This study reports the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of 20nm thick polycrystalline Ni films deposited by magnetron sputtering on unpoled piezoelectric (011) [PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3](0.68)-[PbTiO3](0.32) (PMN-PT) substrates. The magnetoresistance (MR), as well as the magnetization reversal, is found to depend on the polarization state of the piezosubstrate. Upon poling the PMN-PT substrate, which results in a transfer of strain to the Ni film, the MR value decreases by a factor of 12 at room temperature and a factor of 21 at 50K for the current direction along the PMN-PT [100] direction, and slightly increases for the current direction. Simultaneously, a strong increase in the room temperature coercive field value is observed, while the ratio between the remnant and saturation magnetization shows a pronounced minimum for the [100] direction, indicating it as a hard axis, induced by poling the piezosubstrate.
Materials Science; Physics
Tkach, A; Kehlberger, A; Buttner, F; Jakob, G; Eisebitt, S; Klaui, M
nossos autores
This work was funded by the EU's 7th Framework Program IFOX (NMP3-LA-2010 246102), the Graduate School of Excellence MAINZ (GSC 266 Mainz), the German Science Foundation (DFG) and the ERC (2007-Stg 208162). A. Tkach acknowledges also funding within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials (Ref. FCT UID / CTM / 50011 / 2013), financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and when appropriate co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement as well as within independent researcher grant IF/00602/2013. Thanks to Dr. R. C. Pullar who assisted with the English language of this paper.