3D temperature mapping critical to understanding the nanoworld (ThermoRise)

European ComissionCoordinator
Nanometre-scale devices capable of measuring temperature variations at a molecular level are valuable in both fundamental and applied science. For example, they can quickly measure micromachine overheating or the temperature inside of a cell. Although they hold tremendous promise for many applications, their 2D resolution has been a limiting fac...A ERA dos insectos (InsetcERA ( Investigação industrial e Estudos de viabilidade))

Industry NationalPartner
The InsectERA Agenda aims to foster the circular economy and leverage the development of new products, processes and services, based on R&D and innovation, with high added value and incorporation of knowledge and technology, allowing to meet the challenge of the green transition towards environmental sustainability. The Agenda c...A Pan-European Solid-State NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access (PANACEA)

European ComissionPartner
The chemicals industry is one of Europe’s largest manufacturing sectors. Its modernisation relies on the capacity for atomic-level investigation of increasingly complex solid substrates in multifaceted research areas. Advances have been made in the development and use of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a powe...ABSolEU: closing the loop on ABS plastics recycling (ABSolEU)

European ComissionPartner
At least 85% of end-of-life ABS plastic, found in durable products ranging from toys to automotive components and daily-use items such as shavers, ends up in landfills or being incinerated. The ABSolEU project aims to develop and matur...Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications (AIM-NEXT)

European ComissionPartner
The AIM-NEXT project arises from the common need of European academy and industry to educate and train the next generation of experts in the field of “Sustainable design of material solutions for engineering applications”. In this regard, the need to Accelerate the design and Insertion of hard Material tools and comp...Advancing the Regenerative and Translational Potential of Cellular Fibers (CellFi)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Scaffold-free Cellular Fibers RegenerationAlternative routes for basic chemicals production using hydrogen as feedstock (ALCHEMHY )
European ComissionPartner
ALCHEMHY aims to develop a set of innovative electrified processes to produce platform chemicals, particularly ammonia, i.e., a Magnetic-Heated Sorption-Enhanced Reactor (MSER) and Direct ElectroSynthesis of Ammonia (DESA); and methanol, i.e., a Small-Flexible Methanol Reactor (SFMR) and a Plasma-Catalytic Hydrogenation process (PCH). To this en...Alternative SuperConducting Superlattice (SuperSuper)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaPartner
Moiré materials have emerged as a two-dimensional platform with a broad range of states between superconducting and insulating. Despite the remarkable scientific progress, an important bottleneck is the lack of a general and facile approach for the production of moiré materials. SuperSuper is targeted at developing a disruptive straightforward b...AM2R - Agenda Mobilizadora para a inovação empresarial do setor das Duas Rodas (AM2R (Novas ferramentas de metal duro aplicadas à indústria de duas rodas))

Industry NationalPartner
The Mobilizing Agenda for business innovation in the Two-Wheeled Sector aims to operationalize the intervention in priority areas in the value chain that will allow the transformation of the national production profile and the development of a new specialization profile in the sector to leverage its competitive position in the internati...Associated Laboratory CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials (LA/P/0006/2020)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Biocompatible Piezoelectric Thin Films: Towards a Wearable Sensor Devices (BioPiezoSensor)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Sensors and actuators that are based on biocompatible piezoelectric materials have a great future. These biodevices can be safely integrated with biological systems for applications such as sensing biological forces, stimulating tissue growth and healing, as well as diagnosing medical problems. The main objective of the project is relat...Blue-biorefinery of macroalgae - improved aquaculture practices and green and innovative extraction methodologies for the production of high-value compounds (ALGREEN)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
There is an increasing trend for revisiting natural sources towards the discovery of bioactive components [1] within the blue-economy, circular economy andbiorefinery concepts. Marine organisms are seen as a promising, almost unlimited source of bioactive and quite exclusive compounds. Algae, and particularlymacroalgae or seaweeds (~10000 specie...Building knowledge and tools for the sustainable microbial fighting through sensing and responsive polysaccharide-based materials (NET4MAT)

European ComissionCoordinator
The worldwide pollution triggered by non-biodegradable plastics requires alternative sustainable/eco-friendly materials for all applications. On the other hand, pathogenic microbial resistance is demanding the development of materials that accurately detect and actuate against pathogenic microorganisms. To exploit an approach that answe...Cell4Janus - Engineering self-propelled cellulose-based Janus microrobots (Cell4Janus)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Civil Engineering And Geomatics Innovative Research On Heritage (ENGINEER)

European ComissionPartner
ENGINEER project aims to enhance the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) research and innovation potentials through coordination and support actions provided by the Twinning call. Built upon its unique character, as the single University Department of the country where Civil and Geo...Clean and efficient cooling in vaccine transportation using Rotating Magnetocaloric Effect (MAGCCINE )
European ComissionPartner
Every year 1.5 million lives are lost worldwide due to insufficient access to vaccination while, paradoxically, over 50% of all produced vaccines are wasted, mostly due to ineffective temperature control during storage/transportation. The major challenges of the vaccine cold chain are the evermore strict limitations imposed on their aerial trans...Compreender os mecanismos de sorção em silicatos de Li e Na usados como sorventes de captura de CO2 nos processos de pré/pós- combustão : estratégias para síntese e RMN do estado sólido. (DRI/INDIA/0518/2020)
Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaCoordinator
Captura de CO2; Silicatos de lítio; Propriedades sorventes; RMN do estado sólidoDevelopment of a multifunctional biomaterial patch for buccal delivery of peptide-analogue treatments (BUCCAL-PEP)
European ComissionPartner
Oral delivery of peptide macromolecules represents significant challenges for pharmaceutical research, including low bioavailability, dosage control and undesirable food interactions. The intention of the EU-funded BUCCAL-PEP project is to develop a technological platform for oromucosal delivery suitable for a broad range of peptide-analogue the...Eco-friendly corrosion protective coatings based on smart nanotechnology platforms for a circular economy (COAT4LIFE)

European ComissionCoordinator
Corrosion can lead to financial losses in addition to having a negative effect on public health and safety. This is why its control is imperative economically, environmentally as well as aesthetically. Adding to this field, the EU-funded COAT4LIFE project aims to develop eco-friendly multifunctional coatings that have the ability to detect and p...EcoCerâmica e Cristal de Portugal (ECOCERAMICA (1))