Ana Rosa Silva

Investigador Principal

Perfil biográfico

Professional Experience

2013/       Since 11th June Principal Researcher at Department of Chemistry, Associated Laboratory CICECO, University of Aveiro, PT (Development grant, Investigator FCT 2012).

2009/13   4 years as Auxiliar Researcher at Department of Chemistry, Associated Laboratory CICECO, University of Aveiro, PT (Ciência 2008).

2007/09   1 year and 8 months as Research Scientist/Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Post-Doctoral research fellow at Unilever R&D, Physical&Chemical Insights/Structured Materials Expertise Group, Home and Personal Care/Discover, Port Sunlight, UK.

2005/07   2 years as Auxiliar Researcher of University of Porto working at the Associated Laboratory REQUIMTE/CEQUP (Dep. Chemistry, FCUP)

2003/05   2 years and 6 months as Post-Doctoral research fellow (FCT-SFRH/BPD/11678/2002) at REQUIMTE/CEQUP, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto and at the Green Chemistry Group/Clean Technology Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of York, UK.

1998/02   4 years as Ph.D. research fellow (FCT-PRAXIS XXI/BD/17112) at CEQUP, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, PT.

1996/97   6 months placement in the Raw Material Laboratory of the Iberic Coatings leader (CIN) updating the FTIR spectra database of raw materials and using it as a support for R&D, Maia, PT.


1998/02   Ph. D. in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, PT (Thesis Design of new catalysts: nanocomposites prepared by immobilisation of transition metal complexes with Schiff bases on activated carbons,

1997/98   Master in Chemistry (Speciality of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, PT (Thesis Characterisation of copper(II) carboxylate complexes with pyrazole derivatives,

1996/97   Specialisation Course in the Master in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, PT

1992/96   Licenciatura in Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, PT

Interesses científicos

- Asymmetric heterogeneous catalysis

- Heterogeneous catalysis by MOF

- Green/sustainable chemistry

- Homogeneous catalysis by coordination compounds

- Liquid phase oxidation catalysis

- Immobilisation of homogeneous catalysts onto porous solids

- Nanostructured materials

- Organic functionalisation of materials

- Characterisation of surface chemistry of materials

- Spectroscopic methods

- synthesis of chiral polydentate ligands and corresponding transition metal complexes

Principais colaboradores

- Prof. James Clark, Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, Univ. York, UK

- Dr. Vitaly Budarin, Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, Univ. York, UK

- Prof. João Pires da Silva, CQB, University Lisbon, PT

- Dr. Fanian Shi, CICECO, University of Aveiro, PT

- Dr. Paula Ferreira, CICECO, University of Aveiro, PT


Actividade pedagógica

2009/10 - Laboratory General Chemistry (2nd Semester)

2010/11 - Laboratories of Elements of Chemistry and Physics (1st Semester)

            - General Chemistry (2nd Semester)

2011/12 TP Elements of Chemistry and Physics (1st Semester)


Projectos financiados

Principal Investigator (Investigador Responsável)

1- Catalytic oxidation reactions by transition metal complexes confined into mesoporous structured solids (PTDC/QUI/64770/2006), financed by FCT in the area of Chemistry and Biochemistry, from the 1st of February of 2009 till the 31st of July of 2012.

2- Marie Curie European Re-Integration Grant (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG-256509), 1st April 2010 till the 31st of March 2013 (

3- Acção Integrada Luso-Espanhola (E-43/11) financed by CRUP, 1st April 2011 till the 31st of March 2013.



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