Ongoing Supervisions
Blue-biorefinery of macroalgae - improved aquaculture practices and green and innovative extraction methodologies for the production of high-value compounds (ALGREEN)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
There is an increasing trend for revisiting natural sources towards the discovery of bioactive components [1] within the blue-economy, circular economy andbiorefinery concepts. Marine organisms are seen as a promising, almost unlimited source of bioactive and quite exclusive compounds. Algae, and particularlymacroalgae or seaweeds (~10000 specie...Multi-product biorefinery of seaweed using green solvents (SeaSolv)
Local CoordinatorOther International
An innovative and environmental-friendly technique using deep eutectic solvents (DESs) will be developed for a multiproduct biorefinery of seaweeds. The project will focus on the development and optimization of the process by knowing and controlling the interaction DES-seaweed and DES-product. Therefore, the combination of pre-treatments-extract...New system-driven bioremediation of polluted habitats and environment (NYMPHE)
PartnerEuropean Comission
Biological organisms, including the smallest, can play a big role in restoring polluted environments. They remove or neutralise an environmental pollutant from soil or water in a process called bioremediation. The EU-funded Nymphe project will take this process to a new level. Specifically, it will develop bioremediation/revitalisation strategie...Anticorpos de aves com elevada pureza e estabilidade como biofármacos alternativos no combate à resistência antimicrobiana (antYmicrob)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto antYmicrob ambiciona aumentar e validar à escala pré-industrial um processo de purificação desenvolvido para anticorpos imunoglobulina Y, e validar o processo com ovos hiperimunes para bactéria Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA), assegurando a atividade, estabilidade e não toxicidade dos anticorpos obtidos por ensaios...CardioLeather Project: Smart Leather for Health, Wellbeing, and Safety Monitoring in Automotive Vehicles (CARDIOLEATHER)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto CardioLeather visa o desenvolvimento de um couro-condutor integrado com dispositivos de aquisição de sinais fisiológicos, para serem aplicados em volantes e outras superficies do interior do veiculo, permitindo a monitorização não intrusiva da identidade e sa&am...Desenvolvimento de nanomateriais sustentáveis para a purificação de fármacos anti-leucémicos (NanoPurAsp)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Exploratory Research Project: Sónia Patricia Marques Ventura (IF/00402/2015)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
GENIALG - GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative macro-ALGal biorefinery (GENIALG )
PartnerEuropean Comission
The GENIALG project aims to boost the Blue Biotechnology Economy (BBE) by increasing the production and sustainable exploitation of two high-yielding species of the EU seaweed biomass: the brown alga Saccharina latissima and the green algae Ulva spp. GENIALG will demonstrate the economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of cultivatin...Linking in vitro to in vivo toxicity of pharmaceuticals: an integrative approach (VitroTox)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Since the early 90s, the continuous input of pharmaceuticals into the environment has brought environmental chemists and toxicologists to join forces in order to tackle obstacles and answer questions regarding the eventual risk posed by such compounds to human and environmental health. One of the main challenges in the area of analytical chemist...MultiBiorefinery - Multi-purpose strategies for broadband agro-forest and fisheries by-products valorization: a step forward for a truly integrated biorefinery (SAICTPAC/0040/2015)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Biorrefinaria; Subprodutos e resíduos; Novos processos de extração e conversão; BioprodutosOptimization and Scale-up of Novel Ionic-Liquid- based Purification Processes for Recombinant Green Fluorescent Protein produced by Escherichia coli (FAPESP/19793/2014)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
biopharmaceuticals, fluorescent proteins, purification, aqueous biphasic systemsOtimização e aumento de escala do processo de extração líquido-líquido com líquidos iônicos (LIs) como ferramenta de separação sustentável do biofármaco antileucêmico L-Asparaginase (ASPase) (FAPESP 2014/16424-7)
Local CoordinatorOther International
Processo biotecnológico visando o desenvolvimento de novos colorantes naturais microbianos para aplicação industrial (FAPESP 2014/01580-3)
Local CoordinatorOther International
Separação de fármacos quirais por cromatografia de partição centrífuga usando sistemas aquosos bifásicos enantioseletivos. (ChiResus)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Towards the improvement of recombinant proteins bioprocessing using ionic liquids (IL2BioPro)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Towards the improvement of recombinant proteins bioprocessing using ionic liquids (IL2BioPro)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
ToxMix - Toxicity of mixtures of alternative solvents with industrial potential (PTDC/ATP-EAM/5331/2014)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ecotoxicity of mixtures ionic liquids Deep eutetic solvents effluentsUsing biorefinery to value cyanobacteria pigments (REFINECYANO)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
[ILTOX] Ecotoxicological evaluation and treatment of aqueous effluents contaminated with ionic liquids (PTDC/AAC-AMB/119172/2010)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ecotoxicity Ionic liquids Water treatment QSAR modelPublications
Sustainable Liquid Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Frias, AR; Correia, SFH; Martins, M; Ventura, SPM; Pecoraro, E; Ribeiro, SL; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Coutinho, JAP; Carlos, LD
Synthesis and characterization of analogues of glycine-betaine ionic liquids and their use in the formation of aqueous biphasic systems
Pereira, MM; Pedro, SN; Gomes, J; Sintra, TE; Ventura, SPM; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MG; Mohamadou, A
2019, FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA, 494, 239-245.
Continuous separation of cytochrome-c PEGylated conjugates by fast centrifugal partition chromatography
Santos, JHPM; Ferreira, AM; Almeida, MR; Quinteiro, PSGN; Dias, ACRV; Coutinho, JAP; Freire, MG; Rangel-Yagui, CO; Ventura, SPM
2019, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 21, 20, 5501-5506.
Use of Ionic Liquids as Cosurfactants in Mixed Aqueous Micellar Two-Phase Systems to Improve the Simultaneous Separation of Immunoglobulin G and Human Serum Albumin from Expired Human Plasma
Vicente, FA; Bairos, J; Roque, M; Coutinho, JAP; Ventura, SPM; Freire, MG
R-phycoerythrin extraction and purification from fresh Gracilaria sp. using thermo-responsive systems
Vicente, FA; Cardoso, IS; Martins, M; Goncalves, CVM; Dias, ACRV; Domingues, P; Coutinho, JAP; Ventura, SPM
2019, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 21, 14, 3816-3826.
Synthesis and characterization of chiral ionic liquids based on quinine, L-proline and L-valine for enantiomeric recognition
Sintra, TE; Gantman, MG; Ventura, SPM; Coutinho, JAP; Wasserscheid, P; Schulz, PS
Cytotoxicity profiling of deep eutectic solvents to human skin cells
Macario, IPE; Oliveira, H; Menezes, AC; Ventura, SPM; Pereira, JL; Goncalves, AMM; Coutinho, JAP; Goncalves, FJM
Synthesis and Characterization of Surface-Active Ionic Liquids Used in the Disruption of Escherichia Coli Cells
Sintra, TE; Vilas, M; Martins, M; Ventura, SPM; Ferreira, AIMCL; Santos, LMNBF; Goncalves, FJM; Tojo, E; Coutinho, JAP
2019, CHEMPHYSCHEM, 20, 5, 727-735.
Rationalizing the Phase Behavior of Triblock Copolymers through Experiments and Molecular Simulations
Perez-Sanchez, G; Vicente, FA; Schaeffer, N; Cardoso, IS; Ventura, SPM; Jorge, M; Coutinho, JAP
2019, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 123, 34, 21224-21236.
Temperature-responsive extraction of violacein using a tuneable anionic surfactant-based system
Schaeffer, N; Kholany, M; Veloso, TLM; Pereira, JL; Ventura, SPM; Nicaud, JM; Coutinho, JAP
2019, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 55, 59, 8643-8646.
Aquatic Toxicology of Ionic Liquids (ILs)
In Suojiang Zhang (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Ionic Liquids
Francisca A. e Silva, João A. P. Coutinho, Sónia P. M. Ventura
2019, 1-18, Singapore, Springer.
Optical Applications of Nanomaterials
In Bhat A., Khan I., Jawaid M., Suliman F., Al-Lawati H., Al-Kindy S. (Eds.), Nanomaterials for Healthcare, Energy and Environment
Bharmoria P., Ventura S.P.M.
2019, 1-29, Singapore, Springer.
Extraction of value-added compounds from microalgae
In Cristina Gonzalez-Fernandez and Raúl Muñoz (Eds.), Microalgae-Based Biofuels and Bioproducts
S.P.M Ventura, B.P. Nobre, F. Ertekin, M. Hayes, M. Garcia-Vaquero, F. Vieira, M. Koc, L. Gouveia, M.R. Aires-Barros, A.M.F. Palavra
2017, 461-483, Woodhead Publishing .
Lipase Production and Purification from Fermentation Broth Using Ionic Liquids
In Xuebing Xu, Zheng Guo, Ling-Zhi Cheong (Eds.), Ionic Liquids in Lipid Processing and Analysis
Sónia P.M. Ventura, João A.P. Coutinho
2016, 59-97, Academic Press and AOCS Press .
Toward the Recovery and Reuse of the ABS Phase-Forming Components
In Mara G. Freire (Eds.), Ionic-Liquid-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems
Sónia P.M. Ventura, João A.P. Coutinho
2016, Springer.