The NMR laboratory of the Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, was created in 1993 with funds from the National Science Foundation (FCT) (programme CIENCIA). The facility was upgraded in 2000, 2007 and 2013 with grants from FCT and the national programme POCI 2010, as well as with funds from the Portuguese Centro Region (‘Programa Operacional Regional do Centro, +CENTRO’, through FEDER). Aveiro NMR laboratory has pioneered in Portugal the field of solid-state NMR. At present, it is among the best equipped facilities in Iberia to conduct solid-state NMR studies in the fields of Chemistry and Materials Science. The NMR laboratory encompasses 6 spectrometers, 3 of which are entirely dedicated to the study of solids.
WebpageAbout Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
1D and 2D solid-state NMR spectra of spin 1/2 (1H, 13C, 15N, 29Si, 31P...) and quadrupolar nuclei (2H, 11B, 17O, 23Na, 27Al...).
1D & 2D NMR spectra using MAS, CP/MAS, MQMAS, STMAS (quadrupolar nuclei) and pulse schemes to probe internuclear proximities (REDOR-like recoupling and DQ-SQ spectroscopy). Equipment available: 400 MHz WB, 700 MHz SB; wide-line probes and double and triple-resonance probes for observation of a wide range of nuclei and spin-pair combinations; MAS rates up to 65 kHz.
Structural and molecular dynamics solid-state NMR studies of crystalline and amorphous active pharmaceutical ingredients, polymers, organometallic compounds, inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid materials, porous materials
Wide-line and high-resolution NMR spectra of 2H, 13C, 15N, 23Na, 27Al, 29Si and other X nuclei at natural abundance for structure and dynamics studies. Equipment available: 400 MHz wide bore and 700 MHz standard bore; wide-line probes and double and triple- resonance probes for observation of a wide range of nuclei and spin-pair combinations; MAS rates up to 65 kHz.
DNP-NMR spectra of crystalline and amorphous pharmaceutical formulations, inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid materials, porous materials (available soon)
1D and 2D NMR spectra of samples ranging from porous inorganic/hybrid materials to pharmaceutical systems at natural isotopic abundance (13C, 15N, 17O, 29Si), in particular, to study dilute species and perform surface studies. Equipment available: 400 MHz DNP-NMR wide-bore spectrometer equipped with a low-temperature 3.2 mm MAS probe reaching spin rates up to 24 kHz.
Terms and Guidelines for accessing solid-state NMR service
1. ssNMR service can only be used by members of CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials. If you are not a member of CICECO, please contact us.
2. Fill in all the required fields in the ssNMR booking form and deliver the samples on the very day. Any other information should be conveyed by telephone (967473368, extension 90115).
3. Leave your samples on the table located in the Chemistry Department, ground floor (close to the X-ray diffraction room 15.1.8). Please label the samples with your name and a reference. Protect the labels with scotch tape, or other, so that the sample holders can be cleaned with alcohol.
4. The scheduling of the ssNMR experiences will be shown in the calendar below.
5. Spectra will be e-mailed. Samples will be returned on the same table you left them in first place. Alternatively, you can e-mail or phone and arrange differently.
6. Data processing is of responsibility of each user and can be imported into different viewing programs such as Dmfit (free) or Mnova NMR.
7. Submission of another form is allowed only after completing the previous analyses.
8. All publications with NMR results collected in the NMR spectrometers of University of Aveiro must include the following acknowledgment:
“The NMR spectrometers are part of the National NMR Network (PTNMR) and are partially supported by Infrastructure Project Nº 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI and PORL and FCT through PIDDAC).”
If you are not a member of the University of Aveiro, contact us ( with your enquire. Routine solid-state NMR experiments are charged at 75 €/hour (academic institutions). This price does not include discussion of the results, only recording and supplying the spectra. Less trivial spectra will be charged as agreed with us.
The solid-state NMR laboratory of the University of Aveiro is a partner in a running EU funded 4-year project that aims to bring together and integrate 7 national infrastructures across Europe and 1 from the US (PANACEA: Pan-European Solid-State NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access, 5 M€, The goal is to open up our laboratories to European researchers from academia and industry, granting them swift access to world-class solid-state NMR research infrastructures. The European Chemical community will, thus, have access to both CICECO’s solid-state NMR equipment and to our specialized knowledge on the application of NMR to chemistry and materials science problems. This project will be coordinated by Mariana Sardo, Luís Mafra and João Rocha.
Mariana Sardo
Scientific Coordinator
Researcher at the Chemistry Department. Main interests: application of high-resolution multinuclear and multidimensional NMR towards the study of gas-solid interactions in modified porous solid sorbents and packing interactions in pharmaceutical solids.
Paula Santos
Laboratory Technician
Solid-state NMR Senior Technician at the Chemistry Department. In charge of the technical maintenance and operation of the solid-state NMR spectrometers.
Bruker Avance III 400 MHz
NMR spectrometer configured for solids equipped with:
Magnet (2005)
Bruker 400 MHz (9.4 T), UltraShieldTM, wide-bore
Console and Electronics (2010)
Avance III TwoBay
3 RF channels
Amplifiers: BLAX1000, BLAH1000, BLAX500
Temperature system: BVT3000
MAS II unit
Workstation: Linux CentOS 5 operating system
Probes Solids
2.5 mm CP-MAS H/X (1H/13C-31P)
4 mm CP-MAS H/X (1H/59Co-31P; 1H/15N-31P; 1H/109Ag-27Al)
4 mm CP-MAS H/X/Y (1H/13C/31P with inserts for pairs 31P/27Al, 13C/15N-2H, 27Al/15N-29Si and 13C/29Si)
7 mm 1H CRAMPS
7 mm CP-MAS H/X (1H/15N-65Cu; 1H/15N-31P with in situ flow mode option)
Bruker Avance NEO 400 MHz
NMR spectrometer configured for solids equipped with:
Magnet (2020)
Bruker 400 MHz (9.4 T), AscendTM, wide-bore
Console and Electronics (2020)
Avance NEO
263 GHz Girotron
LT-MAS cryocabinet
3 RF channels
Amplifiers: BLABB1000, BLABB500, BLAH500
Temperature system: BSVT
MAS III unit
Workstation: Linux CentOS 7 operating system
Probe Solids
3.2 mm LTMAS HXY (optimized for 1H/13C/15N with inserts for pairs 13C/2H, 29Si/27Al, 17O/27Al)
Bruker Avance III HD 500 MHz
NMR spectrometer configured for liquids equipped with:
Magnet (2000)
Bruker 500 MHz (11.8 T), UltraShieldTM, standard-bore
Console and Electronics (2013)
Avance III HD OneBay
3 RF channels
Amplifiers: BLAX500, BLAXH300/100
Temperature system: BSVT and BCU-I
N2-gas pre-conditioner
SampleXpressLite automatic 16-positions
MAS II unit
Full LC-NMR system
Workstation: Linux CentOS 5 operating system
Probes Liquids
3 mm LCSEI (1H, 13C)
5 mm QNP (1H, 19F, 31P, 13C)
5 mm BBI (1H, broadband)
5 mm TBI (1H, 13C, broadband)
5 mm TXI (1H, 13C, 15N)
10 mm BBO (1H, broadband)
HR-MAS (1H, 13C)
Bruker Avance III HD 700 MHz
NMR spectrometer configured for liquids/solids equipped with:
Magnet (2013)
Bruker 700 MHz (16.4 T), AscendTM, standard-bore
Console and Electronics (2013)
Avance III HD TwoBay
3 RF channels
Amplifiers: BLAX1000, BLAH1000, BLAX500, BLAH100
Temperature system: BSVT and BCU-II
N2-gas pre-conditioner
MAS III unit
Workstation: Linux CentOS 5 operating system
Probe Liquids
5 mm TBI (1H, 13C, 109Ag-31P)
Probes Solids
1.3 mm CP-MAS H/X (19F-1H/15N-31P)
1.3 mm CP-MAS H/F/C (1H/19F/13C)
1.9 mm CP-MAS H/X (1H/15N-31P)
2.5 mm CP-MAS H/X/Y (1H/13C-31P/15N-23Na)
3.2 mm CP-MAS H/X/Y (1H/29Si-31P/15N-23Na)
4 mm CP-MAS H/X (1H/15N-31P)