Artur Jorge Faria Ferreira

Professor Coordinator

Scientific Interests

Powder X-Ray Diffraction
Microporous Materials

Ongoing Supervisions


Controlling the length scale through "Chimie Douce": from inorganic functional materials to organic-inorganic hybrids (POCTI/CTM/46780/2002)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Functional Inorganic Materials Chimie Douce Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Luminescence

Ecopolyol - Desenvolvimento do processo de produção de polióis a partir de resíduos de biomassa (ECOPOLYOL)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Construção e desenvolvimento de uma Instalação Piloto para Demonstração Industrial, certificação e validação do processo industrial do ponto de vista de Boas Práticas e Tecnologia Segura, obtenção de amostras industriais e certificação produto. Testar a viabilidade química e física das matérias primas.

GREENPEC - Desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC, de origem animal e livre de ftalatos (GREENPEC )

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O objetivo principal deste projeto, levado a cabo pelo consórcio entre a Sapec Química e a Universidade de Aveiro, consiste no desenvolvimento de um plastificante primário para PVC originado a partir de óleos vegetais, os quais são considerados recursos renováveis e agentes de crescimento sustentável. Com o cumprimento destes objetivos, prevê-se...

Molecular hybrids of polyoxometalates and dipolar organic molecules: synthesis, characterization and determination of non-linear optical properties (POCTI/CTM/37713/2001)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
polyoxometalate optical nonlinearity organic/inorganic hybrid nonlinear optical materials

Valorização de desperdícios de espumas flexíveis de poliuretano por conversão em polióis (FlexiRecover)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The main purpose of this project is the development of a production process of polyols from residues and sub products of flexible polyurethane foams with quality to be reincorporated in the production of new foams, with a percentage of 10-20% of the virgin polyols used and whose application sectors are the Flexible polyurethane foam manufacturer...


Influence of the matrix and polymerization methods on the synthesis of BC/PANi nanocomposites: an IGC study

Alonso, E; Faria, M; Ferreira, A; Cordeiro, N
2018, CELLULOSE, 25, 4, 2343-2354.

A combined structural, microstructural and dilatometric analysis of MgPSZ

Rondao, AIB; Soares, MR; Tobaldi, DM; Ferreira, A; Labrincha, JA; Marques, FMB

Polyurethane Foams: Past, Present, and Future

Gama, NV; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A
2018, MATERIALS, 11, 10.

Thermal Energy Storage and Mechanical Performance of Crude Glycerol Polyurethane Composite Foams Containing Phase Change Materials and Expandable Graphite

Gama, NV; Amaral, C; Silva, T; Vicente, R; Coutinho, JAP; Barros-Timmons, A; Ferreira, A
2018, MATERIALS, 11, 10.

Enhancement of physical and reaction to fire properties of crude glycerol polyurethane foams filled with expanded graphite

Gama, NV; Silva, R; Mohseni, F; Davarpanah, A; Amaral, VS; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A
2018, POLYMER TESTING, 69, 199-207.

Marine microalgae monosaccharide fluctuations as a stress response to nutrients inputs

Fernandes, T; Fernandes, I; Andrade, CAP; Ferreira, A; Cordeiro, N

Sound absorption properties of polyurethane foams derived from crude glycerol and liquefied coffee grounds polyol

Gama, N; Silva, R; Carvalho, APO; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A
2017, POLYMER TESTING, 62, 13-22.
ISBN: 1873-2348

Insights into the physical properties of biobased polyurethane/expanded graphite composite foams

Gama, N; Costa, LC; Amaral, V; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A
ISBN: 1879-1050

Statistical evaluation of the effect of formulation on the properties of crude glycerol polyurethane foams

Gama, NV; Silva, R; Costa, M; Barros-Timmons, A; Ferreira, A
2016, POLYMER TESTING, 56, 200-206.

Rigid polyurethane foams derived from cork liquefied at atmospheric pressure

Gama, NV; Soares, B; Freire, CSR; Silva, R; Brandao, I; Neto, CP; Barros-Timmons, A; Ferreira, A
2015, POLYMER INTERNATIONAL, 64, 2, 250-257.

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