3D temperature mapping critical to understanding the nanoworld (ThermoRise)

European ComissionCoordinator
Nanometre-scale devices capable of measuring temperature variations at a molecular level are valuable in both fundamental and applied science. For example, they can quickly measure micromachine overheating or the temperature inside of a cell. Although they hold tremendous promise for many applications, their 2D resolution has been a limiting fac...

A Pan-European Solid-State NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access (PANACEA)

European ComissionPartner
The chemicals industry is one of Europe’s largest manufacturing sectors. Its modernisation relies on the capacity for atomic-level investigation of increasingly complex solid substrates in multifaceted research areas. Advances have been made in the development and use of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a powe...

Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT)

European ComissionPartner
The AIM-NEXT project arises from the common need of European academy and industry to educate and train the next generation of experts in the field of “Sustainable design of material solutions for engineering applications”. In this regard, the need to Accelerate the design and Insertion of hard Material tools and components, manufactured using no...

AM2R - Agenda Mobilizadora para a inovação empresarial do setor das Duas Rodas (AM2R (Novas ferramentas de metal duro aplicadas à indústria de duas rodas))

Industry NationalPartner
A Agenda Mobilizadora para a inovação empresarial do setor das Duas Rodas visa operacionalizar a intervenção em áreas prioritárias na cadeia de valor que permitirão transformar o perfil produtivo nacional e desenvolver um novo perfil de especializaç&...

Biorefinaria azul de macroalgas - Otimização de práticas de aquacultura e desenvolvimento de técnicas verdes e inovadoras de extração para a produção decompostos de valor acrescentado (ALGREEN)

Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Atualmente observa-se uma tendência crescente para revisitar fontes naturais em busca de compostos bioativos [1] seguindo os conceitos de economia azul,economia circular e biorrefinaria. Os organismos marinhos são vistos como uma fonte promissora, quase ilimitada, de compostos bioativos e muitos delesexclusivos. Os produtos à base de algas e, pa...

Building knowledge and tools for the sustainable microbial fighting through sensing and responsive polysaccharide-based materials (NET4MAT)

European ComissionCoordinator
The worldwide pollution triggered by non-biodegradable plastics requires alternative sustainable/eco-friendly materials for all applications. On the other hand, pathogenic microbial resistance is demanding the development of materials that accurately detect and actuate against pathogenic microorganisms. To exploit an approach that answer both th...

Civil Engineering And Geomatics Innovative Research On Heritage (ENGINEER)

European ComissionPartner
ENGINEER project aims to enhance the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) research and innovation potentials through coordination and support actions provided by the Twinning call. Built upon its unique character, as the single University Department of the country where Civil and Geo...

Compreender os mecanismos de sorção em silicatos de Li e Na usados como sorventes de captura de CO2 nos processos de pré/pós- combustão : estratégias para síntese e RMN do estado sólido. (DRI/INDIA/0518/2020)

Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Captura de CO2; Silicatos de lítio; Propriedades sorventes; RMN do estado sólido

Desenvolvimento de metodologias integradas para a avaliação de risco humano pela ingestão de misturas de nanomateriais e metais. (MixIng Tox)

Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaPartner
MOTIVATION: Dietary exposure has been considered part of the exposome, therefore food safety is essential for individual and public health. Unquestionably, it is necessary to assure that preventive mechanisms are available to the scientific community and regulators, that rapidly respond to emergent needs of  safety assurance of, for example, the...

Desenvolvimento de microrrobôs de celulose do tipo Janus com autopropulsão; (Cell4Janus)

Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator

Dispositivos lógicos moleculares e computação baseada em materiais luminescentes atuados estímulos físicos" (LogicALL)

Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator

Eco-friendly corrosion protective coatings based on smart nanotechnology platforms for a circular economy (COAT4LIFE)

European ComissionCoordinator
Corrosion can lead to financial losses in addition to having a negative effect on public health and safety. This is why its control is imperative economically, environmentally as well as aesthetically. Adding to this field, the EU-funded COAT4LIFE project aims to develop eco-friendly multifunctional coatings that have the ability to detect and p...

EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (2))

Industry NationalPartner
O Pacto ECP assume-se como uma proposta integradora e transversal para os setores da Cerâmica e do Cristal, orientada para os seus fatores críticos de competitividade e visando uma melhoria do posicionamento internacional.Com foco em 4 áreas temáticas centrais – sustentabilidade energ...

EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (3))

Industry NationalPartner
O Pacto ECP assume-se como uma proposta integradora e transversal para os setores da Cerâmica e do Cristal, orientada para os seus fatores críticos de competitividade e visando uma melhoria do posicionamento internacional.Com foco em 4 áreas temáticas centrais – sustentabilidade energ...

Emerging nanoscopy for single entity characterisation (Ensign)

European ComissionPartner
Understanding structure and behaviour at the nanoscale provides valuable insight and the opportunity for control in application areas like biomedicine, biophysics and biomaterials. Measuring individual nanoscale properties with different instruments is challenging, slow and expensive. Understanding their interactions is even more difficult. Corr...

Engineered Conductive Proteins for Bioelectronics (E-PROT)

European ComissionPartner
Proteins demonstrate exceptional structural and electrical conduction properties for designing functional materials. The goal of the EU-funded e-Prot project is to rationally design efficient conductive protein systems and produce protein-based conductive structures and materials. This breakthrough relies on a multidisciplinary scientific approa...

Exploração do Potencial Regenerativo e Translacional de Fibras Celulares (CellFi)

Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Células mesenquimais estaminais Estruturas sem scaffold Fibras Celulares Regeneração

Exploring devitalized MSCs fibres as immunomodulatory devices for wound regeneration through (i) direct promotion of healing or (ii) enabling of allograft transplantation free of systemic immunosuppression (LAZARUS)

Other InternationalCoordinator
The project aims at exploring MSCs as constituents of off-the-shelf easy-to-handle immunomodulatory biomaterials. The project focuses on using these materials to treat difficult-to-heal wounds, which may be chronic, or have proneness to become chronic if not properly treated.Two treatment approaches will be explored using devitalized MSC aggrega...

Exploring layered carbide-nitride systems for ammonia synthesis combining experiment and theory (ORFS-2022-CRG11-5075.2)

Other InternationalCoordinator

FAIST - Fábrica Ágil, inteligente, Sustentável e Tecnologica (FAIST)

Industry NationalPartner
A Agenda FAIST – Fábrica Ágil, Inteligente, Sustentável e Tecnológica, reúne 45 empresas e entidades, com o objetivo de reforçar a uso de tecnologias e processos inovadores, de materiais sustentáveis baseados no conhecimento e do reforço da...