João Nuno Santos Gonçalves

Investigador Júnior

Short CV

2006 - Physics Degree, Universidade de Aveiro
2007 - MSc Physics Engineering, Universidade de Aveiro
2011 - PhD, Universidade de Aveiro
2012 to 2018 - Post-doctoral researcher

2019 to present - Researcher 

Selecção de Publicações

"Chirality and Magnetocaloricity in GdFeTeO6 as Compared to GdGaTeO6", Elena Zvereva; Tatyana Vasilchikova; Maria Evstigneeva; Angelica Tyureva; Vladimir Nalbandyan; João Gonçalves; Paolo Barone; Alessandro Stroppa; Alexander Vasiliev, Materials, 14(20), 5954 (2021). DOI: 10.3390/ma14205954

"First-Principles Study of Structure and Magnetism in Copper(II)-Containing Hybrid Perovskites", João N. Gonçalves; Anthony E. Phillips; Wei Li; Alessandro Stroppa, Crystals 10(12), 1129 (2020). DOI:10.3390/cryst10121129

"Hg adatoms on graphene: A first-principles study", A. S. Fenta, C. O. Amorim, J. N. Gonçalves. N. Fortunato, M. B. Barbosa, J. P. Araújo, M. Houssa, S. Cottenier, M. J. Van Bael, J. G. Correia, V. S. Amaral, L. M. C. Pereira, Journal of Physics: Materials 4, 015002 (2020). DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/abc31c

"Volume dependence of magnetic properties in Co2Cr1−xYxGa (Y=Ti-Ni) Heusler alloys: A first-principles study", J. N. Gonçalves, N. M. Fortunato, J. S. Amaral, V. S. Amaral, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428 362 (2017). DOI: 10.1016%2Fj.jmmm.2016.12.102

"Magnetovolume Effects in Heusler Compounds via First-Principles Calculations", J. N. Gonçalves, J. S. Amaral, V. S. Amaral, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 1301104 (2014). DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2326892

"Hyperfine local probe study of alkaline-earth manganites SrMnO3 and BaMnO3", J. N. Gonçalves, V. S. Amaral, J. G. Correia, A. M. L. Lopes, J. P. Araújo, P. B. Tavares, Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter 26 215401 (2014). DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/21/215401

"Ab initio study of the relation between electric polarization and electric field gradients in ferroelectrics", J. N. Gonçalves, A. Stroppa, J. G. Correia, T. Butz, S. Picozzi, A. S. Fenta, V. S. Amaral, Physical Review B 86 035145 (2012). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.035145

"Hyperfine interactions in MnAs studied by perturbed angular correlations of γ-rays using the probe Br77→ Se77 and first-principles calculations for MnAs and other Mn pnictides", J. N. Gonçalves, V. S. Amaral, J. G. Correia, A. M. L. Lopes, Physical Review B 83, 104421 (2011). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.104421

Interesses científicos

Magnetic materials, ferroelectrics, and multiferroics, other functional materials, Heusler compounds, graphene, oxides, oxide surfaces. Density functional theory calculations. Local probe experimental methods such as perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy and complementary calculations. Electric field gradients, hyperfine fields, and their relation to other properties. Magnetovolume effects.


A Computational Study on Polar ABiO3 (A = Ca, Zn, Mg) Compounds with Large Electric Polarization

Rus, FS; Goncalves, JN
2023, CRYSTALS, 13, 9.

Preparing a Ca-Bi-O System by the Precipitation Method and Studying Its Intermediate Structural Properties for Applications in Water Treatment

Cadis, AI; Rus, FS; Goncalves, JN; Ivanovici, M
2023, INORGANICS, 11, 2.

Optical Properties of Lead and Lead-Free Halide Perovskites

Boukachabia, S; Bentayeb, FZ; Gonçalves, JN
2023, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 52, 9, 5810-5821.

alpha-MnO2 Nanowire Structure Obtained at Low Temperature with Aspects in Environmental Remediation and Sustainable Energy Applications

Taranu, BO; Novaconi, SD; Ivanovici, M; Goncalves, JN; Rus, FS

Anisotropy of the Electric Field Gradient in Two-Dimensional alpha-MoO3 Investigated by Mn-57(Fe-57) Emission Mossbauer Spectroscopy

Schell, J; Zyabkin, D; Bharuth-Ram, K; Goncalves, JN; Diaz-Guerra, C; Gunnlaugsson, HP; Martin-Luengo, AT; Schaaf, P; Bonanni, A; Masenda, H; Dang, TT; Molholt, TE; Olafsson, S; Unzueta, I; Mantovan, R; Johnston, K; Gislason, HP; Krastev, PB; Naidoo, D; Qi, BC
2022, CRYSTALS, 12, 7.

Cubic to hexagonal tuning in Fe2Mn(Si1-xGex) Heusler alloys

Pimentel, B; Andrade, VM; de Paula, VG; Pirota, KR; Beron, F; Cardoso, MA; Goncalves, JN; Amaral, JS; dos Santos, AM; Reis, MS

Strong magnetoelectric coupling at an atomic nonmagnetic electromagnetic probe in bismuth ferrite

Schell, J; Schmuck, M; Dang, TT; Goncalves, JN; Lewin, D; Castillo, ME; Shvartsman, VV; Costa, ARG; Koster, U; Vianden, R; Noll, C; Lupascu, DC
2022, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 105, 9.

Hg adatoms on graphene: A first-principles study

Fenta, AS; Amorim, CO; Goncalves, JN; Fortunato, N; Barbosa, MB; Araujo, JP; Houssa, M; Cottenier, S; Van Bael, MJ; Correia, JG; Amaral, VS; Pereira, LMC
ISBN: 2515-7639

The electric field gradient as a signature of the binding and the local structure of adatoms on graphene

Fenta, AS; Amorim, CO; Goncalves, JN; Fortunato, N; Barbosa, MB; Cottenier, S; Correia, JG; Pereira, LMC; Amaral, VS
ISBN: 1432-0630

Chirality and Magnetocaloricity in GdFeTeO6 as Compared to GdGaTeO6

Zvereva, E; Vasilchikova, T; Evstigneeva, M; Tyureva, A; Nalbandyan, V; Goncalves, J; Barone, P; Stroppa, A; Vasiliev, A
2021, MATERIALS, 14, 20.
ISBN: 1996-1944

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