Ongoing Supervisions
Civil Engineering And Geomatics Innovative Research On Heritage (ENGINEER)

PartnerEuropean Comission
ENGINEER project aims to enhance the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) research and innovation potentials through coordination and support actions provided by the Twinning call. Built upon its unique character, as the single University Department of the country where Civil and Geo...Eco-friendly corrosion protective coatings based on smart nanotechnology platforms for a circular economy (COAT4LIFE)

CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Corrosion can lead to financial losses in addition to having a negative effect on public health and safety. This is why its control is imperative economically, environmentally as well as aesthetically. Adding to this field, the EU-funded COAT4LIFE project aims to develop eco-friendly multifunctional coatings that have the ability to detect and p...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP2 - Desenvolvimento de novos e avançados (IoT) esquentadores de água quente sanitária, como antecipação da transição energética/eletrificação da economia))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...Sustainable Surface Treatments of Complex Shape Components for Transsectorial Industrial Innovation (SURE2COAT)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Light alloys, like Al, have shown to be good options for replacing steel in many sectors due to higher thermal conductivity and weight reduction they allow, which has become crucial e.g. for e-mobility. However, without protection, recycled Al is prone to corrosion under operation in harsh environments (e.g. heat exchangers in heat stor...1-D nanostructures obtained by electrodeposition from ionic liquids (PTDC/CTM-NAN/113570/2009)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ionic Liquids Electrochemistry Nanostructures MetalsControlling the degradation of MAGnesium alloys for biomedical applications using Innovative smart COATings (MAGICOAT)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Cork as a sustainable and added value in the development of multifunctional coatings (PTDC/CTM-MAT/2502/2012)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
multifunctional coating cork sustainable anticorrosionDados Inteligentes para Desenhar Inibidores de Corrosão (DataCor)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Desenvolvimento de biomateriais não sinterizáveis à base de fosfatos de cálcio com bi-funcionalidade: regeneração e tratamento de cancro ósseo (2BBone)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Development and design of novel multiFUNctional PEO COATings (FUNCOAT)

PartnerEuropean Comission
The main objective of the proposal is the development of multi-purpose, multi-functional surfaces via environmentally friendly plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) treatments. In an intelligent way the weakness of the PEO process (the inherent porosity due to the discharges forming the coating is often responsible for poor properties) is used to ...Development of smart nano and microcapsulated sensing coatings for improving of material durability/performance (SMARCOAT)
CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The project aims to develop an innovative approach to impart sensing functionality and detect substrate degradation. The degradation processes targeted will be corrosion of metallic substrates and mechanical damage by impact on fibre reinforced plastics and composites (FRP), used as structural components in the vehicle industry worldwide. The in...Development of SMART nanostructured layers for sensing corrosion in AQUAtic structures (SMARTAQUA)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Corrosion is a result of thermodynamically-driven processed which occur due to the interaction of active metal alloys with the surrounding environment, leading to the degradation of metallic structures. The problem is particularly relevant in maritime offshore structures due to aggressive conditions such as high salinity and humidity. Although t...FUNACOP - Nanomateriais para aplicação em revestimentos funcionais (FUNACOP)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto tem como principal objetivo investigar a viabilidade da produção industrial de um determinado conjunto de nanomateriais (nanocontentores) para libertação controlada de espécies ativas para aplicação em revestimentos funcionais, nomeadamente revestimentos contra a corrosão. A utilização de nanocontentores com espécies ativas apresenta v...Graphenest’s New Engineered System and its Implementation Solutions (GNESIS)
PartnerIndustry National
Aumentar para uma escala industrial a tecnologia da Graphenest e demonstrar a aplicabilidade do grafeno obtido em três áreas de aplicação distintas: Tintas anticorrosivas; Polímeros com escudo eletromagnético; Elétrodos de telas táteis.Long Lasting reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructure under Severe Operating (LORCENIS)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The main goal of the LORCENIS project is to develop long reinforced concrete for energy infrastructures with lifetime extended up to a 100% under extreme operating conditions. The concept is based on an optimal combinationof novel technologies involving customized methodologies for cost-efficient operation. 4 scenarios of severe oper...Mobilizar competências tecnológicas em Engenharia de Superficies (ON-SURF)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto ON-SURF é um Programa Mobilizador que envolve transversalmente empresas Nacionais de diferentes sectores de atividade e entidades não empresariais do SI&I, num consórcio alargado, em torno do eixo prioritário na Agenda da Inovação Internacional, a Engenharia de Superfícies. Pretende-se desenvolver e aplicar processos de m...MULTI-functional metallic SURFaces via active Layered Double Hydroxide treatments (MULTISURF)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The project will develop active multi-functional surfaces with high level of self-healing ability on the basis of Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) structures formed on different industrially relevant metallic substrates. The main idea of the project is based on “smart” triggered release on demand for functional organic or inorganic anionic compoun...Multifunctional nanostructured conversion films based on Layered Double hydroxides for corrosion protection of aeronautical structures (PTDC/CTM-MAT/1515/2012)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Conversion films layered double hydroxides active corrosion protection controlled releasedMUST - Multi-level protection of materials for vehicles by "Smart" nanocontainers (MUST )
PartnerEuropean Comission
The project MUST will provide new technologies based on active multi-level protective systems for future vehicle materials. “Smart” release nanocontainers will be developed and incorporated in commercial paints, lacquers and adhesive systems to prepare new products exhibiting self-healing properties. A multi-level self-healing approach will comb...Nano-argilas para remoção/captura de fosfatos (P) e sua reutilização como fertilizante (NATURAL)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto NATURAL visa o desenvolvimento de nano-argilas (LDHs) enquanto solução integradora e sustentável no ciclo do P, contribuindo para uma transição da economia linear para economia circular no que a este elemento crítico (classificado pela EU) diz respeito. Assim, ser&at...NanoBarrier - Extended shelf-life biopolymers for sustainable and multifunctional food packaging solutions (NanoBarrier)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The overall concept of NanoBarrier is to develop a new nanotechnology platform based on inorganic-organic hybrid polymers, microfibrillated cellulose, nanocapsules with controlled permeability and additive technology and combine this with resource-efficient processing technologies to realize safe and extended shelf-life and multifunctional biopo...NANOMAR - Nanocontainer-based active coatings for maritime applications (NANOMAR)
PartnerEuropean Comission
NANOMAR project aims at establishing long-lasting scientific collaboration network between European research institutions and scientists from two BRIC countries, namely Brasil and Russian Federation. The collaboration will be established on the basis of synergistic combination of the complementary expertises targeting in development of novel “sm...NANOSENSORES - Revestimentos auto-sensoriais a impactos mecânicos em estruturas aeronáuticas (NANOSENSORES)
PartnerIndustry National
A aplicação de revestimentos a substratos tem como principal objetivo a proteção e o melhoramento do seu desempenho e aspeto. Em aplicações de elevado desempenho é necessário proteger e dotar o revestimento de capacidade sensorial para detetar e revelar quando o conjunto revestimento/substrato se encontra danificado e o seu desempenho limitado, ...NMC - Novos Materiais Celulósicos (NMC)
PartnerIndustry National
A investigação internacional sobre celulose, o biopolímero mais abundante na natureza, tem revelado possibilidades muito promissoras de criação de novas aplicações de elevado valor acrescentado e consequentemente de valorização da fileira florestal. Acresce que o aumento dos preços do petróleo e uma maior apetência dos consumidores por produtos ...Nova geração de aditivos sustentáveis de base nanotecnológica para revestimentos anti-corrosivos marítimos: uma abordagem multidisciplinar no espaço Atlântico (NANOGREEN)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Five centuries ago, the Unknown was discovered by explorers such as Fernão de Magalhães. Making the parallelism, now, Humanity still needs to face unknown problems to promote sustainable development and knowledge-based economy, in a global change scenario. Metallic corrosion is still an unsolved economic, technical and environmental problem for ...Novel Anthocyanin-Based Smart Sensors for Food Packaging (FoodSmarTag)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Novos revestimentos PVD sobre polímeros, latão e alumínio para substituição de processos de galvanização de Cr (VI) (SafeChrome)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto SafeChrome visa o desenvolvimento de uma solução híbrida inovadora constituída por revestimentos depositados por PVD em substratos com cromagem trivalente (Cr(III) + PVD). Os sistemas desenvolvidos deverão igualar ou superar as soluções compostas por Cr(VI) em termos de desempenho e serão avaliados de acordo com as exigentes especifica...RENOVA PAPTIS - Desenvolvimento de papéis tissue de nova geração (PAPTIS-RENOVA)
PartnerIndustry National
Os prod. de papel tissue têm vindo a adquirir 1 importância crescente nas sociedades modernas. Assim, as empresas produtoras de papel tissue para se manterem no mercado e crescerem apostam no desenvolvimento e optimização de processos para dar origem a produtos inovadores, q se diferenciem e q ofereçam ao consumidor, características valorizáveis...SARISTU - Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU)
PartnerEuropean Comission
SARISTU (Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures) focuses on the cost reduction of air travel through a variety of individual applications as well as their combination. For the first time ever in smart material concepts, SARISTU offers the opportunity to virtually and physically assess the interaction of different technological solutions and their...Smart anticorrosion coatings based on nanocontainers loaded with novel, eco-friendly cationic gemini surfactants as efficient corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in seawater. (EcoGEmCoat)
CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The project, EcoGemCoat, involves the preparation of smart anticorrosion coatings based on mesoporous silica nanocontainers loaded with innovative, eco-friendly cationic gemini surfactants as high efficient corrosion inhibitors of carbon steel in seawater with the potential application in marine and offshore industry.The main aim of ...Unveiling the self-healing mechanisms associated with smart nanocontainers (SELMA)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Corrosion of metallic substrates is responsible for losses amounting to approximately 3-4% of GNP in developed countries and, therefore, its mitigation will lead to enormous societal benefits. Herewith, we propose a combined computational and experimental study for unveiling the self-healing mechanisms associated with smart nanocontainers (SELMA...Publications
Gemini Surfactant as a Template Agent for the Synthesis of More Eco-Friendly Silica Nanocapsules
Kaczerewska, O; Sousa, I; Martins, R; Figueiredo, J; Loureiro, S; Tedim, J
Toxicity of innovative anti-fouling nano-based solutions to marine species
Figueiredo, J; Oliveira, T; Ferreira, V; Sushkova, A; Silva, S; Carneiro, D; Cardoso, DN; Goncalves, SF; Maia, F; Rocha, C; Tedim, J; Loureiro, S; Martins, R
2019, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO, 6, 5, 1418-1429.
Functionalised novel gemini surfactants as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 50 mM NaCl: Experimental and theoretical insights
Pakiet, M; Tedim, J; Kowalczyk, I; Brycki, B
Toxicity of engineered micro- and nanomaterials with antifouling properties to the brine shrimp Artemia salina and embryonic stages of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
Gutner-Hoch, E; Martins, R; Maia, F; Oliveira, T; Shpigel, M; Weis, M; Tedim, J; Benayahu, Y
2019, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 251, 530-537.
Electrosynthesis of Ordered TiO2 Nanotubular Layers in Deep Eutectic Solvents and Their Properties
Starykevich, M; Maltanava, H; Tedim, J; Poznyak, SK; Ferreira, MGS
Layered Double Hydroxide Clusters as Precursors of Novel Multifunctional Layers: A Bottom-Up Approach
Neves, CS; Bastos, AC; Salak, AN; Starykevich, M; Rocha, D; Zheludkevich, ML; Cunha, A; Almeida, A; Tedim, J; Ferreira, MGS
2019, COATINGS, 9, 5.
Synthesis of ZnO mesoporous powders and their application in dye photodegradation
Maltanava, H; Poznyak, S; Ovodok, E; Ivanovskaya, M; Maia, F; Kudlash, A; Scharnagl, N; Tedim, J
2018, MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS, 5, 9, 17414-17421.
Sol-gel template synthesis of mesoporous carbon-doped TiO2 with photocatalytic activity under visible light
Ovodok, E; Maltanava, H; Poznyak, S; Ivanovskaya, M; Kudlash, A; Scharnagl, N; Tedim, J
2018, MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS, 5, 9, 17422-17430.
Synergetic active corrosion protection of AA2024-T3 by 2D-anionic and 3D-cationic nanocontainers loaded with Ce and mercaptobenzothiazole
Zadeh, MA; Tedim, J; Zheludkevich, M; van der Zwaag, S; Garcia, SJ
2018, CORROSION SCIENCE, 135, 35-45.
Antimacrofouling Efficacy of Innovative Inorganic Nanomaterials Loaded with Booster Biocides
Gutner-Hoch, E; Martins, R; Oliveira, T; Maia, F; Soares, AMVM; Loureiro, S; Piller, C; Preiss, I; Weis, M; Larroze, SB; Teixeira, T; Tedim, J; Benayahu, Y
Emerging trends in smart nanocontainers for corrosion applications

In Phuong Nguyen Tri, Trong-On Do, Tuan Anh Nguyen (Eds.), Smart Nanocontainers
T. L. P. Galvão , M. Wilhelm, José R. B. Gomes, J. Tedim
2019, 385-398, Elsevier.
Brittle Coating Layers for Impact Detection in CFRP

In Piet Christof Wölcken, Michael Papadopoulos (Eds.), Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU)
Frederico Maia, Kiryl Yasakau, Joao Tedim , Mikhail L. Zheludkevich
2015, 725-733, Cham, Springer International Publishing.
Smart self-healing coatings for corrosion protection of aluminium alloys

Handbook of Smart Coatings for Materials Protection
K.A. Yasakau, J. Tedim, M.L. Zheludkevich, M.G.S. Ferreira
2014, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Self-healing nanocoatings for corrosion control

In Viswanathan S. Saji, Korea University, South Korea and Ronald Cook, TDA Research Inc., USA (Eds.), Corrosion protection and control using nanomaterials
Ferreira MGS, Zheludkevich ML, Tedim J and Yasakau KA
2012, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Advanced protective coatings for aeronautical applications

Nanocoatings and ultra-thin films: Technologies and applications
Ferreira MGS, Zheludkevich ML, Tedim J
2011, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
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Conversion films based on lamellar double-hydroxides for active protection against corrosion

Materials InternationalNational
Ferreira, Mário; Tedim, João; Zheludkevich, Mikhail
The present invention relates to conversion films based on lamellar double hydroxides (LDHs), which are obtained by means of a simple hydrothermal process. Depending on the process conditions used and on the substrates used, micrometric differentiation of film morphology may be achieved. The films obtained for the first time exhibit the...Process for coating metallic surfaces with coating compositions containing particles of a layered double hydroxide

Processes InternationalNational
Ferreira, Mário; Zheludkevich, Mikhail; Tedim, João; Gandubert, Valerie; Schmidt-Hansberg, Thomas; Hack, Theo; Nixon, Sonja; Raps, Dominik; Becker, Diana; Schroeder, Sven
The invention relates to a process of coating a metallic surface with a composition for coating with a pretreatment composition prior to organic coating, with a passivation composition without intent for subsequent organic coating, with a pretreatment primer composition, with a primer composition, with a paint composition or with an ele...