Dmitry Evtyugin

Associate Professor with Aggregation

Short CV

Dmitry Victorovitch Evtyugin (Evtuguin) was born the 05 of April of 1963, natural of Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia (USSR), married, 1 son. Graduated in Engineering and Chemical Technology, specialty Chemical Processing of Wood, by Leningrad Forest Technical Academy (LFTA), USSR (1985). Candidate of Chemical Science (PhD) in Chemistry (Wood Chemistry) by LFTA, USSR (1988). Have got the equivalence to PhD degree in Chemistry by the University of Aveiro (UA) (2001). Since 2001 hold the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro. Previously have been executed the functions of Invited Associated Professor, Visiting Professor at the Department of Chemistry of the UA, Associated Professor at the Department of Wood Chemistry of LFTA. Participated in a series of academic juries (PhD and MSc) and scientific committees of international conferences. Member of the Editorial Board of international journals in the area of wood chemistry and technology (Holzforschung and Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology). Initiator and promoter of the collaboration between the University of Aveiro and the Caima Cellulose Company, S.A. in the research/formation area relating to the technology and production of acidic sulfite pulp and biorefining. Participated in the formation of research group in the area of Chemistry and Technology of Lignocellulosics at the Depatment of Chemistry of the UA. Oriented/ participated in the orientation of 16 post doctorate students, 28 PhD students and 115 MSc students. Coordinated/participated in a series of research projects financed by national and European programs (56 totally). Author/ co-author of 14 book chapters, more than 280 articles published in peer-reviewed journals, 148 oral and 175 poster communications on the scientific conferences, 12 patents.

Scientific Interests

1. General problems of wood chemistry (structure and occurrence of macromolecular constituents in wood tissues). 
2. Analytical methods in wood chemistry (analytical approaches for the wood constituent’s quantification and their structural analysis). 
3. Fractionation and analysis of wood and non-wood plant materials (development of techniques for the plant materials fractionation and structural/chemical characterisation of isolated fractions). 
4. Lignin structure and reactivity (analysis of functional groups, structural analysis, molecular weight determination, lignins reactivity in oxidation reactions in organic solvents and aqueous media, modification reactions of lignin). 
5. Chemistry of oxygen delignification, organosolv pulping, new oxidative technologies of pulping and bleaching (development of new ecologically sound technologies of pulping and bleaching, particular interest to the lignin oxidative catalysis with catalysts). 
6. NMR (liquid and solid-state) of wood macromolecular components (lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses). 
7. Mass spectrometry (ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF) of lignin, lignin derivatives and hemicelluloses. 
8. Oxidative and acid/base catalysis with polyoxometalates. 
9. Biocatalysis (application of lignolytic enzymes). 
10. Physical and surface properties of chemical pulps. 
11. Paper properties (physic properties and printability).
12. Wood based composite materials (fibre boards based on non phenol-formaldehyde adhesives). 
13. Organic-inorganic hybrids based on chemical pulp and wood. 
14. Lignin based synthetic polymers (development of approaches for the synthesis of new lignin-based polymer formulations).

Present Research Group

Coordination of the research group in coloboration with 4 Professors from the Chemical Engineering group. Superviser of  2 post-doctorate students, 5 PhD students, 5 MSc students and 4 researches. Coordenator/participant of scientific/R&D projects with total funds of ca. 4528k€.

Main present collaborators

Main collaborators: 
-RAIZ (Forestry and Paper Research Institute); 
-SONAE - Indústria de Revestimentos, SA


-AMORIM & Irmaõs S.A.

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra 
Department Paper Science and Technology, University of Beira Interior
Institute of Wood Chemistry (Riga, Latvia)
Forest Technical Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobilogía de Sevilla (Spain). 
Ecole Française de Papeterie e des Industries Graphiques (EFPG-INPG, Grenoble, France).
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Teaching Activity

-Responsible for a series of disciplines related to Wood Chemistry and Technology (B. Sc.) on the Depatment of Chemistry at the University of Aveiro. 
-Participation in M. Sc. course on Chemical Engineering Processes of the Pulp and Paper Production (RAIZ/UA/UC/UBI). 
- Participation in M.Sc. course on Chemistry of Natural and Food Products (UA). 
-Member of the coordination consil of  integrated M. Sc. course on Chemical Engineering.
-Responsible for a series of seminars and 5th year stages of B. Sc. students in collaboration with industry on the Depatment of Chemistry at the University of Aveiro . 

Present projects

Current Projects:

• Participante do projeto “Inovadores adesivos têxteis condutores (CONDADE)” (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-034076, no âmbito de Portugal 2020, 2018-2021).

• Coordenador do projeto “Novas abordagens na desinfeção e branqueamento de rolhas de cortiça (NEWASHCORK)“ (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-034048, no âmbito de Portugal 2020, 2018-2021).

• Coordenador do projeto “Estudo sobre o cozimento de sulfito ácido para a produção de pasta solúvel“ no âmbito da bolsa BDE (Projeto CV 115/2018 de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico em colaboração com CAIMA-Industria de cellulose SA, 2018-2022).

• Coordenador do projeto “Avaliação de subprodutos de alto valor acrescentado da linha produção de pasta solúvel” (Projeto CV 106/2017 de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico em colaboração com CAIMA-Industria de cellulose SA, 2018-2019).

• Participante do projeto “Produtos e Tecnologias Inovadores a partir de Madeira do Eucalipto (InPaCTus)" (Projeto temático RCI/AICEP/ANI de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico em colaboração com NAVIGATOR SA, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-021874, 2017-2021). Coordenador de 5 subprojetos temáticos.

• Participante do projeto “Transferência de competências integradas e geradoras de inovação empresarial na Região Centro (INTEGRA@TEC)“ (CENTRO-46-2016-01, no âmbito de Portugal 2020, 2017-2021).


Selected Publications

Selected Book Chapters from last 5 years:

1. Gamelas, J., Evtuguin, D.V. and Gaspar, A. Transition Metal Complexes in the Delignification Catalysis. In: "Transition Metal Chemistry: New Research",B. Varga and L. Kis, Eds., pp. 15-57, NovaPublishers, HuntingtonNY11743US (2008). ISBN 978-1-60456-702-1.

2.   Fernandes, D.L.A., Perreira, S.R., Serafim, L., Evtuguin, D.V. and Xavier, A.M.B. Chapter 6. Second Generation Bioethanol from Lignocellulosics and Hardwood Sulphite Spent Liquor. In: “Bioethanol”, Marco A. P. Lima (Ed.), INTECH (open access publisher) pp. 123-152 (2012). ISBN 978-953-51-0008-9.

3. Rudnitskaya A. and Evtuguin D.V. Lignin applications in chemical sensing. In: "Multisensor systems for chemical analysis: materials and sensors", by L. Lvova, D. Kirsanov, A. Legin, C. Di Natale (Eds.) Pan Stanford Publishing, Inc. (2014). ISBN 9789814411158 for hardcover.

4. Tavares, A.P.M., Xavier, A.M.R.B., Evtuguin, D.V. Biotechnology Applications in Pulp and Paper Industry. In: Recent Developments in Biotechnology Vol. 12: Bioprocess/ Biochemical Engineering. J.N. Govil (Ed.), STUDIUM PRESS LLC, Houston, USA pp. 561-581 (2014). Series ISBN: 1-62699-015-8; ISBN: 1-62699-027-1.

5. Evtuguin, D.V. Chapter 8. Sulphite Pulping. In: “Lignocellulosic fibers and Wood Handbook”, N. Belgacem, A. Pizzi (eds.), WILEY-SCRIVENER PUBL. LLC, pp 225-244 (2016). ISBN: 978-1-118-77352-9.

Selected articles from last 5 years:

  1. Veríssimo, M.I.S., Gamelas, J.A.F., Fernandes, A.J.S., Evtuguin, D.V., Gomes M.T.S.R. A new formaldehyde optical sensor: detecting milk adulteration. Food Chemistry (2020). In press.
  2. Morais, F.P., Bértolo, R.A.C., Curto, J.M.R., Amaral, M.E.C.C., Carta, A.M.M.S., Evtyugin, D.V. Characterization data of pulp fibres performance in tissue papers applications. Data in Brief (2020). In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105253.
  3. Gonçalves, S.S.L, Rudnitskaya, A., Sales, A.J.M., Costa, L.C., Evtuguin, D.V.* Nanocomposite polymeric materials based on eucalyptus LignoBoost® kraft lignin for liquid sensing applications. Materials (2020). In press.
  4. Ferreira, J.C., Prates, A., Evtuguin, D.V.* Effect of cellulose structure on reactivity of eucalyptus acid sulphite dissolving pulp. Cellulose (2020). In press.
  5. Branco, D.G., Campos, J.R., Cabrita, L., Evtuguin, D.V.* Structural features of macromolecular components of cork from Quercus suber L. Holzforschung (2020). In press.
  6. Magina, S., Barros-Timmons, A., Evtuguin, D.V.* Laccase-catalyzed oxidative modification of lignosulphonates from acidic sulphite pulping of eucalyptus wood. Holzforschung (2020). In press.
  7. Vieira, F., Barros-Timmons, A., Evtuguin, D.V., Pinto, P.C.R. Effect of different catalysts on the oxyalkylation of eucalyptus Lignoboost® kraft lignin. Holzforschung (2020). Accepted article.
  8. Gama, N., Barros-Timmons, A., Ferreira, Evtuguin D.V. Modified eucalyptus wood as a reinforcing filler for HDPE composites. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 137: 48619 (2020).
  9. Gomes, T.M.P., Mendes de Sousa, A.P., Belenkiy, Y.I., Evtuguin D.V. Xylan accessibility of bleached eucalypt pulp in alkaline solutions. Holzforschung 74(2): 141-148 (2020).

10. Morais, F.P., Bértolo, R.A.C., Curto, J.M.R., Amaral, M.E.C.C., Carta, A.M.M.S., Evtyugin, D.V. Comparative characterization of eucalyptus fibers and softwood fibers for tissue papers applications. Materials Letters: X 4: 100028 (2019). Doi: 10.1016/j.mlblux.2019.100028.

11. Fernandes, P.A., Silva, A.M., Evtuguin, D.V. Nunes, F., Wessel, D. F., Cardoso, S. M. P, Coimbra, M.A. The hydrophobic polysaccharides of apple pomace. Carbohydr. Polym. 223: 115132 (2019).

12. Lauberte, L., Fabre, G., Ponomarenko, J., Dizhbitea, T.,  Evtuguin, D.V., Telysheva, G.M.,  Trouillas P. Lignin Modification Supported by DFT-Based Theoretical Study as a Way to Produce Competitive Natural Antioxidants. Molecules 24 (9): 1794 (2019).

13. Pandeirada,C.O., Maricato, Ferreira, S.S., Correia, V. G., Pinheiro, B. A., Evtuguin, D.V. Palma, Correiad, A. Vilanova, M., Coimbra, M. A. Nunes, C. Structural analysis and potential A. S. immunostimulatory activity of Nannochloropsis oculata polysaccharides. Carbohydr. Polym. 222: 114962 (2019).

14. Silva, S. P.,  Moreira, A.S.P.,  Domingues, M.R.M., Evtuguin, D.V., Coelho E.,. Coimbra M.A. Contribution of non-enzymatic transglycosylation reactions to the honey oligosaccharides origin and diversity. Pure Appl. Chem. 91(7): 1231–1242 (2019).

15. Passos, C.P., Rudnitskaya, A., Neves, J.M.M.G.C., Lopesa, G.R., Evtuguin, D.V., Coimbra, M.A. Structural features of spent coffee grounds water-soluble polysaccharides: towards tailor-made microwave assisted extractions. Carbohydr. Polymers 214: 53-61 (2019).

16. Gamelas, J.A.F., Rebola, S. M., Evtyugina, M.G., Esteves, V.I. Evtuguin, D.V. Purification of pulp mill condensates by adsorptive process on activated carbon. Holzforschung 73(6): 589-597 (2019).

17. Veríssimo, M.I.S., Oliveira, J.A.B.P., Evtuguin, D. V., Gomes, M.T.S.R. Preserve your books through the smell. ACS Sensors 4(11): 2915-2921 (2019).

18. Tribulová, T., František Kačík, F., Evtuguin, D.V., Čabalová, I., Ďurkovičd, J. The effects of transition metal sulfates on cellulose crystallinity during accelerated ageing of silver fir wood. Cellulose 26(4): 2625–2638 (2019).

19. Krolow Soares, A., Gonzalez de Cademartori, P.H. , Evtyugin, D. V. , Paula Zanatta,P., Gatto D. A. Eficiência do tratamento combinado de impregnação e termorretificação nas propriedades da madeira de pinus. Matéria 23(4): e12242 (1918). DOI: 10.1590/s1517-707620180004.0576.

20. Rodrigues, P.F., Evtyugin, D.D., Evtuguin, D.V., Prates, A.Extractive Profiles in the Production of Sulphite Dissolving Pulp from E. globulus. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 38(5): 397-408 (2018).

21. Pereira, I., Simões, J. Evtuguin, D.V., Rouif, S. Coimbra, M.A. Domingues, M.R.M. Gama. M. Effects of gamma irradiation and periodate oxidation on the structure of dextrin assessed by mass spectrometry. Europ. Polymer J. 103: 158-169 (2018).

22. Ferreira, J., Esteves, B., Cruz-Lopes, L., Evtuguin, D.V., Domingos, I. Environmental advantages to produce energy from grape stalk pellets instead wood pellets and other sources. International Journal of Environmental Studies 75(5) 812-826 (2018).

23. Veríssimo, M.I.S., Gamelas, J.A.F., Simões, M.M.Q., Evtuguin, D. V., Gomes, M.T.S.R. Quantifying acetaldehyde in cider using acoustic wave sensor coated by Mn (III)-substituted polyoxotungstate. Sensors and Actuators B: Chem. 255: 2608-2613 (2018).

24. Fernandes, M.C., Ferro M.D., Paulino, A.F.C., Chaves, H.T., Evtuguin, D.V., Xavier, A.M.R.B. Comparative study on hydrolysis and bioethanol production from cardoon and rockrose pretreated by dilute acid hydrolysis. Ind. Crops &Products 111: 633-641 (2018).

25. Jablonskis, A., Arshanitsaa,A., Arnautov, A., Telysheva, G. Evtuguin, D.V., Evaluation of Ligno Boost™ softwood kraft lignin epoxidation as an approach for its application in cured epoxy resins. Ind. Crops &Products 112: 225-235 (2018).

26. Costa, E., Azevedo, V., Melo, T., Rego, A.M., Evtuguin, D.V., Domingues, Calado, P., Pereira, R., Abreu, M.H., Domingues,  M.R. High-Resolution Lipidomics towards the Valorization of Life History Stages of Porphyra dioica. Molecules 23: 187 (2018).

27. Ramos, A.M., Sousa, S., Evtuguin, D.V., Gamelas, J.A.F. Functionalized xylans in the production of xylan-coated paper laminates. Reactive and Functional Polymers 117: 89–96 (2017).

28. Sousa, C.T., Evtuguin, D.V.,* Amaral, J.L. Hardwood kraft pulp structural features affecting refinability. Holzforschung 71(7-8): 619-624 (2017).

29. Salgueiro, A. M., Santos, M. D., Saraiva, J. A., Almeida, F., Sousa, I., Tedim, J., Nogueira, H.I.S., Evtuguin D.V.* Ultra-high pressure modified cellulosic fibres with antimicrobial properties. Carbohydr. Polym. 175:303-310 (2017).

30. Tribulová, T.,  Kacík, F., Evtuguin D.V. Impacts of inorganic chemicals used for wood protection: a review. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen 59(2): 5−22 (2017).

31. Carvalho, D.M., Abad, A.M., Evtuguin, D.V., Colodette, J.L.,. Lindström, M. E., Vilaplana, F. Isolation and Characterization of Acetylated Glucuronoarabinoxylan from Sugarcane Bagasse and Straw. Carbohydr. Polym. 156: 223-234 (2017).

32. Veríssimo, M.I.S., Gamelas, J.A.F. Evtuguin, D.V., Gomes M.T.S.R. Determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in honey, using head space solid-phase microextraction coupled with a polyoxometalate-coated piezoelectric quartz crystal Food Chemistry 220: 420–426 (2017).

33. Magina, S., Santos, M.D., Ferra, J., Cruz, P., Portugal, I., Evtuguin, D.V. High Pressure Laminates with Antimicrobial Properties. Materials 9, 100 (2016).

34. Salgueiro, A.M. Evtuguin, D.V., Saraiva, J. A., Almeida, F. High pressure-promoted enzymatic treatment to enhance papermaking properties of recycled pulp. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol. 100: 9885–9893 (2016).

35. Tribulová, T.,  Kacík, F., Evtuguin D., Cabalová, I. Assessment of chromophors in chemically treated and aged wood by UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Cellulose Chem. Technol., 50 (5-6): 659-667 (2016).

36. Tribulová, T., Kačík, F., Evtuguin, D.V., Čabalová, I. Influence of Chemical Treatment on Chemical Changes of Fir Wood, Key Engineering Materials, 688: 38-43, (2016).

37. Simões, J., Moreira, A.S.P., Costa, E., Evtyugin, D.V., Domingues, P., Nunes, F.M., Coimbra, M.A., Domingues, M. R. M. Oxidation of amylose and amylopectin by hydroxyl radicals assessed by electospray ionisation mass spectrometry. Carbohydr. Polym. 148, 290-299 (2016).

38. Sousa, S., Ana Ramos, A., Evtuguin, D.V., Gamelas, J. Xylan and xylan derivatives - their performance in bio-based films and effect of glycerol addition. Ind. Crops Products 94: 682–689 (2016).

39. Moreira, A., Simões, J., Nunes, F., Evtuguin, D.V. Domingues, P., Coimbra, M.A.,  Domingues, M. R. Non-enzymatic transglycosylation reactions induced by roasting: new insights from models mimicking coffee bean regions with distinct polysaccharide composition. J. Agric. Food Chem. 64: 1831-1840 (2016).

40. Magina, S., Ferra, J., Cruz, P., Portugal, I., Evtuguin, D.V. Fluorinated polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanoparticles to boost the dirt repellence of high pressure laminates. Chem. Eng. J. 301: 362-370 (2016).

41. Figueiredo, A.B., Magina, S., Evtuguin, D.V., Cardoso, E.F., Ferra, J., Cruz, P. Factors Affecting the Dimensional Stability of Decorative Papers under Moistening. Bioresources 11(1): 2020-2029 (2016).

42. Neto, E., Magina, S., Camões, A., Begonha A., Evtuguin, D.V., Cachim, P. Characterization of concrete surface in relation to graffiti protection coatings. Construction and Building Materials 102: 435–444 (2016).

43. J.A.F. Gamelas, J.A.F., Oliveira, F., Evtyugina, M.G., Portugal, I., Evtuguin, D.V.* Catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde by ruthenium multisubstituted tungstosilicic polyoxometalate supported on cellulose/silica hybrid. Appl. Cat. A: Chem., 509: 8-16 (2016).

44. Dias, V.M., Kuznetsova, A., Tedim, J., Yaremchenko, A.A., Zheludkevich, M.L., Portugal, I., Evtuguin, D.V. Silica-based nanocoating doped by layered double hydroxides to enhance the paperboard barrier properties. World J. Nano Sci. Eng. 5(4): 126-139 (2015).

45. Sousa, J.I.T, Moura, A.I.G., Evtuguin, D.V., Carvalho, M.G.V.S. Enzymatic treatment applied as a final stage in E. globulus kraft pulp bleaching. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 91: 547–554 (2016).

46. Sousa, I., Frederico Maia, F., Silva, A., Cunha, A., Almeida, A., Evtyugin, D.V., Tedim, J., Ferreira M.G. A novel approach for immobilization of polyhexamethylene biguanide within silica capsules. RSC Advanc. 5: 92656–92663 (2015).

47. Ferro M.D., Fernandes, M.C., Paulino, A.F.C., Prozil, S.O., Gravitis, J., Evtuguin, D.V., Xavier, A.M.R.B.  Bioethanol production from steam explosion pretreated and alkaliextracted Cistus ladanifer (rockrose). Biochem. Eng. J. 104: 98-105 (2015).

48. Fernandes, M.C. Ferro, M.D., Paulino, A.F.C., Mendes, J.A.S., Gravitis, J.,  Evtuguin, D.V., Xavier, A.M.R.B. Enzymatic saccharification and bioethanol production from Cynara cardunculus pretreated by steam explosion. Bioresource Tecnnol. 186: 309-315 (2015).

49. Magina, S., Santos, A.P., Evtuguin, D.V. Study on the residual lignin in Eucalyptus globulus sulphite pulp. Holzforschung 69(5), 513-522 (2015).

50. Krutov, S.M., Evtuguin, D.V., Ipatova, E.V., Santos, S.A.O., Sazanov, Yu. N. Modification of acid hydrolysis lignin for value-added applications by micronization followed by hydrothermal alkaline pretreatment. Holzforschung 69(6): 761-768 (2015).

51. Gudiña, E.J., Pereira, J.F.B., Costa, R., Evtuguin, D.V., João AP Coutinho J.A.P., Teixeira, J.A., Rodrigues, L.R. Novel bioemulsifier produced by a Paenibacillus strain isolated from crude oil. Microbial Cell Fact. 14:14 (2015).



Ongoing Supervisions


2Glam - Desenvolvimento de Laminados de Segunda Geração (2Glam)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
A Sonae Indústria é líder mundial na produção de derivados de madeira e papel e utiliza um recurso renovável que é a madeira para a produção de aglomerado de partículas e fibras e HPL (termolaminados decorativos de alta pressão). O HPL, produzido pela SONAE Indústria Revestimentos SA, é um produto indicado para superfícies horizontais de mobiliá...

Avaliação de desempenhe dos componentes de cartão em embalagens (CARTIG)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National

BIIPP - Biorefinaria Integrada na Indústria da Pasta e Papel (BIIPP)

PartnerIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto tem como aspecto central o desenvolvimento de conhecimento e de processos que possibilitem a produção de biocombustíveis e bioprodutos a partir das correntes processuais e/ou residuais do processo de produção de pasta kraft, visando o aumento do valor acrescentado, através da síntese de produtos de origem renovável, e a r...

Bioeconomia para Têxtil e Vestuário (BE@T)

PartnerIndustry National
Apoiada pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), a indústria têxtil nacional vai investir 138 milhões de euros na bioeconomia sustentável, procurando a mudança de paradigma para o setor e a criação de produtos de alto valor ...

BIOTEX - Bioactive Textiles using functional biopolymers (POCI/CTM/58312/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Polyester and polypropylene fibres Chitosan Anti-microbial activity Textile dyeing

Characterization of Heteropolysaccharides using Mass Spectrometry (POCI/QUI/59337/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Mass Spectrometry Heteropolysaccharides Electrospray LC-MS

Cork as a sustainable and added value in the development of multifunctional coatings (PTDC/CTM-MAT/2502/2012)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
multifunctional coating cork sustainable anticorrosion

Enabling the Next Generation of Smarter Transformers (NEXTRA)

PartnerIndustry National

Evaluation of grape stalks and skins residues in chemical processing for valuable products (CHEMGRAPE) (PTDC/AGR-AAM/104911/2008)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Grape (skins and stalks) Oxidative Cooking Biocomposite materials Ecotoxicological essay

Improving the yield of Eucalyptus globulus Kraft Pulp Production: Strategies, Mecanisms and Impact on Pulp Economy (POCTI/EQU/46124/2002)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Cellulosic pulp Eucalyptus globulus Kraft process yield

Innovative Products and Technologies from Eucalyptus Project (InPacTus)

PartnerIndustry National
Inpactus, to be developed by the Consortium, aims to develop new solutions, such as cellulosic pulps with innovative features, new paper products with different specificities and functions, tissue paper with innovative properties, new bioproducts, biofuels and other materials obtained from the deconstruction and conversion of forest biomass and ...

Inovadores Adesivos Texteis Condutores (CONDAD)

PartnerIndustry National
More details here

NanoBarrier - Extended shelf-life biopolymers for sustainable and multifunctional food packaging solutions (NanoBarrier)

PartnerEuropean Comission
The overall concept of NanoBarrier is to develop a new nanotechnology platform based on inorganic-organic hybrid polymers, microfibrillated cellulose, nanocapsules with controlled permeability and additive technology and combine this with resource-efficient processing technologies to realize safe and extended shelf-life and multifunctional biopo...

NMC - Novos Materiais Celulósicos (NMC)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
A investigação internacional sobre celulose, o biopolímero mais abundante na natureza, tem revelado possibilidades muito promissoras de criação de novas aplicações de elevado valor acrescentado e consequentemente de valorização da fileira florestal. Acresce que o aumento dos preços do petróleo e uma maior apetência dos consumidores por produtos ...

Novas Abordagens na desinfecção e branqueamento de rolhas de cortiça. (NEWASHCORK)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Desenvolver um inovador sistema de lavação para obtenção de rolhas de cortiça com características distintivas, ao nível do engarrafamento de vinhos tranquilos e espirituosos, que permita ultrapassar o estado da arte ao nível do aspeto visual das rolhas, bem c...

PADIS - Papéis de Alto Desempenho à Impressão (PADIS)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
O objectivo do projecto vai centrar-se no desenvolvimento de novos papéis não revestidos, com um desempenho funcional superior nos processos de impressão digital (inkjet e laser) e offset. Os novos papéis terão de responder a requisitos especiais no sentido de garantirem maiores velocidades de impressão e em simultâneo melhoria da qualidade da i...

PAPERBRIGHT - High Performance Bleached Pulps: From Basic Knowledge to Advanced Technology (PTDC/EQU-EQU/113547/2009)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Chemical Pulp Brightening Brightness Reversion Chromophores Pulp degradation

Product-Service Development for the Circular Economy and Sustainability Knowledge Alliance (Knowledge Alliance Erasmus+ KATCH_e)

PartnerEuropean Comission
The consortium has chosen the topic of circular economy (CE) as the focus of this project, because it concerns the transition from a take – make – use – dispose model that depletes natural resources and destroys ecosystems to a circular model where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possibl...

RENOVA PAPTIS - Desenvolvimento de papéis tissue de nova geração (PAPTIS-RENOVA)

Local CoordinatorIndustry National
Os prod. de papel tissue têm vindo a adquirir 1 importância crescente nas sociedades modernas. Assim, as empresas produtoras de papel tissue para se manterem no mercado e crescerem apostam no desenvolvimento e optimização de processos para dar origem a produtos inovadores, q se diferenciem e q ofereçam ao consumidor, características valorizáveis...

Study of structural modifications induced by thermal and oxidative degradation in oligo and polysaccharides by advanced mass spectrometry (PTDC/QUI-QUI/100044/2008)

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Mass Spectrometry polysaccharides oxidation thermal degradation

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Structural Elucidation of Suberin from the Bark of Cultivated Willow (Salix sp.)

Dou, JZ; Evtuguin, DV; Vuorinen, T
ISBN: 1520-5118

Lignosulfonate-Based Polyurethane Adhesives

Magina, S; Gama, N; Carvalho, L; Barros-Timmons, A; Evtuguin, DV
2021, MATERIALS, 14, 22.
ISBN: 1996-1944

Polyamide 6/modified pine bark particle composites for additive manufacturing

Gama, N; Ferreira, A; Barros-Timmons, A; Evtuguin, D
2021, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 56, 34, 19093-19105.
ISBN: 1573-4803

Characterization of levan produced by a Paenibacillus sp. isolated from Brazilian crude oil

Mendonca, CMN; Oliveira, RC; Freire, RKB; Piazentin, ACM; Pereira, WA; Gudina, EJ; Evtuguin, DV; Converti, A; Santos, JHPM; Nunes, C; Rodrigues, LR; Oliveira, RPS
ISBN: 1879-0003

Grape pectic polysaccharides stabilization of anthocyanins red colour: Mechanistic insights

Fernandes, A; Raposo, F; Evtuguin, DV; Fonseca, F; Ferreira-da-Silva, F; Mateus, N; Coimbra, MA; de Freitas, V
ISBN: 1879-1344

Surface treatment of eucalyptus wood for improved HDPE composites properties

Gama, N; Barros-Timmons, A; Ferreira, A; Evtuguin, D
ISBN: 1097-4628

Effect of different catalysts on the oxyalkylation of eucalyptus Lignoboost (R) kraft lignin

Vieira, FR; Barros-Timmons, A; Evtuguin, DV; Pinto, PCR
2020, HOLZFORSCHUNG, 74, 6, 567-576.
ISBN: 1437-434X

A new formaldehyde optical sensor: Detecting milk adulteration

Verissimo, MIS; Gamelas, JAF; Fernandes, AJS; Evtuguin, DV; Gomes, MTSR
2020, FOOD CHEMISTRY, 318.
ISBN: 1873-7072

Characterization data of pulp fibres performance in tissue papers applications

Morais, FP; Bertolo, RAC; Curto, JMR; Amaral, MECC; Carta, AMMS; Evtyugin, DV
2020, DATA IN BRIEF, 29.

Effect of cellulose structure on reactivity of eucalyptus acid sulphite dissolving pulp

Ferreira, JC; Evtuguin, DV; Prates, A
2020, CELLULOSE, 27, 8, 4763-4772.
ISBN: 1572-882X

Sulphite Pulping

In Naceur Belgacem, Antonio Pizzi (Eds.), Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook: Renewable Materials for Today's Environment
Dmitry V. Evtuguin
2016, 225-244, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-118-77352-9

Chapter 22 - Biotechnology Applications in Pulp and Paper Industry

Biotechnology Volume 12: Bioprocess Engineering
Ana P.M. Tavares, Ana M.R.B. Xavier and Dmitry Evtuguin
2014, Houston (USA), STUDIUM PRESS LLC.
ISBN: 9781626990272

Lignin applications in chemical sensing

In Larisa Lvova (University of Rome (Eds.), Multisensor systems for chemical analysis: materials and sensors
Rudnitskaya A, Evtuguin DV
2012, Singapore, Pan Stanford Publishing.
ISBN: 9,78981E+12

Second Generation Bioethanol from Lignocellulosics: Processing of Hardwood Sulphite Spent Liquor

Fernandes DLA, Pereira SR, Serafim LS, Evtuguin DV, Xavier AMRB
2011, Rijeka, InTech.

Chemical composition and lignin structural features of banana plant leaf sheaths and rachis

In Thomas Q. Hu, Blackwell (Eds.), Characterization of Lignocellulosic Materials
Oliveira L, Evtuguin DV, Cordeiro N, Silvestre AJD, Silva MAS
2008, 171-188, Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Ltd..
ISBN: 9781405158800

Transition Metal Complexes in the Delignification Catalysis

In Varga B,Kis L (Eds.), Transition Metal Chemistry: New Research
Gamelas J, Evtuguin DV, Gaspar A
2008, 15-57, Huntington NY , Nova Publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-60456-702-1

Cellulose-Silica Hybrid Materials Obtained by Heteropolyacid Catalyzed Sol-Gel Synthesis

Materials, Chemicals, and Energy from Forest Biomass
Sequeira S, Evtuguin DV
2007, 121-136, American Chemical Society.
ISBN: 9780841239814

Nanoscale Structure of Cellulosic Materials: Challenges and Opportunities for AFM

In Mendez-Vilas A, Dias J (Eds.), Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy
Paiva AT , Sequeira SM, Evtuguin DV, Kholkin AL, Portugal I
2007, 1, 726-733, Formatex.
ISBN: 978-84-611-9419-3

Química de Polímeros

In Melo JS, Moreno MJ, Burrows HD, Gil M (Eds.), Química de Polímeros
Pascoal Neto C, Evtuguin DV
2004, 545-570, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
ISBN: 972-8704-22-4


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