Sónia Andreia Oliveira Santos

Assistant Researcher

Short CV

Sonia Santos, born in 1983 (Aveiro, Portugal), was graduated in Chemical Engineering in 2006 at the New University of Lisbon (FCT-UNL, Portugal), after a 6 months training period at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e Netherlands) working on the recovery and regeneration of thermo-reversible ion exchanger surfactants. In 2012, she obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry at University of Aveiro (UA, Portugal) with C. Pascoal Neto and A. J. D. Silvestre working on the chararacterization of phenolic fraction of forest industrial by-products. Currently, she is a researcher at the Associate Laboratory CICECO and her research focuses on the bioprospection of health-promoting components from Natural resources. Her interests have been focused on the bioprospection of natural resources, namely in the detailed characterization of their extractives, the development of green and sustainable extraction methodologies and upgrading of bioactive extracts in valuable applications. Sonia has a vast experience in the characterization of bioactive components from natural sources, particulalry using gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry; in the development of green extraction methodologies; and upgrading of natural extracts/fractions for high value applications. Sonia has a consolidated network of collaborations and also participes or participated in several national and international projects. She is author/co-author of 64 papers, 2 book chapter, H-index 22, + 1500 citations.

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sonia_Santos7/?ev=hdr_xprf



present research group

Member of the Associate Laboratory CICECO in the interdisciplinary group of Biorefineries, Biobased materials and Recycling (Group 5, Line 3: Sustainability and Biomaterials).

Ongoing Supervisions



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