The influence of vibration and probe movement on SVET measurements


communication describes a set of experiments performed to evaluate the influence of SVET vibration and movement of the probe on the obtained results. Both vibration and movement during scanning stir the solution with the risk of enhancing the oxygen transport to the surface thus increasing the measured currents and accelerating the corrosion process. It is shown that, for the SVET system used, due to its small probe, the effect of the vibration is negligible in normal operation. On the contrary, the movement of the probe during scanning increases the cathodic reaction and smaller excursions or slower movements just marginally reduce this effect. It is also shown that only the region of the sample under the probe is affect and for just brief instants. The overall corrosion in the long run is not influenced and the measured maps only scarcely show any evidences of artifacts introduced by the probe movement. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




Materials Science; Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering


Bastos, AC; Quevedo, MC; Ferreira, MGS

nossos autores


M.C. Quevedo thanks CONACYT (Mexico) for the post-doc scholarship approach no 203529 and A.C. Bastos thanks a post-doc grant with the reference BPD/UI50/2739/2013. Funds from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (European Commission) project AtCorAS 2011-CT-2011-00015 and Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) project PTDC/CTM-MAT/1515/2012 are also acknowledged

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