Life Cycle Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Groundwater Impacts of Electrokinetic Remediation
In A B Ribeiro, E P Mateus, N Couto (Eds.), Electrokinetics across disciplines and continents - New strategies for sustainable development
L M Nunes, H I Gomes, M Ribau Teixeira, C Dias-Ferreira, A B Ribeiro
2016, 173-202.
Nanoremediation coupled to electrokinetics for PCB removal from soil
In A B Ribeiro, E P Mateus, N Couto (Eds.), Electrokinetics across disciplines and continents - New strategies for sustainable development
H I Gomes, G Fan, L M Ottosen, C Dias-Ferreira, A B Ribeiro
, 331-350.
Electrokinetics and Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles: Experimental and Modeling of the Transport in Different Porous Media
In A B Ribeiro, E P Mateus, N Couto (Eds.), Electrokinetics across disciplines and continents - New strategies for sustainable development
H I Gomes, J Rodriguez-Maroto, A B Ribeiro, S Pamukcu, C Dias-Ferreira
, 279-294.