ACER - Advanced Ceramic Materials: Synthesis and Structure (ACER)
CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: Materials, Components and Structures (ALIR_mcs)
PartnerIndustry National
O projeto ALIR_mcs – Advanced Lightweight Impact Resistant: materials, components and structures, visa conceber uma solução compósita de baixo peso com capacidade de resistir a solicitações de impacto de baixa, média e alta energia. Pretende-se que esta solução venha a obter a certificação aeronáutica civil (EASA CS-VLA), de modo a poder aplicar...Advancing the field of drug delivery - combined targeted treatments against human breast cancer and human leukemia (The OncotargetNanoMed network) (NANO/NMed-AT/0042/2007)
Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nanotechnology Cancer Combined targeted therapies Gene silencingCellular oxide catalysts for emission lean combustion in porous media (LEANCOMB)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
cellular ceramics, combustion, catalysts, functionalizationCentre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials - CICECO (LA0011: 2002-2010) (UI CICECO (UI 600/02) + POCI/LA11/2005)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials - CICECO (LA0011: 2011-2012) (PEst-C/CTM/LA0011/2011)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials - CICECO (LA0011: 2013-2014) (PEst-C/CTM/LA0011/2013)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - R&D Unit Pluriannual funding
Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials - CICECO - INCENTIVO 2013 (INCENTIVO/CTM/LA0011/2013)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - R&D Unit Pluriannual funding
Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials - CICECO - INCENTIVO 2014 (INCENTIVO/CTM/LA0011/2014)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - R&D Unit Pluriannual funding
CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (UID/CTM/50011/2013)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - R&D Unit Pluriannual funding
Materials to be developed span from ceramics and inorganic materials to soft matter, biopolymers and organic-inorganic hybrids. They will be ‘right-size’ materials, prepared and processed at the appropriate length scale, or hierarchically structured, often multifuncional. Examples of the applications we wish to pursue are:- Green pho...CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (UID/CTM/50011/2019)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - R&D Unit Pluriannual funding
Materials to be developed span from ceramics and inorganic materials to soft matter, biopolymers and organic-inorganic hybrids. They will be ‘right-size’ materials, prepared and processed at the appropriate length scale, or hierarchically structured, often multifuncional. Examples of the applications we wish to pursue are: - Green ...CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (UID/CTM/50011/2013)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - R&D Unit Pluriannual funding
Materials to be developed span from ceramics and inorganic materials to soft matter, biopolymers and organic-inorganic hybrids. They will be ‘right-size’ materials, prepared and processed at the appropriate length scale, or hierarchically structured, often multifuncional. Examples of the applications we wish to pursue are:- Green pho...Development and characterization of ceramic composite materials for thermomechanical applications (REEQ/1066/CTM/2005)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The developed project allowed the acquisition of two pieces of equipment: a high temperature graphite furnace (max. 2000ºC) of semi-industrial size with controlled atmosphere, for sintering of ceramic composites, and an universal mechanical testing machine for flexural, compressive and creep characterization up to 1400°C of those materials in co...ENERMATaa (ENERMATaa)
PartnerEuropean Comission
ENERMAT.aa is a European project whose goal is to implement a sustainable transnational network of cooperation between public research structures and small and medium industries of the Atlantic Area in the materials for energy field. ENERMAT.aa essentially focuses on developing transnational partnerships around European centers of excellence spe...Fornos limpos de alta temperatura para novas tecnologias de fabrico aditivo e ligas de alta entropia (HiTClean)
PartnerIndustry National
O HiTClean tem como objetivo desenvolver novos fornos de atmosfera controlada e alta temperatura, completamente metálicos no interior, sem utilização de grafite e por isso considerados limpos pois previnem a oxidação dos materiais a ser processados e evitam a contaminação dos mesmos com carbono.Magnetostructural Modulation in Peroyskite Derivatives With Strone Electron Correlations (POCTI/CTM/35462/1999)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ceramics Thin films Magnetoresistance Local probe spectroscopiesMaterials science and fundamental research on nano-stratified rare earth based compounds for magnetic refrigeration and sensor applications-Unusual martensitic transitions driven by the electronic fluid (POCI/CTM/61284/2004)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Magneto refrigeration nano-stratified compounds Martensitic transitions Magnetostrictive sensorsMaterial’s Research with Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Techniques at ISOLDE-CERN (InvMat @ ISOLDE)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Micro and nanostructures with giant magnetostriction: production, optimization and application in multifunctional devices (Strictive4Device) (PTDC/CTM-NAN/115125/2009)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
magnetostricitive materials functionalization devices thin films, micro and nanostructuresMULTICERAL - Multifunctional ceramic layers with high electromagnetoelastic coupling in complex geometries (MULTICERAL)
PartnerEuropean Comission
MULTICERALis a joint effort of eight European research institutions/universities from six countries (UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Lithuania) aimed at the development, detailed characterization, and evaluation of novel multifunctional thin-film materials based on ferroelectrics [Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, BaTiO3, SrBi2Ta2O9], magnetics and shape me...Multiferroics and magnetoelectrics for spintronics: barriers and interfaces (PTDC/CTM/099415/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials Heterostructures Spin transport TunnelingMULTIFOX: Nanometric Probing and Modification of Multiferroic Oxides (PTDC/FIS/105416/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
multiferroic magnetic piezoforce microscopy nanostructured materialsPORTUGAL AT ISOLDE : Materials and Nuclear Physics Research with Radioactive Isotopes and Techniques (ISOLDE 2017)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
New Materials, Nanoscopic Scale Properties Experimental Fundamental Nuclear Physics Exotic and Unique Nuclear Radioactive Techniques Unique Nuclear Solid State Physics InfrastructureResearch on Magnetic and Multiferroic Materials using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (CERN/FP/109357/2009)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques applied to materials Magnetic and multiferroic materials magneto-electric-structural coupling implanted radioactive probesResearch on Magnetic and Multiferroic Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (CERN/FP/83643/2008)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques applied to materials Magnetic and multiferroic materials magneto-electric-structural coupling implanted radioactive probes and localizationRNME-UA-National Network of Electron Microscopy (REDE/1509/RME/2005 )
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The project REDE/1509/RME/2005-Network of Electron Microscopy - University of Aveiro started on 1/09/2005 and ended on 22/1/2008. It has as the local installation CICECO. Acquisition of equipments was initiated with 2 International Public Tenders authorized by orders of 15/03/2006 and 2/07/2006. It constitutes the Pole University of Aveiro of RN...RNME-UA-National Network of Electron Microscopy (REDE/1509/RME/2005)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
The project REDE/1509/RME/2005-Network of Electron Microscopy - University of Aveiro started on 1/09/2005 and ended on 22/1/2008. It has as the local installation CICECO. Acquisition of equipments was initiated with 2 International Public Tenders authorized by orders of 15/03/2006 and 2/07/2006. It constitutes the Pole University of Aveiro of RN...Structural and chemical characterization at the nanometer scale (PTDC/CTM/100468/2008)
CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
transmission electron microscopy electron spectroscopy nanostructured materials electronic structureStudies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCTI/FNU/50183/2003)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magneto-structural coupling Magnetic materials Implanted dopants and localizationStudies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCTI/FNU/49509/2002)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magneto-structural coupling Magnetic materials Implanted dopants and localizationStudies of Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides with Radioactive Isotopes (IS390/ISOLDE)
PartnerOther International
Studies of Magnetic Oxides using Radioactive Isotopes at ISOLDE-CERN (POCI/FP/63438/2005)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Nuclear Techniques in materials Magnetic materials Magneto-structural coupling Implanted dopants and localizationSuperconducting Borides: Properties and Materials Processing (POCTI/CTM/39340/2001)
PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
superconductivity covalent compounds doping materials processing and modificatiPublications
Strength improvement and fracture mechanism in Fe40Al/TiC composites with high content of TiC
Gao, MX; Oliveira, FJ; Pan, Y; Yang, L; Baptista, JL; Vieira, JM
2005, INTERMETALLICS, 13, 5, 460-466.
Phase and structural study of self-doped La1-x-yCaxOyMnO3+delta
Figueiras, F; Araujo, JP; Amaral, VS; Tavares, PB; Lopes, AB; Vieira, JM
2004, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 105, 1-2, 173-182.
Microstructural characteristics of NiAl/TiC composites with high TIC content prepared by pressureless melt infiltration
Gao, MX; Pan, Y; Oliveria, FJ; Baptista, JL; Vieira, JM
2004, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 39, 20, 6385-6387.
LFZ fibre texture modification induced by electrical polarization
Costa, FM; Carrasco, MF; Ferreira, N; Silva, RF; Vieira, JM
Ion beam studies of single crystalline manganite thin films
Alves, E; Marques, C; Amaral, VS; Araujo, JP; Cristiani, G; Habermeier, HU; Vieira, JM
Structural and magnetic study of self-doped La1-x-yCaxOyMnO3
Figueiras, F; Araujo, JP; Amaral, VS; Tavares, PB; Sousa, JB; Vieira, JM
Electrical field freezing effect on laser floating zone (LFZ)-grown Bi2Sr2Ca2CU4O11 superconducting fibres
Carrasco, MF; Silva, RF; Vieira, JM; Costa, FM
Mechanical properties and microstructure of Fe40Al/TIC composites with low content of intermetallic
Gao, MX; Oliveira, FJ; Pan, Y; Baptista, JL; Vieira, JM
2004, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM II, 455-456, 239-243.
Interpenetrating microstructure and fracture mechanism of NiAl/TiC composites by pressureless melt infiltration
Gao, MX; Pan, Y; Oliveira, FJ; Baptista, JL; Vieira, JM
2004, MATERIALS LETTERS, 58, 11, 1761-1765.
The formation of core-rim structures in Fe40Al/(TiC-TiN-WC) cermets produced by pressureless melt infiltration
Gao, MX; Pan, Y; Oliveira, FJ; Yang, L; Baptista, JL; Vieira, JM
High Tc Superconducting Fibers Processed by Conventional and electrical Assisted Laser Floating Zone

In Lewis P S (Eds.), Perspectives on superconductivity research
Costa FM, Carrasco FG, Silva RF, Vieira JM
2005, 35-59, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
Cerâmicos Estruturais

In Amaral Fortes M, Ferreira PJ (Eds.), Materiais Dois Mil
Vieira JM
2003, 79-87, Lisbon, Ist Press.