Ricardo Pinto


Short CV

Ricardo Pinto was born in Alijó (Portugal) in 1981. RPinto graduated in Chemistry in 2004 at the University of Porto. When he finished, decided to participate in a European project (SUSTAINPACK) and take this opportunity to complete his MSc in Materials derived from Renewable Resources (2008) at the University of Aveiro. In December 2012, he finished his Ph.D. in Chemistry, working on the “Synthesis and characterization of Composites of Natural Polymers and Metallic Nanoparticles” at UA/CICECO. Currently, he is a Researcher at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials, the largest Materials Science Institute in Portugal.

RPinto experience as an independent researcher is testified by 50 ISI papers, including high-impact journals such as ChemSusChem, Green Chem, and Advanced Materials. Furthermore, he published 1 paper proceeding, 1 book, and 3 book chapters. Overall, he has >2000 citations and an h-index=25, proving the quality and impact of his scientific work. His research field impact can also be attested by 2 special issues as Invited Guest Editor devoted to the biosynthesis of nanostructures (Nanomaterials, 2021) and eco-friendly/sustainable approaches (Polysaccharides, 2022).

He was involved in regular dissemination activities with more than 75 communications in national/international meetings, also collaborating as a scientific reviewer with several indexed journals with more than 70 verified reviews. He supervised with enthusiasm 1 PhD, 7 MSc, and 18 BSc students, including some in internationally recognized programs such as ERASMUS and FAME. His current team includes 1 researcher follow, 1 PhD, 4 MSc, and 2 BSc students. He also participated as the main jury in several MSc and BSc thesis.

In total, RPinto participates(d) in 8 EU/National projects, 2 as Research fellow, 5 as Researcher, and 1 as Co-PI. Currently, he actively participates in 4 highly competitive national projects, 3 as Researcher and 1 as Co-PI (10% success rate with near to 250K€ each). Currently, he is member of EPNOE (The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence) and COST Action CA18220 (FUR4Sustain, 2019-2024), and Editorial Board Member of Nano Materials Science (Elsevier) and Polysaccharides (MDPI).

Scientific interests

Ricardo Pinto current scientific interests include the development of new green approaches for the biosynthesis of distinct nanostructures and their application in the preparation of functional biocomposites materials.


Bionanocomposites, Polymers from Renewable Resources, Metal Nanoparticles, Green synthesis.

present research group

Member of the Associate Laboratory CICECO in the Research Line 3 (Sustainability and Health) and research group 4 (Biorefineries,  Biobased Materials and Recycling).

Member of the BioPol4fun Group within the framework of CICECO.

selected publications

Pinto R.J.B., Lucas J.M.F., Morais M.P., Santos S.A.O., Silvestre A.J.D., Marques P.A.A.P., Freire C.S.R., Demystifying the morphology and size control on the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using Eucalyptus globulus bark extract, Ind. Crop. Prod., 2017, 105, 83-92.



Pinto R.J.B., Nasirpour M., Carrola J., Oliveira H., Freire C.S.R., Duarte I.F., “Antimicrobial properties and therapeutic applications of silver nanoparticles and nanocomposites” in Alexandru Mihai Grumezesc (Ed.), Nanostructures in Therapeutic Medicine, Volume 2: Nanostructures for Antimicrobial Therapy, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 223-259.



Santos S.A.O., Pinto R.J.B., Rocha S.M., Marques P.A.A.P., Pascoal Neto C., Silvestre A.J.D., Freire C.S.R., Unveiling the chemistry behind the green synthesis of metal nanoparticles, ChemSusChem20147, 2704-2711.  



Pinto R.J.B., Neves M.C., Pascoal Neto C., Trindade T., "Composites of cellulose and metal nanoparticles" in F. Ebrahimi (Ed.), Composites – New Trends and Developments, InTech: Rijeka, Croatia, 2012, pp. 73-96.



Pinto R.J.B., Marques P.A.A.P., Pascoal Neto C., Trindade T., Daina S., Sadocco P., Antibacterial activity of nanocomposites of silver and bacterial or vegetable cellulosic fibers, Acta Biomater. 20095, 2279-2289.


Ongoing Supervisions


Fluorescent Bioactive Corrole Grafted-Chitosan Films

Barata, JFB; Pinto, RJB; Serra, VIRCV; Silvestre, AJD; Trindade, T; Neves, MGPMS; Cavaleiro, JAS; Daina, S; Sadocco, P; Freire, CSR
2016, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 17, 4, 1395-1403.

Production of lysozyme nanofibers using deep eutectic solvent aqueous solutions

Silva, NHCS; Pinto, RJB; Freire, CSR; Marrucho, IM

Timesaving microwave assisted synthesis of insulin amyloid fibrils with enhanced nanofiber aspect ratio

Carvalho, T; Pinto, RJB; Martins, MA; Silvestre, AJD; Freire, CSR

One-pot synthesis of biofoams from castor oil and cellulose microfibers for energy absorption impact materials

Sousa, AF; Matos, M; Pinto, RJB; Freire, CSR; Silvestre, AJD
2014, CELLULOSE, 21, 3, 1723-1733.

An Overview of Luminescent Bio-Based Composites

Pinto, RJB; Carlos, LD; Marques, PAAP; Silvestre, AJD; Freire, CSR

Cationic release behaviour of antimicrobial cellulose/silver nanocomposites

Silva, FM; Pinto, RJB; Daniel-da-Silva, AL; Trindade, T
2014, CELLULOSE, 21, 5, 3551-3560.

Unveiling the Chemistry behind the Green Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles

Santos, SAO; Pinto, RJB; Rocha, SM; Marques, PAAP; Neto, CP; Silvestre, AJD; Freire, CSR
2014, CHEMSUSCHEM, 7, 9, 2704-2711.

Luminescent Transparent Composite Films Based on Lanthanopolyoxometalates and Filmogenic Polysaccharides

Pinto, RJB; Granadeiro, CM; Freire, CSR; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Ferreira, RAS; Carlos, LD; Cavaleiro, AMV; Trindade, T; Nogueira, HIS

Antifungal activity of transparent nanocomposite thin films of pullulan and silver against Aspergillus niger

Pinto, RJB; Almeida, A; Fernandes, SCM; Freire, CSR; Silvestre, AJD; Neto, CP; Trindade, T

Antibacterial Activity of Nanocomposites of Copper and Cellulose

Pinto, RJB; Daina, S; Sadocco, P; Neto, CP; Trindade, T

Biofuncionalização de nanocristais de celulose para o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas para tratamento e diagnóstico do cancro

Diogo Pinheiro
2018, supervised by Carmen Freire and Ricardo Pinto.

Biossíntese de nanopartículas através do uso de extratos naturais e estudo da sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais funcionais

Elisa Martins
2018, supervised by Ricardo Pinto and Carmen Freire.

Biofuncionalização de nanocristais de celulose com ácido fólico para o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas para o diagnóstico e tratamento do cancro

Nicole Silva Lameirinhas
2017, supervised by Ricardo Pinto and Carmen Freire.

Biofuncionalização de nanocristais de celulose com ácido fólico para o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas para o diagnóstico e tratamento do cancro

Fátima Gabriela Guedes Faria
2017, supervised by Carmen Freire and Ricardo Pinto.

Extração da casca de Eucalyptus globulus através de alta pressão e sua influência na síntese de nanopartículas metálicas

Joana Lopes
2016, supervised by Ricardo Pinto and Jorge Saraiva.

Biosynthesis of metallic nanostructures using natural extracts: study of structural and morphological features and evaluation of its therapeutic potential

Madalena Pinheiro Morais
2016, supervised by Ricardo Pinto and Carmen Freire .

Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles: a toxicity and metabolomics approach in skin cells

Maryam Nasirpour
2015, supervised by Ricardo Pinto, Iola Duarte, Helena Oliveira.

Biosynthesis of metallic nanostructures using natural extracts: study of structural and morphological features and evaluation of its therapeutic potential

Catarina dos Reis Viegas
2015, supervised by Carmen Freire and Ricardo Pinto.

Green reduction of graphene oxide with Eucalyptus globulus bark extract

Mariana Rodrigues Ferreira da Silva
2015, supervised by Carmen Freire and Ricardo Pinto.

Characterization of new nanocomposites based on natural matrices (cellulose) and metallic nanostructures of copper

Kornelia Pielak
2014, supervised by Carmen Freire and Ricardo Pinto.

Desenvolvimento de novos nanomateriais híbridos a partir de biopolímeros e nanopartículas metálicas para aplicação em biosensores e catálise

Joana Filipa Martinho Lopes
2014, supervised by Carmen Freire and Ricardo Pinto.

Estudos de síntese e libertação de Ag(I) em nanocompósitos celulósicos de prata

Fábio Martins Silva
2013, supervised by Tito Trindade and Ricardo Pinto.

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