Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT)
Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The AIM-NEXT project arises from the common need of European academy and industry to educate and train the next generation of experts in the field of “Sustainable design of material solutions for engineering applications”. In this regard, the need to Accelerate the design and Insertion of hard Material tools and components, manufactured using no...Civil Engineering And Geomatics Innovative Research On Heritage (ENGINEER)
PartnerEuropean Comission
ENGINEER project aims to enhance the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) research and innovation potentials through coordination and support actions provided by the Twinning call. Built upon its unique character, as the single University Department of the country where Civil and Geo...ILLIANCE (ILLIANCE (WP2 - Desenvolvimento de novos e avançados (IoT) esquentadores de água quente sanitária, como antecipação da transição energética/eletrificação da economia))
PartnerIndustry National
ILLIANCE Agenda embodies a complex ecosystem of integrated projects which aims at addressing the goal of carbon neutrality of the buildings sector, which represents 40% of global CO2 emissions. The adopted approach adopted is based on the development of complementary technologies associated with 3 core pillars, i.e.: health, comfort and...Dados Inteligentes para Desenhar Inibidores de Corrosão (DataCor)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mobilizar competências tecnológicas em Engenharia de Superficies (ON-SURF)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto ON-SURF é um Programa Mobilizador que envolve transversalmente empresas Nacionais de diferentes sectores de atividade e entidades não empresariais do SI&I, num consórcio alargado, em torno do eixo prioritário na Agenda da Inovação Internacional, a Engenharia de Superfícies. Pretende-se desenvolver e aplicar processos de m...Novos revestimentos PVD sobre polímeros, latão e alumínio para substituição de processos de galvanização de Cr (VI) (SafeChrome)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto SafeChrome visa o desenvolvimento de uma solução híbrida inovadora constituída por revestimentos depositados por PVD em substratos com cromagem trivalente (Cr(III) + PVD). Os sistemas desenvolvidos deverão igualar ou superar as soluções compostas por Cr(VI) em termos de desempenho e serão avaliados de acordo com as exigentes especifica...Sensing the micro-distribution of chemical species in solution close to the active metal (PTDC/CTM/66041/2006)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
corrosão micro-sensores químicos modelação química especiação químicaPublications
Active sensing coating for early detection of corrosion processes
Maia, F; Tedim, J; Bastos, AC; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML
2014, RSC ADVANCES, 4, 34, 17780-17786.
New fluorinated diamond microelectrodes for localized detection of dissolved oxygen
Silva, E; Bastos, AC; Neto, M; Fernandes, AJ; Silva, R; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, M; Oliveira, F
Novel diamond microelectrode for pH sensing
Silva, EL; Bastos, AC; Neto, MA; Silva, RF; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML; Oliveira, FJ
Influence of preparation conditions of Layered Double Hydroxide conversion films on corrosion protection
Tedim, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Bastos, AC; Salak, AN; Lisenkov, AD; Ferreira, MGS
2014, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 117, 164-171.
Effects of mechanical forming on the corrosion of electrogalvanised steel
Bastos, AC; Ferreira, MGS; Simoes, AMP
2013, CORROSION SCIENCE, 69, 87-96.
Nanocontainer-based corrosion sensing coating
Maia, F; Tedim, J; Bastos, AC; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML
2013, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 24, 41.
A practical way to model convection in non-agitated electrolytes
Dolgikh, O; Demeter, AS; Bastos, AC; Topa, V; Deconinck, J
Synergistic corrosion inhibition on galvanically coupled metallic materials
Kallip, S; Bastos, AC; Yasakau, KA; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
Boron doped nanocrystalline diamond microelectrodes for the detection of Zn2+ and dissolved O-2
Silva, EL; Bastos, AC; Neto, MA; Silva, RF; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS; Oliveira, FJ
2012, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 76, 487-494.
The uneven corrosion of deep drawn coil-coatings investigated by EIS
Bastos, AC; Ferreira, MGS; Simoes, AMP
2011, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 56, 23, 7825-7832.