Brian James Goodfellow

Assistant Professor

Short CV

QUALIFICATIONS PhD (July 1997) in Chemistry (speciality Biochemistry):

NMR Structural Studies of Desulforedoxin. Work carried out at the University of Aveiro and at the Science and Technology Faculty in the New University of Lisbon. Co-supervisors; Prof. J. Pedrosa (UA) and Prof. J.J.G. Moura (FCT-UNL). B.Sc. First Class Honours in Chemistry (July 1985) from the University of York (U.K.).

PROFISSIONAL OCCUPATIONS Out. 2001 - Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Química, Auxilary Professor Out. 1998 - Out. 2001 Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Química, Invited Auxilary Professor Feb. 1998 - Sept. 1998 Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Postdoc position Feb. 1994 - Jul. 1997 Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PhD student Aug. 1986 - Feb. 1994 A.F.R.C. Institute of Food Research U.K., Higher Scientific Officer Jan. - Aug. 1986 Biokinetix U.K. ( Pharmaceuticals), Product development researcher

Scientific Interests

Protein NMR: Structural studies of metalloproteins: Structural studies of proteins related to heme metabolism: Spectroscopy of Biomaterials: Metabolomics applied to health sciences

Present Research Group


PhD student: Idália Almeida (MSc)

Past Students:

João Rodrigues (Researcher); Susana Aveiro (Researcher), Gonçalo Graça; Filipe Freire; Claudio Santos; Leonildo Delgado.



Anjos Macedo (FCT-UNL, Portugal)
Brian Volkman (MCW, USA)
Gloria Ferreira (USF, Tampa, USA)
Jean-Marc Moulis (CEA, Grenoble, France),

Ana Gil (University of Aveiro).

Teaching Activity

Undergraduate Courses:
Bioinformatics and Molecular Structure (3rd year)
Elements of Chemistry and Physics (1st year)
Structure and Function of Macromolecules (2nd year)

Masters Courses:
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Biochemistry II Laboratory
Postgraduate Theses

Completed PhD Theses
Sept 1999 – Apr 2003: "NMR structural studies of proteins containing the [Fe-4S] centre”. Sofia G Nunes Homem, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PRAXISXX1 BD/13879/97.
Sept 2003 – May 2007: "NMR studies of murine ALAS and murine p22HBP: Two proteins involved in heme metabolism”. Jorge Silva Dias, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. SFRH/BD/3091/2000.
Sept 2006 – Sept 2012: "Integrated study using NMR and X-ray crystallography for the analysis of molecular interactions in heme-binding proteins”. Filipe Freire, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. SFRH/BD/30239/2006.

Completed Masters Theses
July 2010 – July 2011: "NMR structural studies of human p22HBP”, Leonildo Delgado, Universidade de Aveiro
July 2008–2009: "Protocolos for the NMR analysis of the metabolome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, Cláudio Santos, Universidade de Aveiro.
July 2008–2009: “The proteins HBP/SOUL: Overexpression, purification and the study of mutants”, Susana Seabra Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro.
Jan 2009–2009: “Queijos simbióticos: Caracterização microbiológica e bioquímica ao longo da cura”, Dina Maria Ferreira Rodrigues, Universidade de Aveiro.

Present projects

2012: Participante no projecto “Estudo metabonómico do cancro do pulmão em estado cirúrgico: pesquisa de assinaturas metabólicas em tecidos e biofluidos”. Financiado pelo CIMAGO 04/12. Participante Universidade de Aveiro. Financiamento 1.750 euros.

2012: Participante no projecto “Pesquisa de novos marcadores de rssposta à terapeutica no cancro do pulmão”. Financiado pelo CIMAGO 03/12. Participante Universidade de Aveiro. Financiamento 1.750 euros.

2011-2012: Participante em projecto “A Química das coisas...”, financiado pela Ciência Viva (COMPETE 16873), Participante: Universidade de Aveiro. Financiamento total do projecto: 366.298 euros.

2011-2015: Participante numa colaboração cientifica entre a Universidade de Aveiro e Bruker BioSpin GmBH intitulado “Developing NMR based metabonomics and routines for clinical use and food quality control;”. Financiamento 255.330 euros.

Past Projects
2008-2011: Investigador principal do projecto ”Structural and functional studies of the SOUL/HBP family of heme-binding proteins”, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/QUI/64203/2006), Participantes: Universidade de Aveiro, e Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Financiamento total do projecto: 77.700 euros

2008-2011: Participante em projecto sobre “Metabonomic study of disorders of mother and foetus by NMR: biochemical characterization and diagnostic methods” financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/QUI/66523/2006), Participantes: Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade de Coimbra, Maternidade Byssaia Barreto. Financiamento total to projecto: 75.700 euros

2008-2011: Participante em projecto sobre “Metabolic profiling and biochemical differentiation of human lung tumours by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods” financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/QUI/68017/2006). Participantes: Universidade de Aveiro e Universidade de Coimbra. Financiamento total to projecto: 70.600 euros.

2009-2010: Investigador Principal do projecto “Functional studies of the SOUL/HBP family of heme-binding proteins” financiado pelo Programa PESSOA (Bilateral – Luso-Frances, FCT), Participantes: Universidade de Aveiro, CEA-Grenoble, França. Financiamento: 3.000 euros.

2006-2009: Participante em projecto sobre “Biochemical characterization of stomach, endometrial and lung tumor tissues by high resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy” financiado pelo CIMAGO 14/06. Participante Universidade de Aveiro. Financiamento 9.000 euros.

2007-2011: Participante numa colaboração cientifica entre a Universidade de Aveiro e Bruker BioSpin GmBH intitulado “The expansion of the Bruker Biorefcode database, adding food relevant compounds and developing NMR-based clinical diagnostic methods for inborn error and general metabolic error screening based on urine, plasma and amniotic fluid”. Financiamento 219.000 euros.

2002-2006: Investigador Principal do projecto “NMR structural studies of 5-Aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS); the first enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway” financiado Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (POCTI/BME/39184/2001) Participantes: Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Financiamento: 77.250 euros.

Selected Publications

Selected from 70 publications (h=17)

Graça, G., Diaz, S.O., Pinto, J., Barros, A.S., Duarte, I.F., Goodfellow, B.J., Galhano, E., Pita, C., Almeida, M.D.C., Carreira, I.M.,Gil, A.M. (2012). Can Biofluids Metabolic Profiling Help to Improve Healthcare during Pregnancy? Spectroscopy 27, 515

Pinto, J., Graca, G., Goodfellow, B. J., Barros, A. S., Diaz, S. O., Duarte, I. F., Sapgou, K., Veselkov, K., Want, E.J., Lindon, J.C., Carreira, I.I., Galhano, E., Pita, C., and Gil, A. M. (2012). UPLC-MS metabolic profiling of second trimester amniotic fluid and maternal urine and compostition woth NMR spectral profiling for the identification of pregnancy disorder biomarkers. Mol. Biosyst. 8, 1243-1254

Rodrigues, D., Rocha-Santos, T., Gomes, A., Goodfellow, B.J, and Freitas, A. C. (2012). Lipolysis in probiotic and symbiotic cheese: The influence of probiotic bacteria, prebiotic compounds and ripening time on free fatty acid profiles. Food Chemistry 131, 1414-1421.

Rocha, C. M., Carrola, J., Barros, A. S., Gil, A. M., Goodfellow, B. J., Carreira, I. M., Bernardo, J., Gomes, A., Sousa, V., Carvalho, L. and Duarte, I. F. (2011). Metabolic Signatures of Lung Cancer in Biofluids: NMR-Based Metabonomics of Blood Plasma. Journal of Proteome Research 10, 4314-4324

Diaz, S. O., Pinto, J., Graca, G., Duarte, I. F., Barros, A. S., Galhano, E., Pita, C., Almeida, M. D., Goodfellow, B. J., Carreira, I. M. and Gil, A. M. (2011). Metabolic Biomarkers of Prenatal Disorders: An Exploratory NMR Metabonomics Study of Second Trimester Maternal Urine and Blood Plasma. Journal of Proteome Research 10, 3732-3742.

Carrola, J., Rocha, C. M., Barros, A. S., Gil, A. M., Goodfellow, B. J., Carreira, I. M., Bernardo, J., Gomes, A., Sousa, V., Carvalho, L. and Duarte, I. F. (2011). Metabolic signatures of lung cancer in biofluids: NMR-based metabonomics of urine. Journal of Proteome Research 10, 221-30.

Rodrigues, D., Santos, C., Rocha-Santos, T., Gomes, A., Goodfellow, B.J, and Freitas, A. (2011). Metabolic Profiling of Potential Probiotic or Synbiotic Cheeses by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59, 4955-4961.

Ferreira, J.A., Azevedo, N.F., Vieira, M.J., Figueiredo, C., Goodfellow, B.J., Monteiro, M.A., and Coimbra, M.A. Identification of cell-surface mannans in a virulent Helicobacter pylori strain. Carbohydrate Research (2010) 345, 830-838.

Goodfellow BJ, Duarte ICN, Macedo AL, Volkman BF, Nunes SG, Moura I, Markley JL, Moura JJG. An NMR structural study of nickel-substituted rubredoxin. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. (2010). 15, 409-420

Micaelo, NM, Macedo, AL., Goodfellow, BJ., and Félix, V. (2010). Tetrapyrrole binding affinity of the murine and human p22HBP heme-binding proteins. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling (2010) 29, 396-405.

Duarte, I.F., Rocha, C.M., Barros, A.S., Gil, A.M., Goodfellow, B.J., Carreira, I.M., Bernardo, J., Gomes, AC., Sousa, V., and Carvalho, L. Can nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy reveal different metabolic signatures for lung tumours? Virchows Archiv: an international journal of pathology (2010) 457, 715-725.

Graça, G, Duarte, IF., Barros, A.S., Goodfellow, B.J., Diaz, S., Pinto, J., Carreira, I.M., Galhano, E., Pita, C., and Gil, AM. Impact of Prenatal Disorders on the Metabolic Profile of Second Trimester Amniotic Fluid: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Metabonomic Study. J Proteome Res (2010) 9, 6016-6024.

Rocha CM, Barros AS, Gil AM, Goodfellow BJ, Humpfer E, Spraul M, Carreira I, Melo JB, Bernardo J, Gomes AC, Sousa V, Carvalho L, Duarte IF; Metabolic Profiling of Human Lung Cancer Tissue by 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS) NMR Spectroscopy. J Proteome Res (2010) vol. 9 (1) 319-332

Silva RM, Duarte ICN, Paredes JA, Lima-Costa T, Perrot M, Boucherie H, Goodfellow BJ, Gomes AC, Mateus DD, Moura GR, Santos MAS, The Yeast PNC1 Longevity Gene Is Up-Regulated by mRNA Mistranslation. PLoS ONE (2009) vol. 4 (4) pp. e5212 EP

Graça G, Duarte IF, Barros A, Goodfellow BJ, Diaz S, Carreira IM, Couceiro AB, Galhano E, Gil AM, 1H NMR Based Metabonomics of Human Amniotic Fluid for the Metabolic Characterization of Fetus Malformations. Journal of Proteome Research (2009) vol. 8 (8), 4144-4150

Freire F, Romão MJ, Macedo AL, Aveiro SS, Goodfellow BJ, Carvalho AL., Preliminary structural characterization of human SOUL, a haem-binding protein. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun (2009) vol. 65 (Pt 7) pp. 723-6

Graca, G.; Duarte, I. F.; Goodfellow, B. J.; Carreira, I. M.; Couceiro, A. B.; Domingues, M. D.; Spraul, M.; Tseng, L. H.; Gil, A. M., Metabolite profiling of human amniotic fluid by hyphenated nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 2008, 80, (15), 6085-6092.

Graca, G.; Duarte, I. F.; Goodfellow, B. J.; Barros, A. S.; Carreira, I. M.; Couceiro, A. B.; Spraul, M.; Gil, A. M., Potential of NMR Spectroscopy for the study of human amniotic fluid. Analytical Chemistry 2007, 79, (21), 8367-8375.

Duarte, I. F.; Goodfellow, B. J.; Barros, A.; Jones, J. G.; Barosa, C.; Diogo, L.; Garcia, P.; Gill, A. M., Metabolic characterisation of plasma in juveniles with glycogen storage disease type 1a (GSD1a) by high-resolution H-1 NMR spectroscopy. NMR in Biomedicine 2007, 20, (4), 401-412.

Rodrigues, P. M.; Macedo, A. L.; Goodfellow, B. J.; Moura, I.; Moura, J. J. G., Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II: redox structural modulation of the [3Fe-4S] cluster. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 11, (3), 307-315.

Dias, J. S.; Macedo, A. L.; Ferreira, G. C.; Peterson, F. C.; Volkman, B. F.; Goodfellow, B. J., The first structure from the SOUL/HBP family of heme-binding proteins, murine P22HBP. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2006, 281, (42), 31553-31561.

Ongoing Supervisions



Structural studies of the p22HBP/SOUL family of heme-binding proteins

Aveiro, SS; Freire, F; Clayton, J; Cameloc, M; Carvalho, AL; Ferreira, GC; Romao, MJ; Macedo, AL; Goodfellow, BJ
2012, FEBS JOURNAL, 279, 458-458.

Lipolysis in probiotic and synbiotic cheese: The influence of probiotic bacteria, prebiotic compounds and ripening time on free fatty acid profiles

Rodrigues, D; Rocha-Santos, TAP; Gomes, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Freitas, AC
2012, FOOD CHEMISTRY, 131, 4, 1414-1421.

Can Biofluids Metabolic Profiling Help to Improve Healthcare during Pregnancy?

Graca, G; Diaz, SO; Pinto, J; Barros, AS; Duarte, IF; Goodfellow, BJ; Galhano, E; Pita, C; Almeida, MD; Carreira, IM; Gil, AM

Metabolic Profiling of Potential Probiotic or Synbiotic Cheeses by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

Rodrigues, D; Santos, CH; Rocha-Santos, TAP; Gomes, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Freitas, AC

Metabolic Signatures of Lung Cancer in Biofluids: NMR-Based Metabonomics of Blood Plasma

Rocha, CM; Carrola, J; Barros, AS; Gil, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Bernardo, J; Gomes, A; Sousa, V; Carvalho, L; Duarte, IF
2011, JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 10, 9, 4314-4324.

Lung cancer metabolic signatures unveiled by metabonomics

Rocha, CM; Carrola, J; Barros, AS; Gil, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Bernardo, J; Gomes, A; Sousa, V; Carvalho, L; Duarte, IF

Metabolic Biomarkers of Prenatal Disorders: An Exploratory NMR Metabonomics Study of Second Trimester Maternal Urine and Blood Plasma

Diaz, SO; Pinto, J; Graca, G; Duarte, IF; Barros, AS; Galhano, E; Pita, C; Almeida, MD; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Gil, AM
2011, JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 10, 8, 3732-3742.

Metabolic Signatures of Lung Cancer in Biofluids: NMR-Based Metabonomics of Urine

Carrola, J; Rocha, CM; Barros, AS; Gil, AM; Goodfellow, BJ; Carreira, IM; Bernardo, J; Gomes, A; Sousa, V; Carvalho, L; Duarte, IF
2011, JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 10, 1, 221-230.

An NMR structural study of nickel-substituted rubredoxin

Goodfellow, BJ; Duarte, ICN; Macedo, AL; Volkman, BF; Nunes, SG; Moura, I; Markley, JL; Moura, JJG

Identification of cell-surface mannans in a virulent Helicobacter pylori strain

Ferreira, JA; Azevedo, NF; Vieira, MJ; Figueiredo, C; Goodfellow, BJ; Monteiro, MA; Coimbra, MA
2010, CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH, 345, 6, 830-838.

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