Jorge Ribeiro Frade

Retired Professor

Short cv

SHORT BIBLIOGRAPHY - Jorge Frade is Full Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, since 1996. He is currently member of the Scientific Council of the University of Aveiro. - He was educated as a chemical engineer (Coimbra University,1978), obtained his PhD in glass technology (Sheffield University,1983), and “agregação”/DSc in Materials Science & Engineering (Aveiro University, 1995).  - He received the prize for Scientific Excellence from the Portuguese Science Foundation (2005) - He has published more than 300 SCI papers with close to 7000 citations (h-index 45), coordinated 20 funded projects, including 9 european, and supervised 20 post-docs and 15 PhDs. - He has been a member of assessment committees of research projects, grants (posdoc & PhD), assessment panels of PhD programs (A3Es), and many examinations of PhD thesis, in Portugal and also abroad. - He has been a regular referee for a variety of journals in materials science, chemistry and related areas.   

- SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS His initial research interests (early 80s) were mainly focused on glass refining, solid state reactions and crystallisation, including modelling. His interests were then changed to take a major emphasis on materials for energy conversions or storage. Still, his research activities were re-focused every decade since, to integrate a blending of different technologies in energy and environment, as summarized below:

- Materials for solid oxide fuel cells and related processes, starting in the early 90s (present project HEALING and previous STRD/429/CTM/92, NANOCERIA/POCTI/CTM/39381/2001, ECOFUELS/CONC-REEQ/710/2001,ORIEL-PTDC/CTM-CER/118933/2010, FMRX-CT97-0130, MatSILC/STREP03341, OSSEP-ESF, EULANEST/066-SOCs) ;

 - Electrochemical sensors, 1990-2000 (projects STRD/429/CTM/92, PMCT/C/PMF/119/90);

- Membranes for oxygen separation, seeking oxyfuel technologies or partial oxidation of methane to syngas, starting by 2000 (projects PRAXIS/P/CTM/14170/1998, INTAS #00276; NATO SfP978002) ;

- Alternative CO2-lean technologies such as Fe-electrolysis, from 2004 (european projects ULCOS, IERO and SIDERWIN); - Heat storage, starting by 2010 (projects THERMICS and UFA+EE);

- Thermoelectric materials for heat conversion, starting by 2015;

- Processing of cellular materials for catalysis and energy, from 2013;

- Catalytic conversion of fuels, including catalytic combustion to suppress  pollutants in flue gases such as NOx, CO, VOCs,…, (projects LEANCOMB)

 - catalytic oxygasification of biomass, from 2016 (projects NOTARGAS and SGH/Bosch);

- Materials for integration of different renewable or waste energy sources (solar, biomass, heat) and corresponding processes (photovoltaics, electrolysis, fuel cells), started from 2017 (project SusPhotoSolutions);

- Electrowining of metals from industrial residues, from 2017, (european project SIDERWIN)



Aleksey Lisenkov (posdoc/project SIDERWIN);

Isabel Antunes (Researcher, project NOTARGAS)

Blanca Serrano (posdoc/project CICECO),

Sergii Sergienko (posdoc/project SUSPHOTOSOLUTIONS);

Alejandro Natoli (PhD student/FCT grant);

Luís Ruivo (PhD student/FCT grant);

Hortência Martinez Oliveira (junior research fellow/project NOTARGAS);

Daniela Lopes (PhD student/project SIDERWIN);

Eduardo Durana (junior researcher/project SIDERWIN);

Rui Pinto (junior research fellow/project HEALING);

Carlos Almeida (junior research fellow/project UFA+EE)

Selected publications

Materials for SOFC & related technologies

D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez, J.R. Frade, Effect Of Samarium-Content On Onset Of Minor P-Type Conductivity In Ceria-Based Electrolytes, J. Power Sources, 227 (2013) 145-152

D.Perez-Coll, A.Aguadero, P.Nunez, J.R.Frade, “Mixed transport properties of Ce1-xSmxO2-x/2 in fuel cell operating conditions, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2010 11448-11455

T.Carvalho, E.Antunes, J.Calado, F.M.Figueiredo, J.R. Frade, “Lanthanum oxide as a scavenging agent for zirconia electrolytes”, Solid State Ionics, 225 (2012) 484-7

Coll DP, Nunez P, Ruiz-Morales JC, Martinez JP, Frade JR, Re-examination of bulk and grain boundary conductivities of Ce1-xGdxO2-d ceramics, Electrochimica Acta, 52 (2007) 2001-8

Tsipis EV, Kharton VV, Frade JR, Electrochemical behavior of mixed-conducting oxide cathodes in contact with apatite-type La10Si5AlO26.5 electrolyte, Electrochimica Acta 52 (13): 4428-4435 MAR 20 2007

D.P.Coll, D.M.Lopez, P.Nunez, S.Piñol, J.R.Frade, Grain boundary conductivity of Ce0.8Ln0.2O2-d ceramics (Ln=Y,La,Gd,Sm) with and without Co-doping, Electrochimica Acta, 51 (2006) 6463-9

D.P.Coll, P.Nuñez, J.C.C.Abrantes, D.P.Fagg, V.V.Kharton, J.R.Frade, Effects of firing conditions and addition of Co on bulk and grain boundary properties of CGO, Solid State Ionics, 176 (2005) 2799-2805

Kharton VV, Tsipis EV, Yaremchenko AA, Frade JR, “Surface-limited oxygen transport and electrode properties of La2Ni0.8Cu0.2O4+delta”, Solid State Ionics, 166 (2004) 327-37.

G.C.Mather, F.M.Figueiredo, J.R.Jurado, J.R.Frade, “Synthesis and characterisation of cermet anodes for SOFCs with a proton-conducting ceramic phase”, Solid State Ionics, 162 (2003) 115-120

D.Perez-Coll, P.Nuñez, J.R.Frade, J.C.C.Abrantes, “Conductivity of CGO and CSO ceramics obtained from freeze dried precursors”, Electrochimica Acta, 48 (2003) 1551-7

D.P. Fagg, J.C.C. Abrantes, D. Perez-Coll, P. Nunez, V.V. Kharton and J.R. Frade, The effect of cobalt oxide sintering aid on electronic transport in Ce0.80Gd0.20O2-d electrolyte, Electrochimica Acta, 48 (2003) 1023-9

A.Ringuedé, D.Bronine, J.R.Frade, “Assessment of Ni/YSZ anodes prepared by combustion synthesis”, Solid State Ionics, 146 (2002) 219-24

A.Ringuedé, D.Bronine, J.R.Frade, “Alternative Ni1-xCox/YSZ anodes for solid oxide fuel cells”, Electrochimica Acta, 48 (2002) 437-42

V.V.Kharton, F.M.Figueiredo, L.Navarro, E.N.Naumovich, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.A.Yarenchenko, A.P.Viskup, A.Carneiro, F.M.B.Marques, J.R.Frade, “Ceria based materials for solid oxide fuel cells”, J. Mat. Sci., 36 (2001) 1105-17

A.Ringuedé, J.A.Labrincha, J.R.Frade, “A combustion synthesis method to obtain alternative cermet materials for SOFC anodes”, Solid State Ionics, 141/2 (2001) 549-57

D.P.Fagg, V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovslevsky, A.P.Viskup, E.N.Naumovich, J.R.Frade, “The stability and mixed conductivity in La and Fe doped SrTiO3 in the search for potential SOFC anode materials”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 21 (2001) 1831-5

F.M.Figueiredo, J.R.Frade, F.M.B.Marques, “Performance of composite LaCoO3+La2(Zr,Y)2O7 cathodes” , Solid State Ionics., 135 (2000) 463-7

J.A.Labrincha, F.M.B.Marques, J.R.Frade, "La2Zr2O7 Formed at Ceramic Electrode/YSZ Contacts", J. Mat. Sci. 28 (1993) 3809


Membranes for oxygen separation & syngas

A.A.Yaremchenko, C.Buysse, V.Middelkoop, F.Snijkers, A.Buekenhoudt, J.R.Frade, A.V.Kovalevsky. Impact of sulphur contamination on the oxygen transport mechanism through Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d: relevant issues in the development of capillary and hollow fibre membrane geometry. J. Membrane. Sci., 428 (2013) 123

A.Kovalevsky, A.Yaremchenko, V.Kolotygin, A.Shaula, V.Kharton, F.Snijkers, A.Buekenhoudt J.R.Frade, E.Naumovich, Processing and oxygen permeation studies of asymmetric multilayer Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d membranes, J Membrane. Sci., 380 (2011) 68

D.P.Fagg, S.Garcia-Martin, V.V.Kharton, J.R.Frade Transport properties of fluorite-type Ce0.8Pr0.2O2-d: Optimization via the use of cobalt oxide sintering aid", Chem. Mater, 21 (2009) 381

Fagg DP, Shaula AL, Kharton VV, Frade JR, High oxygen permeability in fluorite-type Ce0.8Pr0.2O2-d via the use of sintering aids, J Membrane Sci, 299 (2007) 1

Kharton VV, Kovalevsky AV, Avdeev M, Tsipis EV, Patrakeev MV, Yaremchenko AA, Naumovich EN, Frade JR, Chemically induced expansion of La2NiO4+d-based materials, Chem. Mat. 19 (2007) 2027

A.V.Kovalevsky, V.V.Kharton, F.Maxim, A.L.Shaula and J.R.Frade, Processing and characterization of La0.5Sr0.5FeO3-supported Sr1-xFe(Al)O3-SrAl2O4 composite membranes, J.Membrane Sci., 278(2006)162

V.V. Kharton, A.L. Shaula, F.M.M. Snijkers, J.F.C. Cooymans, J.J. Luyten, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.A. Valente, E.V. Tsipis, J.R. Frade, F.M.B. Marques and J. Rocha, Processing, stability and oxygen permeability of Sr(Fe,Al)O3-based ceramic membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 252 (2005) 215

V.V. Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, A.A. Valente, V.A. Sobyanin, V.D. Belyaev, G.L. Semin, S.A. Veniaminov, E.V. Tsipis, A.L. Shaula, J.R. Frade and J. Rocha, Methane oxidation over Fe-, Co-, Ni- and V-containing mixed conductors, Solid State Ionics, 2005, vol. 176, pp. 781

Kharton VV, Yaremchenko AA, Tsipis EV, Valente AA, Patrakeev MV, Shaula AL, Frade JR, Rocha, “Characterization of mixed-conducting La2Ni0.9Co0.1O4+delta membranes for dry methane oxidation”, Applied Catalysis A- General, 261 (2004), 25

F.M.Figueiredo, V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, J.R.Frade, “Surface enhanced oxygen permeation in CaTi1-xFexO3-d ceramic membranes”, J. Membrane Sci., 236 (2004) 73

V.V.Kharton, A.A.Yaremchenko, A.L. Shaula, M.V.Patrakeev, E.N.Naumovich, D.I.Loginovich, J.R.Frade, F.M.B.Marques, “Transport properties and stability of Ni-containing mixed conductors with perovskite- and K2NiF4-type structure”, J. Solid State Chem., 177 (2004) 26

A.A. Yaremchenko, V.V. Kharton, M.V. Patrakeev and  J.R. Frade, p-type electronic conductivity, oxygen permeability and stability of La2Ni0.9Co0.1O4+d, J. Mat. Chem., 13 (2003) 1136.

V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, E.V.Tsipis, A.P.Viskup, E.N.Naumovich, J.R.Jurado and J.R.Frade, Mixed conductivity and stability of A-site-deficient Sr(Fe,Ti)O3-d perovskites, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2002, vol.7, pp.30.

V.V.Kharton, A.P.Viskup, A.V.Kovalevsky, F.M.Figueiredo, J.R.Jurado, A.A.Yaremchenko, E.N.Naumovich, J.R.Frade, “Surface limited ionic transport in perovskites Sr0.97(Ti,Fe,Mg)O3-d”, J. Mat. Chem., 10 (2000) 1161

J.R.Jurado, F.M.Figueiredo, B.Gharbage, J.R.Frade, Electrochemical permeability of Sr0.97(Ti,Fe)3-d materials", Solid State Ionics, 118 (1999) 89


Solid state electrochemical methods

S.I.R.Costa, M.Li, J.R.Frade, D.C.Sinclair, Modulus spectroscopy of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics: clues to the internal barrier layer capacitance mechanism, RSC Advances, 3 (2013) 7030

A.L. Ferreira, A.L. Horovistiz, J.C.C. Abrantes, D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez,  J.R. Frade, De-convolution of bulk and interfacial contributions based on impedance spectroscopy with external load resistance”, Mat. Res. Bull., 44 (2009) 884

J.R.Frade, V.V.Kharton, A.A. Yaremchenko, E.V.Tsipis, Applicability of emf measurements under external load resistance conditions for ion transport number determination, J. Sol. State Electrochem., 10 (2006) 96

V.V.Kharton, A.V.Kovalevsky, A.V.Viskup, F.M.Figueiredo, J.R.Frade, A.A.Yaremchenko, E.N.Naumovich, “Faradaic efficiency and oxygen permeability of Sr0.97Ti1-x FexO3-d perovskite”, Solid State Ionics, 128 (2000) 117

B.Gharbage, F.M.B.Marques, J.R.Frade, "Electrolyte changes by point contact electrodes on Sr(Zr,Dy)O3-d“, Solid State Ionics, 136/7 (2000) 933

J.R.Jurado, M.T.Colomer, J.R.Frade, “Caracterization of Sr0.97Ti1-x FexO3-d by impedance spectroscopy. Part I: Materiais with low Fe contents”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 83 (2000) 2715

J.C.C.Abrantes, J.A.Labrincha, J.R.Frade, “Applicability of the brick layer model to describe the grain boundary properties of strontium titanate ceramics”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 20 (2000) 1603

J.C.C.Abrantes, J.A.Labrincha, J.R.Frade, “Representations of impedance spectra of ceramics: Part I. Simulated study cases”, Mat. Res. Bull., 35 (2000) 965

J.C.C.Abrantes, J.A.Labrincha, J.R.Frade, “Representations of impedance spectra of ceramics: Part II. Spectra of polycrystalline SrTiO3”, Mat. Res. Bull., 35 (2000) 977

J.C.C.Abrantes, J.A.Labrincha, J.R.Frade, “An alternative representation of impedance spectra of ceramics”, Mat. Res. Bull, 35 (2000) 741

J.R.Frade, "Theoretical behaviour of concentration cells based on ABO3 perovskite materials with protonic and oxygen ion conduction", Solid State Ionics, 78 (1995) 87

R.M.C.Marques, F.M.B.Marques, J.R.Frade, "Characterization of mixed conductors by dc techniques. Part I: Theoretical solutions", Solid State Ionics, 73 (1994) 15


Solid state kinetics, thermodynamics & synthesis

J.F.Monteiro, A.A.L.Ferreira, I.Antunes, D.P.Fagg, J.R.Frade,“Thermodynamic restrictions on mechanosynthesis of strontium titanate, J. Sol. State Chem. 185 (2012) 143

Antunes I, Brandao A, Figueiredo FM, Frade JR, Gracio J, Fagg DP. Mechanosynthesis of nanopowders of the proton-conducting electrolyte material Ba(Zr, Y)O3-d, J Solid State Chem. 182 (2009) 2149

A.Brandão,  J.F.Monteiro,  A.V. Kovalevsky,  D.P. Fagg,  V.V.Kharton,  J.R.Frade, “Guidelines for improving resistance to CO2 of materials for solid state electrochemical systems”, Solid State Ionics, 192 (2011) 16

J.R.Frade, V.V.Kharton, A.Yaremchenko, E.Naumovich, “Methane to syngas conversion: Part I: Equilibrium conditions and stability requirements of membrane materials”, J. Power Sources, 130 (2004) 77

J.R.Frade, V.V.Kharton, D.Marrero Lopez, P.Nunez, J.C.C.Abrantes, “Kinetics of phase transformation for constant heating rate occurring close to the thermodynamic transition”, Thermochimica Acta, 435 (2005) 84

E.V.Tsipis, V.V.Kharton, I.A.Bashmakov, E.N.Naumovich, J.R.Frade, “Cellulose precursor synthesis of nanocrystalline Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-d for SOFC anodes”, J. Solid State Electrochem., 8 (2004) 674

A.Ringuedé, J.R.Frade, J.A.Labrincha, “Combustion synthesis of zirconia-based cermet powders”, Ionics, 6 (2000) 273

A.L.Oliveira, M.Oliveira, R.N.Correia, M.H.F.V.Fernandes, J.R.Frade, "Crystallization of whitlockite from a glass in the system CaO.P2O5.SiO2.MgO, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 81 (1998) 3270

J.R.Frade, "Crystallization with variable temperature: Corrections for the activation energy", J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 81 (1998) 2654

D.A.Fumo, J.R.Jurado, A.M.Segadães, J.R.Frade, "Combustion synthesis of iron substituted strontium titanate perovskites", Mat. Res. Bull., 32 (1997) 1459

J.R.Frade, M.Cable, "Numerical solutions for mixed control of powder reactions for spherical, cylindrical, or planar particles", J.Amer.Ceram. Soc., 78 (1995) 90.

J.R.Frade, M.Cable, "Reexamination of the basic theoretical Model for the Kinetics of solid state reactions", J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 75 (1992) 1949


Materials for waste heat conversion & storage (thermoelectrics, PCM,…)

N.Vitorino, J.C.C.Abrantes, J.R.Frade, Gelled Graphite/Gelatin Composites For Latent Heat Cold Storage, Applied Energy, 104 (2013) 890

N.Vitorino, J.C.C.Abrantes, J.R.Frade, PCM/graphite composites with improved thermal and electrical response, Mat.Lett., 92 (2013) 100

N.Vitorino, J.C.C.Abrantes, J.R.Frade, Cellular ceramics processed by paraffin emulsified suspensions with collagen consolidation, Mat. Lett. 98 (2013) 120

N.Vitorino, J.C.C.Abrantes, J.R.Frade, “Numerical solutions for mixed controlled solidification of phase change materials” Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., 53 (2010) 5335

A.V. Kovalevsky, A.A. Yaremchenko, S. Populoh, A. Weidenkaff, J.R. Frade, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in strontium titanate by praseodymium additions, J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013) 053704.


Materials & catalysts for carbon lean technologies

J.F. Monteiro, J.Waerenborgh, A.Kovalevsky, A.Yaremchenko, J.R.Frade, Synthesis of Sr0.9K0.1FeO3d electrocatalysts by mechanical activation, J. Solid State Chem., 198 (2013) 169

N.M. Ferreira, A. Kovalsky, M.A. Valente, M.F. Costa, J. Frade, Magnetite/Hematite core/shell fibres grown by laser floating zone method, Appl. Surf. Sci., 278 (2013) 203

AV Kovalevsky, EN Naumovich, AA Yaremchenko, JR Frade, High-temperature conductivity, stability and redox properties of Fe3-xAlxO4 spinel-type materials, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32 (2012) 3255

A.Yaremchenko, A.Kovalevsky, E.Naumovich, V.Kharton, J.Frade, High temperature electrical properties of magnesiowustite Mg1-xFexO and spinels Fe3-x-yMgxCryO4 ceramics, Solid State Ionics, 192 (2011) 252

Poznyak SK, Kharton VV, Frade JR, Yaremchenko AA, Tsipis, EV, Yakovlev SO, Marozau IP, “Behaviour of (La,Sr)CoO3 and La2NiO4-based ceramic anodes in alkaline media: Compositional and microstructural factors” J. Sol. State Electrochem., 12 (2008) 15

Main scientific interests

Research Interests

1) High temperature electrochemical applications

Envisaged applications are solid oxide fuel cells, mixed conducting membranes for oxygen separation or partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, gas sensors, materials for high temperature electrolysis, oxygen pumping, etc. This involves research on electrolytes, electrodes, electrocatalysts and interconnectors, their properties and performance, including transport properties, electrocatalytic activity, thermal and chemical compatibility between different cell materials.


1.1 Solid state electrochemical systems (SOFC, etc.l:  materials and concepts

            A wide variety of materials has been studied during the last decades, including zirconias, cerias, perovskytes (e.g. LaGaO3), rare-earth pyrochlores (e.g. Ln2Ti2O7), silicates (La10-x(Si,Al)6O26+d,…), LaMOX, etc. The main emphasis has been on materials with enhanced properties for operation at lower temperatures, alternative less expensive materials or materials, and materials with enhanced durability and tolerant to contamination or harsher conditions.

            Novel anodes materials are studied for intermediate-temperature electrochemical systems (IT SOFCs) and as alternative anodes for direct conversion of hydrocarbons without previous reforming. One attempts to develop anodes with enhanced electrocatalytic activity, microstructural stability, redox stability and sulphur tolerance. Actual anodes concepts include alternative cermets, and redox tolerant ceramic conductors such as (Sr,Ln)TiO3 or (Sr,La)VO3.

            Work on cathode materials is focused on their transport and electrocatalytic properties for operation at lower temperatures, and their thermochemical compatibility with other SOFC components. Relevant materials include perovskytes such as Sr(Co,Fe)O3 and (Ba,Sr)(Co,Fe)O3, layered materials such as La2Ni0.8Cu0.2O4+d and other RP phases. Suitable methods are being used to obtain nanocrystalline powders of these cathode materials.

            New guidelines for work in the near future also include interconnecting materials, with emphasis on spinels for redox protection of metallic substrates and to act as barriers for Cr interdiffusion 


1.2 Mixed conducting materials for oxygen separation or partial oxidation of hydrocarbons

            Dense ceramic membranes with mixed oxygen-ionic and electronic conductivity has been studied for application in oxygen separation or conversion of hydrocarbons to syngas. Though activities in the recent past included studies of a very wide variety of materials with different structe types, this is now mainly directed to overcoming some of the stricter limitations for successful application such as the complex thermochemical expansion of most of these materials and long term degradation of mixed conductivity or surface exchange.


2 Solid state kinetics, thermodynamics and synthesis

            The main interests correspond to a variety of powder preparation methods such as mechanochemical synthesis, combustion synthesis, freeze drying, cellulose precursor replication,  …).

            Ceramic processing is being studied as a guideline for microstructural and structural design, for their impact on properties. This includes sintering under unusual conditions (reducing atmospheres, hot-pressing,…) and less common firing schedules (e.g. 2-step sintering). Processing of highly porous cellular ceramics is developed for porous components of energy conversion systems (electrodes or electrocatalysts) and for their potential to extent research activities to a variety of other technologies.

            Thermodynamic analysis is used to study interactions in multicomponents systems (e.g. SOFC), to assess redox stability or reactivity with gases, and thermodynamic restrictions on solid state reactions.

            Other research activities include mathematical modelling of phase transformations and reactions in the solid state, for non-isothermal conditions or on combining steps of isothermal conditions and variable temperature. These models are used to extract kinetic information from thermal analyses (DTA, TGA, DSC, dilatometry) and transient response obtained by other methods (e.g. electrical conductivity, electrochemical titration).



3 Materials for heat conversion and storage (PCM, thermoelectrics,…)

            Ongoing interests are related to other technologies for renwable energies, with emphasis on conversion or storage of natural heat sources (e.g. solar) or waste heat, by thermoelectric applications and phase change materials for heat or cold storage. Work on oxide thermoelectrics seeks conversion of heat sources combining higher temperatures and other harsher conditions (e.g. reducing). Research on heat or cold storage is mainly directed to enhance the thermal response for fast charge and/or discharge; this is mostly based on designed organization of highly conducting inclusions.



4 Materials & catalysts for carbon lean technologies

            Other research projects are related to the development of alternative technologies to replace CO2-intensive high temperature industrial processes, with emphasis on less common technologies of direct electrochemical reduction of metal oxides and pyroelectrolysis. The group is extending the activities to electrochemical processing as alternative route for metallic alloys, cermets or composites.



present projects

Ongoing Reseach Contracts

SIDERWIN /H2020 European project DLV-768788/ Development of new methodologies for industrial CO2-free steel production by electrowinning (leader at UA)

LEANCOMB /POCI-01-0145-FEDER016769/ Cellular oxide catalysts for emission lean combustion in porous media (leader)

NOTARGAS /POCI-01-0145-FEDER030661/  Novel catalyst concepts for oxi-steam fasification of biomass (leader)

HEALING /POCI-01-0145-FEDER032036/ Healing of solid oxide fuel cell materials (leader at UA)

UFA+EE /POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033755/  Unidade de frio autónomo e eficiente energeticamente (participant)

SUSPHOTOSOLUTIONS /Centro 01-0145-FEDER-000005 / Sustainable photovoltaic solutions (Participant)

SGH /POCI-01-0247-FEDER-007678/ Smart Green Homes (participant)



Carbon-depolarized high-temperature steam electrolysis (CARBOSTEAM)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Cellular oxide catalysts for emission lean combustion in porous media (LEANCOMB)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
cellular ceramics, combustion, catalysts, functionalization

Core-shell ceramic membranes with nano-sized grains for oxygen separation and syn-gas production (POCI/CTM/59727/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Core-shell ceramics perovskites nanoceramics oxygen electrochemical permeation

Desenho Inovador de Catalisadores À Base De Carbono Nanocompósitos: Produção de Gás de Sintese Rico em H2 A Partir de Resíduos Plástico (REPOLY)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Design de materiais termoeletricos avancados por efeitos redox: Progressos para aplicacoes de alta temperatura . (REMOTE)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Development of new interstitial oxide-ion conductors for effective oxygen separation and conversion of the hydrocarbons (POCI/CTM/59197/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
mixed ion and electron conductor ionic conductivity oxygen permeability hydrocarbon partial oxidation

Development of new methodologies for industrial CO2-free steel production by electrowinning (SIDERWIN)

PartnerEuropean Comission
For the time being, there are no economically feasible steelmaking technologies available having the potential to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2030. At best, a 15% decrease in the overall CO2 intensity of the sector could be achieved throughout the widespread dissemination of technologies that could reasonably become co...

Development of novel mixed proton and electron conducing (MPEC) ceramic membranes for the technology of pure hydrogen separation (PTDC/CTM/66243/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
condutores mistos separação de hidrogénio Ceramicos Ceratos permeabilidade

Electrochemical Conversion of Fuels (ECOFUELS) (REEQ/710/CTM/2005)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The improvement of our scientific infrastructures served our goal to pursue internationalization through international projects or other collaborations, interexchange of students, co-authorship of large numbers of scientific papers and participation in the organization of scientific events. The team also established stronger contacts with other ...

Healing of solid oxide fuel cell materials (HEALING)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

IERO-Iron production by Electrochemical Reduction of its Oxide for high CO2 mitigation (IERO)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The present proposal aims at developing a breakthrough technology to produce steel without any direct CO2 emissions. The solution consists in using electricity directly to decompose iron oxide into metal and oxygen. The proposal is following up on the ULCOS program, during which the key phenomena controlling the efficiency of the electrochemical...

Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)

PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...

Investigation of mechanical and ion transport processes in nikelate-based ceramic membranes under high oxygen chemical potential gradient (INTAS-2000-00276)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Dense oxide membranes exhibiting mixed oxygen ionic and electronic conductivity have become of great interest as a potentially economical, clean and efficient means of partial hydrocarbons oxidizing and oxygen generation by membrane separation from air. Such membranes typically operate at temperatures in the range 970-1170 K. Oxygen permeable ce...

Materials for Selective Oxygen Separation Membranes (POCTI/CTM/14170/2001)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

MATSILC - Novel Materials for Silicate-Based Fuel Cells (MATSILC)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The main scientific objective of the MatSILC project is to develop an alternative concept of SOFCs based on novel low cost silicate based electrolytes, and suitable processing technologies for the corresponding cell components. This project has the potential to overcome some degradation problems associated with SOFCs based on alternative electro...

Mixed Conducting Membranes for Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas to Synthesis Gas (NATO - SFP SYNGAS 978002)

CoordinatorOther International

Novel approach to Power-to-Fuel: comprehensive studies of anodic processes in Direct Carbon Solid Oxide Fuel-assisted Electrolysis Cell (DC-SOFEC)

PartnerOther International

Novel layered ferrits materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity for applications in alternative energy sources (PTDC/CTM/64357/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mixed conductors Ceramic membranes SOFC electrodes Ionic Transport

Novos conceitos de catalisadores para oxi-vapor gasificação de biomassa sem alcatrões. (NOTARGAS)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

ORIEL - Oriented Lanthanum Silicate Thin Film Electrolytes for IT-SOFCS (PTDC/CTM-CER/118933/2010)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Lanthanum Silicate Ionic Conductivity Preferred Orientation SOFC

SusPhotoSolutions - Soluções Fotovoltaicas Sustentáveis (SUSPHOTOSOLUTIONS)

PartnerOther National

THERMICS-Cellular PCM-based composites with enhanced thermal conduction and shape stabilization (PTDC/CTM-ENE/2073/2012)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Phase change materials Heat storage Cellular materials Thermal conductivity

Transport properties and electrochemical applications of ceria-based nanomaterials (POCTI/CTM/39381/2001)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanomaterials anodes ceria condução mista

ULCOS - Ultra-Low CO2 steelmaking (ULCOS)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
This proposal to the 6FP is part of ULCOS, an initiative launched by the major players in the European Steel Industry and itsmain partners in other industries and academia (47 partners, 15 European countries). A related proposal, also part of theULCOS in itiative, was presented to the RFCS program as proposal RFCS-PR-03113. ULCOS is a major RTD ...


Non-isothermal crystallisation of SiO2-MgO-K2O-3CaO center dot P2O5 glass studies by impedance spectroscopy

Queiroz, CM; Fernandes, MHV; Frade, JR
2006, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM III, PTS 1 AND 2, 514-516, 1078-1082.

Transport properties of sealants for high-temperature electrochemical applications: RO-BaO-SiO(2) (R = Mg, Zn) glass-ceramics

Pascual, MJ; Kharton, VV; Tsipis, E; Yaremchenko, AA; Lara, C; Duran, A; Frade, JR

Mixed conductivity, stability and thermomechanical properties of Ni-doped La(Ga,Mg)O3-delta

Yaremchenko, AA; Kharton, VV; Naumovich, EN; Shestakov, DI; Chukharev, VF; Kovalevsky, AV; Shaula, AL; Patrakeev, MV; Frade, JR; Marques, FMB
2006, SOLID STATE IONICS, 177, 5-6, 549-558.

Oxygen evolution on perovskite-type cobaltite anodes: an assessment of materials science-related aspects

Kovalevsky, AV; Sviridov, DV; Kharton, VV; Naumovich, EN; Frade, JR
2006, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM III, PTS 1 AND 2, 514-516, 377-381.

Electrocatalytic behavior of perovskite-related cobaltites and nickelates in alkaline MediA

Poznyak, SK; Kharton, VV; Frade, JR; Yaremchenko, AA; Tsipis, EV; Marozau, IP; Ferreira, MGS
2006, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM III, PTS 1 AND 2, 514-516, 1391-1395.

Oxygen transport and thermomechanical properties of SrFe(Al)O3-delta-SrAl2O4 composites: microstructural effects

Kharton, VV; Kovalevsky, AV; Yaremchenko, AA; Snijkers, FMM; Cooymans, JFC; Luyten, JJ; Markov, AA; Frade, JR; Marques, FMB

Oxygen permeability, electronic conductivity and stability of La0.3Sr0.7CoO3-based perovskites

Kharton, VV; Tsipis, EV; Yaremchenko, AA; Marozau, IP; Viskup, AP; Frade, JR; Naumovich, EN

Defect formation and transport in La0.95Ni0.5Ti0.5O3-delta

Yakovlev, SO; Kharton, VV; Naumovich, EN; Zekonyte, J; Zaporojtchenko, V; Kovalevsky, AV; Yaremchenko, AA; Frade, JR
2006, SOLID STATE SCIENCES, 8, 11, 1302-1311.

Applicability of emf measurements under external load resistance conditions for ion transport number determination

Frade, J; Kharton, VV; Yaremchenko, AA; Tsipis, EV

Oxygen ionic transport in SrFe1-yAlyO3-delta and Sr1-xCaxFe0.5Al0.5O3-delta ceramics

Shaula, AL; Kharton, VV; Vyshatko, NP; Tsipis, EV; Patrakeev, MV; Marques, FMB; Frade, JR

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