Paula Maria Lousada Silveirinha Vilarinho

Vice Director

Short CV

Personal Data

Name:Paula Maria Vilarinho


Address:Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering (DEMaC), Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composites, CICECO, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

Tel:+351 234 370354/259



Paula Vilarinho graduated in Ceramics and Glass Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal in 1983 and got her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal in 1994, in the field of Relaxor Ferroelectric Materials.


Work Experience

Paula Vilarinho is Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro since 2000 and member of the Associate Laboratory, Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials (CICECO).

Paula Vilarinho is:

-       The leader of the Electroceramics Group, within CICECO

-       President of the Portuguese Society of Materials (SPM)

-       Coordinator (Portugal) of the Emerging Technologies Program within The University of Texas at Austin – Portugal Program (Collaboratory for Emerging Technologies, CoLab)

-       Director of Undergraduate Studies of Materials Engineering of the University of Aveiro

-       Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Aveiro.

She was Visiting Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of North Carolina State University, USA, in 2001 and Visiting Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2008.

Her teaching activities include topics on the synthesis, processing and characterization of materials, such as Microsctructure and Interfaces, Advanced Processing Techniques, Materials Processing Technologies, 2D 3D Structures, Functional Materials, Properties of Materials, among others, for under graduate, master and doctoral studies.

She is a member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (from Nature Publishing Group), Practical Metallography and International Scholarly Research Network - ISRN Ceramics. She is a member of the Portuguese, European and American Materials Research Societies and Microscopy Societies. She has been acting as referee in the selection of Portuguese and European R&D projects (European Research Council and various European States Research Agencies) as well as a frequent referee of SCI journals. She was the former President of the Portuguese Society of Microscopy (2010-2011).


Scientific Track Record

Paula Vilarinho published over 260 papers, 4 book chapters, with ca. 3239 citations (h-index 31), 9 patent applications and edited 4 books. She has given over one hundred scientific and technical talks at international conferences and 86 invited talks. She has(is) supervised(ing) 18 post-docs, 21 PhD students and 32 Master students. She has been involved and coordinating more than 20 R&D projects and in more than 20 European R&D actions, networks and projects on the development and characterization of dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials. She has been collaborating with more than 10 Portuguese R&D groups and 10 foreigner groups, within Europe and USA. She organized 6 International Scientific Meetings and 4 National and International workshops on Materials Science topics. She was distinguished with the prize “Estímulo à Excelência” (Stimulus to Excellence) in February 2007 awarded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).


Scientific Interests

Paula Vilarinho Research Group is engaged in fundamental and applied research in the synthesis, properties and processing of functional materials for electronics, microelectronics and related applications.

Professor Paula Vilarinho group research has been focused on electrical polarization phenomena in solids, aiming to understand the mechanisms that control electrical polarization at the macroscopic and nanoscale level, and applying such understanding to the development of advanced nano and microelectronic devices. For that her group has been using electrical and structural characterization tools (impedance spectroscopy, piezo- ferroelectric analysis, scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, among others) at the highest level. Materials under investigation in the group include perovskite type ferroelectric, piezoelectric, dielectric and multiferroic oxides, tellurium based oxides and piezoelectric polymers (PLLA and PVDF). Applications of these materials include memories, sensor and actuators, thermoelectric devices, tunable dielectrics, and bio-compatible piezoelectric platforms for tissue growth, among others.

While understanding materials properties is central in many of the R&D activities of the group, the synthesis of nanofunctional materials in different geometries (1D, 2D and 3D) at low temperatures for compatible materials integration and using low cost approaches is becoming increasingly important in the group’s research activities. Within this context the group has been exploiting hydrothermal synthesis, diphasic sol precursors, photo chemical solution and electrophoretic deposition (EPD) for the preparation of nanoparticulates, nanocomposites, thin and thick films of functional materials.

The current research interests of the group comprise the following topics: (1) Electric Field Driven Assembly Involving Ferroics for Biodevices, (2) Electrophoretic Deposition and Constrained Sintering of Functional Materials, (3) Lead Free Ferroelectrics, (4) Low Temperature, Low Cost Fabrication of Functional Materials, Structures and Systems, (5) Nanoporous and Nanostructured Ferroelectrics and (6) Nanostructured Thermoelectrics and Grain Boundary Phenomena.


Technology Transfer

One of Professor Paula Vilarinho recent interests is in creating value for her research through technology transfer. In 2010 she participated in the COHiTEC Portugal Program ( in which she acquired skills for technology transfer and business development. She won two awards in business plan competitions (EMPREENDE+ University of Aveiro, 2011 and Idea to Product (I2P) – COTEC, Portugal, 2011) and in 2011 she started a business venture (BraveSound).


Outreach Activities

The other interest of Professor Paula Vilarinho is related with Activities of Outreach aiming to contribute to promoting public awareness and understanding of materials science and engineering and to science education. She was the UA representative in the Portuguese Program MATERIALMENTE ( (that involved 5 Portuguese universities). Since 2000 she has been a regular coordinator of the activities of DEMaC in the Open Week of Science and Technology of the University of Aveiro (Semana Aberta da Ciência e Tecnologia) organized every November ( She co-edited one booklet Á Descoberta dos Materiais and one video on Materiais e Desportos Radicais. She authored an article on a local daily newspaper on Nanotechnology, entitled “Grandes coisas a partir de um pequeno mundo! … como é que a nanotecnologia está a mudar o universo?”, Diário de Aveiro, 3 Abril de 2014. She is currently the PI of the project LinKinMat (Projecto Ciência Viva, PEC38) (



For a complete list of the SCI publications pls visit


Selected Publications (10):

  1. Bi:SrTiO3: A quantum ferroelectric and a relaxor, Chen Ang, Zhi Yu, P. M. Vilarinho, J. L. Baptista, Physical Review B, 57, 13, 7403-7406, 1998.
  2. Early Stages of Crystallization of Sol-Gel Derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films, A. Wu, P. M. Vilarinho, I. Reaney, I. M. Miranda Salvado, Chemistry of Materials, 15, 5, 1147 – 1155, 2003.
  3. Domain populations in lead zirconate titanate thin films of different compositions via piezoresponse force microscopy, A. Wu, P. M. Vilarinho, V. V. Shvartsman, G. Suchaneck, and A. L. Kholkin, Nanotechnology, 16, 2587 – 2595, 2005.
  4. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Growth Studies of BaTiO3 using Ti Nanotube Precursors, Florentina Maxim, Paula Ferreira, Paula M. Vilarinho, Ian Reaney, Crystal Growth and Design, 8, 9, 3309–3315, 2008.
  5. Textured Microstructure and Dielectric Properties Relationship of BaNd2Ti5O14 Thick Films Prepared by Electrophoretic Deposition, Zhi Fu, Paula M. Vilarinho, Aiying Wu, Angus I. Kingon, Advanced Functional Materials, 19, 1–11, 2009.
  6. Low Temperature Hydrothermal Deposition of (BaxSr1-x)TiO3 Thin Films on Flexible Polymeric Substrates for Embedded Applications, Ru Z. Hou, Aiying Wu, Paula M. Vilarinho, Chemistry of Materials, 21, 1214–1220, 2009.
  7. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Studies of Mn Coordination in Doped Perovskite SrTiO3, I. Levin, V. Krayzman, J. C. Woicik, A. Tkach, P. M. Vilarinho, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 052904, 2010.
  8. Protein Adsorption on Piezoelectric Poly (L-lactic) Acid Thin Films by Scanning Probe Microscopy, Nathalie Barroca, Paula M. Vilarinho, Ana Luisa Daniel-da-Silva, Aiying Wu, Maria Helena Fernandes, Alexei Gruverman, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 133705-1 – 133705-3, 2011.
  9. Stability of electrically induced-polarization in PLLA for bone regeneration, Nathalie Barroca, Paula M. Vilarinho, Maria Helena V. Fernandes, Pankaj Sharma, Alexei Gruverman, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 2, 023701, 2012.
  10. Activated solutions enabling processing of functional ferroelectric oxides for flexible electronics – Iñigo Bretos, Ricardo Jiménez, Aiying Wu, Angus I. Kingon, Paula M. Vilarinho, M. Lourdes Calzada, Advanced Materials, 26, 9, 1405-1409, 2014. (DOI: 10.1002/adma.201304308)


Aveiro, September 8 2014

Present projects

A. R&D Project coordination 1."Synthesis and characterization of ferroelectric thin films for electronic devices”, JNICT, PBIC/P/CTM/1948/95, January 1996 - May 1999. 2.“Development of a steatite materials for extrusion”, Program of R&D in Consortium, with Rauschert Portugal, PRAXIS XXI - Medida 3.1.B, LO47P31B - 02/97, October 1997 - October 1999. 3."New electrode materials for thin film devices”, Praxis XXI/P/CTM/10183/1998, March 1999 - April 2001. 4"Development of tunable capacitors for applications at microwave frequencies", SAPIENS99 35542/99, November 2000 - June 2004. 5.“Thick composite films for piezoelectric devices”, POCTI/CTM/44732/2002, since February 2004. 6.“Novel BST dielectric films for ultra high density DRAMs“,POCTI/CTM/47285/2002, since February 2004. B. Member of team of R&D Project 7."Utilization of diatomites from Rio Maior in the production of materials for building construction”, in collaboration with Ferrominas, E. P., October 1984 - May 1986. 8."Preparation, characterization and sintering of powders for the production of technical ceramics", - JNICT, January 1988 - December 1990. 9."Optosensors - integrated optoelectronic sensors and transducers: investigation and development of micro technologies, devices and systems”, PRAXIS XXI, project nº PBICT-93-1788, March 1995 - March 1998. 10."Actives films in optical devices (FADO)", PRAXIS XXI, 3/3.1/MMA/1768/95, January 1997 - January 2001. 11.“Development of low sintering temperature aluminas”, in collaboration with Rauschert Portugal, POE, November 2003 - December 2004. 12.“Dielectric properties and lattices dynamics of granular materials”, POCTI/CTM/45284/2002, February 2004. 13.“Processing and characterization of electroactive polymers and composites based on PVDF for microelectronic, sensor and actuator applications”, POCTI/CTM, June 2005. 15.“Nanoscale investigation of fatigue of ferroelectric thin films”, POCTI/CTM/61071/2004, June 2005. 16.“Multiceral - Multifunctional ceramic layers with high electromagnetoelastic coupling in complex geometries”, STREP/032616, March 2006 – Leader Reseracher of the Portuguese Team. C. Member of team of Cooperation, Networks and International Integrated Actions: 17. - COST 514 Action - Ferroelectric Thin Films, with the project "Spectroscopic Investigation of Ferroelectric and Incipient Ferroelectric Films", in collaboration with R&D groups from Czech Republic and France, December 1997 - April 1999. 18. - Integrated Action Luso-Britanic - 1999, Nº B-51/99, with the project "Relations between microstructure / structure and properties of electroceramics", with the University of Sheffield, UK, March 1999 - November 2000. 19. - Program of Cooperation "Outreach" from INVOTAN, "Studies on the possible existence of a morphotropic phase boundary in PFW-PT", January 2001 - December 2001. 20. Scientific Cooperation within the Portuguese Institute of International Scientific and Technological Cooperation (ICCTI) and the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences (ASRC), with the project "Dielectric characterization of incipient ferroelectrics for tunable capacitor applications", (Proc n4.1.1AcCRep.Checa), in collaboration with the Department of Dielectrics from the Institute of Physics from ASCR, March 2001 - March 2002. 21. Integrated Action Luso - Spanish - 2001/2002, Nº E-46/01, with the project "Ferroelectric thin films: preparation and characterization ", in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Science from Madrid, May 2001 a May 2002. 22. - COST 528 Action - Chemical Solution Deposition of Thin Films, with the project “Low Temperature Processing of Ferroelectric Films for Computer Memories and Piezoelectric Applications”, in collaboration with R&D groups from England, France, Ireland and Spain, since June 2000. 23. Thematic Network POLECER - Polar Electroceramics, within the 5th European Program, Competitive and Sustainable Growth Program, GTC1-2000-28210, since April 2001. 24. COST 525 Action - Advanced Electronic Ceramic Grain Boundary Engineering, with the project “Structural and dielectric studies of incipient ferroelectrics”, in collaboration with R&D groups from Czech Republic, Italy and France, since January 2003. 25. Bilateral - Cooperation: Portugal - Belgium, GRICES / MCT, with the project “Chemical solution preparation of ferroelectric thin films for microelectronic applications” in collaboration with the University of Linburgs, Flandres, since January 2005. 26. European Network of Excellence FAME - Functionalised advanced materials engineering of hybrids and ceramics, 6th European Program (FP6), in collaboration with R&D groups from Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Spain, UK, since September 2004. 27. Scientific and Technological Cooperation between GRICES and the Minestery of Sceinece and Technology of the Popular Republic of China, with the project “Preparation and characterization of single crystals and films from ferroelectric relaxors”, in collaboration with the Shanghai Institute, March 2005 - March 2007. 28. COST 539 Action - Electroceramics from Nanopowders Produced by Innovative Methods"- ELENA, with the project “Processing and functional characterisation of electroceramics and films prepared from nanopowders” in collaboration with R&D groups from, Belgium, Brasil, Bulgary, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary. Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Poland, Romenia, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Serbia e Montenegro, Switzerland and UK since March 2005.

Ongoing Supervisions


Add additive manufacturing to Portuguese industry (Add.Additive)

PartnerIndustry National
O Fabrico Aditivo (FA) é uma tecnologia de produção que permite produzir peças com formas complexas a partir de dados digitais. No contexto de competitividade industrial que se verifica atualmente, o FA é uma tecnologia que tem de ser explorada, na medida em que pode responder às exigências do mercado pelo facto de gerar soluções céleres e permi...

Additive Manufacturing for Smart Plastics (AM4SP)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
The AM4SP project aims to plan, develop, demonstrate and validate a set of innovative and disruptive solutions conducive to obtaining an intelligent door panel, integrating customized components, and with ability to match the new demands of the automotive industry, using, from a technological point of view, AM technologies and, from the point of...

Advanced Electroceramics: Grain Boundary Engineering (Advanced Electroceramics)

PartnerEuropean Comission
The main objective of the COST Action 525 was to understand the role played by grain boundaries in controlling the manufacture, microstructure and properties of electronic ceramics. Components made out such materials have enhanced properties, improved stability and reduced unit cost. The Action revealed also new opportunities for existing and de...

BioMEMs Avançados para Engenharia de Tecidos: Aplicações em Tecidos Duros (BioMEMs)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Ceramics and films of incipients ferroelectrics for tunable capacitors applications (POCTI/CTM/35542/1999)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ferroelectrics Ceramics Films Tunability

CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (UIDP/50011/2020)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (UIDB/50011/2020)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Collaboratory for Emerging Technologies, CoLab (EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
CoLab seeks to enhance Portuguese scientific and technological capacity and to reinforce the international reach of leading Portuguese universities and scientific institutions. From the program’s beginnings UT Austin|Portugal’s Colab program has named Digital Media as its technological pivot. This long-term international collaboration is powered...


CoordinatorOther National
The proposal also aims in creation of stimulating and interdisciplinary R&D and training partnership, with actors from the academia and private sector, promoting the exchange of ideas, methods, techniques as well as enabling an accelerated technology transfer from science to industrial scale and of course a continuous collaborations between the ...

Criando Vínculos e Abordagens Inovadoras para Promover o Ensino e a Aprendizagem dos Materiais - LINKINMAT (Projeto Ciencia Viva LINKINMAT)

CoordinatorOther National
Projeto que visa criar uma geminação entre uma escola de Aveiro e a Universidade de Aveiro para criação de uma rede temática e desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino experimental, partilha de recursos e realização de ações de divulgação com vista a criar o gosto pelas ciências exatas e a engenharia. Estão previstas oficinas, cursos de formação ...

Desenvolvimento de garrafas de vidro branco e transparente capazes de preservar a qualidade da cerveja (CLEVER)

PartnerIndustry National
O presente projeto pretende desenvolver uma nova embalagem de vidro branco e transparente, com capacidade de proteção ao nível da radiação UV, para a indústria alimentar e de bebidas. O consórcio é constituído pela empresa líder BA Glass...

Desenvolvimento Sustentável de porcelânico técnico por via seca (ReviDry)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Desenvolver um novo processo de produção de pavimento e revestimento cerâmico em grés porcelânico, recorrendo ao método de preparação de pasta por via seca, tornando o processo ambientalmente mais sustentável é o objetivo deste projeto promovido pela Revigrés com o apoio do COMPETE 2020.

Design of multifunctional films from porous thin films (PTDC/CTM/098130/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
film mesoporous mesostructured functionalisation

Dielectric properties and lattices dynamics of granular materials (POCTI/CTM/45284/2002)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ceramics Defects Dielectrics Relaxors

Electric-Field Engineered Lattice Distortions (E-FiELD) for optoelectronic devices (E-FiELD)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
strain-engineering strongly correlated electron systems charge and orbital orderings electric-field tunable optoelectronic devices

Engineer for the Future (ENGINE4F)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The partnership of this project, composed of 10 partners, from 6 different countries, is a well balanced and strong one, as it involves schools, vet schools, universities, SMEs and Order/association of Engineers. All partners are well aware of the respective responsibility in accepting working together in this project and knows what their role i...

Estratégias para a síntese e integração de filmes finos ferroeléctricos na electrónica flexível (Acção integrada Luso-Espanhola E-98/12)

CoordinatorOther National

Estudo da sinterização constrangida de filmes espessos dieléctricos com elevado Q e baixas perdas para aplicação nas microondas (Acção Integrada Luso-Alemã)

PartnerOther National

EUropean CERamic MATerials (EUCERMAT)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The European Ceramic Materials (EUCERMAT) project presents a three years programme aiming at creating blended mobility in Europe for students involved in a strategic partnership programme. Such programme implies a network of industrials functioning in close synergy with four universities (Universities of Darmstadt in Deutschland, Limerick in Ire...

Exploring stresses to develop functional nanoceramics by in-situ TEM sintering (UTAP-EXPL/CTM-NAN/0018/2014)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Stresses In situ-TEM Nanoceramics Sintering

Ferroelectric - carbon nanotube (CNT) composites towards the fabrication of advanced functional devices (PTDC/CTM/104186/2008)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
carbon nanotubes ferroelectrics composite carbon-based nanoelectronics


Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O projeto FLASHPOR (FLASH como Tecnologia Alternativa de Sinterização da Porcelana) visa a investigação, desenvolvimento e aplicação industrial da tecnologia de sinterização FLASH no fabrico de peças de porcelana, demonstrando-se, para tal, ser cr&...

Grain Boundary Complexions in Electronic Ceramics: Proof of Concept (FLAD 91-08/10)

PartnerOther National

High-performance piezoelectric flexible materials enabled by hierarchically porous graphite for application as mechanical energy harvesters and sensors (PIEZOFLEX)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
nanogenerator barium titanate sensor graphene

ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP4 - Pavimentos Cerâmicos de Elevada Espessura com alta incorporação de reciclados e propriedades superficiais otimizadas))

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...

Low temperature synthesis of functional thin films towards compatibility with low cost substrates (PTDC/CTM/108319/2008)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

MULTICERAL - Multifunctional ceramic layers with high electromagnetoelastic coupling in complex geometries (MULTICERAL)

PartnerEuropean Comission
MULTICERALis a joint effort of eight European research institutions/universities from six countries (UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Lithuania) aimed at the development, detailed characterization, and evaluation of novel multifunctional thin-film materials based on ferroelectrics [Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, BaTiO3, SrBi2Ta2O9], magnetics and shape me...

Multiferroic, magnetoelectric and metallic micro and nanocomposites base don electroactive polymers (PTDC/CTM/69316/2006)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
magnetoelectrics electro-optical electroactive sensors and actuators

Nano-scale investigation of fatigue of ferroelectric thin films (POCI/CTM/61071/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
fatigue thin films ferroelectrics nano-scale

Nanoscale investigation of ferroelectrics and related materials (REEQ/1187/CTM/2005)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
In this project, by using Scanning probe microscopy, SPM, specifically modified for the visualization of polar nanodomains, mapping of the dielectric constant, measurements of the ferroelectric hysteresis, among other properties, several ferroelectric and related materials were characterised. In these studies bulk, thin and thick films of high q...

Novel BST dielectric films for ultra high density DRAMs (POCTI/CTM/47285/2002)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
sol-gel dynamic random access memory dielectric thin film BST

Piezoelectricity and living structures engineering by scanning probe microscopy (FLAD 91-09/10)

CoordinatorOther National

POLECER - Polar Electroceramics (POLECER)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The aim of Polecer is to identify key areas for development within polar electroceramics, coordinate R&D activities in the field, pursue efficient dissemination of their results to industrial users, support implementation of emerging technologies leading to new products, to bring Europe to the forefront of technological development and strengthe...

PrintCer3D - Fabrico rápido de produtos em porcelanas por impressão tridimensional (PrintCer3D)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto PrintCer3D tem como objetivo principal a exploração da impressão tridimensional (3D) como tecnologia alternativa para o fabrico rápido de produtos em porcelana, com vista à redução drástica do tempo de manufatura e, assim, permitir melhores respostas às necessidades do mercado, angariar novos mercados e desenvolver novas funcionalidade...

Processing and characterization of electroactive polymers and composites based on PVDF for microelectronic, sensor and actuator applications (POCI/CTM/59425/2004)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
piezoelectricity sensors and actuators polymers and composites material processing and characterisation

Processing and characterization of multiferroic ceramics for sensor and actuator applications (PTDC/CTM/67575/2006)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Multiferroic materials Magnetoelectric effect spin-lattice coupling Granular materials

RoboCer3D - Fabrico rápido de produtos em porcelana por R3D (RoboCer3D)

PartnerIndustry National
RoboCer3D project aims the development of an additive manufacturing technology for porcelain tableware products by "Robocasting 3D" (R3D).

SGH : Smart Green Homes (Smart Green Homes)

PartnerIndustry National
The Smart Green Homes (SGH) Project aims to develop integrated product and technology solutions for the households, raising standards of comfort, safety and user satisfaction to a new level and, at the same time, to respond to the problems of sustainability of the Planet, increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the emission of gaseous poll...

Smart joint implants using bionanocomposites – SIMBIO (NANO/NMed-SD/0156/2007)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
biocomposites nanocomposites smart materials smart implants

Statics and dynamics if hight polarizable ultra-thin films and nano-layered superlattices (PTDC/CTM/64805/2006)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Filmes finos dieléctricos Superredes em multicamadas nanométricas Estruturas desordenadas e relaxadoras Propriedades dieléctricas e vibracionais

Support for short term scientific missions (stsm) on "chemical solution deposition of thin films" in the frame of cost action 528 - exercise 2002 (COST ACTION 528)

CoordinatorEuropean Comission

Thick composite coatings for piezoelectric applications (POCTI/CTM/44732/2002)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
sol-gel thick films piezoelectric transducers actuators


The dissolution of potassium sodium niobate (KNN) in aqueous media towards sustainable electroceramics sintering

Wlódarkiewicz, A; Costa, ME; Vilarinho, PM
2023, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 233.

Nanostructured transparent solutions for UV-shielding: Recent developments and future challenges

Silva, MRF; Alves, MFRP; Cunha, JPGQ; Costa, JL; Silva, CA; Fernandes, MHV; Vilarinho, PM; Ferreira, P

Atmosphere-Assisted FLASH Sintering of Nanometric Potassium Sodium Niobate

Serrazina, R; Pereira, L; Vilarinho, PM; Senos, AM
2022, NANOMATERIALS, 12, 19.

Design and Characterization of Novel Barium Strontium Titanate Thick Films for Sub-6 GHz RF Applications

Bouca, P; Figueiredo, R; Wlodarkiewicz, A; Tkach, A; Matos, JN; Vilarinho, PM; de Carvalho, NB

Elastic moduli of potassium sodium niobate ceramics: Impact of spark plasma texturing

Pinho, R; Tkach, A; Carpenter, MA; Noudem, J; Costa, ME; Vilarinho, PM

Flash Sintered Potassium Sodium Niobate: High-Performance Piezoelectric Ceramics at Low Thermal Budget Processing

Serrazina, R; Tkach, A; Pereira, L; Senos, AMOR; Vilarinho, PM
2022, MATERIALS, 15, 19.

High Q Dielectric Titanium Tellurite Thick Films on Alumina Substrates for High Frequency Telecommunications

Su, XM; Tkach, A; Krupka, J; Vilarinho, PM
2022, MATERIALS, 15, 2.

Induced internal stresses and their relation to FLASH sintering of KNN ceramics

Serrazina, R; Gomes, M; Vilarinho, R; Pereira, L; Dean, JS; Reaney, IM; Senos, AMOR; Vilarinho, PM; Moreira, JA
2022, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 10, 30, 10916-10925.

Low-Temperature Dielectric Response of Strontium Titanate Thin Films Manipulated by Zn Doping

Okhay, O; Vilarinho, PM; Tkach, A
2022, MATERIALS, 15, 3.

Mechanical writing of electrical polarization in poly (L-lactic) acid *

Barroca, N; Collins, LJ; Rodriguez, BM; Fernandes, MHV; Vilarinho, PM
2022, ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, 139, 249-258.

Nonstoichiometry Role on the Properties of Quantum-Paraelectric Ceramics

In Tanasescu, S. (Eds.), Structure Processing Properties Relationships in Stoichiometric and Nonstoichiometric Oxides
Tkach, A; Vilarinho, PM
2020, London, IntechOpen.
ISBN: 978-1-78985-452-7

Strain effect on the properties of polar dielectric thin films

In Alexander Pogrebnjak and Valentin Novosad (Eds.), Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings
Tkach, A; Okhay, O; Santos, A; Zlotnik, S; Serrazina, R; Vilarinho, PM; Costa, ME
2019, 331-342, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
ISBN: 978-981-13-6132-6

Sr/Ti ratio in strontium titanate ceramics: designing the microstructure, envisaging the properties

In Alexander Tkach and Paula Vilarinho (Eds.), Strontium Titanate: Synthesis, Properties and Uses
Amaral, L; Tkach, A; Vilarinho, PM; Senos, AMR
2019, 71-100, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-53615-437-5

Effect of bismuth doping on the properties of strontium titanate thin films

In Alexander Tkach and Paula Vilarinho (Eds.), Strontium Titanate: Synthesis, Properties and Uses
Okhay, O; Tkach, A; Vilarinho, PM
2019, 209-258, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-53615-437-5

Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in SrTiO3-based ceramics by processing conditions

In Alexander Tkach and Paula Vilarinho (Eds.), Strontium Titanate: Synthesis, Properties and Uses
Tkach, A; Resende, J; Diaz-Chao, P; Guilmeau, E; Costa, ME; Vilarinho, PM
2019, 297-322, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-53615-437-5

Thin-Film Porous Ferroic Nanostructures: Strategies and Characterization

In Miguel Algueró, J. Marty Gregg, Liliana Mitoseriu (Eds.), Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics: Key Processing and Characterization Issues, and Nanoscale Effects
Alichandra Castro, Paula Ferreira, Stella Skiadopoulou, Paula M. Vilarinho, Liliana P. Ferreira, Margarida Godinho and Brian J. Rodriguez
2016, 147-162, Chichester, UK, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-118-93575-0

Functional Tantalum-based Oxides: From the Structure to the Applications

In Ashutosh Tiwari, Rosario A. Gerhardt andMagdalena Szutkowska (Eds.), Advanced Ceramic Materials
S. Zlotnik, A. Tkach, P. M. Vilarinho
2016, 337-283, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-119-24244-4

Strategies for the Structure and Morphology Control of. BaTiO3 Nanoparticles

New Applications of Nanomaterials
Florentina Maxim, Paula Ferreira, Paula Vilarinho
2014, 83-98, Bucureşti, Romanian Academy.
ISBN: 978-973-27-2311-1

Functional materials: properties, processing and applications

In Vilarinho PM, Yossi RY, Kingon A (Eds.), Scanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional Materials
Vilarinho PM
2005, 186, 3-33.
ISBN: 978-1-4020-3017-8

Piezoelectric Thick Film Composites: Processing and Applications

Recent Research Developments in Materials Science
Kholkin A L, Wu A, Vilarnho PM
2004, 5, 1-24, Korela India, Research Signpost Publisher.
ISBN: 81-7736-203-8

Materiais Ferroeléctricos

In Amaral Fortes M, Pereira PJ (Eds.), Materiais dois Mil
Vilarinho PM, Joanni E
2003, 329-338, Lisbon, Ist Press.
ISBN: 9789728469238


Method for the preparation at low temperatures of ferroelectric thin films, the ferroelectric thin films thus obtained and their applications

Processes InternationalNational

Vilarinho, Paula ; Wu, Aiying; Calzada, Maria; Rioboo, Ricardo; Bretos, Ignos

A processing technology for the fabrication at low temperatures of ferroelectric crystalline oxide thin films, among others PbZrxTi1-xO3 (PZT) (<400 ºC for PZT) with ferroelectric properties appropriate for integration in devices is herein disclosed. The method is also valid for the fabrication of ferroelectric thin film...

Preparation method of polymer-based composite porous structures for tissue engineering application

Processes National

Fernandes, Maria; Vilarinho, Paula; Silva, Ana; Barroca, Natália

The present invention relates to a method for preparing composite porous structures, of polymeric matrix and inorganic filler, biocompatible and biodegradable for tissue engineering applications. In particular, the present invention describes the use of inorganic bioactive compounds of different solubility to induce and control the poro...

Process for obtaining thin films of barium and strontium titanate at low temperatures by sol-gel and high tunable dielectric permittivity

Processes National

Vilarinho, Paula; Wu, Aiying; Gao, Jie

The present invention relates to a new process for obtaining thin films of dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials at low temperatures, crystalline, dense and with optimized electrical properties, in particular barium and strontium titanate, BST, at low temperatures, 600 °C. Conventional sol gel solutions are mixed...

Production of thick ceramic composite films via sol gel solutions sedimentation and infiltration

Processes National

Vilarinho, Paula; Wu, Aiying; Kholkin, Andrei

The present invention relates to a method for producing ceramic composite thick films of a thickness above 50 microns on a selected group of substrates at temperatures below 600 degrees Celsius, for piezoelectric applications.Sol-gel solutions are mixed with up to about 90% by weight of powder particles (ceramic or single cr...

Tunable dielectric composite and method for the production thereof

Materials InternationalNational

Dielétrico compósito sintonizável e processo de fabrico

The present invention relates to composite dielectric materials with low dielectric losses and high tunability of the relative dielectric permittivity, in the form of thick films to be used and integrated in circuits, as passive components of tunable devices, for application at radio and microwave frequencies, and methods for the produc...

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