Clara Isabel Ribeiro Magalhães

Bolseiro de investigação

Short CV

Clara Magalhães master in Biochemistry in 2015 at the University of Aveiro.

In the same year she started a research grant at Associate Laboratory CICECO, in the Chemistry Department of the same University. At the end of this research grant she started another one in the same group, but this time performing some biological studies

scientific interests

-Synthesis and characterization of organic ligands, organometallic complexes.

-Immobilization of inorganic/organometallic complexes cucurbiturils and layered double hydroxides and respective characterization.

-Biological studies of organometallic complexes and materials synthesized

present research group

  • Professora Isabel Gonçalves
  • Doutor Martyn Pillinger
  • Doutora Anabela Valente
  • Doutora Ana Gomes
  • Doutora Patricia Neves
  • Doutora Sofia Bruno
  • Doutora Margarida Antunes
  • Doutora Tatiana Amarante
  • Lucir Nogueira
  • Diana Julião
  • Ana Luísa Costa

Main present collaborators

  • Doutora Anabela Valente
  • Professor Carlos Romão (ITQB-UNL)
  • Doutor André D. Lopes (Universidade do Algarve)
  • Professor Ricardo Dinis Oliveira (UCIBIO/REQUIMTE)
  • Professora Rita Ferreira (QOPNA- Universidade de Aveiro)


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