Anabela Tavares Aguiar Valente

Investigador Principal

Perfil biográfico

Anabela A. Valente studied chemical engineering at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and received her doctorate in chemical engineering/catalysis from the same university. After a post-doctoral period at the University of Aveiro (UA, Portugal), in the field of Materials Engineering, she became assistant researcher at CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials (UA, 2003). Since 2015, she has held the position of principal researcher at the same institution. Her research is related to applied homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysis and materials science. She is responsible for a team interested in the chemical valorisation of biomass-derived compounds via catalytic routes. She trained scientists at several levels (MSc, PhD, post-doc) in the development of their scientific careers (some integrated the industry in the field in which they were trained by AAV). She has collaborated with members of different national (e.g., Lisbon, Algarve) and foreign (e.g. Spain, UK, Germany, Ukraine, Poland) universities in the development of multidisciplinary research works, and some reference players from the industry (Merck KGaA, Bosch). She has been involved in several scientific projects with competitive funding. She is co-author of ca. 235 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and over 290 communications at national/international conferences; h-index = 50 (Scopus), over 7000 citations (without self-citations) and ca. 82 % of her scientific articles are in the top 25% journals by CiteScore (Scopus). She was elected twice as member of the Scientific Council of the UA, and is presently co-director of the Department of Chemistry, UA. She is board member (for Portugal) of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations, FEZA since 2020. AAV was elected as Chemistry Europe Fellow (Fellows Class 2020/2021). She is presently Coordinator of the Central Laboratory of Analysis, an executive unit of the University of Aveiro.

Specific scientific interests: applied catalysis, oxidation catalysis, acid-base catalysis, de/hydrogenation, catalytic chemical valorisation of biomass, synthesis and characterisation of materials.

Interesses científicos

- Síntese e caracterização de catalisadores heterogéneos.
- Reacções de oxidação e ácido-base na presença de catalisadores homogéneos/heterogéneos.
- Valorização química de produtos derivados da biomassa vegetal por vias catalíticas: oxidação de monoterpenos, conversão de sacarídeos em aldeídos furânicos e bioésteres, isomerização de sacarídeos. 

Grupo de Investigação


Anabela A. Valente, Researcher.

Patrícia dos Santos Neves, Researcher.



Diana Gomes, PhD grant 2021.04756.BD. Supervisors: Anabela A. Valente, Patrícia Neves (CICECO).

Martinique Nunes, Marco Sebastião, PhD grant 2021.06403.BD. Supervisors: Isabel S. Gonçalves, Anabela A. Valente, Martyn Pillinger (CICECO).

Gabriela Barreto, MSc student. Supervisors: Anabela A. Valente, Patrícia Neves (CICECO).

Alexandra Silva, MSc student. Supervisors: Patrícia Neves, Anabela A. Valente (CICECO).

Carla Leite, BI Fellow. Supervisors: Anabela A. Valente, Eduarda Pereira (LCA).

Principais colaboradores

University of Aveiro, Portugal - Patrícia Neves, Martyn Pillinger, Isabel S. Gonçalves, Filipe A. A. Paz, Luís Mafra, Carlos M. Silva (CICECO); Silvia M. Rocha (LAQV-REQUIMTE).

Centro de Química Estrutural, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal – Filipa Ribeiro, Auguste Fernandes.

Institut für Chemie and IRIS Adlershof, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany - Nicola Pinna, Patrícia Russo.

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland - Wiesław Łasocha.

Inorganic Chemistry Department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine - Andrey B. Lysenko.

Actividade pedagógica

Unidades curriculares da licenciatura em Engenharia Química:
Transferência de Massa (TP);
Processos de Separação I (TP).
Unidade curricular do Mestrado em Engenharia Química:
Unidade curricular da Licenciatura em Química e da Licenciatura em Biotecnologia:

Projectos financiados

Project 2023.14213.PEX, Unconventional RISS catalysts for biobased hydrogen production and biomass conversion.  IR: Patrícia Neves.

Publicações seleccionadas

Selected publications (2015/...):

M. M. Antunes, K. Skrodczky, P. S. Cabanelas, N. Pinna, P. A. Russo, A. A. Valente, “Chemical valorisation of biomass derived furanics and carboxylic acids over niobium-based Catalysts”, Green Chem. 26 (2024) 4820-4833.

D. M. Gomes, X. Yao, P. Neves, N. Pinna, P. A. Russo, A. A. Valente, “Bulky olefin epoxidation under mild conditions over Mo-based oxide catalysts”, Catal. Sci. Technol.  14 (2024) 646–659.


P. Neves, D. M. Gomes, I. S. Gonçalves, M. Pillinger, A. A. Valente, “Reaction Induced Self-separating Metal Catalysts – Wonder Systems in 21st Century Catalysis”, Coord. Chem. Rev. 491 (2023) 215229.

S. M. Bruno, A. A. Valente, I. S. Gonçalves, M. Pillinger, “Group 6 carbonyl complexes of N,O,P-ligands as precursors of high-valent metal-oxo catalysts for olefin epoxidation”, Coord. Chem. Rev. 478 (2023) 214983.

M. M. Antunes, A. F. Silva, A. Fernandes, M. Pillinger, F. Ribeiro, A. A. Valente, “Renewable bio-based routes to gamma-valerolactone in the presence of hafnium nanocrystalline or hierarchical microcrystalline zeotype catalysts” J. Catal. 406 (2022) 56-71.

M. M. Antunes, D. Falcão, A. Fernandes, M. F. Ribeiro, M. Pillinger, J. Rocha, A. A. Valente, “Catalytic isomerization of D-glucose to D-fructose over BEA base zeotypes using different energy supply methods”, Catal. Today 362 (2021) 162-174.

M. M. Antunes, A. S. Silva, A. Fernandes, A. A. Valente, “γ-Valerolactone synthesis from α-angelica lactone and levulinic acid over biobased multifunctional nanohybrid catalysts”, Catal. Today 394–396 (2022) 268-281.

D. P. Gomes, A. F. Silva, A. C. Gomes, P. Neves, A. A. Valente, I. S. Gonçalves, M. Pillinger, “Epoxidation catalysts prepared by encapsulation of molybdenum hexacarbonyl in UiO-66(Zr/Hf)-type metal-organic frameworks”, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 330 (2022) 111603.

A. F. Silva, P. Neves, S. M. Rocha, C. M. Silva, A. A. Valente, “Optimization of continuous-flow heterogeneous catalytic oligomerization of 1-butene by design of experiments and response surface methodology”, Fuel 259 (2020) 116256 in press.

J. M. Pinheiro, S. Salústio, J. Rocha, A. A. Valente, C. M. Silva, “Adsorption heat pumps for heating applications”, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 119 (2020) 109528.

M. M. Antunes,  A. Fernandes, D. Falcão, M. Pillinger, M. F. Ribeiro, A. A. Valente, “Optimized preparation and regeneration of MFI type base catalysts for D-glucose isomerization in water”, Catal. Sci. Technol. 10  (2020) 3232-3246.

K. Skrodczky, M. M. Antunes, X. Han, Sa. Santangelo, G. Scholz, A. A. Valente, N. Pinna, P. A. Russo, “Niobium pentoxide nanomaterials with distorted structures as efficient acid catalysts: structure-acidity-activity relationships”, Commun. Chem. (Nature) 2, 129 (2019) 1-11.

S. M. Bruno, A. A. Valente, M. Pillinger, J. Amelse, C. C. Romão, I. S. Gonçalves, “Efficient Isomerization of α‑Pinene Oxide to Campholenic Aldehyde Promoted by a Mixed-Ring Analogue of Molybdenocene”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 7 (2019) 13639-13645.

A. F. Silva, A. Fernandes, M. M. Antunes, M. F. Ribeiro, C. M. Silva, A. A. Valente, “Olefin oligomerisation over nanocrystalline MFI-based micro/mesoporous zeotypes synthesised via bottom-up approaches”, Renewable Energy 138 (2019) 820-832.

M. M. Antunes, S. Lima, A. Fernandes, M. F. Ribeiro, D. Chadwick, K. Hellgardt, M. Pillinger, A. A. Valente, “One-pot hydrogen production and cascade reaction of furfural to bioproducts over bimetallic Pd-Ni TUD-1 type mesoporous catalysts”, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 237 (2018) 521–537.

A. F. Silva, A. Fernandes, M. M. Antunes, P. Neves, S.M. Rocha, M. F. Ribeiro, M. Pillinger, J. Ribeiro, C. M. Silva, A. A. Valente, “TUD-1 type aluminosilicate acid catalysts for 1-butene oligomerisation”, Fuel 209 (2017) 371-382.

M. M. Antunes, S. Lima, P. Neves, A. L. Magalhães, E. Fazio, F. Neri, M. T. Pereira, A. F. Silva, C. M. Silva, S. M. Rocha, M. Pillinger, A. Urakawa, A. A. Valente, “Integrated reduction and acid-catalysed conversion of furfural in alcohol medium using Zr,Al-containing ordered micro/mesoporous silicates”, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 182 (2016) 485-503.

T. R. Amarante, P. Neves, A. A. Valente, F. A. A. Paz, M. Pillinger, I. S. Gonçalves, “Metal Oxide-Triazole Hybrids as Heterogeneous or Reaction-Induced Self-Separating Catalysts”, J. Catal. 340 (2016) 354-367.

M. M. Antunes, S. Lima, P. Neves, A. L. Magalhães, E. Fazio, A. Fernandes, F. Neri, C. M. Silva, S. M. Rocha, M. F. Ribeiro, M. Pillinger, A. Urakawa, A. A. Valente, “One-pot conversion of furfural to useful bio-products in the presence of a Sn,Al-containing zeolite beta catalyst prepared via post-synthesis routes”, J. Catal. 329 (2015) 522–537.

P. Neves, A. C. Gomes, T. R. Amarante, F. A. A. Paz, M. Pillinger, I. S. Gonçalves, A. A. Valente, “Incorporation of a dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex in a ZrIV-based metal–organic framework and its application in catalytic olefin epoxidation”, Micropor. Mesopor. Mat. 202 (2015) 106–114.

T. R. Amarante, M. M. Antunes, A. A. Valente, F. A. A. Paz, M. Pillinger, I. S. Gonçalves, “Crystal Structure and Catalytic Behavior in Olefin Epoxidation of a One-Dimensional Tungsten Oxide/Bipyridine Hybrid”, Inorg. Chem. 54 (2015) 9690-9703.

Supervisões em Curso


Argilas aniónicas multifuncionais (POCI/CTM/58507/2004)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Hidróxidos duplos lamelares Intercalação Sistemas hóspede-hospedeiro Catálise heterogénea

Catalisadores de metaloceno modificados por contentores moleculares (PTDC/QEQ-SUP/1906/2012)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Metalocenos Química hóspede-hospedeiro Contentores moleculares Transformações orgânicas

Conversao catalitica de olefinas derivadas da biomassa (BiOle_AcidOxCat)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Conversão catalítica de sacarídeos em aldeídos furânicos (POCI/QUI/56112/2004)

CoordenadorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
sacarídeos furfural catálise heterogénea ácidos sólidos

Imobilização de arilióxidos de terras raras e actinídeos Activação de pequenas moléculas (CO2,CH4,C2H6) (POCTI/QUI/42919/2001)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Organometallic surface chemistry Immobilized catalysts Block f elements aryloxides Activation of CO2, CH4, C2H6

Novas membranas cerâmicas para produção de gás de síntese (POCI/CTM/58570/2004)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Condutores Mistos Membranas Cerâmicas Gás de Síntese Transporte Iónico

Novos compostos oxometálicos com propriedades catlíticas melhoradas (POCI/QUI/56109/2004)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Complexos oxometálicos Híbridos orgânicos-inorgânicos Mecanismos reaccionais Catálise oxidativa

Óxidos de organorénio (VII) com ligandos-ansa e as suas aplicações como catalisadores homogéneos e heterogéneos (PTDC/QUI/71198/2006)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
catálise quiralidade rénio novos materiais

Polímeros de Coordenação Nanométricos para Separação de Gases e Emissão de Luz (EXPL/CTM-NAN/0013/2013)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Polímeros de coordenação fotoluminescentes Design de Ligandos Orgânicos Catalisadores Heterogéneos Adsorção Selectiva de Gases

Redes Metalo-Orgânicas Nanométricas Baseadas em Polifosfonatos de Lantanídeos (PTDC/QUI-QUI/098098/2008)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Redes Metalo-Orgânicas Engenharia de Cristais Filmes Fotoluminescentes Catalisadores Heterogéneos

Sistemas ativados por estímulos para a terapia com monóxido de carbono (SASCOT)

ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Triazolyl-Based Copper-Molybdate Hybrids: From Composition Space Diagram to Magnetism and Catalytic Performance

Senchyk, GA; Lysenko, AB; Babaryk, AA; Rusanov, EB; Krautscheid, H; Neves, P; Valente, AA; Goncalves, IS; Kramer, KW; Liu, SX; Decurtins, S; Domasevitch, KV
2014, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 53, 19, 10112-10121.

Isomerization of alpha-pinene oxide in the presence of methyltrioxorhenium(VII)

Bruno, SM; Pillinger, M; Kuhn, FE; Goncalves, IS; Valente, AA

A dinuclear oxo-bridged molybdenum(VI) complex containing a bidentate pyrazolylpyridine ligand: Structure, characterization and catalytic performance for olefin epoxidation

Amarante, TR; Gomes, AC; Neves, P; Paz, FAA; Valente, AA; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, IS

Synthesis and characterization of CpMo(CO)(3)(CH2-pC(6)H(4)-CO2CH3) and its inclusion compounds with methylated cyclodextrins. Applications in olefin epoxidation catalysis

Gomes, AC; Bruno, SM; Tome, C; Valente, AA; Pillinger, M; Abrantes, M; Goncalves, IS

Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Catalytic Potential of a One-Dimensional Molybdenum Oxide/Bipyridinedicarboxylate Hybrid

Amarante, TR; Neves, P; Valente, AA; Paz, FAA; Fitch, AN; Pillinger, M; Goncalves, IS
2013, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 52, 8, 4618-4628.

Tris(pyrazolyl)methane molybdenum tricarbonyl complexes as catalyst precursors for olefin epoxidation

Gomes, AC; Neves, P; Figueiredo, S; Fernandes, JA; Valente, AA; Paz, FAA; Pillinger, M; Lopes, AD; Goncalves, IS

Alkoxylation of camphene over silica-occluded tungstophosphoric acid

Caiado, M; Machado, A; Santos, RN; Matos, I; Fonseca, IM; Ramos, AM; Vital, J; Valente, AA; Castanheiro, JE

Aqueous phase reactions of pentoses in the presence of nanocrystalline zeolite beta: Identification of by-products and kinetic modelling

Ferreira, LR; Lima, S; Neves, P; Antunes, MM; Rocha, SM; Pillinger, M; Portugal, I; Valente, AA

Lanthanide-polyphosphonate coordination polymers combining catalytic and photoluminescence properties

Vilela, SMF; Firmino, ADG; Mendes, RF; Fernandes, JA; Ananias, D; Valente, AA; Ott, H; Carlos, LD; Rocha, J; Tome, JPC; Paz, FAA
2013, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 49, 57, 6400-6402.

Intercalation of a molybdenum eta(3)-allyl dicarbonyl complex in a layered double hydroxide and catalytic performance in olefin epoxidation

Gomes, AC; Bruno, SM; Gamelas, CA; Valente, AA; Abrantes, M; Goncalves, IS; Romao, CC; Pillinger, M
2013, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 42, 23, 8231-8240.


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