Ongoing Supervisions
Adding value to by-products obtained during the biotechnological production of squalene and DHA by the microalgae AURANTIOCHYTRIUMsp. (Algavalue)
PartnerIndustry National
The Algavalue project intends to optimize the biotechnological process of squalene production, of high health interest given its anti-oxidative and anti-carcinogenic properties, from a heterotrophic microalgae that, in certain growing conditions, besides producing significant amounts of squalene, produces other compounds of high value and commer...AFORE - Forest Biorefinery: Added Value Chemicals and Polymers by new integrated separation, fractionation and upgrading technologies (AFORE)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The approach of AFORE project is to develop novel, industrially adaptable and techno-economically viable bio-based solutions for the separation, fractionation, and primary upgrading of green chemicals from forest residues, wood chips, and chemical pulping liquors to be used as starting materials for current and novel value-added applications. It...AgroForWealth - Biorefinação de sub-Produtos agrícolas e florestais: uma estratégia de valorização de recursos para o bem estar social e a sustentabilidade (AGROFORWEALTH)
PartnerOther National
AgroForWealth aims to develop a strategy for the valorization of a multitude of agro-food and forest residues within the emerging circular economy concept, calling upon a well-defined set of common and integrated biorefinery approaches implementable in a single unit, and easily extended to any type of by-product, and to creat new products with n...BIIPP - Biorefinaria Integrada na Indústria da Pasta e Papel (BIIPP)
PartnerIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto tem como aspecto central o desenvolvimento de conhecimento e de processos que possibilitem a produção de biocombustíveis e bioprodutos a partir das correntes processuais e/ou residuais do processo de produção de pasta kraft, visando o aumento do valor acrescentado, através da síntese de produtos de origem renovável, e a r...Desenvolvimento de rolhas de cortiça produzidas por processos mais verdes e sustentáveis (GCORK)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
"O Projeto GCORK tem por objetivo capacitar a Amorim Cork a ser a primeira empresa a lançar no mercado uma gama de rolhas de cortiça aglomerada com colas e tratamentos de superfície Bio, produzidas por processos mais verdes e mais sustentáveis. Este produto será extremamente inovador po...Development strategies in preventing superficial scald and internal browning in Rocha pear and quality assurance in long-term storage (RESTORAGEPEAR)
PartnerIndustry National
Rocha pear sector deals with the difficult challenge posed by the European Union that bans the use of antioxidant "diphenylamine" (DPA). Without this antioxidant, Rocha pear (and some varieties of apples produced in Portugal) preservation during storage is reduced to three months, time when the symptoms of visual change of the fruits are more l...Ecopolyol - Desenvolvimento do processo de produção de polióis a partir de resíduos de biomassa (ECOPOLYOL)
PartnerIndustry National
Construção e desenvolvimento de uma Instalação Piloto para Demonstração Industrial, certificação e validação do processo industrial do ponto de vista de Boas Práticas e Tecnologia Segura, obtenção de amostras industriais e certificação produto. Testar a viabilidade química e física das matérias primas.Enabling the Next Generation of Smarter Transformers (NEXTRA)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)
PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...MultiBiorefinery - Multi-purpose strategies for broadband agro-forest and fisheries by-products valorization: a step forward for a truly integrated biorefinery (SAICTPAC/0040/2015)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Biorrefinaria; Subprodutos e resíduos; Novos processos de extração e conversão; BioprodutosProcesso contínuo inovador de produção de Negro de Fumo Recuperado Reforçante para uma economia circular; (I9RCB)
Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Processo contínuo inovador de produção de Negro de Fumo Recuperado Reforçante para uma economia circular, visa o estudo e desenvolvimento de um novo processo de produção, em estado estacionário, de Negro de Fumo Recuperado (rCB) com propriedades Reforçantes (...SGH : Smart Green Homes (Smart Green Homes)
PartnerIndustry National
The Smart Green Homes (SGH) Project aims to develop integrated product and technology solutions for the households, raising standards of comfort, safety and user satisfaction to a new level and, at the same time, to respond to the problems of sustainability of the Planet, increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the emission of gaseous poll...Simulation of Cyclic Separation Processes using Parallel Computing (POCTI/EQU/46055/2002)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
cyclic separations adsorption parallel computing modelling and simulationSupercritical Fluid Extraction of Grape Seed Oil: Enhancement of Recovery Using Enzymatic Pre-Treatment of Seed (POCTI/EQU/47533/2002)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
supercritical fluid extraction enzymes grape seed oil modellingSynthesis and characterization of new microporous niobium silicate and titanosilicate membranes and their application to the separation of hydrogen-containing mixtures (PTDC/EQU-EQU/100476/2008)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Hydrogen Separation Membranes Titanosilicates Niobium silicatesPublications
Effect of pH on cadmium (II) removal from aqueous solution using titanosilicate ETS-4
Barreira, LD; Lito, PF; Antunes, BM; Otero, M; Lin, Z; Rocha, J; Pereira, E; Duarte, AC; Silva, CM
2009, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 155, 3, 728-735.
Synthesis and Catalytic Properties in Olefin Epoxidation of Octahedral Dichloridodioxidomolybdenum(VI) Complexes Bearing N,N-Dialkylamide Ligands: Crystal Structure of [Mo2O4(mu(2)-O)Cl-2(dmf)(4)]
Gago, S; Neves, P; Monteiro, B; Pessego, M; Lopes, AD; Valente, AA; Paz, FAA; Pillinger, M; Moreira, J; Silva, CM; Goncalves, IS
Effect of an Ionic Liquid on the Catalytic Performance of Thiocyanatodioxomolybdenum(VI) Complexes for the Oxidation of Cyclooctene and Benzyl Alcohol
Monteiro, B; Gago, S; Neves, P; Valente, AA; Goncalves, IS; Pereira, CCL; Silva, CM; Pillinger, M
2009, CATALYSIS LETTERS, 129, 3-4, 350-357.
Permeation of Adsorbable and Non-Adsorbable Gases in Microporous Zeolite Membranes
Lito, PF; Magalhaes, AL; Silva, CM; Fernandes, DLA
2009, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, 86, 8, 976-979.
Mercury removal with titanosilicate ETS-4: Batch experiments and modelling
Lopes, CB; Lito, PF; Otero, M; Lin, Z; Rocha, J; Silva, CM; Pereira, E; Duarte, AC
Comparison between maxwell-stefan and Nernst-Planck equations to describe ion exchange in microporous materials
Lito, PF; Silva, CM
2008, DIFFUSION IN SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS III, 273-276, 776-781.
Evidence for galloylated type-A procyanidins in grape seeds
Passos, CP; Cardoso, SM; Domingues, MRM; Domingues, P; Silva, CM; Coimbra, MA
2007, FOOD CHEMISTRY, 105, 4, 1457-1467.
Application of the Maxwell-Stefan approach to ion exchange in microporous materials. Batch process modelling
Silva, CM; Lito, PF
2007, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 62, 23, 6939-6946.
Dynamic and equilibrium adsorption experiments
Fernandes, DLA; Ana, AMRB; Portugal, I; Da Silva, FA; Silva, CM
2005, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, 82, 6, 919-923.
Binary diffusion coefficients of alpha-pinene and beta-pinene in supercritical carbon dioxide
Silva, CM; Filho, CA; Quadri, MB; Macedo, EA
2004, JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 32, 1-3, 167-175.
Emerging technologies for the recovery of valuable compounds from coffee processing by-products
In Charis M. Galanakis (Eds.), Handbook of Coffee Processing By-Products - Sustainable Applications
Melo M.M., Silvestre A.J.D., Portugal I., Silva C.M.
2017, 141-169, Academic Press.
Environmentally Benign Supercritical Fluid Extraction
In Francisco Pena-Pereira and Marek Tobiszewski (Eds.), The Application of Green Solvents in Separation Processes
de Melo, M.M.R,, Portugal, I., Silvestre, A.J.D., Silva, C.M.
2017, 325-348, Elsevier.
Chapter 3 - Control of Coffee Samples Quality: Geographic and Roasting Factors
In John L. Massey (Eds.), Coffee: Production, Consumption and Health Benefits
Paulo R.A.B. de Toledo, Marcelo M.R. de Melo, Helena R. Pezza, Aline T. Toci, Leonardo Pezza, Carlos M. Silva
2016, 51-66, Nova Science Publishers.
Preparative Chromatography: Batch and Continuous
In Jared Anderson, Alain Berthod, Veronica Pino, Apryll M. Stalcup (Eds.), Analytical Separation Science
José P.S. Aniceto, Carlos M. Silva
2015, 4, Weinheim, Wiley-VCH.
Chapter 14 - Extraction, Characterization and Potential Health Benefits of Grape Seed Procyanidins
Grapes: Production, Phenolic Composition and Potential Biomedical Effects
Joana Afonso, Cláudia P. Passos, Manuel A. Coimbra, Patrício Soares-da-Silva and Carlos M. Silva
2014, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Recent simulated moving bed strategies for enhanced separations
Recent Research Developments in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 7
José P.S. Aniceto and Carlos M. Silva
Chapter 12. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Oil and Bioactive Compounds from Grape Residues: Experimental Optimization, Modeling and Economic Evaluation
Grapes: Production, Phenolic Composition and Potential Biomedical Effects
Marcelo M. R. de Melo, Armando J. D. Silvestre and Carlos M. Silva
2014, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Enhanced technologies for the valorization of waste and side vegetable produts using supercritical fluids
Recent Research Developments in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 7
Marcelo M.R de Melo, Armando J.D. Silvestre and Carlos Manuel Silva
Metal recovery, separation and/or concentration.
Ion-Exchange Technology II: Applications
Lopes CB, Lito PF, Cardoso SP, Pereira E, Duarte AC, Silva CM
2012, New York, Springer.
Ion-exchange equilibria and kinetics
In Inamuddin Dr., Mohammad Luqman (Eds.), Ion-Exchange Technology I: Theory and Materials
Lito PF, Cardoso SP, Loureiro JM, Silva CM
2012, New York, Springer.
Grape Seed Procyanidins: Occurrence, Structural Features, and Health Benefits
Tannins: Types, Foods Containing, and Nutrition
Passos CP, Domingues MR, Silva CM, Coimbra MA
2012, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
In GK Petridis (Eds.), Grape Seed Procyanidins: Occurrence, Structural Features, and Health Benefits
Passos CP, Domingues MR, Silva CM, Coimbra MA
2010, 174-202, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Revisão Científica de Química em Contexto. 1. Metais e Ligas Metálicas
Física e Química A - Química 12º ano
Simões TS, Queirós MA, Simões MO, Silva CM
2009, Porto, Porto Editora.
Revisão Científica de Química em Contexto. 2. Combustíveis, Energia e Ambiente
Física e Química A - Química 12º ano
Simões TS, Queirós MA, Simões MO, Silva CM
2009, Porto, Porto Editora.
Revisão Científica de Química em Contexto. 3. Plásticos, Vidros e Novos Materiais
Física e Química A - Química 12º ano
Simões TS, Queirós MA, Simões MO, Silva CM.
2009, Porto, Porto Editora.
Modeling of Transport Properties of Hard Sphere fluids and its Applications. In Theory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems.
In Mulero A (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics
Silva CM, Liu H
2008, 753, 389-501, Verlag, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Métodos Rápidos para Determinação de Parâmetros Cinéticos de Adsorção Utilizando a Técnica ZLC e Modelos LDF
In Rodrigues AE (Eds.), Tecnologia Limpia para el Aprovechamiento de Olefinas Ligeras
Silva FA, Silva CM, Silva J A, Rodrigues AE
2004, 8, 98-114, CYTED-IBEROEKA.