Supervisões em Curso
Análise de perfis metabólicos: uma nova metodologia para avaliação dos efeitos toxicológicos e biológicos de nanomateriais (PTDC/SAU-TOX/120953/2010)
ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
perfil metabólico e metabonómica nanopartículas de prata efeitos toxicológicos e biológicos nanotoxicologiaHOTsPOT: Novas nanopartículas de conversão ascendente para terapia multimodal do melanoma - terapia fototérmica, terapia fotodinâmica e quimioterapia (HOTsPOT)
ParticipanteFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Motivação: O melanoma é a forma mais agressiva de cancro da pele, de difícil terapia, com crescente incidência e mau prognóstico em fase avançada. O tratamento clínico convencional do melanoma geralmente falha na erradicação completa do tumor, devido à baixa taxa de resposta para terapias simples, efeitos colaterais de quimioterapia e recalcitrâ...Materiais para medicina regenerativa (CENTRO-07-0924-FEDER-002030)
ParticipanteOther National
Effect of annealing on gold rectifying contacts in amorphous silicon
Aguas, H; Pereira, L; Ferreira, I; Ramos, AR; Viana, AS; Andreu, J; Vilarinho, P; Fortunato, E; Martins, R
2004, ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM II, 455-456, 96-99.
Protective activity of hesperidin and lipoic acid against sodium arsenite acute toxicity in mice
das Neves, RNP; Carvalho, F; Carvalho, M; Fernandes, E; Soares, E; Bastos, MD; Pereira, MD
2004, TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY, 32, 5, 527-535.
Functional changes of mice Sertoli cells induced by Cr(V)
Pereira, MD; Santos, TM; Costa, FGE; de Jesus, JP
2004, CELL BIOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY, 20, 5, 285-291.
Use of FTIR, FT-Raman and (13)GNMR spectroscopy for identification of some seaweed phycocolloids
Pereira, L; Sousa, A; Coelho, H; Amado, AM; Ribeiro-Claro, PJA
2003, BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING, 20, 4-6, 223-228.
Analysis of extractives in unbleached and bleached Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulps and preliminary assessment of their contribution to the toxicity of bleaching filtrates
Silvestre, AJD; Freire, C; Neto, CP; Mendonca, E; Pereira, L; Picado, A
Hydrogels: An overview of the history, classification, principles, applications, and kinetics

In Sabu Thomas, Bhasha Sharma, Purnima Jain, Shashank Shekhar (Eds.), Sustainable Hydrogels: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
Jose J.; Athira V.P.; Michel H.; Hafeela A.R.; Bhat S.G.; Thomas S.; Pereira Maria L.
2023, Sustainable Hydrogels: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, 1-22, Elsevier.
978-032391753-7; 978-032398618-2
Plant-Derived Microbial Bio-Similar for the Treatment of Tuberculosis

In Bhagwan Narayan Rekadwad (Eds.), Microbial Systematics Biomolecules and Natural Macromolecules Application
Rachana Khati, Alok K. Paul, Maria de Lourdes Pereira, Mohammed Rahmatullah, Veeranoot Nissapatorn, Karma G. Dolma
2023, 86-111, CRC Press.
Adverse effects of Metal-based Nanoparticles on Male Reproductive Cells

Top 10 Contributions on Environmental Health
A. H. Yoshikawa, L. Possebon, S. S. Costa, H. R. Souza, A. P. Girol, M. L. Pereira
2018, 1-22, Avid Science.
Chromium: The Intriguing Element. The Biological Role Cr(III)-Tris-Picolinate: Is It Safe or Not?

In Ajay Vasudeo Rane, Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar Kalarikkal (Eds.), Microscopy Applied to Materials Sciences and Life Sciences
T.M. Santos, M. Ferreira, M. L. Pereira
2018, Apple Academic Press.
Microscopy Assessment of Emerging Contaminants’ Effects on Aquatic Species

In Ajay Vasudeo Rane, Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar Kalarikkal (Eds.), Microscopy Applied to Materials Sciences and Life Sciences
A. Barreto, A.V. Girão, M.L. Pereira, T. Trindade, A.M.V.M. Soares, M. Oliveira
2018, Apple Academic Press.
The Contribution of Light Microscopy to Study Male Reprotoxicity of Cadmium

In Ajay Vasudeo Rane, Sabu Thomas, Nandakumar Kalarikkal (Eds.), Microscopy Applied to Materials Sciences and Life Sciences
Pereira ML, Coelho J, Tavares R, Fonseca HMC, Silva V, Gonçalves PP, Garcia e Costa F.
2018, Apple Academic Press.
Chapter 5 - Environmental Fate of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles: Risks and Benefits

In Sonia Soloneski and Marcelo L. Larramendy (Eds.), Toxicology - New Aspects to This Scientific Conundrum
Asfina Beegam, Parvathy Prasad, Jiya Jose, Miguel Oliveira, Fernando G. Costa, Amadeu M.V.M. Soares, Paula P. Gonçalves, Tito Trindade, Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Sabu Thomas and Maria de Lourdes Pereira
2016, 81-112, InTech.
Chapter 2 - The Role of Cytometry for Male Fertility Assessment in Toxicology

In Ingrid Schmid (Eds.), Flow Cytometry - Select Topics
Maria de Lourdes Pereira, Helena Oliveira, Henrique M.A.C. Fonseca, Fernando Garcia e Costa and Conceição Santos
2016, InTech.
Tópicos de histologia animal

In Fernando Morgado, Amadeu Soares (Eds.), Temáticas e métodos avanançados para o ensino e investigação em biologia
M. L. Pereira, H. Fonseca, N. Rodrigues, F.G. Costa
2016, Afrontamento.
A Review on the Assessment of the Potential Adverse Health Impacts of Carbamate Pesticides

Topics in Public Health
Elsa Dias, Fernando Garcia e Costa, Simone Morais and Maria de Lourdes Pereira
2015, InTech.
Thoughts on Evaluation of Heavy Metals Toxicity

Advances in Chemistry Research
Morais S, Garcia e Costa F, Pereira ML
2013, New York, Nova Science Publishers.
Heavy metals and human health

In Jacques Oosthuizen (Eds.), Environmental Health - Emerging Issues and Practice
Morais S, Garcia e Costa F, Pereira ML
2012, Rijeka, InTech.
Novel Potential Molecular Biomarkers of Aquatic Contamination in Dicentrarchus labrax and Liza aurata

In N Hamamura, S Suzuki, S Mendo, CM Barroso, H Iwata and S Tanabe (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry - Biological Responses to Contaminants
Nogueira P, Pacheco M, Pereira ML, Mendo S, Rotchell M
2010, 3, 127-138, Tokyo, TERRAPUB.
Zooplankton diel vertical migration at Andaman Sea

In CR Raghunathan, and C Sivaperuman (Eds.), Recent Trends in Biodiversity of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Pai IK, Terdalkar S, Pereira ML
2010, 113-129, Kolkata, Zoological Survey of India.
Flow Cytometric Analyses of Sperm Functions and Genetic Integrity

In B Glantz, K Edquist (Eds.), Male and Female Infertility: Genetic Causes, Hormonal Treatments and Health Effects
Oliveira H, Spanò M, Santos C, Pereira ML
2009, 1-32, Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
Diel vertical migration of zooplankton in Andaman Sea

In Arvin Kumar & Harbhajan Kaur (Eds.), Ecology of Aquatic Insects
Pai IK, Terdalkar S, Pereira ML, Morgado F
2008, 24-51, Delhi, Daya Publishing House/Astral International (P) Ltd..