Manuel Melle-Franco

Investigador Principal


Manuel Melle-Franco leads the Advanced Modelling Lab , a multidisciplinary group focussing on the understanding of relevant problems in a broad area including chemistry, physics, molecular biology, and materials science with a current output of 130 publications with an added impact factor > 1000

Manuel's education and career are highly multidisciplinary. He has a  degree in Physical-Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), followed by an M.Sc. in Materials Chemistry from the University of Kent (UK) and a Ph.D. in Chemical Physics (2001) from the University of Kent (UK) with Alan Chadwick, with a year abroad in the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) with Gianfranco Pacchioni. 

After that, he joined the group of Francesco Zerbetto at the University of Bologna (Italy) for 8 years. Later, he moved to Portugal, where he worked at the University of Porto and the University of Minho. Manuel has been working in CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials since 2016. 

Manuel’s research has been reported in a variety of high-visibility journals, most notably: Nature, Chem, J. Am. Chem. Soc.* (x11); Angewandte Chemie* (x10); Nano Letters* (x3); ACS Nano (x2); Nature Communications (x2)*; Small; Small Methods (x2); BioMaterials; Journal of Materials Chemistry A* (x2); PNAS; Chemical Science* (x4); Carbon* (x6); ACS Appl Mater Interfaces (x5); Nano Research; NanoScale (x4); Chem. Comm.* (x6); Organic Letters* (x7); Chem. Eur. J.* (x7); Environmental Microbiology; J. Chem. Theo. Comp. (x2); Journal of Materials Chemistry C (x2) among others, in addition to Nature Nanotechnology* (x2) review N&V pieces (*: corresponding author). 

Manuel's works have been highlighted in general media, such as radio and newspapers, and in several specialized outlets like Nature Reviews Chemistry, Chemistry World (x8), Physics World (x3), Chemistry Views (x4), SynFacts (x2), and Computational Chemistry Highlights.

Selected Publications up to 2018 (click to go the article)

  1. Iglesias, Daniel, Manuel Melle-Franco, Marina Kurbasic, Michele Melchionna, Michela Abrami, Mario Grassi, Maurizio Prato, and Silvia Marchesan. “Oxidized Nanocarbons-Tripeptide Supramolecular Hydrogels: Shape Matters!” ACS Nano, May 22, 2018. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b01182. IF=13.94, Q1, Comp-Exp.
  2. Cortizo-Lacalle, Diego, Juan Pedro Mora-Fuentes, Karol Strutynski, Akinori Saeki, Manuel Melle-Franco*, and Aurelio Mateo-Alonso. “Monodisperse N-Doped Graphene Nanoribbons Reaching 7.7 Nm in Length.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, In-press. doi:10.1002/anie.201710467. IF=11.7. 
  3. Carini, Marco, Marta P. Ruiz, Imanol Usabiaga, José A. Fernández, Emilio J. Cocinero, Manuel Melle-Franco, Ismael Diez-Perez, and Aurelio Mateo-Alonso. “High Conductance Values in π-Folded Molecular Junctions.Nature Communications 8 (May 18, 2017): 15195. doi:10.1038/ncomms15195. IF=11.3. 
  4. Marco, A. Belen, Diego Cortizo-Lacalle, Iñigo Perez-Miqueo, Giovanni Valenti, Alessandro Boni, Jan Plas, Karol Strutyński, et al. “Twisted Aromatic Frameworks: Readily Exfoliable and Solution-Processable Two-Dimensional Conjugated Microporous Polymers.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, January 1, 2017, in-press. doi:10.1002/anie.201700271. IF=11.7.
  5. Melle-Franco, Manuel. “Graphene Fragments: When 1 + 1 Is Odd.Nature Nanotechnology advance online publication (February 13, 2017). doi:10.1038/nnano.2017.9. IF=35.3.
  6. Melle-Franco, M., “Uthrene, a Radically New Molecule?Chemical Communications 51, no. 25 (2015): 5387–90, doi:10.1039/C5CC01276G. IF=6.3.
  7. Höfinger, S., Melle-Franco, M., Gallo, T., Cantelli, A., Calvaresi, M., Gomes, J.A.N.F., Zerbetto, F., “A Computational Analysis of the Insertion of Carbon Nanotubes into Cellular MembranesBiomaterials 32, no. 29 (October 2011): 7079–85, doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.06.011. IF=8.56.



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Fullerenes at High Pressures




2D-INK was our first European project, it was targeted at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials for low-cost large-area fabrication processes on insulating substrates. 


Supervisões em Curso



Towards understanding the active sites for the ORR in N-doped carbon materials through fine-tuning of nitrogen functionalities: an experimental and computational approach

Quilez-Bermejo, J; Melle-Franco, M; San-Fabian, E; Morallon, E; Cazorla-Amoros, D
2019, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 7, 42, 24239-24250.
ISBN: 2050-7496

Canonical DNA minor groove insertion of bisbenzamidine-Ru(ii) complexes with chiral selectivity

Sanchez, MI; Rama, G; Calo-Lapido, R; Ucar, K; Lincoln, P; Lopez, MV; Melle-Franco, M; Mascarenas, JL; Vazquez, ME
2019, CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 10, 37, 8668-8674.
ISBN: 2041-6539

Revisiting Kekulene: Synthesis and Single-Molecule Imaging

Pozo, I; Majzik, Z; Pavlicek, N; Melle-Franco, M; Guitian, E; Pena, D; Gross, L; Perez, D
ISBN: 1520-5126

A Wavy Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework from Core-Twisted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Martinez-Abadia, M; Stoppiello, CT; Strutynski, K; Lerma-Berlanga, B; Marti-Gastaldo, C; Saeki, A; Melle-Franco, M; Khlobystov, AN; Mateo-Alonso, A
ISBN: 1520-5126

Exchange Rules for Diradical pi-Conjugated Hydrocarbons

Ortiz, R; Boto, RA; Garcia-Martinez, N; Sancho-Garcia, JC; Melle-Franco, M; Fernandez-Rossier, J
2019, NANO LETTERS, 19, 9, 5991-5997.
ISBN: 1530-6992

Wall- and Hybridisation-Selective Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Carini, M; Shi, L; Chamberlain, TW; Liu, M; Valenti, G; Melle-Franco, M; Paolucci, F; Khlobystov, AN; Pichler, T; Mateo-Alonso, A
ISBN: 1521-3773

Thinking outside the Blue Box: from molecular to supramolecular pH-responsiveness

Blanco-Gomez, A; Neira, I; Barriada, JL; Melle-Franco, M; Peinador, C; Garcia, MD
2019, CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 10, 46, 10680-10686.
ISBN: 2041-6539

PffBT4T-2OD Based Solar Cells with Aryl-Substituted N-Methyl-Fulleropyrrolidine Acceptors

Gaspar, H; Figueira, F; Strutynski, K; Melle-Franco, M; Ivanou, D; Tome, JPC; Pereira, CM; Pereira, L; Mendes, A; Viana, JC; Bernardo, G
2019, MATERIALS, 12, 24.
ISBN: 1996-1944

Hooking Together Sigmoidal Monomers into Supramolecular Polymers

Carini, M; Marongiu, M; Strutynski, K; Saeki, A; Melle-Franco, M; Mateo-Alonso, A
ISBN: 1521-3773

Three-dimensional fcc C60 polymer

Laranjeira J.; Marques L.; Melle-Franco M.; Struty_ski K.; Mezouar M.; Barroso M.
2019, Materials Letters: X, 4.

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