Pavel Zelenovskii


Scientific interests

  • Advanced functional and nanoscale materials;
  • Supramolecular and self-assembled nanostructures;
  • Physical properties of graphene and related materials;
  • Structure and properties of organic crystals and nanostructures;
  • Phase transitions and water diffusion in organic and inorganic porous materials;
  • Ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity, ferroelectric domain structures;
  • Materials characterization: FTIR, Raman, NMR spectroscopy, AFM, XRD, SAXS, etc.
  • Data science, crystallography data mining and analysis
  • First-principle and quantum chemical calculations.

Awards and honours

2010: Young scientists award for the excellent presentation at RCBJSF’10, Yokohama, Japan.
2011: Award for the best presentation at XIX All-Russian conference on ferroelectricity, Moscow, Russia.
2012: Award of the Academia Europaea for young scientists.
2012: Medal of the Russian members club of Academia Europaea.
2016: Award of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region (Russia) for the best work in experimental physics.
2022: Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
2023: Member of the American Chemical Society.

Academy of Europe: Gold Medal of the Academia EuropaeaAmerican Chemical Society - Wikipedia

Selected publications

  1. P. Zelenovskii, M. Soares, C. Bornes, I. Marin-Montesinos, M. Sardo, S. Kopyl, A. Kholkin, L. Mafra, F. Figueiredo. Detection of helical water flows in sub-nanometer channels. Nat. Commun. 2024, v. 15, p. 5516.
  2. P.S. Zelenovskii, K. Romanyuk, M.S. Liberato, P. Brandão, F.F. Ferreira, S. Kopyl, W.A. Alves, A.L. Kholkin, 2D layered dipeptide crystals for piezoelectric applications, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, v. 31, p. 2102524.
  3. K. Romanyuk, V. Slabov, D. Alikin, P. Zelenovskiy, M.R.P. Correia, K. Keller, R.A.S. Ferreira, S. Vasilev, S. Kopyl, A. Kholkin, Piezoactive dense diphenylalanine thin films via solid-phase crystallization, Appl. Mater. Today, 2022, v. 26, p. 101261.
  4. M.S. Liberato, N.G.S. Cavalcante, P. Abinaya Sindu, M.J. Rodrigues-Jesus, P. Zelenovskii, A.C.O. Carreira, M.S. Baptista, M.C. Sogayar, L.C.S. Ferreira, L.H. Catalani, Histidine-based singlet-oxygen crosslinked hydrogels for biomedical applications, Soft Matter, 2021, v. 17, pp. 10926-10934
  5. P.S. Zelenovskiy, A.O. Davydov, A.S. Krylov, A.L. Kholkin, Raman study of structural transformations in self-assembled diphenylalanine nanotubes at elevated temperatures, J. Raman Spectrosc., 2017, v. 48, № 11, pp. 1401-1405.
  6. E. Seyedhosseini, K. Romanyuk, D. Vasileva, S. Vasilev, A. Nuraeva, P. Zelenovskiy, M. Ivanov, A.N. Morozovska, V.Ya. Shur, H. Lu, A. Gruverman, and Andrei L. Kholkin, Self-assembly of organic ferroelectrics by evaporative dewetting: a case of β-glycine, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, v. 9, № 23, p. 20029.
  7. D.V. Pelegov, B.N. Slautin, V.S. Gorshkov, P.S. Zelenovskiy, E.A. Kiselev, A.L. Kholkin, and V.Y. Shur, Raman spectroscopy, ‘big data’, and local heterogeneity of solid state synthesized lithium titanate, J. Power Sources, 2017, v. 346, pp. 143-150.
  8. P. Zelenovskiy, I. Kornev, S. Vasilev, A. Kholkin, On the origin of great rigidity of self-assembled diphenylalanine nanotubes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, v. 18, p. 29681.
  9. A. Nuraeva, S. Vasilev, D. Vasileva, P. Zelenovskiy, D. Chezganov, A. Esin, S. Kopyl, K. Romanyuk, V.Y. Shur, and A.L. Kholkin, Evaporation-Driven Crystallization of Diphenylalanine Microtubes for Microelectronic Applications, Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, v. 16(3), p. 1472-1479.
  10. S. Vasilev, P. Zelenovskiy, D. Vasileva, A. Nuraeva, V.Ya. Shur, A.L. Kholkin, Piezoelectric properties of diphenylalanine microtubes prepared from the solution, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2016, v. 93, p. 68-72.
  11. G.C. Rodrigues, P. Zelenovskiy, K. Romanyuk, S. Luchkin, Y. Kopelevich, A. Kholkin, Strong piezoelectricity in single-layer graphene deposited on SiO2 grating substrates, Nat. Commun., 2015, v. 6, p. 7572.
  12. V.Ya. Shur, P.S. Zelenovskiy, Micro- and Nanodomain Imaging in Uniaxial Ferroelectrics. Joint Application of Optical, Confocal Raman and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy, J. Appl. Phys., 2014, v. 116, p. 066802.
  13. D. Isakov, D. Petukhova, S. Vasilev, A. Nuraeva, T. Khazamov, E. Seyedhosseini, P. Zelenovskiy, V. Shur, A. Kholkin, In-situ observation of the humidity controlled polymorphic phase transformation in glycine microcrystals, Cryst. Growth Des., 2014, v. 14, p. 4138–4142.
  14. D. Isakov, E. de Matos Gomes, B. Almeida, A.L. Kholkin, P. Zelenovskiy, M. Neradovskiy, and V.Ya. Shur, Energy harvesting from nanofibers of hybrid organic ferroelectric dabcoHReO4, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, v. 104, p. 032907.
  15. V.Ya. Shur, M.S. Nebogatikov, D.O. Alikin, P.S. Zelenovskiy, M.F. Sarmanova, A.V. Ievlev, E.A. Mingaliev, D.K. Kuznetsov, Investigation of the Nanodomain Structure Formation by Piezoelectric Force Microscopy and Raman Confocal Microscopy in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 Crystals, J. Appl. Phys., 2011, v. 110, p. 052013-1-6.


Thermal destruction of giant polyoxometalate nanoclusters: A vibrational spectroscopy study

Grzhegorzhevskii, KV; Zelenovskiy, PS; Koryakova, OV; Ostroushko, AA
2019, INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, 489, 287-300.
ISBN: 1873-3255

Diphenylalanine-Based Microribbons for Piezoelectric Applications via Inkjet Printing

Safaryan, S; Slabov, V; Kopyl, S; Romanyuk, K; Bdikin, I; Vasilev, S; Zelenovskiy, P; Shur, VY; Uslamin, EA; Pidko, EA; Vinogradov, AV; Kholkin, AL
2018, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 10, 12, 10543-10551.

Investigation of physical properties of diphenylalanine peptide nanotubes having different chiralities and embedded water molecules

Bystrov, VS; Kopyl, SA; Zelenovskiy, P; Zhulyabina, OA; Tverdislov, VA; Salehli, F; Ghermani, NE; Shur, VY; Kholkin, AL
2018, FERROELECTRICS, 525, 1, 168-177.

Piezoelectric properties and Young's moduli of diphenylalanine microtubes-oxide nanoparticles composites

Zelenovskiy, PS; Koryukova, TA; Yuzhakov, VV; Vasilev, SG; Nuraeva, AS; Gunina, EV; Chezganov, DS; Kholkin, AL; Shur, VY
2018, FERROELECTRICS, 525, 1, 146-155.

High Resolution Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Study of Self-Assembled Peptide Nanotubes

Ivanov, M; Bak, O; Kopyl, S; Vasilev, S; Zelenovskiy, P; Shur, V; Gruverman, A; Kholkin, A
2017, MRS ADVANCES, 2, 2, 63-69.

Raman spectroscopy, "big data", and local heterogeneity of solid state synthesized lithium titanate

Pelegov, DV; Slautin, BN; Gorshkov, VS; Zelenovskiy, PS; Kiselev, EA; Kholkin, AL; Shur, VY
2017, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 346, 143-150.
ISBN: 1873-2755

Single particle structure characterization of solid-state synthesized Li4Ti5O12

Pelegov, DV; Slautin, BN; Zelenovskiy, PS; Kuznetsov, DK; Kiselev, EA; Alikin, DO; Kholkin, AL; Shur, VY
2017, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 48, 2, 278-283.
ISBN: 1097-4555

Self-Assembly of Organic Ferroelectrics by Evaporative Dewetting: A Case of beta-Glycine

Seyedhosseini, E; Romanyuk, K; Vasileva, D; Vasilev, S; Nuraeva, A; Zelenovskiy, P; Ivanov, M; Morozovska, AN; Shur, VY; Lu, HD; Gruverman, A; Kholkin, AL
2017, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 9, 23, 20029-20037.

Raman study of structural transformations in self-assembled diphenylalanine nanotubes at elevated temperatures

Zelenovskiy, PS; Davydov, AO; Krylov, AS; Kholkin, AL
2017, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 48, 11, 1401-1405.

Local Young's moduli of as-grown and annealed diphenylalanine nanotubes

Zelenovskiy, PS; Yuzhakov, VV; Vasilev, SG; Kholkin, AL; Shur, VY
2017, SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY 2017 (SPM-2017), 256.

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