Pedro Miguel Ferreira Joaquim da Costa


Perfil biográfico

Agosto 2010 - presente: Bolseiro Alexander von Humboldt, IFW-Dresden, Alemanha

Abril 2008 - presente: Investigador auxiliar, CICECO - Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal

Setembro 2006 - Março 2008: Pós-doutorando, NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science), Tsukuba, Japão

Março 2004 - Agosto 2006: Pós-doutorando, Universidade de Cambridge, Cambridge, Reino Unido

Janeiro 2001 - Fevereiro 2004: Doutorando, Universidade de Oxford, Oxford, Reino Unido

Janeiro - Dezembro 2000: Bolseiro de investigação, ITQB - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal

Investigador convidado: (Univ. Heidelberg, 2000; Univ. McMaster, 2006; NIMS, 2008, 2009; DTU, 2009; IFW-Dresden, 2010, 2011)

Interesses científicos

Nanotubos de carbono
Materiais mono-dimensionais (nanofios, nanotubos, ...)
Microscopia electrónica de transmissão

Grupo de Investigação

Marta Ferro (Estudante doutoramento, co-orientador)

Ricardo Silva (Estudante mestrado, orientador)

Principais colaboradores

Prof. Paulo B. Cachim, Dep. Engenharia Civil, UA, Portugal
Prof. Rui F. Silva, CICECO, UA, Portugal
Prof. Helena Nogueira, CICECO, UA, Portugal
Prof. Augusto Lopes, CICECO, UA, Portugal

Prof. Dmitri Golberg, NIMS, Japão
Prof. Bernd Buechner, IFW-Dresden, Alemanha

Actividade pedagógica

2011-12, Advanced Techniques for Materials Characterization

Projectos financiados

PTDC/CTM/100468/2008 (Investigador e líder de tarefa)
PTDC/EME-PME/112073/2009 (Investigador Responsável)
Cooperação bilateral FCT-DAAD 2011-12 (Investigador Responsável)

Publicações seleccionadas

PMFJ Costa, UK Gautam, Y Bando, D Golberg, “Direct imaging of Joule heating dynamics and temperature profiling inside a carbon nanotube interconnect”, Nature Communications, 2 (2011), 421. 
PMFJ Costa, UK Gautam, Y Bando, D Golberg, “The electrical delivery of a sublimable II-VI compound by vapour transport in carbon nanotubes”, Carbon, 49 (2011), 3747. 

D Golberg, PMFJ Costa, M Mitome, Y Bando, "In-situ TEM electrical and mechanical probing of individual multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes",  in Topics of Applied Physics,  vol. 117 (2010), 263-273, Springer - Heidelberg (Book Chapter).

PMFJ Costa, D Golberg, M Mitome, S Hampel, A Leonhardt, B Buchner, Y Bando, “Stepwise current-driven release of attogram quantities of copper iodide encapsulated in carbon nanotubes”, Nano Letters, 8 (2008), 3120-3125.

D Golberg, PMFJ Costa, O Lourie, M Mitome, X Bai, K Kurashima, C Zhi, C Tang, Y Bando, “Direct force measurements and kinking under elastic deformation of individual multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes”, Nano Letters, 7 (2007), 2146-51.



Inorganically filled carbon nanotubes: Synthesis and properties

Gautam, UK; Bando, Y; Costa, PMFJ; Fang, XS; Dierre, B; Sekiguchi, T; Golberg, D
2010, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, 82, 11, 2097-2109.

Recent developments in inorganically filled carbon nanotubes: successes and challenges

Gautam, UK; Costa, PMFJ; Bando, Y; Fang, XS; Li, L; Imura, M; Golberg, D

Effect of crystalline filling on the mechanical response of carbon nanotubes

Costa, PMFJ; Gautam, UK; Wang, MS; Bando, Y; Golberg, D
2009, CARBON, 47, 2, 541-544.

The mechanical response of turbostratic carbon nanotubes filled with Ga-doped ZnS: I. Data processing for the extraction of the elastic modulus

Costa, PMFJ; Cachim, PB; Gautam, UK; Bando, Y; Golberg, D
2009, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 20, 40.

The mechanical response of turbostratic carbon nanotubes filled with Ga-doped ZnS: II. Slenderness ratio and crystalline filling effects

Costa, PMFJ; Cachim, PB; Gautam, UK; Bando, Y; Golberg, D
2009, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 20, 40.

Two-Probe Electrical Measurements in Transmission Electron Microscopes-Behavioral Control of Tungsten Microwires

Costa, PMFJ; Fang, XS; Wang, SL; He, YH; Bando, Y; Mitome, M; Zou, J; Huang, H; Golberg, D

Stepwise Current-Driven Release of Attogram Quantities of Copper Iodide Encapsulated in Carbon Nanotubes

Costa, PMFJ; Golberg, D; Mitome, M; Hampel, S; Leonhardt, A; Buchner, B; Bando, Y
2008, NANO LETTERS, 8, 10, 3120-3125.

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