincha, JA
2011, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 171, 2, 692-702.

Photodegradation of Orange II solutions by TiO2 active layers jet sprayed on aluminium sheets

Seabra, MP; Rego, E; Ribeiro, A; Labrincha, JA
2011, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 171, 1, 175-180.

Pure and (zinc or iron) doped titania powders prepared by sol-gel and used as photocatalyst

Seabra, MP; Salvado, IMM; Labrincha, JA
2011, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 37, 8, 3317-3322.

Use of industrial wastes in the formulation of olivine green pigments

Esteves, D; Hajjaji, W; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA

Cr-doped titanite pigment based on industrial rejects

Hajjaji, W; Zanelli, C; Seabra, MP; Dondi, M; Labrincha, JA
2010, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 158, 2, 167-172.

Photocatalytic Decolourisation of Orange II Aqueous Solutions by TiO2 and ZnO Active Layers Screen Printed on Ceramic Tiles

Rego, E; Marcos, PS; Marto, J; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2010, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM V, PT 1 AND 2, 636-637, 1377-+.

Malayaite Ceramic Pigments prepared from Industrial Wastes: Formulation and Characterization

Ribeiro, A; Hajjaji, W; Seabra, MP; Labrincha, JA
2010, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM V, PT 1 AND 2, 636-637, 1371-+.


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