João Carlos de Castro Abrantes

Professor Adjunto

Perfil biográfico

- Licenciado em Engenharia Cerâmica e do Vidro pela Universidade de Aveiro em 1988.
- Mestre em Engenharia dos Materiais pela Universidade de Aveiro em 1992, com tese intitulada "Preparação e Avaliação de Cátodos Compósitos".
- Doutor em Ciência e Engenharia dos Materais pela Universidade de Aveiro em 2001, com tese intitulada "Sensores resistivos de oxigénio à base de SrTi1-xNbxO3+d: Efeitos microestruturais e comportamento transiente".

Projectos financiados

- Compatibilidade entre Eléctrodos Cerâmicos e Electrólitos de Zircónia em Sensores de Oxigénio, Projecto JNICT, 1990-1993.
- Evaluation of Advanced Electrode and Electrolyte Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Programa Comunitário JOULE (JOUE-044C), 1990-1993.
- Materiais de Eléctrodo para Aplicações Tecnológicas de Condutores Protónicos, Programa STRIDE (STRD/CTM/664/92), 1993-1995.
- Sensores Resistivos de Oxigénio à Base de Filmes de Sr(Ti,Fe)O3, FCT, Projecto PRAXIS/3/3.1/MMA/1760/95, 1997-1999.
- Membranas para Separação Selectiva de Oxigénio, FCT, Projecto PRAXIS/C/CTM/1470/98 1999 - 2001.
- Propriedades de transporte e aplicações electroquímicas de nanomateriais à base de céria, FCT, POCTI/CTM/39381/2001, 2003-2006.
- Desenvolvimento de novos condutores com condução por iões intersticiais para separação de oxigénio e conversão de hidrocarbonetos, FCT, POCI/CTM/59197/2004, 2005-2007.
- Novas Membranas Cerâmicas para Produção de Gás de Síntese, FCT, POCI/CTM/58570/2004, 2005-2007.

Publicações seleccionadas

Publicações seleccionadas Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica
- M. Gonzalez, J.R. Jurado, C. Moure, P. Duran, F.M.B. Marques, J.C.C. Abrantes, "Comportamiento Eléctrico en Función de la Presión Parcial de Oxígeno en Materiales Ceramicos de ZrO2 - CeO2 Tetragonal", Bol. Soc. Esp. Cer. y Vidrio, 30 [6] 476-79 (1991)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, F.M.B. Marques, M.T. Hernandez, J.R. Jurado, P. Duran, "Evaluation of Ionic Transport Number of CeO2 Doped Y TZP and PSZ Ceramics with Alumina Additions", Solid State Ionics 50 167-73 (1992)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, "Combined Effects of A-site Deficiency and Dopant Content On Transport Properties of Nb-Doped Strontium Titanate", Ionics, Vol.3, Nº1, 16-22 (1997)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, A.A.L.Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, "Electrical Conductivity of Sr1-xTiO3 Materials", Ionics, Vol.3, 436-441 (1998)
- A.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Abrantes, J.R. Frade, “Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1-yNbyO3-d; materials”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol.5, 773-776 (1999)
- J.C.C.Abrantes, A.J. Feighery, J.A.Labrincha and J.R.Frade, Onset of Resistive Internal Interfaces in SrTi0.95Nb0.05O3+d Materials on Changing from Reducing to Oxidising Conditions and on Cooling, Ionics 5, 410-14 (1999)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.A. Frade, Evalution of SrTi1-yNbyO3-d Material for Gas Sensors, Sensors and Actuators B, 56 198-205 (1999)
- A.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.R. Jurado, J.R. Frade, “Oxygen stoichiometry of Sr(Ti,Fe)O3-d materials”, Solid State Ionics, 135 [1-4] 761-764 (2000).
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, An Alternative Representation of Impedance Spectra of Ceramics, Mater. Res. Bull., 35 (5) 727-740 (2002).
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, Representations of Impedance Spectra of Ceramics. Part I. Simulated Study Cases, Mater. Res. Bull., 35 (6) 955-964 (2002).
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, Representations of Impedance Spectra of Ceramics. Part II.Spectra of Polycrystalline SrTiO3, Mater. Res. Bull., 35 (6) 965-976 (2002).
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, Applicability of the Brick Layer Model to Describe the Grain Boundary Properties of Strontium Titanate Ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., [20] 10 1603-1609 (2002)
- A.J. Feighery, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.M.F. Ferreira, J.R. Frade, Long term changes in electrical behaviour of SrTi0,95Nb0,05O3+ materials on changing from reducing to oxidising conditions, Sensors and Actuators B, [75] 1-2 88-94 (2001)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, Behaviour of Strontium Titanate Ceramics in Reducing Conditions Suggesting Enhanced Conductivity Along Grain Boundaries, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc, 22 [9-10] 1683-1691 (2002).
- J.C.C. Abrantes, A.J. Feighery, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade, Impedance Spectroscopy Study of Niobium-Doped Strontium Titanate Ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85 [11] 2745-52 (2002)
- D. P. Fagg, J. C. C. Abrantes, D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez, V. V. Kharton and J. R. Frade, “The effect of cobalt oxide sintering aid on electronic transport in Ce0.80Gd0.20O2-d electrolyte”, Electrochimica Acta, 48, nº8, 1023-1029 (2003)
- D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez, J.R. Frade, J.C.C. Abrantes, “Conductivity of CGO and CSO ceramics obtained from freeze-dried precursors”, Electrochimica Acta, 48, nº11, 1551-1557 (2003)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, D. Perez-Coll, P. Nunez, J.R. Frade, “Electronic transport in Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9-δ ceramics under reducing conditions”, Electrochimica Acta, 48, nº 19, 2761-2766 (2003)
- J.C.C. Abrantes, D. Perez-Coll, P. Núñez, J.R. Frade, “On the use of multichannel data acquisition of impedance spectra”, Ionics 9 (5-6), 370-374 (2003)
- D. Marrero-López, J. C. Ruiz-Morales, D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez, J. C. C. Abrantes and J. R. Frade, “Stability and transport properties of La2Mo2O9”, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 8: 638 – 643 (2004).
- D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez, D. Marrero-López, J. C. C. Abrantes and J. R. Frade, ” Effects of sintering additives on the mixed transport properties of ceria-based materials under reducing conditions”, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 8: 644 – 649 (2004).
- Marrero-Lopez D, Ruiz-Morales JC, Nunez P, Abrantes JCC, Frade JR, Synthesis and characterization of La2MO2O9 obtained from freeze-dried precursors, J. Solid State Chemistry 177 (7): 2378-2386 (2004)
- M. J. Ribeiro, J. C. C. Abrantes, J. M. Ferreira and J. A. Labrincha, Predicting processing-sintering-related properties of mullite-alumina ceramic bodies based on Al-rich anodising sludge by impedance spectroscopy, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., Volume 24, Issues 15-16, 3841-3848 (2004).
- A.V. Shlyakhtinaa, J.C.C. Abrantes, L.L. Larina, L.G. Shcherbakova, Synthesis and conductivity of Yb2Ti2O7 nanoceramics , Solid State Ionics Volume 176, Issues 17-18, 1653-1656 (2005).
- J.R. Frade, V.V. Kharton, D. Marrero-López, P. Nuñez and J.C.C. Abrantes, Kinetics of phase transformations for constant heating rate occurring close to the thermodynamic transition, Thermochimica Acta, Volume 435, Issue 1, 85-91 (2005).
- D. Pérez-Coll, P. Núñez, J.C.C. Abrantes, D.P. Fagg, V.V. Kharton and J.R. Frade, Effects of firing conditions and addition of Co on bulk and grain boundary properties of CGO, Solid State Ionics, Vol. 176, Issues 37-38, 2799-2805 (2005).
- J.C.C. Abrantes, A. Shlyakhtina, L. Shcherbakova, A. Levchenko, J. Frade, A.L. Horovistiz, Microstructures and electrical conductivity of Yb2+xTi2-xO7-x/2 materials, Materiais Science Forum, Advanced Materials Forum III, 417-421 (2006).
- L. Shcherbakova, A. Shlyakhtina, A. Knotko, S. Stefanovich, A. Levchenko, L. Larina, J.C.C. Abrantes, New oxyde-ion conductors 35,5%Ln2O3 64,5%TiO2 (Ln= Lu, Yb, Tm, Er, Ho, Dy), Materials Science Forum, Advanced Materials Forum III, 422-426 (2006).
- M.J.P. Ribeiro, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, Electrical characterization of mullite bodies containing Al-rich anodizing sludge, Materials Science Forum, Advanced Materials Forum III, 1726-1730 (2006).
- A.V. Shlyakhtina, J.C.C. Abrantes, A.V. Levchenko, A.V. Knotko, O.K. Karyaginaand L.G. Shcherbakova, Synthesis and electric transport properties of Lu2+xTi2-xO7-x/2 oxide ion conductors, Solid State Ionic, 177 (2006) 1149-1155.
- M.J. Ribeiro, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A Labrincha, Impedance spectroscopy evolution upon sintering of Al-rich anodising sludge-based extruded bodies, Bul. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Y Vidrio, 45 [4] 300-303 (2006).



Ionic and electronic conductivity of Yb2+xTi2-xO7-x/2 materials

Abrantes, JCC; Levchenko, A; Shlyakhtina, AV; Shcherbakova, LG; Horovistiz, AL; Fagg, DP; Frade, JR
2006, SOLID STATE IONICS, 177, 19-25, 1785-1788.

Impedance spectroscopy evolution upon sintering of Al-rich anodising sludge-based extruded bodies

Ribeiro, MJ; Abrantes, JC; Labrincha, JA

Kinetics of phase transformations for constant heating rate occurring close to the thermodynamic transition

Frade, JR; Kharton, VV; Marrero-Lopez, D; Nunez, P; Abrantes, JCC
2005, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, 435, 1, 85-91.

Predicting processing-sintering-related properties of mullite-alumina ceramic bodies based on Al-rich anodising sludge by impedance spectroscopy

Ribeiro, MJ; Abrantes, JCC; Ferreira, JM; Labrincha, JA
2004, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 24, 15-16, 3841-3848.

Stability and transport properties of La2Mo2O9

Marrero-Lopez, D; Ruiz-Morales, JC; Perez-Coll, D; Nunez, P; Abrantes, JCC; Frade, JR

Effects of sintering additives on the mixed transport properties of ceria-based materials under reducing conditions

Perez-Coll, D; Nunez, P; Marrero-Lopez, D; Abrantes, JCC; Frade, JR

Synthesis and characterization of La2MO2O9 obtained from freeze-dried precursors

Marrero-Lopez, D; Ruiz-Morales, JC; Nunez, P; Abrantes, JCC; Frade, JR
2004, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 177, 7, 2378-2386.

On the use of multichannel data acquisition of impedance spectra

Abrantes, JCC; Perez-Coll, D; Nunez, P; Frade, JR
2003, IONICS, 9, 5-6, 370-374.

The effect of cobalt oxide sintering aid on electronic transport in Ce0.80Gd0.20O2-delta electrolyte

Fagg, DP; Abrantes, JCC; Perez-Coll, D; Nunez, P; Kharton, VV; Frade, JR
2003, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 48, 8, 1023-1029.

Electronic transport in Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9-delta ceramics under reducing conditions

Abrantes, JCC; Perez-Coll, D; Nunez, P; Frade, JR
2003, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 48, 19, 2761-2766.

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