The path towards type V deep eutectic solvents: inductive effects and steric hindrance in the system tert-butanol + perfluoro tert-butanol
Inês C. M. Vaz; Ana I. M. C. Lobo Ferreira; Gonçalo M. C. Silva; Pedro Morgado; Dinis O. Abranches; Margarida Bastos; Luís M. N. B. F. Santos; Eduardo J. M. Filipe; João A. P. Coutinho
2023, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Insights into the Absorption of Hydrocarbon Gases in Phosphorus-Containing Ionic Liquids
Sam H. McCalmont, Inês C. M. Vaz, Hanne Oorts, Zheng Gong, Leila Moura, and Margarida Costa Gomes
2023, J. Phys. Chem. B.
The path towards type V deep eutectic solvents: inductive effects and steric hindrance in the system tert-butanol plus perfluoro tert-butanol
Vaz, ICM; Ferreira, AIMCL; Silva, GMC; Morgado, P; Abranches, DO; Bastos, M; Santos, LMNBF; Filipe, EJM; Coutinho, JAP
μ FlowCal – High‐Resolution Differential Flow Microcalorimeter for the Measurement of Heats of Mixing
Inês C. M. Vaz; Manuel C. Torres; Fernando M. T. Silva; Francisco S. Carpinteiro; Luís M. N. B. F. Santos
2022, Chemistry-Methods.
Unravelling free volume in branched-cation ionic liquids based on silicon
Eduards Bakis; Kateryna Goloviznina; Inês C. M. Vaz; Diana Sloboda; Daniels Hazens; Valda Valkovska; Igors Klimenkovs; Agilio Padua; Margarida Costa Gomes
2022, Chemical Science.
Solvation of alcohols in ionic liquids – understanding the effect of the anion and cation
Inês C. M. Vaz; Margarida Bastos; Carlos E. S. Bernardes; José N. Canongia Lopes; Luís M. N. B. F. Santos
2018, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Vaporization of protic ionic liquids derived from organic superbases and short carboxylic acids
Filipe M. S. Ribeiro, Carlos F. R. A. C. Lima, Inês C. M. Vaz, Ana S. M. C. Rodrigues, Erlin Sapei, André Melo, Artur M. S. Silva and Luís M. N. B. F. Santos
2017, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Alcohols as molecular probes in ionic liquids: evidence for nanostructuration
Inês C. M. Vaz, Arijit Bhattacharjee, Marisa A. A. Rocha, João A. P. Coutinho, Margarida Bastos and Luís M. N. B. F. Santos
Description and test of a new multilayer thin film vapor deposition apparatus for organic semiconductor materials
JoséC. S. Costa, Rui M. Rocha, Ines C. M. Vaz, Manuel C. Torres, Adelio Mendes, and Luís M. N. B. F. Santos
2015, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data.