Andrei Salak

Principal Researcher

Academic degrees

- 06.1998. Diploma of Associated Professor in Physics (Academic Status), Vitebsk State University (Vitebsk, Belarus).

- 11.1994. PhD in Solid State Physics, Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics; since 11.2007 – State Scientific and Production Association “Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus).

- 06.1986. Diploma cum laude, Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute; since 09.1995 - Vitebsk State University (Vitebsk, Belarus).

Previous activity and current status

- 03.2019-present, Researcher, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

- 05.2016-02.2019, Invited Scientist (BCC), Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

- 07.2011-04.2016, Postdoctoral researcher (BPD), Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

- 01.2011-06.2011, Invited Scientist (BCC), Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

- 09.2008-12.2010, Postdoctoral researcher (BPD), Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

- 07.2008-09.2008, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Belarus)

- 03.2002-06.2008, Postdoctoral researcher (BPD), Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

- 01.2002-02.2002, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Belarus)

- 12.1994-12.2001, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Vitebsk State University (Belarus)

- 11.1992-11.1994, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Vitebsk State University (Belarus)

- 11.1989-11.1992, PhD student, Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Belarus)

- 08.1986-11.1989, Assistant, Department of Physics, Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute (Belarus)

- 09.1981-06.1986, Student, Department of Physics, Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute (Belarus)

Domain of specialization

Solid State Physics and Chemistry, Applied Crystallography: Crystal structure and physico-chemical properties of solids:

- Preparative methods in Solid State Chemistry: conventional techniques, high-pressure synthesis.

- Diffraction methods in Solid State Physics and Chemistry: TEM, XRD and neutron diffraction.

Current research interest

- Crystal structure and anion-exchange properties of layered double hydroxides

- External-field-induced phenomena in layered double hydroxides

- Phase transitions in perovskites and perovskite-like materials

Experience as scientific adviser/supervisor

Ph.D. students:

- 01.2023. J.P.V. Cardoso, Ph.D. Thesis: "Diffraction and microscopy studies of novel functional complex oxides obtained via high pressure synthesis", University, of Aveiro, Portugal. Current job position of Dr. J.P.V. Cardoso – Bosch Termotecnologia, S.A., Portugal.

- 06.2022. D.E.L. Vieira, Ph.D. Thesis: "New approaches to synthesis and applications of layered double hydroxides containing functional cations", University, of Aveiro, Portugal. Current job position of Dr. D.E.L. Vieira – Chief of production, Porcel S.A., Portugal.

- 07.2017, M. Starykevich, Ph.D. Thesis: “Electrosynthesis of 1-D metallic nanoparticles from DES using porous anodic templates”, University of Aveiro, Portugal. Current job position of Dr. M. Starykevich – Post-Doctoral researcher, DEMaC/CICECO, University of Aveiro (Portugal).

- 05.2001, N.P. Vyshatko, Ph.D. Thesis: “Dielectric properties of the lead-containing relaxor ferroelectrics with stable and metastable perovskite structure”, Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, Minsk, Belarus. Current job position of Dr. N.P. Vyshatko – Scientific Division, Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe (Germany).

Master students (the most representative only):

- 06.1999, Yu.V. Radyush, M.Sc. Thesis: “Anion-deficient perovskite phases in the system of solid solutions PbIn1/2Nb1/2O3 - “PbInO5/2”, Vitebsk State University (Belarus).

- 06.1999, I.I. Maroz, M.Sc. Thesis: “The metastable solid solutions with anomalous frequency dependence of their dielectric response”, Vitebsk State University (Belarus). 

- 06.1996, N.P. Vyshatko, M.Sc. Thesis: “Structure of high-pressure metastable perovskite phases in the solid solution system PbZrO3-BaNb2O6”, Vitebsk State University (Belarus).

- 06.1996, D.D. Khalyavin, M.Sc. Thesis: “Structure and dielectric properties of metastable solid solutions in the PbTiO3-BaNb2O6 system synthesized under high pressure”, Vitebsk State University (Belarus).

Participation in the PhD defence juries

- 09.2024. Haowen Lin, PhD Thesis “Realization and study of functional nano-circuits created by nanolithography on artificial multi-ferroic oxide heterostructures”, Université Paris-Saclay, L'orme des Merisiers, France.

- 05.2024. Chiara Coppi, PhD Thesis “High Pressure/High Temperature synthesis of novel functional perovskites and their structural, magnetic, and electrical characterizations”, Università di Parma, Parma, Italy. 

Teaching activity (the most recent)

- October 2024. Microcredential course: Techniques of the Advanced Materials Characterization, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 9 h.

- 2nd semester, 2023/2024. Techniques of Materials Characterization, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 4 h/week.

- October 2023. Microcredential course: Techniques of the Advanced Materials Characterization, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 9 h.

- 2nd semester, 2022/2023. Techniques of Materials Characterization, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 4 h/week.

- December 2022. Microcredential course: Techniques of the Advanced Materials Characterization, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 9 h.

- 1st semester, 2021/2022. Materials Characterisation Techniques, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 4 h/week.

- 1st semester, 2020/2021. Characterization of Materials II, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 1 h/week.

- 1st semester, 2019/2020. Characterization of Materials II, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 1 h/week.

- 1st semester, 2018/2019. Characterization of Materials II, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 1 h/week.

- 1st semester, 2017/2018. Characterization of Materials II, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 1 h/week.

- 1st semester, 2016/2017. Characterization of Materials II, Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, University of Aveiro – 2 h/week.

Organization of scientific events

- 06.2024. Special Session “Non-Conventional Methods of Synthesis and characterization of Functional Oxide Materials” (SS3) at the 20th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2024), Barcelona, Spain - co-organiser.

- 06.2024. International Seminar “Multifunctional Layered Double Hydroxides”, CICECO, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal – Chairman

- 10.2023. Info Session “European large-scale facilities and the research infrastructures: Opportunities and how to apply”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal – Organiser.

- 09.2019. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Multiferroics: fabrication, properties, application” Institute of Technical Acoustics, Vitebsk, Belarus - Chair of the Program Committee.

- 07.2019. International Workshop “Non-Ambient Studies of Crystal and Magnetic Structures”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - Chairman.

- 08.2018. 2nd International Workshop on Metastable Perovskite Multiferroics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania - co-organizer.

- 07.2018. 3rd International Summer School “Multifunctional Smart Coatings and Surfaces”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - co-organizer.

- 07.2018. International Workshop “Non-conventional methods of preparation and characterization of functional materials”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - Chairman.

- 04.2018. 4th Meeting of Users of Neutrons and Muons in Portugal (NeMPo), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - Chairman.

- 07.2017. 2nd International Summer School “Multifunctional Smart Coatings and Surfaces”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - co-organizer.

- 07.2017. International workshop “Sol-gel method: preparation and characterization of nanomaterials”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - Chairman.

- 08.2016. International Workshop on Metastable Perovskite Multiferroics, Institute of Technical Acoustics, Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of National Academy of Science of Belarus, Vitebsk, Belarus - Chairman.

- 07.2016. 1st International Summer School “Multifunctional Smart Coatings and Surfaces”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal - co-organizer.

- 05.2016. Seminar-Training on Preparation and Characterisation of LDHs, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania - co-organizer.


2018 – Honorary Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for a considerable contribution to the scientific and technological cooperation and coordination of efforts of the international group of researchers in the area of the contemporary Materials Science.

1996 – Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Belarus: Supervisor of the best work in the National student research competition (nomination: Physics).

Main present collaborators

- Dr. D.D. Khalyavin - ISIS facility, STFC, Rutherford Appleton Lab (Didkot, UK)

- Prof. Dr. V.V. Shvartsman and Prof. Dr. D.C. Lupascu - University of Duisburg-Essen (Essen, Germany)

- Dr. A. Barbier - IRAMIS Saclay Institute of Matter and Radiation (Gif-Sur-Yvette, France)

- Dr. M. Holub - Synchrotron SOLEIL (L'orme des Merisiers, France)

- Prof. Dr. Yu.G. Pashkevich - O. Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering (Kyiv, Ukraine)

- Dr. E. Fertman - Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (Kharkov, Ukraine)

- Prof. Dr. E. Cižmár and Prof. Dr. A. Feher - P.J. Šafarik University (Košice, Slovakia)

- Dr. E. Gilioli and Dr. D. Delmonte - Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism (Parma, Italy)

- Dr. I. Zamaraite and Dr. D. Sokol - Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lithuania)

- Prof. Dr. N.M. Olekhnovich - National Centre in Material Science (Minsk, Belarus)

- Prof. Dr. Aimé Peláiz Barranco - University of Havana (Havana, Cuba)

- Prof. Dr. V.V. Rubanik and Prof. Dr. A.D. Shilin - Institute of Technical Acoustics (Vitebsk, Belarus)


- 11.1994, Ph.D. Thesis “Structure and dielectric properties of the lead-containing metastable perovskite high-pressure phases”, Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Belarus)

- 06.1986, Master Thesis “New type order of cations in the tetrahedral sublattice of solid solutions Li0.5Fe2.5-2cCr2cO4 with spinel structure”, Vitebsk State University (Belarus)


- Rubanik VV, Lutsko VF, Savitskiy VO, Rubanik VV Jr, Sen’ko SF, Dung NB, Tang BH, Fuong DD, Salak AN, A method of preparation of graphene, Patented Invention, 30.04.2023, BY 24013 Cl.

- Rubanik VV, Rubanik VV Jr, Shilin AD, Salak AN, Fung DD, Chung CB. A method of press moulding of powder materials, Patented Invention, 28.02.2019, BY 22360 C1.

- Rubanik VV, Rubanik VV Jr, Shilin AD, Salak AN, Fung DD, Chung CB. A device for press moulding of powder materials, Useful Model Patent, 30.10.2017, BY 11491 U.

Publications in peer-reviewed international journals

  1. Jin YU, Marler B, Karabanov AD, Winkler K, Yap ICJ, Dubey A, Spee L, Escobar Castillo M, Muckel F, Salak AN, Benson N, Lupascu DC, Lead-free organic–inorganic azetidinium alternating metal cation bromide: [(CH2)3NH2]2AgBiBr6, a perovskite-related absorber, RSC Advances 13(51): 36079-36087 (2023).
  2. Urban VI, Rubanik VV, Rubanik VV Jr, Bagrets DA, Dorodeiko VG, Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Corrosion properties of TiNi medical alloy with bioinert coatings, Met. Phys. Chem. Surf. 59(4): 717-723 (2023).
  3. Kizalaite A, Klimavičius V, Balevicius V, Niaura G, Salak AN, Yang JC, Cho S, Goto T, Sekino T, Zarkov A, Dissolution-precipitation synthesis and thermal stability of magnesium whitlockite, CrystEngComm. 25(30): 4370-4379 (2023).
  4. Salak AN, Cardoso JP, Khalyavin DD, Barbier A, Fertey P, Mikhalev SM, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Stanulis A, Ramanauskas R, Composition-, temperature- and pressure-induced transitions between high-pressure stabilized perovskite phases of the (1-x)BiFe5Sc0.5O3-xLaFe0.5Sc0.5O3 series, J. Solid Sate Chem. 322: Art No 123937 (2023).
  5. Garskaite E, Balciunas G, Drienovsky M, Sokol D, Sandberg D, Bastos AC, Salak AN, Brushite mineralised Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) sapwood – revealing mineral crystallization within wood matrix by in-situ XRD, RSC Advances 13(9): 5813-5825 (2023).
  6. Pashkevich YuG, Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Vieira DEL, Neves CS, Babkin RYu, Lyogenkaya AА, Tarasenko R, Tkáč V, Čižmár E, Feher A, Salak AN, Magnetic ordering in Co2+-containing layered double hydroxides via the low-temperature heat capacity and magnetisation study, Clay Sci. 233: Art No 106843 (2023).
  7. Sidarenka AV, Leanovich SI, Kalamiyets EI, Vieira DEL, Cardoso JPV, Tedim J, Salak AN, Commercial synthetic hydrotalcite as an adsorbent nanomaterial for removal of bacteria from contaminated water, Eng. Res. 28(3): Art. No 220063 (2023).
  8. Palaimiene E, Gribauskaite V, Banys J, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Olekhnovich NM, Cardoso JPV, Salak AN, Dielectric characterization of the BiFe5Cr0.5O3 ceramics, Lith. J. Phys. 62(4), 206-211 (2022).
  9. Cardoso JPV, Shvartsman VV, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Olekhnovich NM, Khalyavin DD, Čižmár E, Feher A, Salak AN, Annealing-dependent morphotropic phase boundary in the BiMg5Ti0.5O3-BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 perovskite system, Materials, 15(19): Art. No 6998 (2022).
  10. Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Vieira JM, Brett CMA, Ce-substituted Mg-Al layered double hydroxides to prolong the corrosion protection lifetime of aluminium alloys, Appl. Surf. Sci. 573: Art. No 151527 (2022).
  11. Salak AN, Shvartsman VV, Cardoso JP, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Olekhnovich NM, Khalyavin DD, Vieira JM, Čižmár E, Feher A, The orthorhombic-tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary in high-pressure synthesized BiMg0.5Ti0.5O3-BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 perovskite solid solutions, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 161: Art. No 110392 (2022).
  12. Karabanov AD, Salak AN, Escobar Castillo M, Shvartsman VV, Lupascu DC, Synthesis, structure, and optical properties of large FAPbBr3 perovskite single crystals, Integrated Ferroelectrics 220(1): 1-8 (2021).
  13. Čižmár E, Vorobiov S, Kliuikov A, Radyush YuV, Pushkarev AV, Olekhnovich NM, Cardoso JP, Salak AN, Feher A, Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the Fe-rich compositional ranges of the multiferroic BiFe1-x[Zn0.5Ti0.5]xO3 perovskites, Integrated Ferroelectrics 220(1): 46-55 (2021).
  14. Salak AN, Cardoso JPV, Vieira JM, Shvartsman VV, Khalyavin DD, Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Olekhnovich NM, Tarasenko R, Feher A, Čižmár E, Magnetic behaviour of perovskite compositions derived from BiFeO3, Magnetochemistry 7(11): Art. No 151 (2021).
  15. Pashkevich Yu, Gnezdiov V, Vieira DEL, Babkin R, Lukienko I, Vieira JM, Wulferding D, Lemmens P, Salak AN, Comparative optic studies of cobalt-based layered double hydroxides with nitrate and carbonate anions and CoII/AlIII ratio n = 2, 3, 4, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference "Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties" (NAP-2021) NSS19 (2021).
  16. Shvartsman VV, Khalyavin DD, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Salak AN, Spontaneous and induced ferroelectricity in the BiFe1-xScxO3 perovskite ceramics, Phys. Status Solidi A 218(19): Art. No 2100173 (2021).
  17. Zamaraite I, Vieira DEL, Vieira LG, Ribeiro JL, Vieira JM, Salak AN, Banys J, Dielectric and infrared spectroscopy characterization of Co-Al layered double hydroxides, Phys. Status Solidi A 218(15): Art. No 2100106 (2021).
  18. Vieira DEL, Cardoso JPV, Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Čižmár E, Feher A, Babkin RYu, Pashkevich YuG, Brett CMA, Vieira JM, Salak AN, Magnetic-field-assisted deposition of self-assembling crystallite layers of Co2+-containing layered double hydroxides, ChemComm., 57(56): 6899-6902 (2021).
  19. Svirskas Š, Balčiūnas S, Šimėnas M, Usevičius G, Kinka M, Velička M, Kubicki D, M. Escobar Castillo, Karabanov A, Shvartsman VV, Soares MR, Šablinskas V, Salak AN, Lupascu DC, Banys J, Reply to the Comment on “Phase transitions, screening and dielectric response of CsPbBr3” by Š. Svirskas, S. Balčiūnas, M. Šimėnas, G. Usevičius, M. Kinka, M. Velička, D. Kubicki, M. E. Castillo, A. Karabanov, V. V. Shvartsman, M. R. Soares, V. Šablinskas, A. N. Salak, D. C. Lupascu, J. Banys, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 14015, J. Mater. Chem. A 9(18): 11453-11455 (2021).
  20. Baghizadeh A, Mirzadeh Vaghefi P, Huang X, Borme J, Almeida B, Salak AN, Willinger MG, Amaral VB, Vieira JM, Interplay of magnetic properties and doping in epitaxial films of h-REFeO3 multiferroic oxides, Small 17(11): 202005700 (2021).
  21. Griesiute D, Karoblis D, Mikoliunaite L, Zarkov A, Salak AN, Kareiva A, Chemical solution deposition of La-substituted BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite thin films on different substrates, Coatings 11(3): Art. No 00307 (2021).
  22. Rubanik VV, D. A. Bagrets DA, Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Electrochemical behavior of TiN coatings on products of stainless steel and titanium nickelide for medicinal purposes, Russian J. Electrochem. 56(12): 989-996 (2020).  
  23. Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Čižmár E, Vorobiov S, Feher A, Radyush YuV, Pushkarev AV, Olekhnovich NM, Stanulis A, Barron AR, Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Magnetic diagram of the high-pressure stabilized multiferroic perovskites of the BiFe1-yScyO3 series, Crystals 10(10): Art. No 00950 (2020).
  24. Svirskas Š, Balčiūnas S, Šimėnas M, Usevičius G, Kinka M, Velička M, Kubicki D, M. Escobar Castillo, Karabanov A, Shvartsman VV, Soares MR, Šablinskas V, Salak AN, Lupascu DC, Banys J, Phase transitions, screening and dielectric response of CsPbBr3, J. Mater. Chem. A 8(28): 14015-14022 (2020).
  25. Cardoso JP, Delmonte D, Gilioli E, Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Shvartsman VV, Paukšta V, Grigalaitis R, Banys J, Khalyavin DD, Vieira JM, Salak AN, Phase transitions in the metastable perovskite multiferroics BiCrO3 and BiCr0.9Sc0.1O3: a comparative study. Inorg. Chem. 59(13): 8727-8735 (2020).
  26. Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Desnenko VA, Shvartsman VV, Lupascu DC, Salamon S, Wende H, Vaisburd AI, Stanulis A, Ramanauskas R, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Exchange bias effect in bulk multiferroic BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3, AIP Advances 10: Art. No 045102 (2020).
  27. Pashkevich Yu, Babkin R, Rubanik V, Shilin AD, Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Banys J, Magnetic anisotropy in the CoII-AlIII-nitrate layered double hydroxides with the Co/Al ratios 2, 3, and 4, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference "Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties" (NAP-2020) 01NMM10 (2020).
  28. Lukienko IN, Kharchenko MF, Fedorchenko AV, Kharlan IA, Tutakina OP, Stetsenko ON, Neves CS, Salak AN, Faraday effect and fragmentation of ferromagnetic layers in multilayer Co/Cu(111) nanofilms, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 505: Art. No 166706 (2020).
  29. Stanulis A, Katelnikovas A, Salak AN, Seibutas P, Ivanov M, Grigalaitis R, Banys J, Kareiva A, Ramanauskas R, Barron AR, Temperature-induced structural transformations in undoped and Eu3+-doped Ruddlesden-Popper phases Sr2SnO4 and Sr3Sn2O7: relation to the impedance and luminescence behaviors, Inorg. Chem. 58(17): 11410-11419 (2019).
  30. Sokol D, Ivanov M, Salak AN, Grigalaitis R, Banys J, Kareiva A, Dielectric properties of Bi-substituted LDHs synthesized by co-precipitation and sol-gel methods, Mater. Sci.-Poland 37(2): 190-195 (2019).
  31. Sokol D, Vieira DEL, Zarkov A, Ferreira MGS, Beganskiene A, Rubanik VV, Shilin AD, Kareiva A, Salak AN, Sonication accelerated formation of Mg-Al-phosphate layered double hydroxide via sol-gel prepared mixed metal oxides, Sci. Rep. 9: Art. No 10419 (2019).
  32. Vieira DEL, Sokol D, Smalenskaite A, Kareiva A, Ferreira MGS, Vieira JM, Salak AN, Cast iron corrosion protection with chemically modified Mg-Al layered double hydroxides synthesized using a novel approach, Surf. Coat. Technol. 375: 158-163 (2019).
  33. Salak AN, Vieira DEL, Lukienko IM, Shapovalov YuO, Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Pashkevich YuG, Babkin RYu, Shilin AD, Rubanik VV, Ferreira MGS, Vieira JM, High-power ultrasonic synthesis and magnetic-field-assisted arrangement of nanosized crystallites of cobalt-containing layered double hydroxides, ChemEngineering, 3(3): Art. No 00062 (2019).
  34. Rudys S, Ivanov M, Grigalaitis R, Glemza K, Banys J, Rubanik VV, Shilin AD, Salak AN, High-temperature electrical conductivity of the xNBT–(1-x)LMT ceramics: verification of Meyer-Neldel rule, Integrated Ferroelectrics 196 (1): 47-51 (2019).
  35. Mikhailau A, Maltanava H, Poznyak SK, Salak AN, Zheludkevich ML, Yasakau KA, Ferreira MGS, One-step synthesis and growth mechanism of nitrate intercalated ZnAl LDH conversion coatings on zinc, ChemComm. 55 (48): 6878-688 (2019).
  36. Neves CS, Bastos AC, Salak AN, Starykevich M, Rocha D, Zheludkevich ML, Cunha A, Almeida A, Tedim J, Ferreira MGS, Layered Double Hydroxide clusters as precursors of novel multifunctional layers: a bottom-up approach, Coatings 9 (5): Art. No 00328 (2019).
  37. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Fertman EL, Kotlyar OV, Eardley E, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Fedorchenko AV, Desnenko VA, Manuel P, Ding L, Čižmár E, Feher A, The phenomenon of conversion polymorphism in Bi-containing metastable perovskites, ChemComm. 55 (32): 4683-4686 (2019).
  38. Opuchovic O, Salak AN, Rehspringer JL, Kareiva A, Lanthanide substitution effects in iron containing garnets, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 90 (2): 209-213 (2019).
  39. Maltanava H, Poznyak S, Ivanovskaya M, Scharnagl N, Starykevich M, Salak AN, Soares MR, Mazanik A, Effect of fluoride-mediated transformations on electrocatalytic performance of thermally treated TiO2 nanotubular layers, J. Fluorine Chem. 221: 34-41 (2019).
  40. Babkin RYu, Pashkevich YuG, Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Desnenko VA, Prokhvatilov AI, Galtsov NN, Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Impact of temperature dependent octahedra distortions on magnetic properties of Co-containing double layered hydroxides, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 473: 501-504 (2019).
  41. Smalenskaite A, Salak AN, Kareiva A, Induced neodymium luminescence in sol-gel derived layered double hydroxides, Mendeleev Commun. 28 (5): 493-494 (2018).
  42. Lukienko IM, Pashkevich YuG, Babkin RYu, Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Polarized optical study of Co-containing double layered hydroxides, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application & Properties, UNSP 03TFNMC16 (2018).
  43. Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Salak AN, Desnenko VA, Čižmár E, Feher A, Vaisburd AI, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Zarkov A, Kareiva A, Unusual magnetic properties of the polar orthorhombic BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 465: 328-332 (2018).
  44. Smalenskaite A, Şen S, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Beganskiene A, Kareiva A, Sol-gel derived lanthanide-substituted layered double hydroxides Mg3/Al1-xLnx, Acta Phys. Polonica A 133 (4): 884-886 (2018).
  45. Smalenskaite A, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Skaudzius R, Kareiva A, Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of hybrid inorganic-organic Tb(III)-terephthalate containing layered double hydroxides, Optical Materials 80: 186-196 (2018).
  46. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Eardley E, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Shilin AD, Rubanik VV, Temperature-induced reversible and irreversible transitions between metastable perovskite phases in the BiFe1-yScyO3 solid solutions, Crystals 8 (2): Art. No 00091 (2018).
  47. Zarkov A, Stanulis A, Mikoliunaite L, Salak AN, Kareiva A, Organic-free synthesis of nanostructured SnO2 thin films by chemical solution deposition, Thin Solid Films 649: 219-224 (2018).
  48. Sokol D, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Beganskiene A, Kareiva A, Bi-substituted Mg3Al-CO3 layered double hydroxides, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 85 (1): 221-230 (2018).
  49. Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Fedorchenko AV, Pashkevich YuG, Fertman EL, Desnenko VA, Babkin RYu, Čižmár E, Feher A, Lopes AB, Ferreira MGS, Magnetic phenomena in Co-containing layered double hydroxides, Low Temp. Phys. 43 (8): 977-981 (2017).
  50. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Zamaraite I, Stanulis A, Kareiva A, Shilin AD, Rubanik VV, Radyush YuV, Pushkarev AV, Olekhnovich NM, Starykevich M, Grigalaitis R, Ivanov M, Banys J, Metastable perovskite Bi1-xLaxFe0.5Sc0.5O3 phases in the range of the compositional crossover, Phase Trans. 90 (9): 831-839 (2017).
  51. Karpinsky DV, Troyanchuk IO, Willinger M, Khomchenko VA, Salak AN, Sikolenko V, Silibin MV, Intermediate structural state in Bi1-xPrxFeO3 ceramics at the rhombohedral-orthorhombic phase boundary, J. Mater. Sci. 52 (16): 9355-9362 (2017).
  52. Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Desnenko VA, Kotlyar OV, Čižmár E, Shvartsman VV, Lupascu DC, Salamon S, Wende H, Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Feher A, Magnetic properties of the Bi0.65La0.35Fe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite, Acta Phys. Polonica A 131 (4): 1069-1071 (2017).
  53. Starykevich M, Salak AN, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Modification of porous titania templates for uniform metal electrodeposition from deep eutectic solvent, J. Electrochem. Soc. 164 (6): D335-D341 (2017).
  54. Smalenskaite A, Vieira DEL, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Katelnikovas A, Kareiva A, A comparative study of co-precipitation and sol-gel synthetic approaches to fabricate cerium-substituted Mg-Al layered double hydroxides with luminescence properties, Appl. Clay Sci. 143: 175-183 (2017).
  55. Starykevich M, Salak AN, Ivanou DK, Yasakau KA, André PS, Ferreira RAS, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Effect of the anodic titania layer thickness on electrodeposition of zinc on Ti/TiO2 from deep eutectic solvent, J. Electrochem. Soc. 164 (2): D88-D94 (2017).
  56. Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Baran A, Desnenko VA, Kotlyar OV, Čižmár E, Feher A, Syrkin ES, Vaisburd AI, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Stanulis A, Kareiva A, Multiferroic Bi0.65La0.35Fe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite: magnetic and thermodynamic properties, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 429: 177-181 (2017).
  57. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Olekhnovich NM, Shilin AD, Rubanik VV, Phase formation in the (1-y)BiFeO3-yBiScO3 system under ambient and high pressure, J. Solid State Chem. 247: 90-96 (2017).
  58. Smalenskaite A, Şen S, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Skaudzius R, Katelnikovas A, Kareiva A, Sol-gel Synthesis and characterization of non-substituted and europium-substituted layered double hydroxides Mg3/Al1-xEux, Current Inorg. Chem. 6 (3): 149-154 (2016).
  59. Polishchuk DM, Tovstolytkin AI, Fertman EL, Desnenko VA, Kravchyna O, Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Anders AG, Feher A, Charge ordering in Nd2/3Ca1/3MnO3: ESR and magnetometry study, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 410: 109-115 (2016).
  60. Galvão TLP, Neves CS, Caetano APF, Maia F, Mata D, Malheiro E, Ferreira MJ, Bastos AC, Salak AN, Gomes JRB, Tedim J, Ferreira MGS, Control of crystallite and particle size in the synthesis of layered double hydroxides: macromolecular insights and a complementary modelling tool, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 468: 86-94 (2016).
  61. Serdechnova M, Salak AN, Barbosa FS, Vieira DEL, Tedim J, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Interlayer intercalation and arrangement of 2-mercaptobenzothiazolate and 1,2,3-benzotriazolate anions in layered double hydroxides: in situ x-ray diffraction study, J. Solid State Chem. 233: 158-165 (2016).
  62. Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Kotlyar OV, Desnenko VO, Čižmár E, Baran A, Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Shvartsman VV, Feher A, Exchange bias phenomenon in (Nd1-xYx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (x = 0; 0.1) perovskites, Low Temp. Phys. 41 (12): 1001-1005 (2015).
  63. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Lopes AB, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Fertman EL, Desnenko VA, Fedorchenko AV, Manuel P, Feher A, Vieira JM, Ferreira MGS, Magnetic structure of an incommensurate phase of La-doped BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3: Role of antisymmetric exchange interactions, Phys. Rev. B 92: Art. No 224428 (2015).
  64. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Manuel P, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Desnenko VA, Ferreira MGS, Antisymmetric exchange in La-substituted BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 system: Symmetry adapted distortion modes approach, Z. Kristallogr. Cryst. Mater. 230 (12): 767-774 (2015).
  65. Starykevich M, Salak AN, Ivanou DK, Lisenkov AD, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Electrochemical deposition of zinc from deep eutectic solvent on barrier alumina layers, Electrochimica Acta 170: 284-291 (2015).
  66. Carneiro J, Caetano AF, Kuznetsova A, Maia F, Salak AN, Tedim J, Scharnagl N, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Polyelectrolyte-modified Layered double hydroxide nanocontainers as vehicles for combined inhibitors, RSC Advances 5 (50): 39916-39929 (2015).
  67. Salak AN, Ignatenko OV, Zhaludkevich AL, Lisenkov AD, Starykevich M, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, High-pressure zinc oxysulphide phases in the ZnO-ZnS system, Phys. Status Solidi A 221 (4): 791-795 (2015).
  68. Prosandeev SA, Khalyavin DD, Raevski IP, Salak AN, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Complex antipolar √2×4×2√2 structure with Pnma symmetry in BiFeO3 and BiFe1/2Sc1/2O3: First-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 90: Art. No 054110 (2014).
  69. Karpinsky DV, Troyanchuk IO, Sikolenko V, Efimov V, Efimova E, Willinger M, Salak AN, Kholkin AL, Phase coexistence in Bi1-xPrxFeO3 ceramics, J. Mater. Sci. 49 (20): 6937-6943 (2014).
  70. Starykevich M, Lisenkov AD, Salak AN, Ferreira MGS, Zheludkevich ML, Electrodeposition of zinc nanorods from ionic liquids into porous anodic alumina, ChemElectroChem 1(9): 1484-1487 (2014).
  71. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Manuel P, Raevski IP, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Polar and antipolar polymorphs of metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3, Phys. Rev. B 89: Art. No 174414 (2014).
  72. Salak AN, Zhaludkevich AL, Ignatenko OV, Lisenkov AD, Yaremchenko AA, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, High-pressure induced phase formation in the CuGaS2 – CuGaO2 chalcopyrite-delafossite system, Phys. Status Solidi B 251 (6): 1192-1196 (2014).
  73. Tedim J, Zheludkevich ML, Bastos AC, Salak AN, Lisenkov AD, Ferreira MGS, Influence of preparation conditions of Layered Double Hydroxide conversion films on corrosion protection, Electrochim. Acta 117: 164-171 (2014).
  74. Salak AN, Lisenkov AD, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Carbonate-free Zn-Al (1:1) layered double hydroxide film directly grown on zinc-aluminum alloy coating, ECS Electrochem. Lett. 3 (1): C9-C11 (2014).
  75. Tedim J, Zheludkevich ML, Bastos AC, Salak AN, Carneiro J, Maia F, Lisenkov AD, Oliveira AB, Ferreira MGS, Effect of surface treatment on the performance of LDH conversion films, ECS Electrochem. Lett. 3 (1): C4-C8 (2014).
  76. Yasakau KA, Tedim J, Montemor MF, Salak AN, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Mechanisms of localized corrosion inhibition of AA2024 by cerium molybdate nanowires, J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (11): 5811-5823 (2013).
  77. Salak AN, Tedim J, Kuznetsova AI, Vieira LG, Ribeiro JL, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Thermal behavior of layered double hydroxide Zn-Al-pyrovanadate: composition, structure transformations, recovering ability, J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (8): 4152-4157 (2013).
  78. Salak AN, Zhaludkevich AL, Korzun BV, Lisenkov AD, Zheludkevich ML, A copper-deficient tetragonal phase derived from chalcopyrite CuGaS2, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 25 (8): Art. No 082204 (2013).
  79. Salak AN, Tedim J, Kuznetsova AI, Ribeiro JL, Vieira LG, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Comparative x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy study of Zn-Al layered double hydroxides: vanadate vs nitrate, Chem. Phys. 397: 102-108 (2012).
  80. Maia F, Tedim J, Lisenkov AD, Salak AN, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Silica nanocontainers for active corrosion protection, Nanoscale 4 (4):1287-1298 (2012).
  81. Tedim J, Kuznetsova A, Salak AN, Montemor F, Snihirova D, Pilz M, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Zn-Al Layered double hydroxides as chloride nanotraps in active protective coatings, Corr. Sci. 55: 1-4 (2012).
  82. Rudys S, Ivanov M, Banys J, Vyshatko NP, Shilin AD, Salak AN, Dielectric and impedance spectroscopy of xNBT-(1-x)LMT ceramics, Ferroelectrics, 417: 143-150 (2011).
  83. Tedim J, Zheludkevich ML, Salak AN, Lisenkov A, Ferreira MGS, Nanostructured LDH-container layer with active protection functionality, J. Mater. Chem. 21 (39): 15464-15470 (2011).
  84. Lisenkov AD, Salak AN, Poznyak SK, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Anodic alumina films prepared by powerful pulsed discharge oxidation, J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (38) 18634-18639 (2011).
  85. Palatnikov MN, Shcherbina OB, Efremov VV, Sidorov NV, Salak AN, Microstructure and Young's modulus of high-pressure LixNa1-xTayNb1-yO3 ceramics, Inorganic Materials 47 (6): 686-689 (2011).
  86. Palatnikov MN, Shcherbina OB, Efremov VV, Sidorov NV, Salak AN, Microstructure and elastic modulus of ceramic LixNa1-xNbO3 perovskite solid solutions prepared at 6 GPa, Inorganic Materials 46 (12): 1348-1352 (2010).
  87. Snihirova D, Lamaka SV, Taryba M, Salak AN, Kallip S, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Montemor MF, Hydroxyapatite microparticles as feedback-active reservoirs of corrosion inhibitors, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2 (11): 3011-3022 (2010)
  88. Salak AN, Tedim J, Kuznetsova AI, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Anion exchange in Zn–Al layered double hydroxides: In situ X-ray diffraction study, Chem. Phys. Lett. 495 (1-3): 73-76 (2010).
  89. Yasakau KA, Salak AN, Zheludkevich ML, Ferreira MGS, Volta potential of oxidized aluminum studied by Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (18): 8474-8484 (2010).
  90. Poznyak SK, Tedim J, Rodrigues LM, Salak AN, Zheludkevich ML, Dick LFP, Ferreira MGS, Novel inorganic host layered double hydroxides intercalated with guest organic inhibitors for anticorrosion applications, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 1 (10): 2353-2362 (2009).
  91. Mikonis A, Macutkevich J, Grigalaitis R, Banys J, Adomavicius R, Krotkus A, Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Khalyavin DD, Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of La1/3NbO3 ceramics, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 109 (1): 55-60 (2009).
  92. Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Vyshatko NP, Khalyavin DD, Ferreira VM, Impedance spectroscopy of dielectric properties of perovskite ceramics Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3, Physics of the Solid State 51 (3): 582-588 (2009).
  93. Pullar RC, Zhang Y, Chen L, Yang S, Evans JRG, Salak AN, Kiselev DA, Kholkin AL, Ferreira VM, Alford NMcN, Dielectric measurements of novel Ba1-xCaxTiO3 (BCT) bulk ceramic combinatorial library, J. Electroceramics 22 (1-3): 245-251 (2009).
  94. Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Khalyavin DD, Prokhnenko O, Ferreira VM, Low-temperature structural and dielectric phenomena in La1/3NbO3 and La1/3TaO3: comparative study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (16): Art. No 162903 (2008).
  95. Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Ribeiro JL, Vieira LG, Pullar RC, Alford NMcN, Bismuth-induced dielectric relaxation in the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3xBi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 perovskite system, J. Appl. Phys. 104 (1): Art. No 014105 (2008).
  96. Khalyavin DD, Prokhnenko O, Stüßer N, Sikolenko V, Efimov V, Salak AN, Yaremchenko AA, Kharton VV, Crystal and magnetic structures of NdBaCo2O5+d (d~0.75): A neutron diffraction study, Phys. Rev. B 77 (17): Art. No 174417 (2008).
  97. Olekhnovich NM, Moroz II, Pushkarev AV, Radyush YuV, Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Ferreira VM, Temperature impedance spectroscopy of (1-x)Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 - xLaMg1/2Ti1/2O3 solid solutions, Physics of the Solid State 50 (3): 490-495 (2008).
  98. Salak AN, Prokhnenko O, Ferreira VM, Temperature evolution of the crystal structures in La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 perovskite: relation to the microwave dielectric properties, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (8): Art. No 085210 (2008).
  99. Pullar RC, Zhang Y, Chen L, Yang S, Evans JRG, Petrov PK, Salak AN, Kiselev DA, Kholkin AL, Ferreira VM, Alford NMcN, Manufacture and measurement of combinatorial libraries of dielectric ceramics. Part II. Dielectric measurements of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 libraries, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 27 (16): 4437-4443 (2007).
  100. Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Vieira LG, Ribeiro JL, Pullar RC, Alford NMcN, Dielectric relaxation and microwave loss in the La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 – (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 perovskite ceramics, J. Mater. Res. 22 (10): 2676-2684 (2007).
  101. Keburis P, Banys J, Grigas J, Brilingas A, Burtilius T, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Dielectric properties of BT-LMT mixed ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 27 (13-15): 4367-4370 (2007).
  102. Samulionis V, Salak AN, Banys J, Ferreira VM, Keburis P, Ultrasonic and piezoelectric properties of BT-LMT ceramic system, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 27 (13-15): 4003-4006 (2007).
  103. Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Microwave dielectric properties of Bi-substituted La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 27 (8-9): 2887-2891 (2007).
  104. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Lopes AB, Olekhnovich NM, Pushkarev AV, Maroz II, Radyush YuV, Crystal structure of metastable perovskite Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3: Bi-based structural analogue of antiferroelectric PbZrO3, Chem. Mater., 18 (21): 5104-5110 (2006).
  105. Salak AN,Khalyavin DD,Senos AMR, Mantas PQ, Ferreira VM, Structure and dielectric behavior of the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - xBa(Mg1/2W1/2)O3 microwave ceramics, Ferroelectrics, 333: 213-219 (2006).
  106. Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Structure and dielectric properties of the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3x(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 microwave ceramics, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 18 (24): 5703-5713 (2006).
  107. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD,Ferreira VM, Ribeiro JL, Vieira LG, Structure refinement, far infrared spectroscopy, and dielectric characterization of (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - xLa2/3TiO3 solid solutions, J. Appl. Phys. 99 (9): Art. No 094104 (2006).
  108. Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Kholkin AL, Ferreira VM, Olekhnovich NM, Radyush YuV, Pushkarev AV, Processing and characterization of (1-x)(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 - xLa(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 ceramics, Materials Science Forum, 514-516: 250-254 (2006).
  109. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Senos AMR, Mantas PQ, Ferreira VM, Structure sequence in the CaTiO3 - LaAlO3 microwave ceramics – revised, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 89 (5): 1721-1723 (2006).
  110. Khalyavin DD, Salak AN, Seabra MP, Senos AMR, Mantas PQ, Ferreira VM, Structure evolution in the La2MgTiO6 - Ba2MgWO6 system, Materials Research Bulletin, 41 (1): 167-176 (2006).
  111. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Mantas PQ, Senos AMR, Ferreira VM, Structure-dependent microwave dielectric properties of (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - xLa2/3TiO3 ceramics, J. Appl. Phys. 98 (2): Art. No 034101 (2005).
  112. Salak AN, Seabra MP, Ferreira VM, Evolution from ferroelectric to relaxor behavior in the (1-x)BaTiO3 - xLa(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 system, Ferroelectrics, 318: 185-192 (2005).
  113. Olekhnovich NM, Vyshatko NP, Radyush YuV, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Dielectric behaviour of high-pressure (1-x)PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-xPbAl1/2Nb1/2O3 ceramics, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 38 (8): 1253-1258 (2005).
  114. Seabra MP, Salak AN, Avdeev M, Ferreira VM, La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - based materials for microwave applications, Materials Science Forum, 455-456: 45-49 (2004).
  115. Salak AN, Shvartsman VV, Seabra MP, Kholkin AL, Ferreira VM, Ferroelectric properties of BaTiO3 doped with La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3, Ferroelectrics, 302: 299-302 (2004).
  116. Gomah-Pettry JR, Marchet P, Salak A, Ferreira VM, Mercurio JP, Electrical properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 – SrTiO3 ceramics, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 61: 159-162 (2004).
  117. Gomah-Pettry JR, Salak AN, Marchet P, Ferreira VM, Mercurio JP, Ferroelectric relaxor behaviour of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 – SrTiO3 ceramics, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 241 (8): 1949-1956 (2004).
  118. Salak AN, Shilin AD, Olekhnovich NM, Vyshatko NP, Bushinsky MV, Metastable perovskite phase of PbHo1/2Nb1/2O3 obtained under high pressure, Ferroelectrics, 299: 165-170 (2004).
  119. Seabra MP, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Vieira LG, Ribeiro JL, Dielectric properties of the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3- xSrTiO3 ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 24 (10-11): 2995-3002 (2004).
  120. Salak AN, Shvartsman VV, Seabra MP, Kholkin AL, Ferreira VM, Ferroelectric-to-relaxor transition behaviour of BaTiO3 ceramics doped with La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16 (16): 2785-2794 (2004).
  121. Salak AN, Seabra MP, Ferreira VM, Ribeiro JL, Vieira LG, Dielectric characterization of the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3- xBaTiO3 microwave ceramics, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 37 (6): 914-920 (2004).
  122. Salak AN, Seabra MP, Ferreira VM, Relaxor behavior of the 0.9BaTiO3 -0.1La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 solid solution, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 87 (2): 216-220 (2004).
  123. Olekhnovich NM, Vyshatko NP, Radyush YuV, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Dielectric properties of high pressure synthesized relaxor PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 ceramics, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15 (40): 6879-6887 (2003).
  124. Seabra MP, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Vieira LG, Ribeiro JL, Processing and dielectric properties of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3–BaTiO3 ceramics, Ferroelectrics, 294: 165-173 (2003).
  125. Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Ferreira VM, Radyush YuV, Olekhnovich NM, Anion-deficient perovskite Pb(Mg0.5Nb0.5)O2.75 ceramics obtained under high pressure, Ferroelectrics, 296: 175-186 (2003).
  126. Salak AN, Seabra MP, Ferreira VM, La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - La2/3TiO3 microwave dielectric ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23 (14): 2409-2412 (2003).
  127. Radyush YuV, Vyshatko NP, Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, Structural and dielectric characteristics of the solid solution series (1-x)PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-xPbTiO3 obtained under high pressure, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizicheskaya, 67 (8): 1161-1164 (2003).
  128. Seabra MP, Salak AN, Avdeev M, Ferreira VM, Structure and dielectric characterization of La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-Nd(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 system, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15 (24): 4229-4238 (2003).
  129. Salak AN, Vyshatko NP, Ferreira VM, Olekhnovich NM, Shilin AD, Structure transformations and dielectric properties of PbY1/2Nb1/2O3 and PbHo1/2Nb1/2O3 compounds, Materials Research Bulletin, 38 (3): 453-460 (2003).
  130. Raevskii IP, Sarychev DA, Bryugeman SA, Reznichenko LA, Shilkina LA, Razumovskaya ON, Nikolaev VS, Vyshatko NP, Salak AN, Study of cation ordering and magnetic phase transitions in ternary Fe-containing perovskite oxides by Mössbauer spectroscopy, Crystallography Reports, 47 (6): 1012-1015 (2002).
  131. Salak AN, Shilin AD, Bushinski MV, Olekhnovich NM, Vyshatko NP, Structural regularities and dielectric phenomena in the compound series PbB3+1/2Nb1/2O3, Materials Research Bulletin, 35 (9): 1429-1438 (2000).
  132. Salak AN, Bushinsky MV, Pushkarov NV, Shilin AD, Olekhnovich NM, Vyshatko NP, A new ferroelectric PbEr1/2Nb1/2O3, Ferroelectrics, 234 (1-4): 123-127 (1999).
  133. Salak AN, Shilin AD, Vyshatko NP, Khalyavin DD, Structural characteristics of metastable solid solutions in the PbZrO3-BaNb2O6 and PbTiO3-BaNb2O6 systems synthesized under high pressure, Crystallography Reports, 43 (6): 995-998 (1998).
  134. Vyshatko NP, Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, The structure and dielectric properties of stable and metastable phases of PbCu1/3Nb2/3O3, Doklady Academii Nauk Belarusi, 42 (4): 61-64 (1998).
  135. Shilin AD, Salak AN, Pushkarev NV, Olekhnovich NM, Zhabko TE, Ferroelectric properties of the PbZrO3-PbGa1/2Nb1/2O3 solid solutions with the metastable perovskite structure, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizicheskaya, 60 (10): 111-115 (1996).
  136. Olekhnovich NM, Zhabko TE, Salak AN, Shilin AD, Structural and dielectric properties of PbGeO3-PbZrO3 metastable solid solutions with perovskite structure, Inorganic Materials, 32 (3): 331-335 (1996).
  137. Barilo SN, Olekhnovich NM, Orlova NS, Pushkarev AV, Salak AN, Shiryaev SV, X-ray study of the structure and thermal properties of Ba1-xKxBiO3 at different temperatures, Crystal Research and Technology, 31 (1): 107-117 (1996).
  138. Salak AN, Shilin AD, Olekhnovich NM, Zhabko TE, Mixed niobates and tantalates of barium with a metastable perovskite structure, Inorganic Materials, 31 (7): 884-886 (1995).
  139. Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, Savchuk VK, Pushkarev NV, Shilin AD, Diffuse ferroelectric phase transitions in metastable perovskite systems with morphotropic phase boundaries, Fizika tverdogo tela (Physics of the Solid State), 36 (5): 1341-1349 (1994).
  140. Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, Zhabko TE, Savchuk VK, Shilin AD, PbGeO3 structure phase transitions under high pressures and temperatures and ferroelectric perovskites of the PbZrO3-PbGeO3 system, Doklady Akademii Nauk Belarusi, 38 (2): 40-44 (1994).
  141. Olekhnovich NM, Zhabko TE, Salak AN, Pashkovskii OI, Shilin AD, Unyarkha OV, Synthesis and dielectric properties of PbScx/2Al(1-x)/2Nb1/2O3 solid solutions with a metastable perovskite structure, Inorganic Materials, 30 (7): 905-908 (1994).
  142. Olekhnovich NM, Zhabko TE, Pushkarev NV, Salak AN, Shilin AD, Polymorphic transformations in Pb(DyNb)0.5O3 at high pressures, and the properties of its perovskite phase, Inorganic Materials, 29 (7): 1144-1147 (1993).
  143. Olekhnovich NM, Shilin AD, Salak AN, Zhabko TE, Ferroelectic perovskites of the PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3-PbAl1/2Nb1/2O3 system, Doklady Akademii Nauk Belarusi, 37 (3): 35-38 (1993).
  144. Salak AN, Zhabko TE, Olekhnovich NM, Shilin AD, Metastable cadmium-containing oxide compounds with the perovskite type structure, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizicheskaya, 57 (3): 86-89 (1993).
  145. Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, Zhabko TE, Yanovich VD, Phase diagram of the BaTiO3-Pb(AlNb)0.5O3 system at high pressures, Inorganic Materials, 28 (10-11): 1766-1770 (1992).
  146. Olekhnovich NM, Salak AN, Zhabko TE, A system of solid solutions Pb(AlNb)0.5O3-BaTiO3 in a metastable perovskite structure, Doklady Akademii Nauk Belarusi, 35 (12): 1069-1072 (1991).

Communications (selected)

  1. Salak AN, Neves CS, Vieira DEL, Sokol D, Pashkevich YuG, External Field-Assisted Synthesis, Anion Exchange and Arrangement of Nanosized Crystallites of Layered Double Hydroxides, the 20th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2024), Barcelona, Spain, VIP028, 113 (2024) - INVITED SPEAKER
  2. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Belik A.A, An incommensurately modulated polar helical texture of copper-substituted BiMn7O12 via pressure in situ synchrotron radiation and neutron diffraction study, General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (CMD31), Braga, Portugal, 12608 (2004) - INVITED SPEAKER
  3. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, Tarasenko R, Feher A, Čižmár E, Crystal structure, phase transitions and magnetic behaviour of the BiFeO3-based perovskite solid solutions, III International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics (CM<P 2023), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 44 (2023) - INVITED SPEAKER
  4. Salak AN, Shvartsman VV, Khalyavin DD, Coppi C, Delmonte D, Gilioli E, Conversion polymorphism in the high-pressure stabilized BiMg5Ti0.5O3-BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 solid solution system – a lead-free structural analogue of PbZrO3-PbTiO3, The E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, B1_11 (2023).
  5. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, The phenomenon of conversion polymorphism in bismuth-containing perovskites stabilized by high pressure, The 15th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5C_139 (2023).
  6. Salak AN, Cardoso JP, Shvartsman VV, Annealing behaviour of the morphotropic phase boundary in the high-pressure stabilized BiMg5Ti0.5O3-BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 system, The E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, S.4.16 (2022).
  7. Salak AN, Cardoso JP, Delmonte D, Gilioli V, Shvartsman VV, Khalyavin DD, Structural transitions between metastable phases in bismuth-containing perovskite multiferroics, CIMTEC 2022 9th Forum on New Materials, Perugia, Italy, FD-1: IL05 (2022) INVITED SPEAKER
  8. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Fertman EL, Fedorchenko AV, High-pressure stabilized oxide perovskite structures, II International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics (CM<P 2021), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 40 (2021) - INVITED SPEAKER.
  9. Salak AN, Vieira DEL, Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Babkin RYu, Pashkevich YuG, Čižmár E, Feher A, Vieira JM, Field-assisted formed nanostructures of multifunctional 2-D anion exchangers, Abstracts of the 13th International Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2020" (FM&NT 2020), Vilnius, Lithuania, I10-29 (2020) - INVITED SPEAKER.
  10. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Novel functional materials via conversion polymorphism of high-pressure stabilized ABO3 phases, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Multiferroics: fabrication, properties, application” (MFPA-2019) Vitebsk, Belarus, 98-99 (2019) – PLENARY SPEAKER.
  11. Salak AN, New functionalities of layered double hydroxides, Proceedings of the International Symposium “Perspective materials and technologies”, Brest, Belarus, P02 (2019) – PLENARY SPEAKER.
  12. Salak AN, Vieira DEL, Lukienko IM, Babkin RYu, Pashkevich YuG, Fedorchenko AV, Desnenko VA, Fertman EL, Ribeiro JL, Vieira LG, Combined diffraction and spectroscopic study of temperature dependent magnetic behaviour of Co(II)-containing layered double hydroxides, Abstracts of 6th International Congress on Microscopy and Spectroscopy (INTERM 2019) Oludeniz, Turkey, ID-377 (2019) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  13. Salak AN, Multifunctional Layered Double Hydroxides, Abstracts of 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, Paris, France, 33 (2019) – KEYNOTE SPEAKER.
  14. Salak AN, Vieira DEL, Lukienko IM, Babkin RYu, Pashkevich YuG, Fedorchenko AV, Desnenko VA, Fertman EL, Tuneable magnetic Co(II)-containing Layered Double Hydroxides, Abstracts of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies (FM&NT-2018), Riga, Latvia, 68 (2018) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  15. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Fertman EL, Structural transformations and magnetic phenomena in metastable phases with perovskite structure, Proceedings of the 60th International Conference “ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF STRENGTH”, Vitebsk, Belarus, 4 (2018) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  16. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Fertman EL, Annealing-stimulated structural transformations and magnetic phenomena in metastable perovskite phases, Abstracts of the 8thInternational Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition (APMAS-2018), Oludeniz, Fethiye / Mugla, Turkey, 14 (2018) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  17. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Fertman EL, Metastable perovskite phases - multiferroics in the BiFeO3 - BiScO3 - LaFeO3 - LaScO3 system, Abstracts of the VIII International Conference for Professionals and Young Scientists “LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS” (ICYS-LTP-2017), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 44 (2017) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  18. Salak AN, Khalyavin DD, Metastable perovskite multiferroics derived from BiFeO3, Abstracts of the 7thInternational Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition (APMAS-2017), Oludeniz, Fethiye / Mugla, Turkey, 15 (2017) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  19. Salak AN, Multifunctional oxide materials prepared under high pressure, Abstracts of the 18th International Conference-School “Advanced Materials and Technologies” (ANT-2016), Palanga, Lithuania, 12 (2016) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  20. Salak AN, Vieira DEL, Fedorchenko AV, Fertman EL, Lopes AB, Feher A, Ferreira MGS, Tuneable LDHs, Abstracts of the VII International Conference for Young Scientists “LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS” (ICYS-LTP-2016), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 39 (2016) – INVITED SPEAKER.
  21. Salak AN, Metastable perovskite multiferroics prepared at high pressure, Abstracts of the International Conference “Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies” (FM&NT-15), Vilnius, Lithuania, 22 (2015) – INVITED SPEAKER.



Effect of Surface Treatment on the Performance of LDH Conversion Films

Tedim, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Bastos, AC; Salak, AN; Carneiro, J; Maia, F; Lisenkov, AD; Oliveira, AB; Ferreira, MGS

Phase coexistence in Bi1-xPrxFeO3 ceramics

Karpinsky, DV; Troyanchuk, IO; Sikolenko, V; Efimov, V; Efimova, E; Willinger, M; Salak, AN; Kholkin, AL
2014, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 49, 20, 6937-6943.

Polar and antipolar polymorphs of metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3

Khalyavin, DD; Salak, AN; Olekhnovich, NM; Pushkarev, AV; Radyush, YV; Manuel, P; Raevski, IP; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
2014, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 89, 17.

Complex antipolar root 2 x 4 x 2 root 2 structure with Pnma symmetry in BiFeO3 and BiFe1/2Sc1/2O3: First-principles calculations

Prosandeev, SA; Khalyavin, DD; Raevski, IP; Salak, AN; Olekhnovich, NM; Pushkarev, AV; Radyush, YV
2014, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 90, 5.

Carbonate-Free Zn-Al (1:1) Layered Double Hydroxide Film Directly Grown on Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Coating

Salak, AN; Lisenkov, AD; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS

High-pressure induced phase formation in the CuGaS2-CuGaO2 chalcopyrite-delafossite system

Salak, AN; Zhaludkevich, AL; Ignatenko, OV; Lisenkov, AD; Yaremchenko, AA; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS

Electrodeposition of Zinc Nanorods from Ionic Liquid into Porous Anodic Alumina

Starykevich, M; Lisenkov, AD; Salak, AN; Ferreira, MGS; Zheludkevich, ML
2014, CHEMELECTROCHEM, 1, 9, 1484-1487.

Influence of preparation conditions of Layered Double Hydroxide conversion films on corrosion protection

Tedim, J; Zheludkevich, ML; Bastos, AC; Salak, AN; Lisenkov, AD; Ferreira, MGS
2014, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 117, 164-171.

Mechanisms of Localized Corrosion Inhibition of AA2024 by Cerium Molybdate Nanowires

Yasakau, KA; Tedim, J; Montemor, MF; Salak, AN; Zheludkevich, ML; Ferreira, MGS
2013, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 117, 11, 5811-5823.

A copper-deficient tetragonal phase derived from chalcopyrite CuGaS2

Salak, AN; Zhaludkevich, AL; Korzun, BV; Lisenkov, AD; Zheludkevich, ML

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