Inês Portugal

Assistant Professor

Short CV

Inês Portugal, PhD in Chemical Eng.(Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1995), graduation in Chemical Eng.(Instituto Superior Técnico - Lisboa, 1984), is Professor Auxiliar at Universidade de Aveiro-Department of Chemistry, since 1995. Previous positions: Professor Auxiliar(1995), Assistant (1989-95) and Training Assistant (1985-89) at the Chemistry Department of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL).

Pedagogical activity: Chemical Reaction Engineering courses; Process Integration and Sustainability; Scientific supervision of Chemical Eng. Master students.

Research interests: Catalysis and chemical valorisation of renewable resources, Chemical reaction engineering as a tool for sustainability, Chemical Engineering Education. Author of 40 Scientifc papers/ Book chapters and several oral/poster communications at international scientific conferences. Has supervised 25 master thesis.

Scientific Interests

Catalysis and Chemical/Biochemical Reaction Engineering. 
Chemical modification of renewable resources. 
Chemical engineering education.

Ongoing Supervisions


2Glam - Desenvolvimento de Laminados de Segunda Geração (2Glam)

PartnerIndustry National
A Sonae Indústria é líder mundial na produção de derivados de madeira e papel e utiliza um recurso renovável que é a madeira para a produção de aglomerado de partículas e fibras e HPL (termolaminados decorativos de alta pressão). O HPL, produzido pela SONAE Indústria Revestimentos SA, é um produto indicado para superfícies horizontais de mobiliá...

Enabling the Next Generation of Smarter Transformers (NEXTRA)

PartnerIndustry National

Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)

PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...

NanoBarrier - Extended shelf-life biopolymers for sustainable and multifunctional food packaging solutions (NanoBarrier)

PartnerEuropean Comission
The overall concept of NanoBarrier is to develop a new nanotechnology platform based on inorganic-organic hybrid polymers, microfibrillated cellulose, nanocapsules with controlled permeability and additive technology and combine this with resource-efficient processing technologies to realize safe and extended shelf-life and multifunctional biopo...

PADIS - Papéis de Alto Desempenho à Impressão (PADIS)

PartnerIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto vai centrar-se no desenvolvimento de novos papéis não revestidos, com um desempenho funcional superior nos processos de impressão digital (inkjet e laser) e offset. Os novos papéis terão de responder a requisitos especiais no sentido de garantirem maiores velocidades de impressão e em simultâneo melhoria da qualidade da i...

Processo contínuo inovador de produção de Negro de Fumo Recuperado Reforçante para uma economia circular; (I9RCB)

PartnerIndustry National
Processo contínuo inovador de produção de Negro de Fumo Recuperado Reforçante para uma economia circular, visa o estudo e desenvolvimento de um novo processo de produção, em estado estacionário, de Negro de Fumo Recuperado (rCB) com propriedades Reforçantes (...

RENOVA PAPTIS - Desenvolvimento de papéis tissue de nova geração (PAPTIS-RENOVA)

PartnerIndustry National
Os prod. de papel tissue têm vindo a adquirir 1 importância crescente nas sociedades modernas. Assim, as empresas produtoras de papel tissue para se manterem no mercado e crescerem apostam no desenvolvimento e optimização de processos para dar origem a produtos inovadores, q se diferenciem e q ofereçam ao consumidor, características valorizáveis...


Modeling Tracer Diffusion Coefficients of Any Type of Solutes in Polar and Non-Polar Dense Solvents

Zezere, B; Portugal, I; Gomes, JRB; Silva, CM
2022, MATERIALS, 15, 18.

Production and Upgrading of Recovered Carbon Black from the Pyrolysis of End-of-Life Tires

Costa, SMR; Fowler, D; Carreira, GA; Portugal, I; Silva, CM
2022, MATERIALS, 15, 6.

Valorization of Tomato Residues by Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Aniceto, JPS; Rodrigues, VH; Portugal, I; Silva, CM
2022, PROCESSES, 10, 1.

Revisiting Tracer Liu-Silva-Macedo model for binary diffusion coefficient using the largest database of liquid and supercritical systems

Zezere, B; Portugal, I; Gomes, JRB; Silva, CM
ISBN: 1872-8162

Diffusion of quercetin in compressed liquid ethyl acetate and ethanol

Zezere, B; Iglesias, J; Portugal, I; Gomes, JRB; Silva, CM
ISBN: 1873-3166

Lupane-type triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata bark extracted by different methods

Rodrigues, VH; de Melo, MMR; Portugal, I; Silva, CM
ISBN: 1872-633X

Extraction of Added-Value Triterpenoids from Acacia dealbata Leaves Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Rodrigues, VH; de Melo, MMR; Portugal, I; Silva, CM
2021, PROCESSES, 9, 7.
ISBN: 2227-9717

Mercury Removal from Aqueous Solution Using ETS-4 in the Presence of Cations of Distinct Sizes

Cardoso, SP; Faria, TL; Pereira, E; Portugal, I; Lopes, CB; Silva, CM
2021, MATERIALS, 14, 1.
ISBN: 1996-1944

Measurement of astaxanthin and squalene diffusivities in compressed liquid ethyl acetate by Taylor-Aris dispersion method

Bruno Zêzere, José M. Silva, Inês Portugal, José R. B. Gomes, Carlos M. Silva
2020, Separation and Purification Technology, 234.
ISBN: 1873-3794

AOX removal from pulp and paper wastewater by Fenton and photo-Fenton processes: A real case-study

Ribeiro, JP; Marques, CC; Portugal, I; Nunes, MI
2020, ENERGY REPORTS, 6, 770-775.

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