Gabriel Constantinescu


short cv

Selected achievements.

1. Significant experience in advanced functional materials (e.g., thermoelectrics, superconductors, multiferroics, SCES and functional gradient materials, magnetic materials, biomaterials) research, development, innovation and engineering; 2. Worked with many different types of state-of-the-art functional materials and high-tech R&D systems in more than 8 multidisciplinary scientific projects; 3. Published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles and communicate research results on more than 13 occasions; 4. Contributed by writing parts in more than 11 European research proposals and won a European MSCA-IF-EF-ST-2019 grant (TEOsINTE, 101003375); 5. Peer reviewer for several international ISI journals, including 'Materials Letters' and 'Journal of Alloys and Compounds'; 6. Completed various professional training courses in Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Romania (e.g., 'Using the PPMS equipment and its options', 'LabVIEW Days 2013'); 7. Trained, managed and taught to international multicultural undergraduate science and engineering students; 8. Established significant international collaborations, in both Academia and Industry.

Academic qulifications.

1. Ph.D. degree in Physics, Science and technology of materials and fluids Dpt., University of Zaragoza (ICMA, CSIC), Spain, 01/10/2011–30/05/2014, “Modification of Ca3Co4O9 thermoelectric performances via processing and doping” (Cum Laude);

2. M.Sc. degree in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania, 01/10/2009–30/06/2011, “Thermoelectric properties in rare earth doped Skutterudite” (10 out of 10);

3. Dipl.–Eng. degree in Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, 01/10/2003–28/02/2009, “The reliability and maintenance of a longitudinal primary settling tank with a curettage system on chains” (7.50 out of 10).

Foreign languages.

1. English (fluent, C2); 2. Spanish (fluent, C2); 3. Portuguese (advanced-to-fluent, C1).

Prizes, awards and certifications.

1. “H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 Seal of Excellence” (European Commission, EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020, 05/03/2018);

2. “Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing” (ELSEVIER–Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 05/2017);

3. “Certificate of ACCREDITATION on behalf of NT-MDT” (NT-MDT EVENTS, The Westin Grand, Frankfurt, Germany, Techniques of AFM, Raman, SNOM and TERS, 25/02/2015);

4. “Extraordinary Ph.D. Prize” (University of Zaragoza (ICMA, CSIC), 27/02/2015);

5. “International Doctor” (University of Zaragoza (ICMA, CSIC), 03/06/2014);

6. “1st Prize–Interpretation of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation” (Politehnica University of Bucharest, 2006).

Professional and academic experience.

1. 01/10/2020–30/09/2022: Scientific Researcher (MSCA Fellow; working in the 'TEOsINTE' project;, Materials and Ceramic Engineering Dpt. (DEMaC), Aveiro Institute of Materials (CICECO), University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal;

2. 01/02/2019–30/09/2020: Scientific Researcher (working in the 'REMOTE' project;; Materials and Ceramic Engineering Dpt. (DEMaC), Aveiro Institute of Materials (CICECO), University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal;

3. 01/07/2018–30/11/2018: Project Collaborator (, Physics Dpt., Institute for Advanced Materials (INAMAT), Public University of Navarre (UPNA), Spain;

4. 31/01/2017–31/05/2017: Research Assistant, DENTIX MILLENNIUM S.R.L. (INFLPR, CETAL), Romania;

5. 01/02/2015–31/10/2015: Experienced Researcher, Functional Materials Group, Institute for Materials Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany;

6. 15/10/2014–15/12/2014: Laboratory Assistant, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems Group, Laboratory of Magnetism and Superconductivity, National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP), Romania;

7. 01/05/2009–30/09/2009: Sales Engineer, AEG PROGRESIV S.R.L., Romania;

8. 16/10/2006–30/06/2008: Laboratory Assistant, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems Group, Laboratory of Magnetism and Superconductivity, National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP), Romania.

Main Scientific Interest

Thermoelectric oxide composites for waste heat recovery. Renewable energy candidates to the "European Green Deal".

The Seebeck effect allows for the direct conversion of temperature gradients into electricity and it's exploited in solid state devices capable of using waste heat sources for generating electrical power. Novel composite materials are designed and investigated for producing state-of-the-art power generation technology using industrial high-temperature (>400°C) gasses as fuel.

A thermoelectric lagoon (JORNADAS CICECO 2020 Photo Contest)


selected publications on different functional materials

1. Alkaline Electrochemical Reduction of a Magnesium Ferrospinel into Metallic Iron for the Valorisation of Magnetite-Based Metallurgical WasteDaniela V. Lopes, Aleksey Lisenkov, Sergii Sergiienko, Gabriel Constantinescu, Artur Sarabando, Margarida Quina, Jorge Frade and Andrei Kovalevsky. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2021.

2. Electrical assessment of brownmillerite-type calcium ferrite materials obtained by proteic sol-gel route and by solid-state reaction using mollusk shellsChrystian G. M. Lima, Allan J. M. Araújo, Rinaldo M. Silva, Rafael A. Raimundo, João P. F. Grilo, Gabriel Constantinescu, Andrei V. Kovalevsky and Daniel A. Macedo. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2021.

3. MXene-containing composite electrodes for hydrogen evolution: Material design aspects and approaches for electrode fabricationSergii A.Sergiienko, Daniela V. Lopes, Gabriel Constantinescu, Marta C. Ferro, Nataliya D. Shchaerban, Obid B. Tursunov, Viacheslav I. Shkepu, Hanna Pazniak, Nataliya Yu. Tabachkova, Enrique Rodríguez Castellón, Jorge R. Frade and Andrei V. Kovalevsky. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021.

4. Prospects for Electrical Performance Tuning in Ca3Co4O9 Materials by Metallic Fe and Ni Particles AdditionsGabriel Constantinescu, Sergey M. Mikhalev, Aleksey D. Lisenkov, Daniela V. Lopes, Artur R. Sarabando, Marta C. Ferro, Tiago F. da Silva, Sergii A. Sergiienko and Andrei V. Kovalevsky. Materials. 2021.

5. Unravelling the Effects of Calcium Substitution in BaGd2CoO5 Haldane Gap 1D Material and Its Thermoelectric Performance. Narendar Nasani, Andrei V. Kovalevsky, Wenjie Xie, Shahed Rasekh, Gabriel Constantinescu, Anke Weidenkaff, D. Pukazhselvan, and Duncan P. Fagg. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2020.

 6. Redox engineering of strontium titanate-based thermoelectricsAndrei V. Kovalevsky, Kiryl V. Zakharchuk, Myriam H. Aguirre, Wenjie Xie, Sonia G. Patrício, Nuno M. Ferreira, Diogo Lopes, Sergii A. Sergiienko, Gabriel Constantinescu, Sergey M. Mikhalev, Anke Weidenkaff and Jorge R. Frade. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2020.

7. Effect of Al3+ modification on cobalt ferrite and its impact on the magnetoelectric effect in BCZT–CFO multiferroic compositesM. Naveed-Ul-Haq, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Gabriel Constantinescu, Harsh Trivedi, Soma Salamon, Joachim Landers, Heiko Wende and Doru C. Lupascu. Journal of Materials Science. 2017.

8. Effect of Secondary Annealing Process on Critical Current Density in Highly Textured Bi-2212 Superconducting SystemM. A. Aksan, M. A. Madre, Sh. Rasekh, G. Constantinescu, M. A. Torres, J. C. Diez, A. Sotelo and M. E. Yakinci. JOM. 2015.

9. Development of a new thermoelectric Bi2Ca2Co1.7Ox + Ca3Co4O9 compositeSh. Rasekh, N. M. Ferreira, F. M. Costa, G. Constantinescu, M. A. Madre, M. A. Torres, J. C. Diez, A. Sotelo. Scripta Materialia. 2014.

10. New promising Co-free thermoelectric ceramic based on Ba-Fe-oxide. G. Constantinescu, J. C. Diez, Sh. Rasekh, M. A. Madre, M. A. Torres & A. Sotelo. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2013.

11. Preparation of high-performance Ca3Co4O9 thermoelectric ceramics produced by a new two-step method. M. A. Madre, F. M. Costa, N. M. Ferreira, A. Sotelo, M. A. Torres, G. Constantinescu, Sh. Rasekh, J. C. Diez. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2013.


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