Pyrrolidinium-based polymeric ionic liquid materials: New perspectives for CO2 separation membranes
Tome, LC; Mecerreyes, D; Freire, CSR; Rebelo, LPN; Marrucho, IM
2013, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 428, 260-266.
CO2 separation applying ionic liquid mixtures: the effect of mixing different anions on gas permeation through supported ionic liquid membranes
Tome, LC; Patinha, DJS; Freire, CSR; Rebelo, LPN; Marrucho, IM
2013, RSC ADVANCES, 3, 30, 12220-12229.
Polymeric ionic liquids with mixtures of counter-anions: a new straightforward strategy for designing pyrrolidinium-based CO2 separation membranes
Tome, LC; Aboudzadeh, MA; Rebelo, LPN; Freire, CSR; Mecerreyes, D; Marrucho, IM
2013, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 1, 35, 10403-10411.
Cholinium-Based Poly(ionic liquid)s: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application as Biocompatible Ion Gels and Cellulose Coatings
Isik, M; Gracia, R; Kollnus, LC; Tome, LC; Marrucho, IM; Mecerreyes, D
2013, ACS MACRO LETTERS, 2, 11, 975-979.
The role of nanocellulose fibers, starch and chitosan on multipolysaccharide based films
Tome, LC; Fernandes, SCM; Perez, DS; Sadocco, P; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Marrucho, IM; Freire, CSR
2013, CELLULOSE, 20, 4, 1807-1818.
Phosphonium-based ionic liquids as modifiers for biomedical grade poly(vinyl chloride)
Dias, AMA; Marceneiro, S; Braga, MEM; Coelho, JFJ; Ferreira, AGM; Simoes, PN; Veiga, HIM; Tome, LC; Marrucho, IM; Esperanca, JMSS; Matias, AA; Duarte, CMM; Rebelo, LPN; de Sousa, HC
2012, ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, 8, 3, 1366-1379.
Tome, LC; Fernandes, SCM; Sadocco, P; Causio, J; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Freire, CSR
2012, BIORESOURCES, 7, 3, 3398-3409.
Surface hydrophobization of bacterial and vegetable cellulose fibers using ionic liquids as solvent media and catalysts
Tome, LC; Freire, MG; Rebelo, LPN; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Marrucho, IM; Freire, CSR
2011, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 13, 9, 2464-2470.
Preparation and evaluation of the barrier properties of cellophane membranes modified with fatty acids
Tome, LC; Goncalves, CMB; Boaventura, M; Brandao, L; Mendes, AM; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Gandini, A; Freire, CSR; Marrucho, IM
2011, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 83, 2, 836-842.
Addition of alpha-Tocopherol on Poly(lactic acid): Thermal, Mechanical, and Sorption Properties
Goncalves, CMB; Tome, LC; Coutinho, JAP; Marrucho, IM
2011, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 119, 4, 2468-2475.