Sara Fateixa

Bolseiro de pós-Doutoramento

Interesses científicos

Supervisões em Curso


Magnetite-Supported Gold Nanostars for the Uptake and SERS Detection of Tetracycline

Pinheiro, PC; Fateixa, S; Nogueira, HIS; Trindade, T
2019, NANOMATERIALS, 9, 1.
ISBN: 2079-4991

Structure and photoactivity for hydrogen production of CdS nanorods modified with In, Ga, Ag-In and Ag-Ga and prepared by solvothermal method

Soto, E; Vaquero, F; Mota, N; Fateixa, S; Trindade, T; Navarro, RM; Fierro, JLG
2018, MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY, 9, 345-358.

Pressure-dependent large area synthesis and electronic structure of MoS2

Sharma, DK; Ramana, EV; Fateixa, S; Hortiguela, MJ; Otero-Irurueta, G; Nogueira, HIS; Kholkin, A

A general strategy to prepare SERS active filter membranes for extraction and detection of pesticides in water

Fateixa, S; Raposo, M; Nogueira, HIS; Trindade, T
2018, TALANTA, 182, 558-566.

Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectral Imaging for the Attomolar Range Detection of Crystal Violet in Contaminated Water

Fateixa, S; Nogueira, HIS; Trindade, T
2018, ACS OMEGA, 3, 4, 4331-4341.

Hybrids Based on Graphene Oxide and Porphyrin as Tools for Detection and Stabilization of DNA G-Quadruplexes

Monteiro, AR; Ramos, CIV; Fateixa, S; Moura, NMM; Neves, MGPMS; Trindade, T
2018, ACS OMEGA, 3, 9, 11184-11191.

Porous Carrageenan-Derived Carbons for Efficient Ciprofloxacin Removal from Water

Nogueira, J; Antonio, M; Mikhalev, SM; Fateixa, S; Trindade, T; Daniel-da-Silva, AL
2018, NANOMATERIALS, 8, 12.

Defect concentration in nitrogen-doped graphene grown on Cu substrate: A thickness effect

Sharma, DK; Fateixa, S; Hortiguela, MJ; Vidyasagar, R; Otero-Irurueta, G; Nogueira, HIS; Singh, MK; Kholkin, A

A General Route for Growing Metal Sulfides onto Graphene Oxide and Exfoliated Graphite Oxide

Lopes, JL; Estrada, AC; Fateixa, S; Ferro, M; Trindade, T
2017, NANOMATERIALS, 7, 9.

Raman imaging studies on the adsorption of methylene blue species onto silver modified linen fibers

Fateixa, S; Wilhelm, M; Jorge, AM; Nogueira, HIS; Trindade, T
2017, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, 48, 6, 795-802.
ISBN: 1097-4555

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