Ana Maria Pissarra Coelho Gil

Associate Professor with Aggregation

Short CV

Present position: Associate Professor "com agregação", Department of Chemistry , University of Aveiro since January 2007
Previous positions:
1998-2007 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry , University of Aveiro
1993-98 Lecturer, Department of Chemistry , University of Aveiro;
1990-93 Assistente, Department of Chemistry , University of Aveiro;
1988-1990 Assistente Estagiaria, Department of Chemistry , University of Aveiro;
1987-1988:Assistente Estagiaria, School of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University, Oporto.

Academic degrees:
1992: Doctorate in Chemistry, University of East Anglia, U.K., with a thesis titled "Spectroscopic Studies of Proteins in the Solid State";
1990: Provas de Aptidao Pedagogica e Capacidade Cientifica on "Gelification of polysaccharides: study of the effect of ions" and "Study of sulphated polysaccharides by FTIR";
1987: Licenciatura in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal, completed in October 1987 with mark 17/20.


Track record (Jan2024): 159 SCI papers, 3 books co-edited, 26 book chapters, 32 other papers, > 250 conference communications (176 posters + 105 orals), including 60 invited lectures. AGil has supervised 11 Postdocs (+ 1 ongoing), 14 PhD theses (+ 8 ongoing), 26 Master theses (+ 3 ongoing), and 20 other researchers (+ 4 ongoing). Metrics SCOPUS: h-index=51, 6969 citations (Jan24).

AGil’s teaching activities have been extensive in all cycles of university training (1stdegree, Master, Doctoral) in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology. She has setup, coordinated and participated in several undergraduate (1stcycle) courses (including the teaching of > 4000 undergraduate students and supervision of ca. 50 undergraduate theses), Master courses (Metabolomics, Food Quality and Safety; including supervision of > 20 theses) and Doctoral courses (Metabolomics, NMR Spectroscopy).

Scientific Interests

Main interests

  • NMR metabolomics of biological systems (biofluids and fecal samples, tissues, 2D/3D cell cultures) related to disease, therapeutics or toxicological stresses, for identification of novel biomarkers with possible clinical use in human health management. Main diseases of interest: prenatal/newborn diseases (including rare metabolic diseases and autism), cancer (lung, renal, osteosarcoma, pancreatic), children’s early carie, asthma, age-related macular degeneration. Validation of metabolomic hypotheses through correlation studies of different omics data (metabolomics/proteomices/transcriptomics) and Big Data strategies.
  • Metabolomics testing of new and conventional i) drugs, ii) materials and iii) environmental contaminants (or exposomes), for assessment of their in vitro and in vivo biological performance (bioefficacy/biocompatibility/biotoxicity), to develop new protocols of exposure (drugs, materials) or mitigation (contaminants). Translation to marine life and the human organism.
  • Metabolomics characterisation of stem cell differentiation to find biomarkers able to monitor and guide lineage development and regeneration of engineered tissues. Translation of differentiation biomarkers from 2D to 3D cultures, and from in vitro to in vivo clinical applications (through tissue and biofluid analysis).
  • Metabolomics for the i) quality control of food products and processes, ii) development of new food products (mainly plant-based), and iii) nutritional studies (biofluids and gut microflora) to assess the effect of new diets on human health.

Other interests

  • Solid-state NMR to study structure/function relationships in foods (cereal proteins and polysaccharide gels) and in cork and other lignocellulosic materials.
  • Rheological-NMR (rheo-NMR) of polymers: molecular origins of polymer rheological properties.

Present Research Group


AGil has supervised 11 Postdocs (+ 1 ongoing), 14 PhD theses (+ 8 ongoing), 26 Master theses (+ 3 ongoing), and 20 other researchers (+ 4 ongoing (Jan2024)

Ongoing supervisions

Post-doctoral researchers

  1. Doctorate Researcher (investigador de nível inicial), Joao Aleixo Rodrigues, funded by CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials and the CarboCode company, Cantanhede, from May 2022.

Doctoral students

  1. PhD co-supervision on “IMPULSE: IMpact of a PULSE-based partial replacement diet on household budget, metabolomics and health”, Helena Alexandra Gonçalves Ferreira, School of Biotechnology – Catholic University of Porto and University of Aveiro, SFRH/BD/132240/2017, from 1 October 2017.
  2. PhD co-supervision on, “NOVELA: NOVEL food uses for legumes and evaluation of their sensorial and physiological impacts using metabolomics Approaches”, Evla Ferro, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia and Universidade de Aveiro, from November 2017.
  3. PhD supervision on “Metabolómica de um modelo animal de cancro da mama endócrino para estudo de progressão tumor e resistência a terapia”, Ana Rita Araújo, NMR Doctoral Programme, National NMR network and FCT PD/BD/142850/2018, from 15 April 2018.
  4. PhD supervision on “Metabolic biomarkers of chemotherapeutic efficacy of potential novel drugs in breast cancer: a metabolomics study”, Tatiana Carneiro, University of Aveiro, FCT SFRH/BD/145920/2019, from 1 September 2019.
  5. PhD supervision on “NMR metabolomics to characterize osteogenic differentiation of human stem cells”, Daniela Bispo, University of Aveiro, Sociedade Portuguesa de Química and FCT SFRH/BD/150655/2020 (grant given within the International Year of the Periodic Table), from 2 July 2020.
  6. PhD co-supervision on “Elucidation of Staphylococcus epidermidis response to skin endogenous antimicrobial fatty acids”, Elisabete Morais, NMR Doctoral Programme, National NMR network and FCT PD/BD/150980/2021, ITQB/NOVA University of Lisbon, from 1 January 2020.
  7. PhD co-supervision on “Selection of relevant microbial signatures for colorectal cancer diagnosis – the Portuguese context”, Ana Virgínia Alves Carvalho, funded by the University of Aveiro, from 1 March 2022.
  8. PhD co-supervision on “Development of a Zebrafish Model for High-resolution Analysis of Lipogenic Fluxes in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”, João Gabriel Silva, funded by PhD fellowship under the CNC call for the Doctoral Program in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine, University of Coimbra and Foundation for Science and Technology, from 1 September 2022.

Master students

  1. 3 ongoing – started September 2023.

Main present collaborators

Foreign Collaborators

  • Aix Marseille Université, France; S Caldarelli
  • Bruker BioSPin, Germany, M Spraul
  • École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France; L Emsley
  • Harvard Medical School, Retina Service, US; D Husain
  • Imperial College London, UK; J Lindon, J Nicholson and E Holmes
  • Laboratory of Hormonal Carcinogenesis, Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (IBYME)-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina; C Lanari
  • University of Birmingham, UK; W Dunn
  • University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK – Cambridge Institute; K Brindle
  • University of Cambridge, Department of Biochemistry, UK; G Evan
  • University of East Anglia, School of Chemistry, UK; P Belton
  • University of Glasgow, UK; M Dalby
  • University of Manchester, Department of Chemistry, UK; G Morris
  • University of Surrey, Department of Chemistry, UK; G Webb
  • University of Turku, Finland; H Kallio and K Linderborg

National Collaborators

  • Catholic University of Porto, School of Biotechnology; M Vasconcelos, E Pinto, A Gomes
  • iBIMED-Institute of Biomedicine of Aveiro, University of Aveiro; L Helguero
  • Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB), University of Porto, Portugal; M Barbosa
  • ITQB NOVA - Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier and New University of Lisbon; H Santos, M Matzapetakis, L Gafeira, A Varela
  • University Hospital of Coimbra, Portugal - Pathological anatomy, Prenatal and Ophthalmology; L Carvalho, I Carreira, MC Almeida, F Negrão, E Galhano, J Murta, R Silva
  • University of Aveiro, Departament of Biology; R Freitas e C Marques
  • University of Aveiro, Department of Mathematics; A Freitas
  • University of Beira Interior, Covilhã; C Cruz
  • University of Coimbra; P Marques, J Jones
  • University of Porto, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Physiology; AS Barros
  • University of Porto; P Guedes de Pinho, C Diniz

Teaching Activity

Has taught the following Licenciatura courses:
General Chemistry I and II (lab and exercise classes) / ESB,
Thermodynamics (exercise classes) / ESB,
Structure and Properties of Matter (exercise classes) / UA,
Water Chemistry (exercise classes) / UA,
Chemistry Laboratories (lab classes) / UA,
Food Chemistry II (lab classes/ UA,
Bio-organics (lab classes) / UA,
Food Analysis (theory and lab classes) / UA,
Chemistry I (theory and exercise classes) / UA,
Food Quality and Safet (theory classes), UA
Biochemistry I (theory and exercise classes) UA
Fundaments of Biochemistry (theory and exercise classes), UA
Biochemistry (theory) UA Food Biochemistry (theory) UA

Has taught the following Master degree courses:
Food safety and quality (3h theory, Master in Food Biochemistry),
Colloid Chemistry (6 h theory / Master in Chemistry of Natural Products and Foodstuffs, UA,
Solid state NMR (4h theory) / Master in Chemistry of Natural Products and Foodstuffs, UA,
Solid state NMR (2h theory) / Master in Materials Engineering, UA,
Advanced Analytical Techniques for Food Analysis (22 horas), Master in Chemistry of Natural Products and Foodstuffs, UA.

Present projects

Coordination and Participation in Scientific Projects

As Principal investigator

  1. 1994-1995: Project on "Spectroscopic Investigations of Cereal Proteins Quality", funded by JNICT and Treaty of Windsor (JNICT/British Council). Participants: Universidade de Aveiro, Institute of Food Research and University of Bristol.
  2. 1996-1999: Project on “Synthesis and characterisation of peptides in the solid state”, funded by JNICT (plurianual funding) and Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan. Participants: Universidade de Aveiro and Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan.
  3. 1998-2000: Project on "Structural and functional study of wheat flour and its derived foods" funded by PRAXIS XXI (PRAXIS/PCNA/BIO/0703/96), Participants: Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade do Porto, Instituto Superior de Agronomia e Estação Agronómica de Melhoramento de Plantas, Elvas, € 21,360 for UA.
  4. 2001-2004: Project on “Structural studies of solid carbohydrates” funded by FCT (POCTI/QUI/33075/99) and co-funded by CRUP/British Council and Universidade de Aveiro (postdoc grant). Participants: University of Aveiro, University of Surrey and University of Warwick, UK, € 37,409 for UA.
  5. 2003-2007: Project on “NMR and LC-NMR/MS methods for the study of biofluids and biological tissues”, funded by FCT (postdoc grant) and Treaty of Windsor programme (CRUP/British Council), Participants: University of Aveiro and Imperial College, London.
  6. 2005-2008: Project on “Update and expansion of the NMR laboratory of the University of Aveiro”, funded by FCT/CONC-REEQ/934/QUI/2005, € 450,000 and by the University of Aveiro, € 45,000.
  7. 2005-2006: Project on “Application of NMR spectroscopy for the chemical characterisation and quality control of beer”, funded by UNICER-Bebidas de Portugal, SGPS, SA (€ 20,425 for UA, PhD student start-up) and Bruker Biospin GmbH (€ 2,250 for UA).
  8. 2007-2010: Project on "Metabonomic studies of prenatal disorders by NMR spectroscopy" funded by FCT/PTDC/QUI/66523/2006, € 75,700 (€ 65,000UA), 1/08-6/11, PI: University of Aveiro.
  9. 2007-2009: 1st “Scientific Collaboration Agreement between University of Aveiro and Bruker Biospin GmbH on “Metabonomics applications in food analysis and in health”, € 15,745 (human resources, 1 year PhD student) and € 219,720 (software licensing).
  10. 2011-2013: 2nd Scientific Collaboration Agreement between University of Aveiro and Bruker Biospin GmbH on “Metabonomics applications in food analysis and in health”, € 8,940 (human resources) and € 255,330 (software licensing).
  11. 2014-2015: Project on “Effects of environmental hazards of the Estarreja region on pregnancy metabolism”, funded by CNRS (France)-OHMI Estarreja (Portugal), € 8,000, 6/2014 – 9/2015. PI: University of Aveiro.
  12. 2018-2022: Project “BIOIMPLANT- A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Bone Engineered Implants”, (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028835), CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, funded by the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internalization, in its FEDER/FNR component, and the Foundation for Science and Technology, in its national State Budget component (OE), € 231,382 July 2018 to July 2022, PI: AMGil, University of Aveiro
  13. 2023-2026: Project “BETTERBONE - Metabolite-activated 3D stem cell differentiation into bone”, (04286.PTDC), CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology € 249,552 (total budget), € 237,050 (UA), 20 February 2023 to 19 February 2026, PI: University of Aveiro (success rate of call: 8,3%).

As Participant

  1. 1996-1999: Project on "Improving the quality of EU wheats for use in the food industry", funded by EC FAIR (Ref. CT96 1170) and co-funded by JNICT/British Council). Participants: IACR-Long Ashton Research Station-UK, Institute of Food Research-UK, Universidade de Groningen-NL, Universidade de Lund-SW, Universidade de Tuscia-IT, University of Aveiro-PT, Svalöf Weibull AB-SW, INRA-FR, Universidade de Catania-IT, IACR-Rothamsted-UK, € 87,434 euros for UA.
  2. 1997-2000: Project on "From Eucalyptus globulus to paper: kraft pulp bleaching" funded by From Eucalyptus globulus to paper: kraft pulp bleaching (3/3.2/PAPEL/2326/95) and paper company RAIZ.
  3. 1997-2000: Project "From Eucalyptus globulus to paper: kraft pulping", funded by PRAXIS XXI (3/3.2/PAPEL/2327/95) and paper company RAIZ.
  4. 2001-2004: Project on "Structural and Functional Aspects of Bulk and Interfacial Polysaccharide-Surfactant Interactions in Food Colloids" funded by FCT/POCTI/BIO/33626/99, € 139,660 (total and UA), PI: University of Aveiro.
  5. 2003-2005: Project on “Cellulose: surface properties, interaction with binding domains and enzymatic modification” funded by FCT/POCTI/QUI/44368/2002, € 4,250 for UA, PI: University of Minho.
  6. 2003-2004: Project on “Study of the viscoelastic properties of flours: correlation between extensibility and chemical composition”, funded by CRUP/British Council.
  7. 2005-2006: Project “Re-equipment of the laboratory of macromolecular and lignocellulosic materials of the University of Aveiro”, funded by FCT/CONC-REEQ/584/CTM/2005, €100,000 and by the University of Aveiro, €10,000.
  8. 2005-2008: Project on “Mould proteome regulation by substrate bioavailability: depolymerising enzymes likely to alter biopolymer nanostructure.”, funded by FCT/POCI/QUI/56229/2004, € 198,000 (total budget), PI: Institute for Experimental and Technological Biology - Lisbon.
  9. 2007-2010: Project on "Implantable scaffolds for local osteosarcoma chemotherapy", funded by FCT/PTDC/SAU-BEB/66896/2006, € 161,000 (€ 148,000UA), PI: University of Aveiro.
  10. 2008-2011: Project on “Metabolic profiling and biochemical differentiation of human lung tumours by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods” funded by FCT/PTDC/QUI/68017/2006, € 70600 (€ 59,000 UA), PI: University of Aveiro.
  11. 2008-2011: Project on "Nanochemistry of magnetic/luminescent composites for in vitro medical diagnosis applications" funded by FCT/PTDC/QUI/67712/2006, € 56,200 (total and UA), PI: University of Aveiro.
  12. 2011-2014: Project on “The role of the intestine in promoting the lipogenic effects of fructose”, funded by FCT/PTDC/SAUMET/111398/2009, € 159,564 (€ 20,088 for UA), PI: University of Coimbra.
  13. 2012-2015: Project on “Metabolic study of lung cancer and the surgical state: search for metabolic signatures in tissues and biofluids”, funded by CIMAGO, € 1,750 3/12-2/15, PI: University of Aveiro.
  14. 2012-2015: Project on “Search for new biomarkers of the response of lung cancer to therapy”, funded by CIMAGO, € 1,750 3/12-2/15, PI: University of Aveiro.
  15. 2012-2015: Project on “Metabolic profiling: a novel tool for evaluation of the toxicological and biological effects of nanomaterials”, funded by Fundação para a Ciência (FCT) e Tecnologia (PTDC/SAU-TOX/120953/2010), € 152,445 (total and UA), 16/4/12-30/3/15, PI: University of Aveiro.
  16. 2012-2014: Project on “ASTHMA: Future asthma management helped by non-evasive sampling: contributes for the definition of a rapid and non-evasive diagnostic tool”, funded by FCT/PTDC/QUI-QUI/117803/2010, € 79,688 (total and UA), 1/1/12-31/12/14, PI: University of Aveiro.
  17. 2013-2015: Project on “Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine”, CENTRO-07-ST24-FEDER-002030, funded by QREN (human resources only), 1/2013 - 6/2015. PI: University of Aveiro.
  18. 2014-2016: Project on “Age-related macular degeneration – can metabolomic profile distinguish progressors?”, Portuguese Science &Technology Foundation (HMSP-IC J/0006/2013), € 97,989, 1/7/2014-30/6/2016. PI: University of Coimbra.
  19. 2016-2024: European project on “Implementation of The Discoveries Centre for Regenerative and Precision Medicine, a new Centre of Excellence in Portugal”, Project ID: 739572 funded under H2020-EU.4.a. - Teaming of excellent research institutions and low performing RDI regions, € 14,996,606.26 (total budget) 01/04/2017-31/03/2024. PI: University of Minho.
  20. 2016-2019: Project on “BIOIMPACT-Biochemical Impact of Platinum and Palladium-based Anticancer Agents”, Portuguese Science &Technology Foundation (PTDC/QEQ-MED/1890/2014), € 198,690, 11/7/2016-31/12/2019. PI: University of Coimbra.
  21. 2018-2022: “BISPECIAL-Bivalves under Polluted Environment and Climate change”, Portuguese Science &Technology Foundation (PTDC/CTA-AMB/28425/2017), 01/01/2018-31/12/2021, € 239,000, PI: University of Aveiro (Department of Biology).
  22. 2018-2021: “VISCERAL-The Role of Visceral Fructose Metabolism in the Development of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”, Portuguese Science &Technology Foundation (FCT-FEDER 02/SAICT/2017/028147), € 934 (total budget), € 51.099 UA), 01/06/2018-31/12/2021. PI: University of Coimbra.
  23. 2022-2025: OLI-Health”, project funded by the ILLIANCE agenda, involving the University of Aveiro and several other institutions and companies (apart from OLI), from July 2022. PI: OLI, UA as partner and Ana Gil as participant.

Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed papers in last 5 years (2019-2023):

  1. Laíns I, Duarte D, Barros AS, Martins AS, Carneiro TJ, Gil JQ, Miller JB, Marques M, Mesquita TS, Barreto P, Kim IK, Cachulo ML, Vavvas DG, Carreira IM, Murta JN, Silva R, Miller JW, Husain D, Gil AM, “Urine Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Metabolomics in Age-Related Macular Degeneration”, Journal of Proteome Research, 18 (3), 1278–1288, 2019. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00877Cover of the January 2019 Issue, IF 2021 5.370
  2. Araújo R and Carneiro TJ, Marinho P, Costa MM, Roque A, Cruz e Silva OAB, Fernandes MH, Vilarinho PM, Gil AM, “NMR metabolomics to study the metabolic response of human osteoblasts to non-poled and poled poly (L-lactic) acid”, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1-15, 2019. org/10.1002/mrc.4883, IF 2021 2.392
  3. Pereira JL, Duarte D, Carneiro TJ, Ferreira S, Cunha B, Soares D, Costa AL, Gil AM, “Saliva NMR metabolomics: analytical issues in paediatric oral health”, Oral Diseases, 00:1-10, 2019. doi: 10.1111/odi.13117, IF 2021 4.068
  4. Carneiro TJ, Araujo R, Vojtek M, Gonçalves-Monteiro S, Diniz C, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Marques MPM, Gil AM, “Multi-organ NMR Metabolomics to assess in vivo overall metabolic impact of cisplatin in mice”, Metabolites, 9(11), 279-296, 2019. doi:10.3390/metabo9110279, IF 2021 5.581
  5. Araujo R, Bispo D, Helguero L, Gil AM, “Metabolomic studies of breast cancer in murine models: a review”, Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1866m 165713, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2020.165713 , IF 2021 6.633
  6. Carrola J, Bastos V, Daniel-da-Silva AL, Gil AM, Santos C, Oliveira H, Duarte IF, “Macrophage metabolomics reveals differential metabolic responses to subtoxic levels of silver nanoparticles and ionic silver”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 1867-1876, 2020. org/10.1002/ejic.202000095, IF 2021 2.551
  7. Musio B, Ragone R, Todisco S, Rizzuti A, Latronico M et al., “A community-built calibration system: The case study of quantification of metabolites in grape juice by qNMR spectroscopy”, Talanta, 21(4), 120855, 2020. org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120855 , IF 2021 6.556
  8. Pereira, JL, Caramelo F, Soares AD, Cunha B, Gil AM, Costa AL,“Prevalence and sociobehavioural determinants of early childhood caries among 5-year-old Portuguese children: a longitudinal study.”, European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40368-020-00568-0 , IF 2021 0.76
  9. Martins AS, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Lamego I, Marques MPM, Gil AM, “Citotoxicity of platinum and palladium chelates against ”, Chemistry Select, 5(20), 5993-6000, 2020. doi:10.1002/slct.202001361
  10. Bispo D, Fabris V, Lamb CA, Lanari C, Helguero LA, Gil AM, “Hormone-independent mouse mammary adenocarcinomas with different metastatic potential exhibit different metabolic signatures”, Biomolecules, 10, 1242, 2020. doi:10.3390/biom10091242 , IF 2021 6.064
  11. Carneiro TJ, Martins AS, Marques MPM, Gil AM, “Metabolic Aspects of Palladium(II) Potential Anti-Cancer Drugs.”,  Frontiers in Oncology, 10, 590970, 2020. doi:10.3389/fonc.2020.590970, IF 2021 5.738
  12. Duarte D, Pita C, Negrão F, Carreira IM, Almeida MC, Domingues P, Gil AM, “Impact of prematurity on newborn urine: a metabolomics strategy to identify markers of organ maturity.”, Journal of Statistics on Health Decision, 2(2), 44-46, 2020. doi:10.34624/jshd.v2i2.19575.
  13. Duarte D, Castro B, Pereira JL, Marques JF, Costa AL, Gil AM, “Evaluation of Saliva Stability for NMR Metabolomics: Collection and Handling Protocols.”, Metabolites, 10, 515, 2020. doi:10.3390/metabo10120515, IF 2021 5.581
  14. Ferreira H, Vasconcelos MW, Gil AM, Pinto E, “Benefits of pulse consumption on metabolism and health: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials”,Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(1), 85-96, 2021. doi: 1080/10408398.2020.1716680, IF 2021 11.208
  15. Carneiro TJ, Araújo R, Vojtek M, Gonçalves-Monteiro S, Diniz C, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Marques MPM, Gil AM, “Novel Insights into Mice Multi-Organ Metabolism upon Exposure to a Potential Anticancer Pd(II)-Agent.”, Metabolites, 114, 2021. doi:10.3390/metabo11020114, IF 2021 5.581
  16. Bispo DSC, Jesus CSH, Marques IMC, Romek KM, Oliveira MB, Mano JF, Gil AM, “Metabolomic applications in stem cell research: a review.”, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 1-22, 2021. doi:10.1007/s12015-021-10193-z, IF 2021 6.692
  17. Vieira EDF, Gomes AM, Gil AM, Vasconcelos MW, “Pulses´benefits in children´s diets: a narrative review.”, Journal of Obesity and Chronic Diseases, 5(1), 13-22, 2021. 17756/jocd.2021-042
  18. Silva F, Duarte D, Freitas A, Pereira JL, Ascensão T, Osório M, Pita C, Almeida MC, Negrão F, Costa AL, Gil AM, “CO-Tucker method for analysis of urine and saliva interactions during pregnancy.”, Journal of Statistics on Health Decision, 3(1), 60-63, 2021. doi:10.34624/jshd.v3i1.24871.
  19. Martins AS, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Marques MPM, Gil AM, “Response of Osteosarcoma Cell Metabolism to Platinum and Palladium Chelates as Potential New Drugs.”, Molecules, Section: Medicinal Chemistry, 26, 4805, 2021. doi:10.3390/molecules26164805.
  20. Vieira EDF, Gomes AM, Gil AM, Vasconcelos MW, “The Transition towards Sustainable Diets Should Encourage Pulse Consumption in Children’s Diets: Insights for Policies in Food Systems.”, Journal of Obesity and Chronic Diseases, 5(2): 43-51, 2021. doi:17756/jocd.2021-047
  21. Carneiro TJ, Araújo R, Vojtek M, Gonçalves-Monteiro S, de Carvalho ALMB, Marques MPM, Diniz C, Gil AM, “Impact of the Pd2Spm (Spermine) Complex on the Metabolism of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Tumors of a Xenograft Mouse Model.”, International Journal of Molecular Science, Special issue: Dissecting the Interactions between Cancer, Heart and Anticancer Drug Cardiotoxicity 2.0, 22, 10775, 2021. doi:10.3390/ijms221910775, IF 2021 6.208
  22. Bispo DSC, Jesus C SH, Correia M, Ferreira F, Bonifazio G, Goodfellow BJ, Oliveira MB, Mano JF, Gil AM, “NMR Metabolomics Assessment of Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells.”, Proteome Research, 21, 3, 654–670, 2022. doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00832, IF 2021 5.370
  23. Carneiro TJ, Vojtek M, Gonçalves-Monteiro S, Neves JR, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Marques MPM, Diniz C, Gil AM, “Metabolic Impact of Anticancer Drugs Pd2Spermine and Cisplatin on the Brain of Healthy Mice.”, Pharmaceutics, Special issue: Beyond the Platinum in Metal-Based Cancer Therapy, 14, 259, 2022. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14020259, IF 2021 6.525
  24. Bispo DSC, Michalková L, Correia M, Jesus CSH, Duarte IF, Goodfellow BJ, Oliveira MB, Mano JF, Gil AM, “Endo- and exometabolome crosstalk in mesenchymal stem cells undergoing osteogenic differentiation.”, Cells, Special Issue: Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Intrinsic/Extrinsic Factors Regulating Stemness, Growth, and Differentiation, 11(8), 1257, 2022. doi:10.3390/cells11081257, IF 2021 7.666
  25. Duarte D, Pita C, Negrão F, Carreira I, Pereira JL, Costa AL, Almeida MC, Gil AM, “Impact of Gestational Diabetes and Treatment on the Metabolome of Non-invasive Biofluids: Searching for New Biomarkers.”, Revista Portuguesa de Diabetes 17(2), 63, 2022.
  26. Araújo R, Fabris V, Lamb CA, Lanari C, Helguero LA, Gil AM, “Metabolic Adaptations in an Endocrine-Related Breast Cancer Mouse Model Unveil Potential Markers of Tumor Response to Hormonal Therapy.”, Frontiers in Oncology, 1(12), 786931, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.786931, IF 2021 5.738
  27. Carneiro TJ, Pinto J, Serrao EM, Barros AS, Brindle KM, Gil AM, “Metabolic profiling of induced acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer progression in a mutant Kras mouse model.”, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9:937865, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.937865, IF 2021 6.113
  28. Rodrigues JA, Nunes C, Coimbra MA, Goodfellow BJ, Gil AM, “Chitosan Film as a Replacement for Conventional Sulphur Dioxide Treatment of White Wines: A 1H NMR Metabolomic Study”, Foods (Section: Food Analytical Methods, Special Issue: NMR Driven Foodomics Applications), 11(21), 3428, 2022. doi:3390/foods11213428
  29. Carneiro TJ, Vojtek M, Gonçalves-Monteiro S, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Marques MPM, Diniz C, Gil AM, “Effect of Pd2Spermine on Mice Brain-Liver Axis Metabolism Assessed by NMR Metabolomics”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Section: Molecular Toxicology, Special Issue: Molecular Toxicology of Liver-induced Liver Injury), 23(22), 13773, doi: 10.3390/ijms232213773
  30. Pastrana CI, Bermejo JVD, Sgobba MN, González FJN, Guerra L, Pinto DCGA, Gil AM, Duarte IF, Lentini J, Ciani E, “Camel (Camelus spp.) urine bioactivity and metabolome: a systematic review of knowledge gaps, advances and directions for future research”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Section: Bioactives and Nutraceuticals, Special Issue: Advances in Natural Products for Application in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 2.0), 23 (22), 13773, 2022. doi: 10.3390/ijms232213773
  31. Vieira ED, Styles S, Sousa S, Santos C, Gil AM, Gomes AM, Vasconcelos MW, “Nutritional, rheological, sensory characteristics and environmental impact of a yogurt-like dairy drink for children enriched with lupin flour”, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 30, 100617,  doi: 10.1016/j.ijgfs.2022.100617
  32. Bispo SCD, Jesus CSH, Romek K, Marques ICM, Oliveira MB, Mano JM, Gil AM, “An intracellular metabolic signature as a potential donor-independent marker of the osteogenic differentiation of adipose-tissue mesenchymal stem cells”, Cells (Section: Stem Cells, Special Issue: Stem and Progenitor Cells in Bone Regeneration), 11, 3745, 2022. doi: 10.3390/cells11233745
  33. Rodrigues JA, Silva M, Araújo R, Madureira L, Soares AMVM, Freitas R, Gil AM, “The influence of temperature rise on the metabolic response of Ruditapes philippinarum clams to 17-α-ethinylestradiol”, Science of the Total Environment, 877 (2023) 162898, 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162898, IF 2021 10.75.
  34. Rodrigues JA, Bispo DSC, Silva MG, Araújo R, Soares AMVM, Freitas R, Gil AM, “Impact of sea warming and 17-α-ethinylestradiol exposure on the lipid
    metabolism of Ruditapes philippinarum clams”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(11), 9485, 2023. doi: 10.3390/ijms24119485
  35. Araújo R, Fabris V, Lamb C, Elia A, Lanari C, Helguero L, Gil Ana, “Tumor lipid signatures are descriptive of acquisition of therapy resistance in an endocrine-related breast cancer mouse model”, Journal of Proteome Research, Special Issue: Women in Proteomics and Metabolomics, 2023, in press. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.3c00382
  36. Carneiro TJ, Batista Carvalho ALM, Vojtek M, Carmo IF, Marques MPM, Diniz C, Gil AM, “Disclosing a metabolic signature of cisplatin resistance in MDA-MB-231 triple-negative breast cancer cells by NMR metabolomics”, Cancer Cell International 2023, 23:310,
  37. Rodrigues JA, Ferro E, Araujo R, Henriques AV, Gomes A, Vasconcelos M, Gil AM, “Metabolic evaluation of lupin-enriched yogurt by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) metabolomics”, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, in press,
  38. Bispo DSC, Correia M, Carneiro TJ, Martins AS, Reis AAN, Batista de Carvalho ALM, Marques MPM, Gil AM, “Impact of Conventional and Potential New Metal Drugs on Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cells Lipid Metabolism”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(24), 17556. Doi: 3390/ijms242417556.
  39. Ferreira H, Vasconcelos M, Gil AM, Oliveira B, Varandas E, Vilela E, Say K, Silveira J, Pinto E., “Impact of a daily legume-based meal on dietary and nutritional intake in a group of omnivorous adults, Nutrition Bulletin, 2023, 48, 190–202, doi: 10.1111/nbu.12613

Ongoing Supervisions


A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Engineered Bone Implants (BioImplant)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)- based metabonomic study of health disorders of fetus and mother during pregnancy: towards biochemical characterisation and early diagnostics (PTDC/QUI/66523/2006)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
biofluids metabonomics NMR spectroscopy pregnancy

Age-related macular degeneration - can metabolomic profile distinguish progressors? (HMSP-ICJ/0006/2013)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
age-related macular degeneration disease progression metabolomics Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

ASTHMA: Future asthma management helped by non-evasive sampling: contributes for the definition of a rapid and non-evasive diagnostic tool (PTDC/QUI-QUI/117803/2010)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Asthma Non-invasive sampling Chromatographic and 1H NMR-based methodologies Metabolomic patterns

Biochemical Impact of Platinum and Palladium-based Anticancer Agents (BIOIMPACT)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
anticancer Pt(II) and Pd(II) agents;spectral cyto- and histopathology;metabolomics;cellular biodistribution

Cellulose: surface properties, interaction with binding domains and enzymatic modification (POCTI/QUI/44368/2002)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
surface energy cellulose transesterification CBD

Effects of environmental hazards of the Estarreja region on pregnancy metabolism (CERN (France)-OHMI Estarreja (Portugal))

CoordinatorOther International

Implantable scaffolds for local osteo-sarcoma chemotherapy (PTDC/SAU-BEB/66896/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Osteosarcoma Implantable drug scaffolds Cyclodextrin-templated silicates Molecular capsules

Metabolic profiling: a novel tool for evaluation of the toxicological and biological effects of nanomaterials (PTDC/SAU-TOX/120953/2010)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
metabolic profiling and metabonomics silver nanoparticles toxicological and biological effects nanotoxicology

Metabolomic study of lung cancer: metabolic signatures in tissues and biofluids (CIMAGO 04/12)

PartnerOther National

Mould proteome regulation by substrate bioavailability: depolymerising enzymes likely to alter biopolymer nanostructure (POCI/QUI/56229/2004)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mould proteome biopolymers nanostructure depolymerising enzymes cork

Nanochemistry of magnetic/luminescent composites for in vitro medical diagnosis applications (PTDC/QUI/67712/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanoparticles Nanocomposites Magnetism/Luminescence Antibodies bioconjugation

Role of the intestine in promoting the lipogenic effects of fructose (PTDC/SAU-MET/111398/2009)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
ApoB48 steatosis endotoxin lipogenesis

Upgrade and Expansion of the NMR Facility at the University of Aveiro (REEQ/934/QUI/2005)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
This project entailed the upgrade/expansion of the 3 existing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-NMR spectrometers (300 to 500MHz, solids and liquids) at the University of Aveiro (UA). In 2000, the UA supported an initial upgrade of this equipment; however, many items which would enable the full use of the existing facilities in areas like solid-state N...


Metabolic signatures of cancer unveiled by NMR spectroscopy of human biofluids

Duarte, IF; Gil, AM

Can Biofluids Metabolic Profiling Help to Improve Healthcare during Pregnancy?

Graca, G; Diaz, SO; Pinto, J; Barros, AS; Duarte, IF; Goodfellow, BJ; Galhano, E; Pita, C; Almeida, MD; Carreira, IM; Gil, AM

Swelling and Release Properties of Functional kappa-carrageenan Hydrogel Nanocomposites

da Silva, ALD; Salgueiro, AM; Fateixa, S; Moreira, J; Estrada, AC; Gil, AM; Trindade, T
ISBN: 978-1-60511-380-7

NMR methods for beer characterization and quality control

Rodrigues, JE; Gil, AM

Synthesis and swelling behavior of temperature responsive kappa-carrageenan nanogels

Daniel-da-Silva, AL; Ferreira, L; Gil, AM; Trindade, T

Solid state C-13 CP-MAS NMR and FT-IR spectroscopic analysis of cuticular fractions of berries and suberized membranes of potato

Jarvinen, R; Silvestre, AJD; Gil, AM; Kallio, H

Metabolic Signatures of Lung Cancer in Biofluids: NMR-Based Metabonomics of Blood Plasma

Rocha, CM; Carrola, J; Barros, AS; Gil, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Bernardo, J; Gomes, A; Sousa, V; Carvalho, L; Duarte, IF
2011, JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 10, 9, 4314-4324.

Evaluation of beer deterioration by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/multivariate analysis: A rapid tool for assessing beer composition

Rodrigues, JA; Barros, AS; Carvalho, B; Brandao, T; Gil, AM; Ferreira, ACS
2011, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1218, 7, 990-996.

Lung cancer metabolic signatures unveiled by metabonomics

Rocha, CM; Carrola, J; Barros, AS; Gil, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Bernardo, J; Gomes, A; Sousa, V; Carvalho, L; Duarte, IF

Metabolic Biomarkers of Prenatal Disorders: An Exploratory NMR Metabonomics Study of Second Trimester Maternal Urine and Blood Plasma

Diaz, SO; Pinto, J; Graca, G; Duarte, IF; Barros, AS; Galhano, E; Pita, C; Almeida, MD; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Gil, AM
2011, JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 10, 8, 3732-3742.

Urine metabolomics and proteomics in prenatal health

In Moshe Hod, Vincenzo Berghella, Mary D'Alton, Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Eduard Gratacos, Vassilios Fanos (Eds.), New Technologies and Perinatal Medicine: Prediction and Prevention of Pregnancy Complications
Duarte, D; Almeida, M.C.; Domingues, P.; Gil, A.M.
2019, CRC Press.
ISBN: 978-113-87-06149

Metabolomics in Biomaterial Research

In Roger Narayan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering
Gil AM, Fernandes MH, Duarte IF
2018, 432-442, Elsevier.
ISBN: 978-0-12-805144-3

Metabolómica e complexos metálicos: aliados no combate ao cancro

In Manuel A. Coimbra (Eds.), Bioquímica e Bem-Estar
Martins AS, Marques MPM, Gil AM.
2017, 77-88, Lisboa, Edições Afrontamento.
ISBN: 978-972-36-1560-9

Blood metabolomics in human prenatal and newborn health studies

Global Metabolic Profiling: Clinical Applications
Pinto J, Domingues MR, Gil AM
2014, London, Future Science Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-909453-62-3

Evaluation of beer deterioration by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/ multivariate analyis: a rapid tool for assessing beer composition

Flavour Science: Proceedings from XIII Weurman Flavour Research Symposium
Rodrigues, J.A, Barros, A.S., Carvalho, B., Brandão, T., Gil AM, Silva Ferreira, A.C.
2014, San Diego, Elsevier.
ISBN: 978-0-12-398549-1

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods for Metabolomic Investigation of Amniotic Fluid

Methodologies for Metabolomics: Experimental Strategies and Techniques
Gil AM, Graça G
2013, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
ISBN: 9,78052E+12

Techniques for analyzing wheat protein

In Stanley P. Cauvain, BakeTran, UK (Eds.), Breadmaking: Improving quality
Gil, AM
2012, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
ISBN: 0 85709 060 7

Metabonomics in Food Science

Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry
Gil AM
2010, 1513-1520, Oxford, Elsevier.
ISBN: 978-0122266805

Methods for the characterization of beer by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Beer in Health and Disease Prevention
Gil AM, Rodrigues J
2008, 935-942, Elsevier.
ISBN: 978-0-12-373891-2

high resolution nmr tools for the analysis of beer and wine

In I A Farhat, Peter S Belton, G Webb (Eds.), Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: From Molecules to Man
Gil AM, Rodrigues J
2007, 96-104, Cambridge, RSC Pub.
ISBN: 978-0-85404-340-8

Techniques For Analyzing Wheat Proteins

In Cauvain SP (Eds.), Bread Making – Improving Quality
Gil A M
2004, 97-120, Woodhead Publishing Limited.

Application of NMR and Hyphenated Nmr Spectroscopy for the Study of Beer Components

In Webb GA, Belton PS, Gil AM, Rutledge DN (Eds.), Magnetic Resonance In Food Science - Latest Developments
P. S. Belton, A. M. Gil, G. A. Webb, D. Rutledge, I. F. Duarte, M. Spraul, M. Godejohann, U. Bruumann and A. M. Gil
2003, 151-157, Cambridge, The Royal Society Of Chemistry.
ISBN: 978-0-85404-886-1

Spectroscopy: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

In Caballero B, Finglas P, Toldrá F (Eds.), Encyclopedia Of Food Sciences And Nutrition
Gil AM
2003, 545-547, Academic Press.
ISBN: 978-0122270550

Techniques For Analysing Wheat Proteins

In Cauvain SP (Eds.), Bread Making – Improving Quality
Gil AM
2003, 97-120, Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press.
ISBN: 0-8493-1762-2

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