Ongoing Supervisions
Development and design of novel multiFUNctional PEO COATings (FUNCOAT)

PartnerEuropean Comission
The main objective of the proposal is the development of multi-purpose, multi-functional surfaces via environmentally friendly plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) treatments. In an intelligent way the weakness of the PEO process (the inherent porosity due to the discharges forming the coating is often responsible for poor properties) is used to ...Exploratory Research Project: Kyril Yasakao (IF/01284/2015)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
MULTI-functional metallic SURFaces via active Layered Double Hydroxide treatments (MULTISURF)
PartnerEuropean Comission
The project will develop active multi-functional surfaces with high level of self-healing ability on the basis of Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) structures formed on different industrially relevant metallic substrates. The main idea of the project is based on “smart” triggered release on demand for functional organic or inorganic anionic compoun...Publications
Effect of the Anodic Titania Layer Thickness on Electrodeposition of Zinc on Ti/TiO2 from Deep Eutectic Solvent
Starykevich, M; Salak, AN; Ivanou, DK; Yasakau, KA; Andre, PS; Ferreira, RAS; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
Active corrosion protection coating for a ZE41 magnesium alloy created by combining PEO and sol-gel techniques
Ivanou, DK; Yasakau, KA; Kallip, S; Lisenkov, AD; Starykevich, M; Lamaka, SV; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML
2016, RSC ADVANCES, 6, 15, 12553-12560.
Corrosion protection of AA2024 by sol-gel coatings modified with MBT-loaded polyurea microcapsules
Maia, F; Yasakau, KA; Carneiro, J; Kallip, S; Tedim, J; Henriques, T; Cabral, A; Venancio, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
Influence of stripping and cooling atmospheres on surface properties and corrosion of zinc galvanizing coatings
Yasakau, KA; Giner, I; Vree, C; Ozcan, O; Grothe, R; Oliveira, A; Grundmeier, G; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML
2016, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 389, 144-156.
Initial stages of localized corrosion at cut-edges of adhesively bonded Zn and Zn-Al-Mg galvanized steel
Yasakau, KA; Kallip, S; Lisenkov, A; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML
2016, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 211, 126-141.
Influence of sol-gel process parameters on the protection properties of sol-gel coatings applied on AA2024
Yasakau, KA; Carneiro, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
Active Corrosion Protection by Nanoparticles and Conversion Films of Layered Double Hydroxides
Yasakau, KA; Tedim, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
2014, CORROSION, 70, 5, 436-445.
Mechanisms of Localized Corrosion Inhibition of AA2024 by Cerium Molybdate Nanowires
Yasakau, KA; Tedim, J; Montemor, MF; Salak, AN; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
2013, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 117, 11, 5811-5823.
Active corrosion protection of AA2024 by sol-gel coatings with cerium molybdate nanowires
Yasakau, KA; Kallip, S; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
2013, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 112, 236-246.
Cerium molybdate nanowires for active corrosion protection of aluminium alloys
Yasakau, KA; Tedim, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Drumm, R; Shem, M; Wittmar, M; Veith, M; Ferreira, MGS
2012, CORROSION SCIENCE, 58, 41-51.
Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys

In Klaus Wandelt (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry
K.A. Yasakau, M.L. Zheludkevich, M.G.S. Ferreira,
2018, 115-127, Elsevier.
Sol-Gel Coatings with Nanocontainers of Corrosion Inhibitors for Active Corrosion Protection of Metallic Materials

In Klein L., Aparicio M., Jitianu A. (Eds.), Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
K. A. Yasakau, M. G. S. Ferreira, M. L. Zheludkevich
2017, 1-37, Springer, Cham.
Role of intermetallics in corrosion of aluminum alloys. Smart corrosion protection

In Rahul Mitra (Eds.), Intermetallic Matrix Composites - Properties and Applications
K.A. Yasakau, M.L. Zheludkevich, M.G.S. Ferreira
2017, 425-462, Woodhead Publishing.
8 - Novel and self-healing anticorrosion coatings using rare earth compounds

Rare Earth-Based Corrosion Inhibitors
K.A. Yasakau, M.G.S. Ferreira, M.L. Zheludkevich, H. Terryn, J.M.C. Mol, Y. Gonzalez-Garcia
2014, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing.
Smart self-healing coatings for corrosion protection of aluminium alloys

In Abdel Makhlouf (Eds.), Handbook of smart coatings for corrosion protection
K.A. Yasakau, J. Tedim, M.L. Zheludkevich, M.G.S. Ferreira
2013, Woodhead Publishing.
Self-healing nanocoatings for corrosion control

In Viswanathan S. Saji, Korea University, South Korea and Ronald Cook, TDA Research Inc., USA (Eds.), Corrosion protection and control using nanomaterials
Ferreira MGS, Zheludkevich ML, Tedim J and Yasakau KA
2012, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited.