Maria Helena Figueira Vaz Fernandes

Retired Professor

Short CV

Maria Helena Fernandes is Associate Professor at the Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering, University of Aveiro (UA) and member of the Associate Laboratory CICECO Aveiro Institute of Materials - Center for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials, University of Aveiro.

Education: PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Aveiro (1988).Graduation in Chemical Engineering, FEUP, Faculty of Engineering, University Porto (1978)

Academic Responsibilities: Head of Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, UA, for 2 years, Coordinator of the Department Scientific Council (2 years), Director of the Materials Engineering Course (2 years) and Director of the Masters on Biomedical Materials and Devices (2 years).

Scientific Interests


Biomaterials, bioceramics, bioglasses, glasses, glass-ceramics and glass reinforced composites for biomedical applications.

 Transport phenomena and technological processes

Current research interests:

Novel glass compositions for bone regeneration strategies. Glass-containing composites, polymer-nanoparticles composites for regenerative medicine. Films and 3D structures for tissue engineering. Drug loading and delivery. Piezoelectric platforms for tissue regeneration


Scientific Record:

Participant in more than 25 projects, national and international, either as project leader or as collaborator and in several international scientific networks. 

Participant in several industrial valorization projects, with national and European funding.

Supervisor/co-supervisor of 12 PhD thesis (4 running), 50 Master dissertations in national institutions or integrated in scientific collaborations with foreign institutions, and sponsor of 5 post doc scholars.

Author of 1 book, 4 book chapters, co-author of 7 national patents, 1 international patent, 2 registered marks, more than 150 papers in journals and Proceedings and about 100 participations in oral and poster presentations or as invited speaker.

Recent Editorial activities: Member of Editorial Board  of Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 2016; Guest Editor of Revista da SPM Special Issue Biomaterials, 2014

Evaluator of projects AdI, POCTI and POSI programs (Portuguese Science Ministry) and National Science Centre (Poland)

Referee of papers in more than 25 different SCI journals (IF 1-10)

Chair and Co-chair of several national and international meetings.

Jury member or examiner of about 50 MSc exams and 26 PhD defenses.

Member of the Portuguese Ceramics and Glass Society and of the Portuguese Materials Society with the coordination of the Biomaterials Division.

Present Research supervision/co-supervision

On-going projects with posdoc research fellows:

Nathalie Barroca, José Carlos Almeida, Erika Davim, Marisa Costa

PhD students:

Ana Margarida Silva, Liliana Pires (co-supervision), Tiago Marques Filipe Araújo (co-supervision),

MsC students:

Andreia Leal, Adriana Magueta, Viviana Gomes (Master in Biomedical Materials and Devices), Ana Fernandes (Master in Biology, co-supervision)

Main present staff collaborators

Staff from the University of Aveiro involved in running scientific projects:

Maria Elizabete Costa, Paula Vilarinho, Isabel Salvado, Ana Maria Senos, Augusto Lopes (Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering), Lourdes Pereira (Biology Department), Martinho Oliveira (School of Design, Management and Production Technology)  Odete Cruz e Silva (Department of Medical Sciences)

Staff from other institutions:

In Portugal:

Helena Raposo Fernandes (Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto) Ana Colette (ICBAS, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto), Mª Ascensão Lopes (Faculty of Engeneering, University of Porto)

In Spain:

Julia Serra (Applied Physics Department, University of Vigo, Spain), Julio Suay (Departamento de Sistemas Industriales y Diseño, Escuela Superior de Tecnología y Ciencias Experimentales, University  Jaime I, Castellón (Spain)

In UK:

Jonathan Knowles (Eastman Dental Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University College London, UK

In Germany:

Christian Russel (Otto Schott Institute, University of Jena, Germany), Aldo Boccaccini (Department for Materials Science, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)

In Bulgaria:

Ivanova Yordanka and Lachezar Radev (Department of Silicates Technology, University of Sofia, Bulgária)

In Ireland:

Brian Rodriguez (University College Dublin, Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research)

In Brazil:

Cecília Zavaglia (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil), Claudinei Santos (Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil), Necesio Costa (Universidade Federal de Itajubá).Silvia Denofre Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Brasil)

In India:

Naheed Ahmad (Department of Botany, Patna University, India.

Teaching and Communication Activities

Over 15 different courses (tutorials and practical classes) on specialized topics (glasses, biomaterials) and on basic engineering (transfer phenomena, technological processes) at the University of Aveiro and in other universities. Supervision of research projects and training courses in industry of last year students.

Promotion of the Materials Engineering Course and Biomaterials topics through regular collaboration in broadcasting programs, welcome days of students and teachers from national schools and scientific activities integrated in the Science & Technology National Program for young people .

Selected R&D Projects

 Selected R&D Projects


- Silico-calcium-based glass-ceramics for orthopaedic surgery, 1992-95, PBIC/C/CTM/1425/92(PI)

- Processamento de Biocerâmicos Porosos por Gelificação de Suspensões (Gel-Casting) 1995 98, PBIC/C/CTM/1968/95 (Team member).

- Biomineralização de materiais para implantes ósseos, 1997-00, 2/2.1/SAU/1393/95 (Team member).

- Novel phosphate bioactive thin films for biomaterials, 2001-03, POCTI /CTM35478/99 (Team member).

- Recycling of coal ashes by glass-ceramic technology (RECASH),2001-03, POCTI/CTM 35482/99 (PI)
- Composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, 2002-05, UA: CTS2002-05 (Team member).

- BIOLEARN- Learning from Nature How to Design Biomimetic Routes for Producing Calcium-Phosphate Coatings on Polymeric Biomaterials, 2003-06, POCTI/CTM 38803/2001 (Team member).

- Effect of Magnesium on the Structure and Surface Reactivity of Silica-Based Glasses for Biomedical Applications, 2004-06, POCTI/CTM/46251/2002 (PI)

- Reactividade superficial de vidros com TiO2 em soluções fisiológicas simuladas, 2005-07, POCTI/CTM/60761/2004 (PI)

-- Implantable scaffolds for local osteo-sarcoma chemotherapy, 2007-10, PTDC/SAU BEB/66896/2006 (Team member).

- Novel low temperature sinterable glasses and glass/nanoceramic particles composites, 2010-12, PTDC/CTM/102141/2008 (Team member).

- Hybrid materials for biomedical applications, 2010-12, PTDC/CTM/101115/2008 (Team member).

- Centro de Interpretação do Vidro, Parque de La Salette , Olivera de Azemeis (Glass Interpretation Centre), 2010-2011, CM Oliveira Azemeis/QREN (Team member)
- Nobly Decorated Crystal (NDC) - Projecto Co-Promoção VAA-UA-ITN, NobleDec - 2012/023274, 2012-2015, MHF (Team member)

- Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine, 2013-15, Co-financed by QREN, programme Mais Centro-Programa Operacional Regional do Centro and União Europeia/ Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional, (Work package coordinator)

- PreciousMet Performance -Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superfície de elevado desempenho para o mercado HORECA, Projecto Co-Promoção VAA-UA, 2014-2015 (Team member)
- DecorGlass, P2020 nº 3485 - DecorGlass, AdI - Agência de Inovação, 2015-2018 (Team member)

- COST Action MP 1301 – NEWGEN - New Generation Biomimetic and Customized Implants for Bone Engineering, 2013-15 (Team member).

- EU TEAMING project 739572 - THE DISCOVERIES CTR for Regenerative and Precision Medicine´H2020-WIDESPREAD-2017-2023.

- Advanced BioMEMs for tissue engineering: applications in hard tissue, 2018-2021, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032095 (Team member).

- BioImplant - A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Engineered Bone Implants, 2018-2021, POCI-FEDER-028835 (Team member).


Applications of ionomer glasses, 1996-99, CE (BRITE-EURAM III) BE 96-3721(BRPR-CT96-0230) (National PI)

Bilateral Cooperation Portugal- Germany

- Bioglass-ceramics for orthopaedic implants, 1992-93, INIDA (INIC-DAAD) (PI)

- Crystallization studies in glasses of the MgO-CaO-P2O5-SiO2 system, 1994, Luso-German Integrated Action nºA-32/94 (PI)

- Structural, mechanical and in vitro characterization of glasses and glass-ceramics of the MgO-CaO-P2O5-SiO2 system, 1995-96, Luso-German Integrated Action nºA-34/95 (PI)

- Crystallization of apatite glass-ceramics for biomedical applications, 1998-00, ICCTI/INIDA Protocol (PI)

- Development of glass porous scaffolds for biomedical applications, 2006-08, Luso-German Integrated Action nºA-14/07 (PI)

- Hybrid organic-inorganic borosilicate materials by sol-gel for bone tissue engineering,2016-2018, FCT-DAAD Bilateral Action (PI)

Bilateral Cooperation Portugal- Spain

-- Synthesis and characterization of glass-ceramics of the CaO-MgO-P2O5-SiO2-CaF2 system for biomedical applications, 1999-00, Luso-Spanish Integrated Action nºE-54/99 (PI)

- In vitro behavior of Si-Ca-P-Mg glasses: comparative study in monolithic samples and in films, 2005-07, Luso-Spanish Integrated Action nºE-75/05 (PI)

Scientific Cooperation with Brazil

- Sol-gel bioglasses: processing and characterization of glass-ceramics and ionomer glasses, 1998, P. 423/CNPq (PI)

- REFORMA - REsíduos como FOnte de Recursos Minerais Alternativos,MHF (membro da equipa), 2009-10, cnpq122409747313857

Scientific Cooperation with USA

-Piezoelectricity and living structures engineering by scanning probe microscopy, 2010-12,FLAD/NSF-PT-EUA (Team member)


-EUROCERAM – Réseau Inter-Régional Européen en Ceramiques de Pointe, 1992-95, Pilot Projecto 91/00/29/004 CE (RECITE-FEDER) (Team member)

-ELAN-BIOMAT – European-Latin American Network on Biomaterials,1996-97, ALR/B7-3011/94.04 CE (ALFA) (Team member)

-EUROCERAM II Réseau Inter-Régional Européen en Ceramiques de Pointe 1998-02 RECITE-FEDER) (Team member)



Selected Publications

Selected Publications (2010-2018)


 Book Chapter:Gil, A. M., Fernandes, M. H., & Duarte, I. F. (2019). Metabolomics in Biomaterial Research. In R. Narayan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, vol.3, pp. 432–442. Elsevier.ISBN: 9780128048290

 Barroca Nathalie, Ana Marote, Sandra I. Vieira, Abílio Almeida, Maria H.V. Fernandes, Paula M. Vilarinho and Odete A. B. da Cruz e Silva, “Electrically polarized PLLA nanofibers as neural tissue engineering scaffolds with improved neuritogenesis”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 167, 93-103, 2018.

Liliana Sofia Oliveira Pires, Maria Helena Figueira Vaz Fernandes, José Martinho Marques de Oliveira, "Crystallization kinetics of PCL and PCL-glass composites for Additive Manufacturing”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,134-3, 2115-2125, 2018.

 Liliana Sofia Oliveira Pires, Maria Helena Figueira Vaz Fernandes, José Martinho Marques de Oliveira,  " Biofabrication of glass scaffolds by 3D Printing for tissue engineering" The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 98, Issue 9-12, 2665–2676, 2018


Capela M.N., Tobaldi D.M., Oliveira C., Pereira A., Duarte A.S.., Seabra M.P., Fernandes M.H.V., “Bioactivity and antibacterial activity against E-coli of calcium-phosphate-based glasses: effect of silver content and crystallinity”, Ceramics Internaional, 43, 13800–13809, 2017


Book Chapter: Fernandes M.H.V,, Silva, A.M.B., “Glass-Ceramics - Concepts and Practical Aspects”,, Book title “Overall Aspects of Non-Traditional Glasses : Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, Chapter 3, pp  39-65, BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD, (2016), (eISBN: 978-1-68108-207-3; ISBN: 978-1-68108-208-0)

 Almeida J. Carlos, Wacha András, Gomes Pedro S, Alves Luís C, Fernandes M. Helena V, Fernandes M. Helena R, “A biocompatible hybrid material with simultaneous calcium and strontium release capability for bone tissue repair”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 62, 429–438, 2016

Almeida J. Carlos, Wacha András, Gomes Pedro S., Fernandes M. Helena R., Fernandes M. Helena Vaz, Salvado Isabel M. Miranda, “PDMS-SiO2-TiO2-CaO hybrid materials - biocompatibility and nanoscale surface features”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 64, 74–86, 2016

Fernandes João S., MartinsMargarida,,NevesNuno M.,, FernandesMaria H. V., Reis1Rui L.,, PiresRicardo A.,* Intrinsic Antibacterial Borosilicate Glasses for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2 (7), pp 1143–1150, 2016

Marote A, Barroca N, Vitorino R, Silva RM, Fernandes MHV Vilarinho PM, Cruz e Silva OAB, Vieira SI "A proteomic analysis of the interactions between poly(L-Lactic Acid) nanofibers and SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells” AIMS Molecular Science (special issue: Cells Signalling and Signal Transduction, 3(4), pp 661-682, 2016

Almeida J. Carlos, Lancastre Joana, Fernandes, M. Helena Vaz, Margaça Fernanda M. A.,Ferreira Luís, Salvado Isabel M. Miranda “Evaluating structural and microstructural changes of PDMS-SiO2 hybrid materials after sterilization by gamma irradiation”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 48, Pages 354–358, 2015

E.J.C. Davim, M.H.V. Fernandes and A.M.R. Senos, “Increased surface area during sintering of calcium phosphate glass and sodium chloride mixtures”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 35 (1), 329–336, 2015

J. Carlos Almeida, András Wacha, Attila Bóta, László Almásy, M.Helena V Fernandes, Fernanda A Margaça, Isabel Salvado, “PDMS-SiO2 hybrid materials - a new insight into the role of Ti and Zr as additives”, Polymer 72, 40-51, 2015.

Mihailova I. K., Radev L., Aleksandrova V. A., Colova I. V., Salvado I. M. M., Fernandes M. H. V., “Novel merwinite/akermanite ceramics: in vitro bioactivity”, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 47 (1), 253–260, 2015.

Irena Mihailova, Lachezar Radev , Verjinia Aleksandrova, Irena Colova, Isabel M.M. Salvado, Maria H.V. Fernandes, “Carbonate - apatite forming ability of polyphase glass - ceramics in the CaO - MgO - SiO2 system “, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 50, 4, 502-511, 2015.

ShiFa-Nian, Almeida JC., Helguero LA, Fernandes MHV, Knowles JC, Rocha J “Calcium Phosphonate Frameworks for Treating Bone Tissue Disorders”, Inorganic Chemistry, 54 (20), 9929–9935, 2015


A.A.S. Lopes, R.C.C. Monteiro, R.S. Soares, M.M.R.A. Lima, M.H.V. Fernandes, “Crystallization kinetics of a barium-zinc borosilicate glass by a non-isothermal method”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 591, 5, 268–274, 2014.

Almeida J. C., Castro A. G.B., Lancastre J. J. H., Miranda Salvado I.M.,, Margaça F. M. A., Fernandes M. H. V., Ferreira L.M., Casimiro M. H. Structural characterization of PDMS-TEOS-CaO-TiO2 hybrid materials obtained by sol-gel”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 148 (2) 557–563, 2014

Almeida, J. Carlos, Castro, António G. B., Miranda Salvado Isabel M., Margaça Fernanda M. A., Fernandes M. Helena Vaz “A new approach to the preparation of PDMS-SiO2 based hybrids - a structural study”, Materials Letters, 128, 105–109, 2014.

Vilarinho, Paula; Barroca, Nathalie; Zlotnik, Sebastian; Felix, Pedro; Fernandes , Maria Helena, “Are lithium niobate (LiNbO3) and lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) ferroelectrics bioactive?”, Materials Science and Engineerg C39, 395–402, , 2014.

Rocha, Rui J. M., Silva,  Ana M. B., Fernandes, M. Helena Vaz, Cruz, Igor C. S., Rosa ,Rui, Calado, Ricardo,  “Contrasting light spectra constrain the macro and microstructures architecture of scleractinian corals skeleton2, PLOS ONE, 9 (8), e105863, 2014

E.J.C. Davim, A.M.R. Senos and M.H.V. Fernandes,  “Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of a Si-Ca-P-Mg bioactive glass”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 117:643–651, 2014

 Leite Ferreira B. J. M., Barroca N., Lopes P; Silva A; Fernandes M, Correia Rui, “Properties of novel PMMA-co-EHA bone cements filled with Hydroxyapatite”,: Polymer Composites, 55 (4),  759–767, 2014


P P Lopes, M S Silva and M H V Fernandes, “Influence of ibuprofen addition on the properties of a bioactive bone cement”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,  24(8), 2067-2076, 2013.

Lopes PP, Garcia MP, Fernandes MH, Fernandes MHV ”Acrylic formulations containing bioactive and biodegradable fillers to be used as bone cements: properties and cytocompatibility assessment”, Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 33(3), 1289-1299, 2013

Nina E. Velikova, Yuliya E. Vueva, Yordanka Y. Ivanova, Yanko B. Dimitriev, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, M. Helena F. V. Fernandes “Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Mesoporous Materials Prepared with Triblock-Copolymer and Bridged Silsesquioxane” International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 3(3A): 21-28, 2013

Mariela T. Dimitrova, Yordanka Y. Ivanova, Yanko B. Dimitriev, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, M. Helena F. V. Fernandes, “ Nanostructured Float-Glasses after Ion-exchange in Melts Containing Silver or Copper Ions”, International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 3(3A): 29-38, 2013.

Lopes PP, Garcia MP, Fernandes MH, Fernandes MHV, “Properties and osteoblast cytocompatibility of self-curing acrylic cements modified by glass fillers”, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 28 (4), 498-513, 2013.

Radev L, Vladov D, Michailova, I, Cholakova, E, Fernandes, MHV, Salvado IMM "In vitro Bioactivity of Polycaprolactone/Bioglass Composites”, International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 2013, 3(5): 91-98 (open access)

Vueva, Y, Ivanova, Y, Salvado, I, Fernandes, M, Vassileva, P, Georgieva, R, Detcheva, A, “Synthesis and characterization of sol–gel mesoporous organosilicas functionalized with amine groups”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 378, 89-95, 2013.

Velikova NE, Vueva YE, Abdallah ME, Ivanova YY., Dimitriev YB, Salvado IM, Fernandes MHV, “Nanoporous Ceramic hybrid materials synthesized by organically modified ceramic precursor with terminal amine group”, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods &Technologies,Volume 7,Part 1, 388-399, 2013

Nina E. Velikova, Yuliya E. Vueva, Yordanka Y. Ivanova, Yanko B. Dimitriev, Isabel M. Miranda Salvado, M. Helena F. V. Fernandes, “Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Mesoporous Materials Prepared with Triblock-Copolymer and Bridged Silsesquioxane, International Journal of Materials and Chemistry, 3(3A): 21-28, 2013 (open access)

Daguano JK MF, Suzuki PA., Strecker K, Oliveira JMM, Fernandes, MHV, Santos, C, Development and characterization of 3CaO·P2O5–SiO2–MgO glass-ceramics with different crystallization degree, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, , 2(4): 378–388, 2013


Book Chapter: Fernandes M.H.V.,  Senos A.M. R., Oliveira J.M.  

 “Scaffolds de vidros bioactivos para medicina regenerative”, In VIDRIOS Y VITROCERÁMICOS BIOACTIVOS. NUEVOS RETOS HACIA LA MEDICINA REGENERATIVA, Editorial Netbiblo, Editors HÉLIO AGUIAR,   JULIA SERRA,  PÍO GONZÁLEZ, 87-108. ISBN 978849745176-5

Barroca N, Vilarinho  PM, Fernandes MHV, Sharma P , Gruverman A, “Stability of electrically induced-polarization in PLLA for bone regeneration”, Aplied Physis Letters, 101, 023701, 2012

Daguano JKMF, Strecker K, Ziemath EC, Rogero, SO, Fernandes MHV,Santos C “Effect of partial crystallization on the mechanical properties and cytotoxicity of bioactive glass from the 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-Mgo system”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 14, 78-88, 2012

Daguano, J.K.M.F., Suzuki, P.A., Strecker, K., Fernandes,M.H.F.V., Santos, C.  “Evaluation of the micro-hardness and fracture toughness of amorphous and partially crystallized 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-MgO bioglasses”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 533, 26-32,      2012

Lopes PP, Garcia MP, Fernandes MH, Fernandes MHV, “Properties and osteoblast cytocompatibility of self-curing acrylic cements modified by glass fillers”, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, PDMID 22918184 DOI:10.1177/0885328212457097, 2012     

Lopes PP, Garcia MP, Fernandes MH, Fernandes MHV”Acrylic formulations containing bioactive and biodegradable fillers to be used as bone cements: properties and cytocompatibility assessment”, Materials Science and Engineering C, DOI 10.1016/j.msec.2012.12.028, 2012

Monteiro RCC, Lopes AAS, Lima MMA, Veiga JP, Silva RJC, Dias CJ, Davim EJR, Fernandes MHV, “Sintering, crystallization and dielectric behaviour of BaO-ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 glasses: Effect of BaO substitution for ZnO”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95 (10), 3144–3150,  2012 

Castro A G B, Almeida J C, Miranda Salvado I M, Margaça F M A, Fernandes M H V, “A novel hybrid material with calcium and strontium release capability”, Materials Letters, 88, 12-15, 2012

Radev L, Hristova K, Jordanov V, Fernandes M H V, Miranda Salvado I M, “In vitro bioactivity of 70wt% SiO2-30wt%Cao sol-gel glass doped with 1,3 and 5wt% NbF5”, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 10, 137-145, 2012

Leite Ferreira BJ, Duarte MG, Gil, MH, Fernandes MH, Nunes Correia R, ”Influence of albumin on mineralization of PMMA-based/glass composites”, J Appl Biomater & Function Mater. 10(2) 92-9 2012

Bandeira LC , Ciuffi KJ, Calefi PS, Nassar EJ, Silva,JVL, Oliveira M, Maia IA , Salvado IM, Fernandes MHV, “Effect of Calcium Phosphate Coating on Polyamide Substrate for Biomaterial Applications”,  J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 23 (5), 810-817, 2012

Lancastre J J H, Margaça F M A, Ferreira L M, Falcão A N, Miranda Salvado I M, Nabiça M S M S, Fernandes M H V, Almásy L “Thermal analysis and SANS characterisation of hybrid materials for biomedical applications”, J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 109, 413-418, 2012

Santos, F.A., Santos, C., Rodrigues D. Jr, Pinatti D. G., Davim, E., Fernandes M. H. V., “Lithium Disilicate Bioceramic Obtained from Alternative Silica Source, the Rice Husk”, Materials Science Forum Vols. 727-728, 1158-1163, 2012

Barroca, N; Vieira, S; Silva, ODE; Gomes, P; Fernandes, H; Fernandes, H; Vilarinho, P, “Piezoelectric polymers for tissue regeneration: neural and bone tissues approaches”, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 6, 203-203, 2012

Luis, JL; Costa, ME; Fernandes, MHV; Vieira, SI; Silva, OABCE, “Selective osteoblastic citotoxicity induced by nanostructured ZnO in PU /ZnO composites, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 6, 207-207, 2012


Barroca , N., Vilarinho , P.M., Daniel-da-Silva , A.L., Aiying, W., Fernandes, M.H., Gruverman, A., "Protein Adsorption on Piezoelectric Poly (L-lactic) Acid Thin Films by Scanning Probe Microscopy", Aplied Physis Letters, 98, 133705, 2011

Lopes PP, Leite Ferreira BJM, Gomes PS, Correia RN, Fernandes MH, Fernandes MHV "Silicate and borate glasses as composite fillers: a bioactivity and biocompatibility study". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 22, 1501-1510, 2011

Silva AMB, Queiroz CM, Agathopoulos S, Correia RN, Fernandes MHV, Oliveira JM “Structure of SiO2-MgO-Na2O glasses by FTIR, Raman and 29Si MAS NMR”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 986 (1-3), 16, 2011

Rangelova N, Radev L, Nenkova S, Miranda Salvado I M, Fernandes M H V, Herzog M, “Methylcellulose/SiO2 hybrids: sol-gel preparation and characterization by XRD, FTIR and AFM”, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 9 (1) 112-118,  2011

Chernev G, Rangelova N, Djambazki, Nenkova S, , Salvado I, Fernandes M, Wu A, Kabaivanova L, “Sol-gel silica hybrid biomaterials for application in biodegradation of toxic compounds”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 58, 619-624, 2011  

Kabaivanova L V, Chernev G E, Miranda Salvado I M, Fernandes M H V, “Sílica-carrageenan hybrids used for cell immobilization realizing high-temperature degradation of nitrile substrates”, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 9 (2) 232-239,  2011

L. C. Bandeira, P. S. Calefi, K. J. Ciuffi, E. J. Nassar, I. M. M. Salvado, M. H. F. V. Fernandes  Low temperature synthesis of bioactive materials”, Cerâmica 57, 166-172, 2011

L. Radev, V. Hristov, I. Michailova, M. H. V. Fernandes, I. M. M. Salvado, Collagen silicocarnotite-composites, cross-linked with Chondroitin Sulphate: in vitro bioactivity“ , Processing and Application of Ceramics, 5 [3], 161-170, 2011


Silva, A. M. B., Oliveira, J. M. M., Correia, R. N.,  Fernandes, M. H. V., “Structural Characterization of TiO2-P2O5-CaO Glasses by Spectroscopy”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30, 1253–1258, 2010

Barroca , N., Daniel-da-Silva , A.L., Vilarinho , P.M., Fernandes, M.H.V.,“Tailoring the morphology of high molecular weight PLLA scaffolds through bioglass additions”, Acta Biomaterialia 6 3611–3620, 2010

Elisa, M., Sava, B.A., Volceanov, A., Monteiro, R.C.C., Alves, E., Franco, N., Costa, Oliveira, F.A., Fernandes,H., Ferro, M., " Structural and thermal characterization of SiO2–P2O5 sol–gel powders upon annealing at high temperatures”, Journal of Non-Crystaline Solids, 356 , pp 495–501, 2010

Lachezar Radev, Hristov, V, Fernandes, MHV, Salvado, IMM, , “Organic/Inorganic bioactive materials Part IV: in vitro assessment of bioactivity of gelatin/calcium phosphate silicate/wolastonite hybrids, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 8(2), 278–284, 2010

Ts. Gerganova, Y. Ivanova, Y. Vueva, Isabel M Salvado. and Maria Helena Fenandes, Crystallization behaviour of nanostructured hybrid SiO2-TiO2 gel glasses to nanocomposites” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 10 (4), 2444–2450,2010

Lachezar Radev1, Vladimir Hristov1, Irena Michailova, Maria Helena V. Fernandes, Isabel Miranda M. Salvado, “In vitro bioactivity of biphasic calcium phosphate silicate glassceramic in CaO-SiO2-P2O5 system”, Processing and Application of Ceramics 4(1), pp15-24, 2010

Daguano, J.K.M.F., Santos, C., Suzuki, P.A., Bicalho, L.A., Fernandes,M.H.F.V. “Improvement of the Mechanical Properties of Glasses based on the 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-MgO System after Heat-Treatment”, Materials Science Forum Vols. 636-637, pp 41-46, 2010

Yordanka, I., Tsvetelina, G., Vueva, Y., Fernandes, MH, Salvado, IMM , “ZrO2 nanocomposites from polyzirconosiloxanes”, Int. J. Nanomanufacturing, Vol. 5, Nos. 1/2, pp 152-162, 2010

Ongoing Supervisions


A Metabolomics-guided Bioreactor for Improved Engineered Bone Implants (BioImplant)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

BIOLEARN - Learning from Nature How to Design Biomimetic Routes for Producing Calcium-Phosphate Coatings on Polymeric Biomaterials (POCTI/CTM/38803/2001)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
biomaterials calcium phosphates natural polymers biomimetic materials

Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine (CENTRO-07-0924-FEDER-002030)

PartnerOther National

BioMEMs Avançados para Engenharia de Tecidos: Aplicações em Tecidos Duros (BioMEMs)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Ceramic floors with high wear resistance (CERU4)

PartnerIndustry National
This project aims to develop decorated porcelainized ceramic floor tiles, with high wear resistance, consistent with the maximum level U4 advocated in Mazaud test under the UPEC classification. At the same time, aesthetic and visual changes of the material must be minimized, so that solutions can cover very broad chromatic and aesthetic range. I...


PartnerOther National
The proposal also aims in creation of stimulating and interdisciplinary R&D and training partnership, with actors from the academia and private sector, promoting the exchange of ideas, methods, techniques as well as enabling an accelerated technology transfer from science to industrial scale and of course a continuous collaborations between the ...

DecorGlass : Decoration Techniques for the Glass (DecorGlass)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto DecorGlass visa a criação de uma nova gama de peças de vidro decoradas, com matérias-primas e técnicas inovadoras. A decoração assenta na coloração homogénea da massa vítrea e na decoração da superfície do vidro, quer por aplicação de películas decorativas, quer pela gravação por feixe laser. Para além disso, pretende-se desenvolver no...

Desenvolvimento de garrafas de vidro branco e transparente capazes de preservar a qualidade da cerveja (CLEVER)

PartnerIndustry National
O presente projeto pretende desenvolver uma nova embalagem de vidro branco e transparente, com capacidade de proteção ao nível da radiação UV, para a indústria alimentar e de bebidas. O consórcio é constituído pela empresa líder BA Glass...


CoordinatorOther National

Development of a Premium Line of Sustainable Cristal Glass (Cristal Eco Premium)

PartnerIndustry National
Promoted by a consortium joined by Vista Alegre Atlantis, S.A. (leading promoter) and Universidade de Aveiro e a Universidade do Porto, the Cristal Ecpo Premium project has as an overall objective the development of a new line of sustainable crystal glass products with high added value, for the luxury packaging segment, through the development o...

Effect of Magnesium on the Structure and Surface Reactivity of Silica-Based Glasses for Biomedical Applications (POCTI/CTM/46251/2002)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Magnesium Glass Structure Surface Reactivity Biomedical Applications

Hybrid materials for biomedical applications (PTDC/CTM/101115/2008)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
bioactive materials hybrids gamma irradiation sol-gel

Implantable scaffolds for local osteo-sarcoma chemotherapy (PTDC/SAU-BEB/66896/2006)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Osteosarcoma Implantable drug scaffolds Cyclodextrin-templated silicates Molecular capsules

New phosphate based bioactive thin films for biomaterials (POCTI/CTM/35478/1999)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

NEWGEN - New Generation Biomimetic and Customized Implants for Bone Engineering (NEWGEN)

PartnerEuropean Comission
This COST Action, NEWGEN, aims at creating the seed for the European research and industry collaboration, combining basic knowledge from academic laboratories, R&D centres, medical units from hospitals, and a significant number of companies.With a predicted ageing population and increasing expectations regarding quality o...

NobleDec - Nobly Decorated Crystal (NOBLEDEC)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto NobleDec teve como objetivo último o desenvolvimento de uma nova linha de produtos de cristal de elevado valor acrescentado, decorados com metais nobres (com destaque para o ouro), através da pesquisa/desenvolvimento de novos materiais (e.g., tintas decorativas baseadas em suspensões coloidais de nanopartículas de ouro; tintas decorati...

Novel low temperature sinterable glasses and glass/nanoceramic particles composites (PTDC/CTM/102141/2008)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
borosilicate glasses glass-ceramic composites sintering crystallization

Piezoelectricity and living structures engineering by scanning probe microscopy (FLAD 91-09/10)

PartnerOther National

PreciousMet Performance - Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superficíe de elevado desempenhopara o mercado HORECA (PRECIOUSMET PERFORMANCE)

PartnerIndustry National
O projeto PreciousMet Performance - Porcelana decorada com metais preciosos e com propriedades de superfície de elevado desempenho para o mercado HORECA? promovido pelo consórcio constituído pela empresa Vista Alegre Atlantis, S.A. e pelo Centro de Investigação em Materiais Cerâmicos e Compósitos da Universidade de Aveiro (CICECO) tem como objet...

Recycling of Coal Ashes by Glass Ceramic Technology (RECASH) (POCTI/CTM/35482/1999)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Recycling Fly Ashes Glass-Ceramics Vitrification

Surface reactivity of TiO2-containing glasses in simulated physiological solutions (POCI/CTM/60761/2004)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Biomaterials Surface reactivity TiO2 glasses Glass structure


Crystallization kinetics of PCL and PCL-glass composites for additive manufacturing

Pires, LSO; Fernandes, MHFV; de Oliveira, JMM

Bioactivity and antibacterial activity against E-coli of calcium-phosphate-based glasses: Effect of silver content and crystallinity

Capela, MN; Tobaldi, DM; Oliveira, C; Pereira, A; Duarte, AS; Seabra, MP; Fernandes, MHV
2017, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 43, 16, 13800-13809.

A biocompatible hybrid material with simultaneous calcium and strontium release capability for bone tissue repair

Almeida, JC; Wacha, A; Gomes, PS; Alves, LC; Fernandes, MHV; Salvado, IMM; Fernandes, MHR

PDMS-SiO2-TiO2-CaO hybrid materials - Cytocompatibility and nanoscale surface features

Almeida, JC; Wacha, A; Gomes, PS; Fernandes, MHR; Fernandes, MHV; Salvado, IMM

A proteomic analysis of the interactions between poly(L-lactic acid) nanofibers and SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells

Marote, A; Barroca, N; Vitorino, R; Silva, RM; Fernandes, MHV; Vilarinho, PM; Silva, OABDE; Vieira, SI
2016, AIMS MOLECULAR SCIENCE, 3, 4, 661-682.

Intrinsic Antibacterial Borosilicate Glasses for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications

Fernandes, JS; Martins, M; Neves, NM; Fernandes, MHV; Reis, RL; Pires, RA


Miranda, M; Marques, T; Araujo, F; Correia, A; Miranda, C; Fernandes, MH
ISBN: 978-989-98832-5-3

Evaluating structural and microstructural changes of PDMS-SiO2 hybrid materials after sterilization by gamma irradiation

Almeida, JC; Lancastre, J; Fernandes, MHV; Margaca, FMA; Ferreira, L; Salvado, IMM

PDMS-SiO2 hybrid materials - A new insight into the role of Ti and Zr as additives

Almeida, JC; Wacha, A; Bota, A; Almasy, L; Fernandes, MHV; Margaca, FMA; Salvado, IMM
2015, POLYMER, 72, 40-51.

Calcium Phosphonate Frameworks for Treating Bone Tissue Disorders

Shi, FN; Almeida, JC; Helguero, LA; Fernandes, MHV; Knowles, JC; Rocha, J
2015, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 54, 20, 9929-9935.


Materials customization method by diagnosis of biofunctionality of retinal photoreceptor cells and biomedical equipment

Processes National

Fernandes, Maria; Zurba, Nadia; Leite, Eugénio; Fredel, Márcio; Nogueira, António

The present invention relates to a new biomedical equipment and materials customization method based on the diagnosis of biofunctionality of photoreceptor cells, by performing ophthalmic tests of users chromatic vision, in an interactive and non-invasive way, in the “Integrated Cabin for Vision Clinical Analysis” equ...

Photoluminescent ceramic pavement for risk and emergency areas for disabled persons and its production process

Products National

Fernandes, Maria; Zurba, Nadia; Leite, Eugénio; Fredel, Márcio

The present invention relates to photoluminescent ceramic floors, which comprise a photoluminescent layer (1) (3) (5) (7) in Figure 1 and produce the contrast with surfaces (2), (4), (6) and (8) of the non-luminescent substrates (inert). Such floors are obtained as ceramic plates, by pressing in moulds, with photoluminescent layer, fire...

Porous materials for bone regeneration, processing and uses

Materials National

Fernandes, Maria; Senos, Ana; Davim, Erika

The present invention refers to a type of porous support (or scaffold) made from a biocompatible glass exhibiting in vitro bioactivity that contains calcium phosphate, silica and network modifiers, such as MgO, K2O, Na2O, or B2O

Preparation method of polymer-based composite porous structures for tissue engineering application

Processes National

Fernandes, Maria; Vilarinho, Paula; Silva, Ana; Barroca, Natália

The present invention relates to a method for preparing composite porous structures, of polymeric matrix and inorganic filler, biocompatible and biodegradable for tissue engineering applications. In particular, the present invention describes the use of inorganic bioactive compounds of different solubility to induce and control the poro...

Silicon-phosphorus-calcium glass with high magnesium content for biomedical applications

Materials National

Fernandes, Maria; Correia, Rui; Oliveira, José

The present invention relates to the process for obtaining a silicon-phosphorus-calcium glass with high magnesium content for biomedical applications, which is a two-phase glass with composition (wt%) 30,00% SiO2: 30,00% CaO: 22,75% P2O5: 17,25% MgO. This material has potential applications in dentistry and as a bone substitute for fill...

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