Redox engineering of strontium titanate-based thermoelectrics
Kovalevsky, AV; Zakharchuk, KV; Aguirre, MH; Xie, W; Patricio, SG; Ferreira, NM; Lopes, D; Sergiienko, SA; Constantinescu, G; Mikhalev, SM; Weidenkaff, A; Frade, JR
2020, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 8, 15, 7317-7330.
Unravelling the Effects of Calcium Substitution in BaGd2CoO5 Haldane Gap 1D Material and Its Thermoelectric Performance
Narendar, N; Kovalevsky, AV; Xie, WJ; Rasekh, S; Constantinescu, G; Weidenkaff, A; Pukazhselvan, D; Fagg, DP
2020, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 124, 24, 13017-13025.
Effect of Al3+ modification on cobalt ferrite and its impact on the magnetoelectric effect in BCZT–CFO multiferroic composites
M. Naveed-Ul-Haq, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Gabriel Constantinescu, Harsh Trivedi, Soma Salamon, Joachim Landers, Heiko Wende, Doru C. Lupascu
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Decrease of electrical resistivity in Ca3Co4O9 thermoelectric ceramics by Ti doping
M. A. Torres, Sh. Rasekh, P. Bosque, G. Constantinescu, M. A. Madre, J. C. Diez, A. Sotelo
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Thermoelectric doping effect in Ca3Co4-xNixO9 ceramics
G. Constantinescu, Sh. Rasekh, M. A. Torres, P. Bosque, M. A. Madre, A. Sotelo, J. C. Diez
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Improvement of thermoelectric properties in Ca3Co4O9 ceramics by Ba doping
G. Constantinescu, Sh. Rasekh, M. A. Torres, M. A. Madre, A. Sotelo, J. C. Diez
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High thermoelectric performances in Co-oxides processed by a laser floating zone technique
J. C. Diez, Sh. Rasekh, G. Constantinescu, F. M. Costa, N. M. Ferreira, M. A. Torres, M. A. Madre, A. Sotelo
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Effect of Na doping on the Ca3Co4O9 thermoelectric performance
G. Constantinescu, Sh. Rasekh, M. A. Torres, P. Bosque, J. C. Diez, M. A. Madre, A. Sotelo
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Thermoelectric properties in Ca3Co4-xMnxOy ceramics
G. Constantinescu, M. A. Torres, Sh. Rasekh, P. Bosque, M. A. Madre, J. C. Diez, A. Sotelo
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Effect of Secondary Annealing Process on Critical Current Density in Highly Textured Bi-2212 Superconducting System
M. A. Aksan, M. A. Madre, Sh. Rasekh, G. Constantinescu, M. A. Torres, J. C. Diez, A. Sotelo, M. E. Yakinci
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