Ongoing Supervisions
Purification of Histidine-Tagged Membrane-Bound Catechol-O-Methyltransferase from Detergent-Solubilized Pichia pastoris Membranes
Pedro AQ, Gonçalves AM, Queiroz JA, Passarinha LA
2018, Chromatographia.
Cholinium-Based Good's Buffers Ionic Liquids as Remarkable Stabilizers and Recyclable Preservation Media for Recombinant Small RNAs
Pedro, AQ; Pereira, P; Quental, MJ; Carvalho, AP; Santos, SM; Queiroz, JA; Sousa, F; Freire, MG
New insights for therapeutic recombinant human miRNAs heterologous production: Rhodovolum sulfidophilum vs Escherichia coli
Pereira P, Pedro AQ, Queiroz JA, Figueiras AR, Sousa F
2017, Bioengineered.
Biosynthesis and purification of histidine-tagged human soluble catechol- O -methyltransferase
Pedro AQ, Correia FF, Santos FM, Gonçalves AM, Espírito-Santo G, Bonifácio MJ, Queiroz JA, Maia CJ, Passarinha LA
2016, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology.
Advances in time course extracellular production of human pre-miR-29b from Rhodovulum sulfidophilum
Pereira P, Pedro AQ, Tomás J, Maia CJ, Queiroz JA, Figueiras AR, Sousa F
2016, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Evaluation of MutS and Mut+ Pichia pastoris Strains for Membrane-Bound Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Biosynthesis
Pedro AQ, Oppolzer D, Bonifácio MJ, Maia CJ, Queiroz JA, Passarinha LA
2015, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
Enhanced biosynthesis of plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli VH33 using Box–Behnken design associated to aromatic amino acids pathway
Martins LM, Pedro AQ, Oppolzer D, Sousa F, Queiroz JA, Passarinha LA
2015, Biochemical Engineering Journal .
An artificial neural network for membrane-bound catechol-O-methyltransferase biosynthesis with Pichia pastoris methanol-induced cultures
Pedro AQ, Martins LM, Dias JML, Bonifácio MJ, Queiroz JA, Passarinha LA
2015, Microbial Cell Factories.
Purification of Membrane-Bound Catechol-O-Methyltransferase by Arginine-Affinity Chromatography
Pedro AQ, Pereira P, Bonifácio MJ, Queiroz JA, Passarinha LA
2015, Chromatographia.
Recovery of biological active catechol- O -methyltransferase isoforms from Q-sepharose
Correia FF, Santos FM, Pedro AQ, Bonifácio MJ, Queiroz JA, Passarinha LA
2014, Journal of Separation Science.
Immobilization of Ionic Liquids, Types of Materials, and Applications

In Zhang S. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Ionic Liquids
Augusto Q. Pedro, João A. P. Coutinho, Mara G. Freire
2019, Springer.
Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Field of Environmental Monitoring

In Płotka-Wasylka, Justyna, Namieśnik, Jacek (Eds.), Green Analytical Chemistry: Past, Present and Perspectives
Cardoso I.S., Pedro A.Q., Silvestre A.J.D., Freire M.G.
2019, 203-240, Singapore, Springer.
Biosynthesis, isolation and kinetic characterization of recombinant human catechol-O-methyltransferase isolated from Pichia pastoris
Augusto Q Pedro
2016, supervised by João A. Queiroz, Luís A. Passarinha.
Biosynthesis, solubilization and purification of human membrane bound catechol-O-Methyltransferase in Brevibacillus choshinensis cells
Augusto Q Pedro
2011, supervised by Cláudio J Maia, Luís A Passarinha.