Victor Miguel Carneiro de Sousa Ferreira

Associate Professor

Short CV

Auxiliary Professor in the Ceramics and Glass Engineering Department, University of Aveiro, since 1995. PhD concluded in the University of Aveiro - 1995. Assistant in the Ceramics and Glass Engineering Department, University of Aveiro, since 1983. Engineer degree in Ceramics and Glass Engineering , University of Aveiro - 1983.

Scientific Interests

Area: Materials Science and Engineering. - Building materials. - Waste recycling and valorization. - Processing and characterization of microwave dielectric ceramics.

Present Research Group

1. Habitat materials 2. Microwave dielectric ceramics

Main present collaborators

A. Salak; M.P. Seabra; J.A. Labrincha

Teaching Activity

Lectures for Materials and Civil Engineering courses (e.g., Phase diagrams; Building materials I and II; Industrial Ceramics Lab, amongst others)

Present projects

1.“Processing, structure and dielectric properties relationships at microwave frequencies", responsible, POCTI/40187/CTM/2001 (2002-2004). 2. “Stainless steel coating of WC particles by sputtering”, POCTI/35460/CTM/2000, (2001-2003). 3. “RAVUMOL – Recuperation and increase of life time of pressure casting moulds", responsible, Program ICPME, L0022/ICPME/II/S, (1998-2000). 4. "Active dry electrodes for electroencephalogram recording", POCTI/CTM/10209/1998, responsible for the Aveiro Univ. team, (1999-2001). 5. "FADO - Active films for optical devices”, PRAXIS XXI, 3/3.1/MMA/1768/95, (1997-2000). 6. “OPTOSENSOR - Integrated optoelectronic sensors and transducers: research and development of microtechnologies, devices and systems”, PRAXIS XXI, PBICT/93/1788, (1995-1998). 7. "Development of tunable capacitors for microwave applications", POCTI/CTM/35542/99, (2000-2003). 8. “ECOCEL – Valorization of paper pulp industrial wastes”, responsable in the project for the building materials area, PEDIP II, Projecto Mobilizador para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, medida 4-4B, (1998-2000). 9. “Fabrication and characterization of ferroelectric thin films for electronic devices”, JNICT PBICT/C/CTM/1948/95, (1996-1999).

Selected Publications

1) "Magnesium titanate microwave dielectric ceramics", V.M. Ferreira, F.Azough, J.L.Baptista, R.Freer, Ferroelectrics, 133, 127-132, 1992. 2) "Dielectric spectroscopy of MgTiO3-based ceramics in the 109-1014Hz region", V.M.Ferreira, S.Kamba, J.Petzelt, J.L.Baptista, Journal of Materials Science, 28, 5894-5900, 1993. 3) "Preparation and microwave dielectric properties of pure and doped magnesium titanate ceramics", V.M. Ferreira, J.L. Baptista, Materials Research Bulletin, 29 (10), 1017-1023, 1994. 4) "Loss spectra of pure and La-doped MgTiO3 microwave ceramics", V.M. Ferreira, J.L. Baptista, J. Petzelt, G.A. Komandin, V.V. Voitsekhovskii, Journal of Materials Research, 10 (9), 2301-2305, 1995. 5) “Role of niobium in magnesium titanate microwave dielectric ceramics”, V.M. Ferreira, J.L. Baptista, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 79 (6), 1697-1698, 1996. 6) “Single phase dielectric compounds in BaO-rich corner of BaO-Re2O3-TiO2 ternary system (Re=Y,Nd,Sm)”, A. Chen, Y. Zhi, V.M. Ferreira, P.M. Vilarinho, J.L. Baptista, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 15,1313-1314, 1996. 7) “Synthesis and characterization of dielectric compositions in the BaO-rich corner of the BaO-Y2O3-TiO2 ternary system”, A. Chen, Y. Zhi, V.M. Ferreira, P.M. Vilarinho, J.L. Baptista, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 16, 1051-1056, 1996. 8) “Dilatation des matériaux de construction céramiques à l’humidité”, J.V. Almeida, A.M.S. Correia, V.M. Ferreira, L’Industrie Céramique & Verrière, 925 (4), 285-288, 1997. 9) “Effect of Cr and La on MgTiO3 and MgTiO3-CaTiO3 microwave dielectric ceramics”, V.M. Ferreira, F. Azough, R. Freer, JL. Baptista, Journal of Materials Research, 12 (12) 3293-3299, 1997. 10) “Moisture expansion in ceramic building materials”, J.V. Almeida, A.M.S. Correia, V.M. Ferreira, Key Engineering Materials, 132-136, 2176-2179, 1997. 11) “Efflorescence and its quantification in ceramic building materials”, L. Hennetier, J.V. Almeida, A.M.S. Correia, V.M. Ferreira, British Ceramic Transactions, 100(2), 72-76, 2001. 12) "Synthesis and characterization of microwave La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 ceramics", M.P. Seabra, V.M. Ferreira, Key Engineering Materials, vol 206-213, 1501-1504, 2002. 13) "Synthesis of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 ceramics for microwave applications", M.P. Seabra, V.M. Ferreira, Materials Research Bulletin, 37(2), 255-259, 2002. 14) "Crystal structure of dielectric ceramics in La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3-BaTiO3 system", M. Avdeev, M.P. Seabra, V.M. Ferreira, Journal of Materials Research, 17(2), 1112-1117, 2002. 15) "Structure evolution in La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 – SrTiO3 system", M. Avdeev, M.P. Seabra, V.M. Ferreira, Materials Research Bulletin, 37(8), 1459-1468, 2002. 16) "Structure Transformations and Dielectric Properties of PbY1/2Nb1/2O3 and PbHo1/2Nb1/2 Compounds", A.N.Salak, N.P.Vyshatko, V.M.Ferreira, N.M.Olekhnovich, A.D.Shilin, Materials Research Bulletin, 38 (3), 453-460 (2003). 17) “La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - based materials for microwave applications”, MP Seabra, AN Salak, M Avdeev, VM Ferreira, accepted to Materials Science Forum, (2003). 18) “Structure and dielectric characterization of La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-Nd(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 system”, MP Seabra, AN Salak, M Avdeev, VM Ferreira, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15 (24): 4229-4238 (2003). 19) “Processing and dielectric properties of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3–BaTiO3 ceramics”, MP Seabra, AN Salak, VM Ferreira, LG Vieira, JL Ribeiro, Ferroelectrics, 294: 165-173 (2003). 20) “Anion-deficient perovskite Pb(Mg0.5Nb0.5)O2.75 ceramics obtained under high pressure”, AN Salak, NP Vyshatko, VM Ferreira, YV Radyush, NM Olekhnovich, Ferroelectrics, 296: 175-186, (2003). 21) “La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 - La2/3TiO3 Microwave dielectric ceramics”, AN Salak, MP Seabra, VM Ferreira, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23 (14): 2409-2412 (2003). 22) “Structure and microwave dielectric properties of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3–CaTiO3 system”, Seabra M.P., Avdeev M., Ferreira V.M., Pullar R.C., Alford N., J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23 (14): 2403-2408 (2003). 23) “Dielectric properties of high pressure synthesized relaxor PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 ceramics”, Olekhnovich NM, Vyshatko NP, Radyush YuV, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15, 6879-87, (2003). 24) “Stainless steel coatings sputter-deposited on tungsten carbide powder particles”, Fernandes CM, Ferreira VM, Senos AMR, Vieira MT, Surface and Coatings Technology, 176, 103-108, (2003). 25) “Structure property relations in xBaTiO3-(1-x) La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 solid solutions”, Seabra MP, Avdeev M, Ferreira VM, Pullar RC, Alford N., Reaney IM, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 87 (4), 584-590, (2004). 26) “Relaxor behavior of the 0.9BaTiO3 -0.1La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 solid solution”, AN Salak, MP Seabra, VM Ferreira, J.Amer. Ceram. Soc., 87(2), 216-220 (2004). 27) “Dielectric properties of the (1-x)La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 – xSrTiO3 ceramics”, Seabra MP, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Vieira LG, Ribeiro JL, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc, 24(10-11), 2955-3002, (2004). 28) “Dielectric characterization of the (1-x)La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3-xBaTiO3 microwave ceramics”, Salak A.N., Seabra M.P., Ferreira V.M., Ribeiro J.L., Vieira L.G., J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 37(6), 914-920, (2004). 29) “Ferroelectric-to-relaxor transition behaviour of BaTiO3 ceramics doped with La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3”, Salak A.N., Shvartsman V.V., Seabra M.P., Kholkin A.L., Ferreira V.M., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16(16), 2785-94, (2004). 30) “Raman spectroscopy of CaTiO3-based perovskite solid solutions”, Zheng H, Reaney IM, Gyorgyfalva GDCC, Ubic R, Yarwood J, Seabra MP, Ferreira VM, J. Mat. Res., 19 (2), 488-495, (2004). 31) “Electrical properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 – SrTiO3 ceramics”, Gomah-Pettry JR, Marchet P, Salak AN, Ferreira VM, Mercurio JP, accepted in Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2003, in press. 32) “Ferroelectric relaxor behaviour of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 – SrTiO3 ceramics”, Gomah-Pettry J.R., Salak A.N., Marchet P., Ferreira V.M., Mercurio J.P., Phys. Stat. Sol.(b), 241(8), 1949-1956, (2004). 33) “Ferroelectric properties of BaTiO3 doped with La(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3”, Salak AN, Shvartsman VV, Seabra MP, Kholkin AL, Ferreira VM, accepted in Ferroelectrics, 2003, in press. 34) V. Fernandes, L. Silva, V.M. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, “Influence of the kneading water content in the behaviour of single-coat mortars”, submitted to Cement and Concrete Research (2004). 35) V. Fernandes, L. Silva, V.M. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, “Evaluation of mixing and application process parameters of single-coat mortars”, submitted to Cement and Concrete Research (2004).


Ceramics and films of incipients ferroelectrics for tunable capacitors applications (POCTI/CTM/35542/1999)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Ferroelectrics Ceramics Films Tunability

Contribution of Thermal Active Mortars for Building Energy Efficiency (PTDC/ECM /102154/2008)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Energy Buildings Phase Change Materials Thermal Confort

GEOSULF - Utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geopolymer materials (GEOSULF)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
The GEOSULF project aims to sustainable utilization of sulphide mine tailings in geopolymer materials. Three Universities from Finland, Poland and Portugal will develop geopolymerization recipes, geopolymer aggregates and concrete products utilizing sulphide mine tailings provided by Finnish and Polish gold and copper mines. In geopolymerization...

LIMECONTECH - Conservation and durability of historical renders: compatible techniques and materials (PTDC/ECM /100234/2008)

Local CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
conservação de revestimentos durabilidade compatibilidade caldas de recolagem

New Market Niches for the Pulp and Paper Industry Waste based on Circular Economy Approaches (PAPERCHAIN)

Local CoordinatorEuropean Comission
Europe is the second world producer of pulp and paper, manufacturing 130 million tonnes in 2014 and representing 23% of world production. The EU pulp and paper manufacturing and converting industries generate an annual turnover of €180 billion, representing 1,26% of the European GDP. In particular, the Pulp and Paper industry (PPI) has a turnove...

Processing, structure and dielectric properties relationships of microwave ceramics (POCTI/CTM/40187/2001)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Dielectrics Ceramics Processing Microwave

Reuse and Immobilisation of Industrial Wastes by Geopolymerisation: New Construction Artefacts (POCI/AMB/59408/2004)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Wastes recycling Geopolymers Lightweight expanded clay rejects Immobilisation in construction materials

Shared Waste Solutions (SWS) (Shared Waste Solutions (SWS))

Local CoordinatorOther National
O Shared Waste Solutions (SWS) é um projeto promovido pelo ITeCons, em parceria com a TecMinho e a Universidade de Aveiro, que prevê a criação de uma Plataforma de Estímulo e Divulgação para a Valorização Sustentável de Resíduos. Trata-se de um projeto multisetorial, aprovado no âmbito do Sistema de Apoio a Ações Coletivas (Aviso n. 02/SIAC/2012...

Stainless steel coating of WC particles by sputtering (POCTI/CTM/35460/1999)

PartnerFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
powder coating composites sputtering tungsten carbide

Study of compatible mortars for the preservation of the built heritage (POCI/HEC/57890/2004)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
built heritage mortars adobe conservation

Study of functional mortars for a sustainable construction (PTDC/ECM/72104/2006)

CoordinatorFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
mortar sustainable construction functional material energy and environment

Valorização de Resíduos da Fileira Floresta para a Produção de Agregados Leves (PRAI - Valorização de resíduos da fileira floresta)

CoordinatorIndustry National
O projecto de “Valorização de Resíduos da Fileira Florestal para a Produção de Agregados Leves” pretende, por um lado, estudar e promover a aplicação industrial de um conjunto de resíduos da indústria da celulose no processo de produção de agregados leves e, por outro lado, estudar o processo de redução de humidade das lamas geradas no fabrico d...



Lucas, S; Senff, L; Ferreira, VM; Aguiar, JB; Labrincha, JA
2010, APPLIED RHEOLOGY, 20, 6.

Effect of curing conditions on the mechanical properties of mortars with superabsorbent polymers

Esteves, LP; Paiva, H; Ferreira, VM; Cachim, P
2010, MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION, 60, 298, 61-72.

Characterization of Renders, Joint Mortars, and Adobes from Traditional Constructions in Aveiro (Portugal)

Coroado, J; Paiva, H; Velosa, A; Ferreira, VM

Effect of nanosilica and microsilica on microstructure and hardened properties of cement pastes and mortars

Senff, L; Hotza, D; Repette, WL; Ferreira, VM; Labrincha, JA
2010, ADVANCES IN APPLIED CERAMICS, 109, 2, 104-110.

Ni and Zn doped MgTiO3 thin films: Structure, microstructure, and dielectric characteristics

Surendran, KP; Wu, AY; Vilarinho, PM; Ferreira, VM

Characterisation and use of biomass fly ash in cement-based materials

Rajamma, R; Ball, RJ; Tarelho, LAC; Allen, GC; Labrincha, JA; Ferreira, VM
2009, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 172, 2-3, 1049-1060.

Rheology and hardened properties of single-coat render mortars with different types of water retaining agents

Paiva, H; Esteves, LP; Cachim, PB; Ferreira, VM

Admixtures effect on fresh state properties of aerial lime based mortars

Seabra, MP; Paiva, H; Labrincha, JA; Ferreira, VM

Effect of nano-silica on rheology and fresh properties of cement pastes and mortars

Senff, L; Labrincha, JA; Ferreira, VM; Hotza, D; Repette, WL

Mortar composition defined according to rheometer and flow table tests using factorial designed experiments

Senff, L; Barbetta, PA; Repette, WL; Hotza, D; Paiva, H; Ferreira, VM; Labrincha, JA


A dry active electrode for bio-potential monitoring

Devices National

Barbosa, Mário; Sá, Joaquim; Fonseca, José; Ferreira, Victor; Salvado, Isabel; Martins, Rui; Cunha, João; Silva, António

The present invention relates to a novel dry active type electrode to capture bio-potentials when placed in contact with the skin. The device is specially prepared for the capture of electroencephalographic signals, although it can also be used to capture other bio-electrical signals, including electrocardiographic signals (EKG) or elec...

Alkaline activation of inert industrial wastes and clay by-products, process for their implementation and use in construction

Processes National

Batista, João; Ferreira, Victor; Pinto, Amândio; Tavares, Pedro

The present invention relates to articles for the building industry based on inert industrial waste, natural clays or clay by-products, obtained by alkaline activation method. In optimal conditions, bodies with adequate mechanical strength (30 MPa) and increased resistance to salt or acid attack are obtained. These products present a pe...

Expanded clay containing sludge generated in the paper pulp production process

Products National

Batista, João; Ferreira, Victor; Correia, António

The present invention relates to the use of sludge generated in paper pulp production process, in expanded clay formulations. The processing conditions control ensures consistency of sludge properties, in terms of chemical composition and particle size distribution. The sludge has a moisture content greater than 50%, which is almost ent...

Mortars containing phase change material microcapsules, their preparation process and use

Products InternationalNational

Lucas, Sandra ; Ferreira, Victor ; Aguiar, José; Batista, João

The present invention relates to a mortar for use in the interior and exterior coating of construction systems, comprising phase change material (PCM) microcapsules together with a lime binder and other auxiliary materials. The invention also concerns a process for the preparation of these mortars by blending the PCM microcapsules with ...

Multifunctional mortars for heat storage, air remediation and self-cleaning, preparation process and usage

Products National

Ferreira, Victor; Lucas, Sandra; Aguiar, José

The present invention relates to mortars for application in indoor and outdoor coating of building systems comprising mixtures in different proportions of phase change materials (PCM) microcapsules and titanium dioxide nanoparticles, together with one or more binders based on lime, cement or gypsum, aggregates, water and other auxiliary...

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