Radheshyam Rai

Bolseiro de pós-Doutoramento

Perfil biográfico

Interesses científicos

Grupo de Investigação

Principais colaboradores

Projectos financiados

Publicações seleccionadas




  1. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Smart Materials

            Edited by Radheshyam Rai

            Nova Publishers, USA, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61470-642-7



Book Chapters


  1. 1.      Energy Harvesting for Biosensors using Biofriendly Materials

Radheshyam Rai

Biosensor Nanomaterials, Ed. By S.Li, J. Singh, H. Li and I.A. Banerjee

Wiley-VCH Publishers, ISBN 978-3-527-32841-3


  1. Fabrication of bionanocomposites from natural biopolymer matrices and inorganic nanofibers,

Ajay K. Mishra, Shivani B. Mishra, Ashutosh Tiwari and Radheshyam Rai,

Recent Developments in Bio-Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications, Ed. A. Tiwari, S. Pilla, Nova Publishers, USA, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-61761-008-0


  1. Recent progress in ceramic nanomaterials for biomedical application,

Shivani B. Mishra, Ajay K. Mishra, Ashutosh Tiwari, Radheshyam Rai and Anjali M. Rahatgaonkar,

Recent Developments in Bio- Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications”, Ed. A. Tiwari, S. Pilla, Nova Publishers, USA, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-61761-008-0


  1. Sol-gel derived SiO2-chitosan/carbon nanotubes- promising matrices for biorecognition events,

 Ashutosh Tiwari, Srikanth Pilla, Ajay K. Mishra, Radheshyam Rai, Shivani B. Mishra, Shunsheng Cao, Rajeev Mishra, S.K. Shukla, Smarti Bhadoria, Premlata Kumari and Mani Prabaharan,

“Recent Developments in Bio- Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications”, Ed. A. Tiwari, S. Pilla, Nova Publishers, USA, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-61761-008-0


  1. Development of bio-friendly energy harvesting materials,

Radheshyam Rai, Ashutosh Tiwari, Srikanth Pilla, Ajay K. Mishra and Shivani B. Mishra,

Recent Developments in Bio- Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications”, Ed. A. Tiwari, S. Pilla, Nova Publishers, USA, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-61761-008-0


  1. Hydrogel nanocomposites in biology: design and applications,

Premlata Kumari, Ashutosh Tiwari, Srikanth Pilla, Ajay K. Mishra, Radheshyam Rai and Shivani B. Mishra,

Recent Developments in Bio- Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications”, Ed. A. Tiwari, S. Pilla, Nova Publishers, USA, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-61761-008-0



List of Research Papers Published in International Refereed Journals:



  1. Influence of BiFeTaO3 addition on the electrical properties of Na0.4725K0.4725Li0.055NbO3    ceramics system using impedance spectroscopy.

Radheshyam Rai, Poonam Kumari, A. L. Kholkin.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Accepted)


  1. Impedance and modulus spectroscopy characterization of Lead free Barium Titanate ferroelectric ceramics

Seema Sharma, Kashif Shamim, Poonam Kumari, Anand Kumar, Radheshyam Rai and Sangeeta Sinha

Ceramics International (Accepted)


  1. Structural characterization and magnetic study of NiFe2±xO4 synthesized by Co-precipitation method.

Shweta Thakur, Radheshyam Rai, and Seema Sharma

Materials Letters (139, (2015) 368-372)


  1. Study the antibacterial activity of copper nanoparticles synthesized using herbal plants leaf extracts.


            International Journal of Bio-Technology and Research (IJBTR) 4 (2014) 21-   34.


  1. Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Gd and Dy doped (Bi0.95RE0.05)(Fe0.95Mn0.05)O3 ceramics synthesized by SSR method

Shweta Thakur, Radheshyam Rai and Ashutosh Tiwari.

Solid state communication. 197( 2014) 1-5


  1. State-of-the-art of lead free ferroelectrics: A critical review.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma, Mamta Shandilya Poonam Thakur and A. Tiwari.

Advanced Materials Letters (Accepted)


  1. Dielectric and magnetic studies of (NKNLS)1-x-(NZFO)x multiferroic composites.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma, Rashmi Rani, André Pereira and  Abilio de Jesus Monteiro Almeida    

            Journal of Alloys and Compounds 614 ( 2014), 277-282 .

            DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.06.051


  1. Dielectric and magnetic properties of Ba, La and Pb doped Bi0.8Gd0.1M0.1Fe0.9Ti0.1O3 perovskite  ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, M. A.Valente, Anoop Kumar Shukla, Seema Sharma and  Andrei L. Kholkin

            Journal of Advanced Dielectric 4  (2014) 1450010.

            DOI: 10.1142/S2010135X14500106


  1. Study of Ca doping on A- site on the structural and physical properties of BLTMNZ ceramics.

Poonam Kumari, Radheshyam Rai , Ashutosh Tiwari and Anderi L. Kholkin

 Adv. Mat. Lett. 2014, 5(5), 255-259.


  1. Structural, Dielectric and Magnetic properties of Pr, Tb and dy doped (Bi0.95RE0.05)             (Fe0.95Mn0.05)O3 nanoparticles synthesized by solid state reaction method.

Radheshyam Rai, Shweta Thakur, M. A.Valente, and Andrei L. Kholkin

Journal of Advanced Dielectrics (3, 2013, 1350033)

DOI: 10.1142/S2010135X13500331


  1. Study of electrical and magnetic properties of Ba, La and Pb doped  Bi1-x-yDyxCyFe1-yTiyO3 perovskite ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, M A Valente, Igor Badkin, Andrei L Kholkin, Seema Sharma.

Solid State Communication (180201456-63)



  1. Influence of Li and La content on phase structures and electrical properties of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics.

          Radheshyam Rai, Rashmi Rani, Seema Sharma, Andrei L Kholkin.

          Journal of Alloy and Compounds 577 (2013)575-580.



  1. Effect of BaTiO3 additive on the Electrical Properties of Na0.50Bi0.50TiO3 Lead free Ceramics.

Dhananjay K Sharma, Nawnit Kumar, Seema Sharma and Radheshyam Rai,

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 141 (2013) 145-152.


  1. Synthesis and characterization of CuO electrospun nanofiber using poly(vinyl acetate)/Cu (CH3COO)2 annealing method.

Seema Sharma, Rashmi Rani, Radheshyam Rai, T. S. Natarajan

Advanced Materials Letters (4, 2013, 749-753)


Indrani Coondoo, Neeraj Panwar, Radheshyam Rai, Harvey Amorín and Andrei L. Kholkin

Phase Transitions (2013) 1-11.

            DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2013.790032

  1. Enhanced ferroelectric and magnetic properties of perovskite structured Bi1-x-yGdxLayFe1- yTiyO3 magnetoelectric ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, M. A. Valente, Igor Badkin, Andrei L. Kholkin and Seema Sharma

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74, (2013), 905–912


  1. Development of lead-free materials for piezoelectric energy harvesting

R. Rai, I. Coondoo, R.P. Lopes, I. Bdikin, R. Ayouchi, S. Bhattacharaya,  R. Schwarz, A.L. Kholkin

M.R.S Proceedings, 1325 (2011) 105-110



R. Schwarz, R. Ayouchi, S.R. Bhattacharyya, M. Leal, L. Santos, U. Mardolcar, I. Bdikin, R. Rai, I. Coondoo, A. Kholkin

IEEE (2012) 1-3.


  1. Dielectric behavior and impedance analysis of lead-free CuO doped (Na0.50K0.50)0.95(Li0.05Sb0.05Nb0.95)O3ceramics.

Rashmi Rani, Seema Sharma, Radheshyam Rai and Andrei L. Kholkin

Solid State Sciences 17 (2013) 46–53


  1. Study of Strontium Doping on the Structural and Magnetic properties of YMnO3 ceramics

Radheshyam Rai, Indrani Coondoo, M A Valente and Andrei L Kholkin

Advanced Materials Letters,  4(5) (2013)  354-358.

DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2012.9428

  1. Impedance spectroscopy and Piezoelectric force microscopy analysis of Lead-free (1-x)K0.5Na0.5NbO3 - xLiNbO3 ceramics

Radheshyam Rai, Rashmi Rani, I. Coondoo, Igor Badkin, Seema Sharma and Andrei L. Kholkin

Current Applied Physics 13 (2013) 430-440


  1. Local Nanoelectromechanical Properties of Multiferroics Gd-Doped BiFeO3-BaTiO3 Solid Solution 

Radheshyam Rai, Pedro Duarte, Igor Bdikin, Manuel Almeida Valente, Paula Alexandrina Marques, Jose Gracio, and Andrei L. Kholkin.

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 12, 6639-6644 (2012)


  1. Rapid  green synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles peels of  punica granatum

Naheed Ahmad, Seema Sharma and Radheshyam Rai

Adv. Mat. Lett. 2012, 3(5), 376-380)

 DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2012.6357

  1. Structural and impedance spectroscopy analysis of Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 -BaTiO3 ceramic system.

N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar, Radheshyam Rai and A.L. Kholkin

Adv. Mat. Lett. 2012, 3(4), 315-320)

 DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2011.9305

  1. Dielectric relaxation and conductivity in lead-free sodium bismuth titanate ceramics

D.K. Sharma, R. Kumar, S. Sharma, R. Rai, A.L.  Kholkin.

IEEE (2011) 1 - 4


  1. Impedance and Modulus Spectroscopy Characterization of Sodium-Bismuth Titanate based lead-free ferroelectric materials.

Dhananjay K Sharma, Raju Kumar, Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma and Andrei L. Kholkin

Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 2 (2012), 1-11.

DOI: 10.1142/S2010135X12500026

  1. Nonlinear ferroelectric and dielectric properties of Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3-PbTiO3 perovskite solid solutions.

Seema. Sharma, Radheshyam Rai, D. A. Hall and Judith Shackleton

Advanced Material Letters 3(2) 2012, 92-96

 DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2011.6279

  1. Doping effects of Li–Sb content on the Structure and electrical Properties of [(Na0.5 K0.5)1-x(Li)x(Sb)x(Nb)1-xO3] Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics.

Rashmi Rani, Seema Sharma, Radheshyam Rai and Andrei L. Kholkin

Materials Research Bulletin, 47 (2012) 381-386.


  1. Investigation of dielectric and electrical properties of Mn doped sodium potassium niobate ceramic system using impedance spectroscopy.

Rashmi Rani, Seema Sharma, Radheshyam Rai and Andrei L Kholkin



  1. Sol-gel processing and characterization of nanostructured (Ba,Sr)TiO3 ceramics

Kavita Verma, Seema Sharma, Dhananjay K. Sharma, Raju Kumar and Radheshyam Rai

Advanced Materials Letters, 2012, 3(1), 44-49.

 DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2011.5264

  1. Influence of GdFeO3 addition on the physical properties of NaKNbO3 lead free  ferroelectric ceramics

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma, Rashmi Rani, Manuel Almeida Valente and Andrei L. Kholkin.

Materials Letters 65 (2011) 2703–2706.


  1. Structure and magnetic properties of Cd doped copper ferrite

Radheshyam Rai, Kavita Verma, Seema Sharma, Swapna S. Nair

Manuel Almeida Valente, Andrei L. Kholkin and Nikolai A. Sobolev

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) 7585–7590


  1. Study of structural and ferromagnetic properties of pure and Cd doped copper ferrite

Radheshyam Rai, Kavita Verma, Seema Sharma, Swapna S. Nair Manuel Almeida Valente, Andrei L. Kholkin and Nikolai A. Sobolev

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72 (2011) 862–868.


  1. Ferroelectric and magnetic properties of perovskite structured Bi1-x-yGdxBayFe1-yTiyO3  magnetoelectric ceramics

Radheshyam Rai, Igor Bdikin, M. A. Valente and Andrei L. Kholkin

Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 1, (2011) 257-267.

DOI: 10.1142/S2010135X11000318

35.Comparative study of structure, dielectric and electrical behavior of        Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics and their solid solutions with BaTiO3

N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar and Radheshyam Rai

Advanced Materials letters 2(3) 2011, 200-205.

DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2010.11178

36.Study of structural, dielectric and electrical behavior of (1-x)Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 -   xSrTiO3 ceramics

N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar and Radheshyam Rai

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) 2957-2963


  1. Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of nanosized CdS hollow      spheres

Radheshyam Rai and Seema Sharma

            Advanced Materials letters 2010, 1(3), 269-273

            DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2010.7140

  1. Preparation, structures, and multiferroic properties of single phase BiRFeO3, R= La   and Er ceramics

Radheshyam Rai, Sunil Kumar Mishra, N.K. Singh, Seema Sharmaand Andrei      L. Kholkin

Current Applied Physics 11( 2011) 508-512


  1. Investigation of structural and dielectric behavior of Eu2(B¢0.5 B²0.5)2O7 (B¢= Ba; B²= W, Mo) Ceramics

N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar, O. P. Royand Radheshyam Rai

Journal of Alloys and Compounds  507 (2010) 542–546 (doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.08.015)

  1. Multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 doped Bi(MgTi)O3-PbTiO3 ceramic system

Radheshyam Rai, Andrei L. Kholkin and  Seema Sharma

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 506 (2010) 815–819 (doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.07.080)

  1. Structural and dielectric properties of Dy2(Ba0.5R0.5)2O7 (R = W, Mo) ceramics

N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar, Hemchand Kumar and Radheshyam Rai

Advanced Materials Letters 2010, 1(1), 79-82

DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2010.3102

  1. Study of structural and electrical properties of pure and Zn and Cu doped SnO2.

Radheshyam Rai

Advanced Materials Letters 2010, 1(1), 55-58.

DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2010.3101

  1. Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of Cu1-x CdxFe2O4 ceramic system.

Kavita Verma, Radeshyam Rai and  Seema sharma

Integrated Ferroelectrics (119, 55–65, 2010)

DOI: 10.1080/10584587.2010.490695

  1. Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of Gd-dopedBiFeO3–BaTiO3 solid solution.

Radheshyam Rai, Igor Bdikin, Manuel Almeida Valente and Andrei L. Kholkin

Materials Chemistry and Physics 119, 2010, 539-545


  1. Investigation of structural, electrical and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 Bi(MgTi)O3-PbTiO3 ceramic system

Radheshyam Rai, Andrei Kholkin, Shyamakant Pandey, and N. K. Singh

Journal of alloys and Compounds 488, 2009, 459-464.

( doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.09.011)

  1. Effect of Fe and Mn doping at B-site of PLZT ceramics on dielectric properties.

Radhershyam Rai, Shikha Mishra and N.K. Singh

Journal of alloys and Compounds 487, 2009, 494-498.

  1. Investigation of structural and electrical properties of (1-x) Bi0.5Mg0.5TiO3- (x) PbTiO3 ceramic system

Radheshyam Rai, Abinhav Sinha, Seema Sharma and N.K.P Sinha

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 486 (2009) 273-277.  

  1. ZnS and DDT (Dodacanthiol-1) Capping in CdSe nanoparticles.

Radheshyam Rai, Abhilasha Srivastava and Kiran Jain

Sensors and Actuators B 138 (2009) 304.

  1. Dielectric properties of Mg modified PNM ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, N.K.Singh, and R.N.P. Choudhary

Materials Chemistry and Physics107 (1), 2008, 18-22.

  1. Dielectric properties of Sr modified PNM ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, Bipin Bihari, N.K.Singh and R.N.P.Choudhary

Physica Status Solidi B 244 No.3, 1118-1124, 2007.

  1. Gas sensing properties of lead doped tin oxide thick films.

T.D. Senguttuvan, Radheshyam Rai and S.T. Lakshmikumar

Materials Letters 61, 582-584, 2007.

  1. Effect of Al doping on structural  and dielectric properties of PLZT ceramics

R. Rai, S. Sharma and R.N.P. Choudhary

Journal of Materials Science 41, 4259-4265, 2006.

  1. Investigation of structural and dielectric properties of ( La, Fe) doped PZT ceramics.
    Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma, N.C.Soni and R.N.P.Choudhary

Physica B: Condensed Matter382, 2, 2006,  252-256.

  1. Study of the electronic and optical bonding properties of doped SnO2.                                                                                                                          Radheshyam Rai, T.D. Senguttuvan, and S. T. Lakshmikumar   

Computational Materials Science 37, 1 2006,15-19.

  1. Dielectric and piezoelectric studies of Fe doped PLZT ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma and R. N. P. Choudhary

Materials Letters 59, 29-30 2005, 3921-3925.

  1. Structural and dielectric properties of Bi modified PLZT ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma and R.N.P. Choudhary

Solid State communication 133 635-639 2005.

  1. Structural and dielectric properties of Sb- doped PLZT ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai and Seema Sharma

Ceramics International 30(7) 1295-99 2004.


  1. Structural and dielectric properties of (La, Bi) modified PZT ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai and Seema Sharma

Solid State Communications, 129 305-09 2004.

  1. Phase Transition in Pb based Tellurite Ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, M.P.Singh and N.K.Singh

Indian Journal of Pure and applied Physics, 42,125-29, 2004.

  1. Structural and dielectric properties of Pb.9(La1-ySby).1(Zr.65Ti.35).975O3 ferroelectric.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma and R.N.P. Choudhary

Material letters, 3574, 57, 2003.

  1. Ferroelectrics phase transition in Calcium Tellurite Ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema sharma and R.N.P. Choudhary

Journal of Materials Science Letters, 21, 297, 2002.

DOI: 10.1023/A:1017923820691

  1. Structural and Electrical properties of magnesium tellurite ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema sharma and R.N.P. Choudhary

Ferroelectrics, 11, 275, 2002.

  1. Study of structural and electrical properties of Ba and Sr doped tellurite ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, M.P.Singh and N.K.Singh

A.R.J.P.S Vol. 5No. 1-2 65 (2002).


Papers published in conference/symposium/conference proceeding



Indrani Coondoo, Neeraj Panwar, Harvey Amorin, Radheshyam Rai, and Andrei L. Kholkin

E-MRS-2012 FALL MEETING, September 17-21

Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

  1. Study of piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of 1-x{Na0.4725K0.4725Li0.055NbO3}-x{BiFe0.5Tas0.5O3} materials

Radheshyam Rai, Igor Bdikin and Andrei Kholkin

ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012, Aveiro University, 9-13 of July, 2012

  1. Microstructure and electrical properties of Ca- and Ta- modified (K,Na)NbO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics

Indrani Coondoo, Neeraj Panwar, Harvey Amorin, Radheshyam Rai, and Andrei L. Kholkin

ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012, Aveiro University, 9-13 of July, 2012

  1. Dielectric relaxation of 0.93Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3-0.07SrTiO3 nanostructure ceramics

N. K. Singh, Pritam Kumar, Radheshyam Rai

International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (ICNANO 2011), University of Delhi, New Delhi, 18-21 December 2011.

  1. Rapid green systhesis of Ag & Au nanoparticles from peels of Punica Grantum,

Naheed Ahmad, Seema Sharma and Radheyshyam Rai

International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (ICNANO 2011), University of Delhi, India, Dec 18-21, 2011.

  1. Electrical properties of lead-free ferroelectric films grown by PLD

Reinhard Schwarz, Soumya Bhattacharyya, Rachid Ayouchi, Marco Leal, Umesh Mardolcar, Radheshyam Rai and Andrei Kholkin

Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers (CETC 2011)

November 24-25, 2011, ISEL, Lisboa, Portugal(ORAL)

  1. Development of lead-free materials for piezoelectric energy harvesting.

R. Rai, I. Coondoo, R. P. Lopes, I. Bdikin, R. Ayouchi, S. Bhattacharaya, R. Schwarz, A. L. Kholkin.

2011 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, April 25 - 29, 2011

  1. Nanomechanical properties of multiferroics Gd-doped BiFeO3–BaTiO3 solid


Pedro Duarte, Radheshyam Rai, Igor Bdikin, Manuel Almeida Valente, Paula Alexandrina Marques,  Jose Gracio, Andrei L. Kholkin

3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials 12-15 September 2010 -    Agadir, Morocco.

  1. Investigation of structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Bi1-x-     yGdxBayFe1-yTiyO3 ceramic system

Radheshyam Rai, Igor Bdikin and Andrei Kholkin

International Conference on Electroceramics (ICE-2009) December 13-17, 2009

  1. Study of gas Adsorption and reaction kinetics of nano structured tin oxides Ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, T. D. Senguttuvan and S.T. Lakshmikumar

3rd international conference on Materials For Advanced technologies (ICMAT 2005) 3 to 8 July 2005, Singapore. ORAL

  1. Effect of Er substitution on structural, electrical and pyroelectric properties of PZT ceramics.

Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma, Ratnamala Chatterjee and T. C. Gyoel.

3rd international conference on Materials For Advanced technologies (ICMAT 2005) 3 to 8 July 2005, Singapore ORAL

12.  Study of the electronic and optical bonding properties of doped SnO2.                                                                                                                                          Radheshyam Rai, T.D. Senguttuvan, and S. T. Lakshmikumar    

(14th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM14) 23-25 September 2004, Goa, India) ORAL

  1. Sintering studies on ZST microwave ceramics by Scanning Electron     Microscopy

(T.D.senguttuvan, K.N.Sood, N.C.Soni, Radheshyam Rai and D.P.Singh)

(EMSI-2004, National Physical Laboratory)

  1. Structural and Dielectric Properties of Sb- doped PLZT ceramics.

(Radheshyam Rai and Seema Sharma)

(International conference on Materials for advanced technologies - ICMAT 2003 Singapore)

  1. Structural and dielectric properties of Sb-doped PLZT Ceramics

(Radheshyam Rai and Seema Sharma )

2nd International Conference on Inorganic Materials,  September 7-10, 2002,   

Konstanz , Germany)

  1. Effect of Al-doping on structural and dielectric properties of PZT ceramics.

(Radheshyam Rai, Seema Sharma and R.N.P.choudhary)

(National Symposium in Condensed Matter Physics, Condensed Matter

Days 2002, August 29-31, 2002, Bhagalpur).


Dielectric and magnetic studies of (NKNLS)(1-x)-(NZFO)(x) multiferroic composites

Rai, R; Sharma, S; Rani, R; Pereira, A; Almeida, ADM

Study of electrical and magnetic properties of Sa, La and Pb doped Bi1-x-yDyxCyFe1-yTiyO3 perovskite ceramics

Rai, R; Valente, MA; Bdikin, I; Kholkin, AL; Sharma, S

Impedance spectroscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy analysis of lead-free (1-x) K0.5Na0.5NbO3 - xLiNbO(3) ceramics

Rai, R; Coondoo, I; Rani, R; Bdikin, I; Sharma, S; Kholkin, AL
2013, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, 13, 2, 430-440.

Dielectric behavior and impedance analysis of lead-free CuO doped (Na0.50K0.50)(0.95)(Li0.05Sb0.05Nb0.95)O-3 ceramics

Rani, R; Sharma, S; Rai, R; Kholkin, AL
2013, SOLID STATE SCIENCES, 17, 46-53.

Enhanced ferroelectric and magnetic properties of perovskite structured Bi1-x-yGdxLayFe1-yTiyO3 magnetoelectric ceramics

Rai, R; Valente, MA; Bdikin, I; Kholkin, AL; Sharma, S

Effect of BaTiO3 additive on the electrical properties of Na0.50Bi0.50TiO3 lead free ceramics

Sharma, DK; Kumar, N; Sharma, S; Rai, R

Influence of Li and La content on phase structures and electrical properties of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics

Rai, R; Rani, R; Sharma, S; Kholkin, AL

Synthesis and physical properties of Ca- and Ta-modified (K,Na)NbO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics

Coondoo, I; Panwar, N; Rai, R; Amorin, H; Kholkin, AL
2013, PHASE TRANSITIONS, 86, 11, 1130-1140.

Study of strontium doping on the structural and magnetic properties of YMnO3ceramics

Rai R., Coondoo I., Valente M.A., Kholkin A.L.
2013, Advanced Materials Letters, 4, 5, 354-358.

Synthesis and characterization of cuo electrospum nanofiber using poly(vinyl acetate)/Cu(CH3COO)2 annealing method

Sharma S., Rani R., Rai R., Natarajan T.S.
2013, Advanced Materials Letters, 4, 10, 749-753.

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