Two-Stage Aeration Fermentation Strategy to Improve Bioethanol Production by Scheffersomyces stipitis
Henriques, TM; Pereira, SR; Serafim, LS; Xavier, AMRB
2018, FERMENTATION, 4, 4, 97.
Xylose fermentation by Scheffersomyces stipites for 2nd generation bioethanol: Optimization of bioprocess aeration strategy
Xavier, AMRB; Henriques, TM; Pereira, SR; Serafim, LS
2016, NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 33, S113-S113.
Xylose fermentation by Scheffersomyces stipites for 2nd generation bioethanol: Optimization of bioprocess aeration strategy
Ana M.R.B. Xavier, Tiago M. Henriques, Suana R. Pereira, Luísa S. Serafim
2016, 33, S113.
Different dissolved oxygen tensions on bioethanol production by Scherffersomyces stipitis
T. M. Henriques, S. R. Pereira, L. S. Serafim, and A. M. R. B. Xavier
Using Paecilomyces variotii in a biorefinery concept to produce single-cell protein and bioethanol from hardwood spent sulphite liquor
T.M. Henriques, S.R. Pereira, L.S. Serafim, A.M.R.B. Xavier
Biological treatment of HSSL (Hardwood spent sulphite liquor) with the fungus Paecilomyces variotii
T. M. Henriques, S. R. Pereira, L. S. Serafim, A. M. R. B. Xavier